Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 677 Comparison

Chapter 677 Comparison
"How do you evaluate Luo Quan getting drunk when he gets drunk?"

On Valentine's Day, Luo Quan once again appeared on Zhihu's hot search because of the live broadcast.

But this time it has nothing to do with the chicken soup for the soul as she said during the live broadcast, it's just because of the drunkenness she showed after eating the liqueur chocolate.

"It should be an allergy to alcohol, but other people's allergies are life-threatening, and Luo Quan's allergies are lethargy, which is very strange."

"Sometimes lethargy can be life-threatening."

"One thing to say, it's just a little bit of face-to-face. I feel that the words and the like are quite clear. I even wrote a song to enlighten fans, and it is currently being played on a loop."

"In ancient times, there were hundreds of poems by Li Baidou on wine, and here in Luoquan, only a few grams of wine is a song. Can the two be compared?"

"Hey guys, you can always find an outrageous issue to discuss from various angles."

"If you analyze it rationally, it's really hard to say, after all, the lyrics of some of Luo Quan's songs are not bad in literary quality, of course they are far behind Li Bai.

It's a pity that there was no concept of musical artistry in ancient times, so it is not easy to compare directly. "

"Aren't you really serious? Isn't this problem about Keng Luoquan? How can you compare her with Li Bai? You should compare her with a musician, right?"

"Then compare it with Mozart and Beethoven?"

"It feels worse."


The intellectual discussion is professional and humorous.

However, there are also some people who fish in the troubled waters of yin and yang, and praise her as a fake, but in fact they want to defeat her popularity.

Now with her reputation, it is almost impossible to black her directly.

Not to mention whether she will be sprayed to death by her huge number of fans, if the rumors become serious, she will definitely face a lawsuit.

Therefore, most sunspots can only choose this yin and yang way to disgust her.

But with the strength of her heart, she just laughed it off when she saw this, and didn't even bother to report it.

She is living a good life now, happy and happy, and there is no need to haggle with these losers in reality.

Valentine's Day passed, and the film continued to work.

But I don't know if it's because of Valentine's Day. Several of the male employees who came back felt weak and sloppy.

When you are young, you are empty.

This also includes Leon who spent Valentine's Day with Mia.

Yesterday he and Mia finally went out on a date. Although the window paper hadn't been pierced yet (don't think about it here, it hasn't reached that point yet), everyone knew that there was only one confession left.

As for Valentine's Day, the two of them are similar to most couples in the world, nothing more than going to an amusement park, eating a big meal and watching a movie.

However, Mia has a unique taste, so she specially bought a movie ticket for "The Silence of the Lambs", wanting to see Leon's demeanor in it.

Leon didn't know what to say about such a bad taste.

But he is relatively free anyway, happy with Mia.

Seifert, on the other hand, taught him countless flirting techniques, including how to hit a home run fast.

It's a pity that Leon didn't use the last one. After watching the movie and sending Mia home, he went directly upstairs to sleep.

I don't know what Mia was thinking at the time, anyway, after hearing Seifert, he really wanted to know whether he was wearing a handle or not.

Valentine's Day, I missed such a good opportunity, God knows how long I will have to wait for the next one.

But Lyon was quite afraid of this.

Don't look at his early days when he was engaged in underground rap, the lyrics were yellow and violent.

But in fact, he is still an innocent little virgin, and his first kiss is still there.

Compared with the majority of homeboys in the new century, he is only rich and handsome, but in fact he has not had much contact with girls, and his actual combat experience is even zero.

Faced with Seifert's suggestions, he was a little afraid when it was time to implement them.

Back then, when he was underground in New York, he didn't feel this way when facing a room full of black rappers, but when facing Mia, he was so nervous that he couldn't speak.

After returning home, he also became more and more annoyed as he thought about it more and more. He was annoyed that he was so quick-spoken at ordinary times, but he couldn't speak at the critical moment.

The reason why the employees seem vain today is because they were too tired yesterday.

As for Leon, it was entirely because he thought too much that he didn't sleep well.

Fortunately, the director Luo Quan was considerate of everyone. He knew that the big guy had just returned from vacation and was not in good condition, so the workload assigned was relatively light. Before the meal time, he announced the end of work in advance.

Today's lunch is still a box lunch. I am tired of eating McDonald's fast food, and the crew also changed to Panda Chinese Restaurant.

This is the most famous Chinese restaurant in the United States. The fast food business is also spread all over the United States, and the business is surprisingly booming.

However, the dishes in the store have been to Luoquan several times, and the taste and preparation are quite different from Chinese food.

Criticize Kung Pao Chicken by name, it is so sweet.

In China, if Kung Pao Chicken is made like this, diners will scold their mothers.

However, this seems to be quite popular with Americans. Americans who are used to sweets are quite satisfied with this taste.

Luo Quan encountered this when he opened a Chinese restaurant, because Kung Pao Chicken was not sweet enough, and he was complained that it was not authentic.

No one knew what Luo Quan was in the mood at the time. To be honest, she had cooked many dishes, but this was the first time she received such an evaluation.

But this is not easy to explain. It would be too offensive to directly say that the practice of Panda Fast Food Restaurant is random reform.

Anyway, most of the American Chinese food is not used to her, so the lunch box is the Yuzhou special self-heating small hot pot bought from Guangdong Province, and it is abnormally spicy.

When several actors saw the soup, which was as bright red as blood, they couldn't stand it.

I was also curious in my heart, how could Luo Quan's stomach bear it after eating it, wouldn't it feel like it was burning?

It can only be said that everyone has different tastes and tolerance.

Since Leon made up his mind to exercise, he has adjusted his diet quite a lot.

Meat must still be eaten, but deep-fried and grilled ones can no longer be touched.

It's a pity that he thinks that the two best ways to eat meat are frying and grilling.

But for the sake of the eight-pack abs and exaggerated pectoralis major, I can only feel a little wronged with my stomach.

While Leon was eating, Seifert came to visit, with an indignant look on his face.

"My God, if I was by your side yesterday, I swear I would have kicked your ass with my leather shoes!" Seifert walked over and slapped Leon's ass.

"I haven't seen you for a few days, why are you so gay?" Leon was slapped forward by this slap, this guy is really hard on his hands.

"I'm not so angry with you!" Seifert looked angry, "As a result, you didn't use any of the tricks I taught you before, did you? It was a waste of my tongue!"

"The plan can't keep up with the changes. How did I know that I suddenly became stage frighted and didn't dare to speak." Leon was also helpless.

In fact, he also wants to bravely confess his love to the girl as in the movie, and then the lovers will finally get married.

But when the words came to his lips, there was nothing he could do.

It can only be said that the time is not yet ripe, and the relationship between him and Mia has not yet reached that point.

Seifert curled his lips: "Look for yourself, but don't even touch a hand in half a year. If it spreads, it will be embarrassing."

"What's so embarrassing about this, don't couples want to test it out first, and it's not about making an appointment." Luo Quan suddenly interjected.

Seifert said solemnly: "It is true to say so, but among the people I know, there is no one who moves slower than Leon.

My relationship with Anna was pure and ideal enough, and her family was very conservative, but it only took a little over a month to hit a home run. "

Luo Quan smiled disdainfully: "You call this pure love? I've never heard of pure love produced by