Chapter 676

Luo Quan knew it in his heart.

Some gifts are acceptable, but some gifts cannot be touched.

Valentine's Day is not Christmas, and it's perfectly fine to receive an apple or a Christmas present.

But on Valentine's Day, regardless of whether she has a boyfriend or not, gifts from others cannot be accepted.

Luo Quan confiscated it, and the boys didn't take it back, but took it apart and gave it to several other female employees.

What's inside the box is not a special gift, but exquisitely packaged chocolates with various flavors.

A few young male stars came in excitedly, but they all returned in the end, probably because they didn't expect Luo Quan's attitude to be as firm as the news.

There are too many people in the American entertainment industry who say one thing and do another, and the atmosphere is open and courageous, so these young people want to come to Luoquan to try their luck as soon as they come to the top.

It's a pity that there is no luck at all in Luoquan.

Although the gifts were confiscated, seeing the employees eating chocolates aroused the glutton in her stomach.

Her favorite candies are chocolate and white rabbits, but in order to control the sugar intake, she now eats it very rarely.

But this thing can't be given up, and it's easier to buy it on Valentine's Day today, so Luo Quan went to the street and bought a lot, ready to eat it all.

After returning to the hotel, Luo Quan opened the live broadcast room to see how many fans were single like her.

"Other people celebrate the festival, but I can't!"

After changing the title of the live broadcast room, fans poured in one after another.

"Good guy, look at your title, are you lonely?"

"If you want to spend the holidays, I can help you with difficulty."

"Reluctantly? I think it's something you can't ask for!"

"That's right, who here is not wishing for it?"

"Indeed, those who are still in the live broadcast room probably haven't fallen in love, otherwise how would they have time to watch the live broadcast?"

"Whoever said that, I have it. My girlfriend was asking me to hang out just now, but when I saw that Luoquan was on the air, I refused immediately. Do you think I did the right thing?"

"I direct the light of the right path."

"Dongchang needs talents like you!"


Just looking at these sand sculpture netizens, Luo Quan feels that life is really full of fun.

With a giggle, she peeled off the golden wrapper of a Flero Valentine's special.

"It's not a gift from others. I bought it for myself." Luo Quan explained before eating it, so as not to misunderstand the fans.

"Why are you so sensitive? We didn't say anything."

"That's right, there's no need to have 300 taels of silver here like my boyfriend does."

"Hey, it's because you fans are too good at associating. If Luo Bao doesn't explain it, rumors will be flying around again later."

"Aren't they all spreading rumors with me? What does it have to do with you?"

"Another crazy one, take it away!"


Luo Quan kept stuffing chocolates into his mouth, basically chewing one, and stuffing it into his mouth immediately, he ate up the twelve-piece Flero Valentine's Day special edition in a short while.

"Chocolate is still delicious, but don't imitate me, I only eat it once in a long time, so it's a little too much."

As Luo Quan spoke, he shrugged his shoulders and hiccupped.

After tearing open the new package, Luo Quan stuffed another pill into his mouth without even looking at it.

But after chewing it a few times, I quickly spit it into the trash can, and then drank several sips of water to rinse my mouth.

"What's the matter, did you eat expired chocolate?"

"Damn, that's going to make a lot of money."

"If the United States eats expired food, sue it directly, and you will have nothing to worry about eating and drinking for the rest of your life!"


Seeing Luo Quan like this, the barrage thought she had eaten spoiled food, so they offered advice one after another.

"It's not spoiled." After wiping his mouth, Luo Quan quickly explained: "It's liqueur chocolate."

"The liqueur chocolate is delicious."

"Yeah, I like to eat this kind of food."

"Are they all new fans? I don't know if Luo Bao pours wine when he touches it?"

"There is still such a physique."

"This is really the first time I've heard of it."


"It's really not the chocolate problem, the main reason is that I can't drink alcohol." Luo Quan took another sip of water as he spoke, thinking in his heart that he didn't swallow the wine, so he shouldn't be drunk.

However, it is true that he is not drunk, but has entered a hazy state.

It's probably the same as ordinary people drinking two or three bottles of beer. It's not enough to get drunk, but the alcohol must have started to work.

It's just that Luo Quan's performance was more obvious. His originally fair face was already red like a beautiful apple, and his head seemed a little dizzy. He could only prop his chin with his right hand and look at the computer with blurred eyes.

"Fans, have you seen what state I am in now? Just a little wine, that's it." Luo Quan was still conscious, pointing at himself.

"It feels cuter."

"Haha, is this your only weakness?"

"It should be. Unexpectedly, the nemesis of the invincible female Goddess of War is actually wine."

"Can you get drunk with liqueur chocolate? It can't be an allergy, should you go to the hospital?"

"Luo Quan, who is in a daze, is too poking at the old man's girlish heart."

"What do you want to do? Take advantage of others' danger, right?"


As Luo Quan's state was not right, the fans in the live broadcast room also started talking nonsense.

"Don't let yourself go too far, my reaction power has just dropped, and I haven't gotten to the point of getting drunk."

Luo Quan rubbed his face, raised his hand and made a gesture of holding the wine glass: "Also, you've heard of Drunken Master, right?

I can do that too, so don't think that I have no fighting power when I'm drunk, maybe it will be even more fierce! "

"I don't believe it unless you call me."

"Come on, let's see how powerful your drunken fist is."


The barrage began to stir up.

Luo Quan thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "Forget it, if I fail to hold on later, and I fall and break a bone, wouldn't my fame in this life be ruined at once? .

Let's do some other programs. It just so happens that it's evening over there, so go directly to Luoquan Night Talk. "

Luo Quan Night Talk is to let fans talk about some of their own experiences, and then ask their life mentor Luo Quan to explain to them and tell them how to go next.

With the help of Luoquan Yechao, those who successfully got out of the trough of life, there are elementary school students who have passed 59 in the exam and are afraid of being beaten when they go home, and they are running away from home.

There is a 28-year-old youth who is jealous that his mother loves his younger brother and not himself.

There is also the poor boy who died in the whole school because of diarrhea in the classroom.

Today's first help-seeking fan has such troubles:
"Luo Bao, I am 18 years old and weigh 160 catties.

My classmates praised me for being good-looking, but when I confessed my love to a male classmate who praised me for being good-looking, I was rejected.

I know I'm fat, but I also long for love, but I can't lose weight, what should I do? "

"160 catties, if I say it's okay, I'm definitely irresponsible. This weight is already a little bit over the standard."

Luo Quan looked at the camera and said seriously: "There is not much to do about this matter. If you want to have a beautiful heart, you must have the opportunity to show it. You can actually sing and dance, so you can also attract the attention of boys. .

But if you have no talent, then you can only lose weight, even if you reduce it to 130.

People nowadays are very vulgar. The first perception is determined by appearance and figure. Without one, there is no desire to continue to understand, so I suggest you make up your mind to lose weight. "

Speaking of this, Luo Quan paused for a moment, his expression became serious: "Also, for all the fans who have similar troubles, the behavior of eating chocolate that I just did is something that absolutely cannot be imitated.

I am not fat because I am exercising every day. I don't believe that you can spend one-fifth of your time on mobile phones and computers for exercising every day. "

"I'll go, it seems to be the case."

"Stop scolding, woo woo woo, can't I exercise?"

"If you eat this way every day, you will look fat or not."

"By the way, how much does Luo Bao weigh? Baidu Encyclopedia hasn't been updated for a long time."


Seeing the question, Luo Quan also took out the portable weighing scale from the suitcase.

Stepped on it with bare feet.A number of 125 is displayed on the screen.

"I'll go, 125 kilograms, what kind of Xiaofeiju is this!"

"You can go directly to the one-year silence package."

"Haha, why do I feel so happy, my stomach hurts from laughing."

"For girls, is 125 heavy or light?"

"For Luo Quan's height, 125 is normal."

"Indeed, after all, there are muscles, which are much denser than fat."



"125 catties, let me emphasize, this weight is absolutely normal." Anyway, after drinking, no one felt that there was anything wrong with Luo Quan's blushing.

I weigh a lot more than when I first debuted.

I remember more than two years ago, when she was still in Tokyo, she was 173 tall and weighed only 110.

After that, although it grew by 2 centimeters, it reached 175.

However, in the summer vacation of the second year, her weight soared to 140 due to her uncontrolled diet, so that she almost thought that she was going to become a fat woman.

Fortunately, she quickly dropped her weight to 115 through exercise and diet control, and then gained 5 catties a year.

It was 120 last year, but now it is 125.

But Chung said that the control is not bad, if it is kept at this weight, it will be perfect.

After talking about weight, Luo Quan's night talk continued.

The second fan who complained about his troubles was a girl.

"Luo Bao, it's Valentine's Day, but I lost my love, that bastard cheated, and it was a man who cheated.

Even, he fell in love with me to cover up his relationship with that man.

Now I feel sad and sick to my stomach just thinking about it, what should I do? "

Sure enough, Valentine's Day is inseparable from topics related to love.

It's just that the material provided by this girl is really exciting.

All the men who cheated on her boyfriend came, and asked her to cover up.

At this time, Luo Quan had a serious expression on his face: "First of all, if what you said is true, then your boyfriend is really not a human being.

I don't discriminate against minorities in any way, but this matter is indeed the responsibility of those two people. In ancient times, they were directly immersed in pig cages and no one helped to complain.

Certainly not now.

And what happened, you don't need to cry for this kind of scumbag anymore, it's not worth it! "

"Then can you write a song for me?" The girl sent another barrage reply.

"Good guy, see you soon, right?"

"Scheming, but I like it."

"Why can't I think of such a fresh and refined reason for deceiving songs?"

"Luo Bao, in fact, my girlfriend cheated on me too..."


"Everyone, don't say that." Luo Quan thought that what this girl said was true, and treated her very seriously.

"Today just happens to be Valentine's Day. I think those who can spend the holiday with me in the live broadcast room are probably single, so I'll sing a song for everyone."

After speaking, Luo Quan opened the simulated piano software on the computer.

The state of being slightly drunk did not affect her performance, and the melody that popped up was still beautiful.

(ps. The title of the song is "I Am My Lover", original singer: Ah Qiao)
As soon as he started singing, the fuzzy feeling of Luo Quan's tongue-tangle disappeared immediately, and the words of his mouth immediately became clear and powerful.

"Open up yourself from the beginning to the present
always win now lose future
Bury yourself deeply from now to the future
Always thinking about the present and forgetting about the future

Luoquan's mezzo-soprano echoed in the room. For most people in the live broadcast room, tonight is indeed a single night without anyone to accompany them.

Others are in pairs, and the space shows affection, harvesting blessings from others and himself.

Just myself, looking out the window at night alone, not knowing what to do.

It used to be like this, but fortunately now there is Luoquan.

It seems that she is like her lover, no matter when, no matter what festival, she will be by her side.

No matter what kind of troubles you have, as long as you hear her singing, everything seems to be solved.


From now on I will be my lover

From now on I will love me hard

From now on I'm my lover

From now on you are nothing to me


When the chorus part came, Luo Quan finally sang what he really wanted to tell the fans.

If you want to love someone, you must first learn to love yourself.

One ignorant dedication and one ignorant demand are destined to not get good results. Self-love is the premise of everything.

Listening to Luo Quan's firm and encouraging singing.

The boys and girls who were watching the live broadcast suddenly burst into tears of emotion.

The word love is indeed the most hurtful, and the easiest to resonate at once.

Luo Quan's song was sung in their hearts.

If after she finished singing the lyrics, she dragged out a few long ending notes and then pretended to be deep, the effect would definitely be better.

But after Luo Quan sang, he opened a new bag of chocolates and started to eat.

The color of the face also changed back to the original, it seems that the alcohol has passed.

There are so many idiots complaining about men and women in the live broadcast room, but the most free and easy one is probably this anchor who solves their problems.

Luo Quan, she seems to be so cheerful at all times, and all troubles are isolated from her.

Such a state is really enviable.

(End of this chapter)

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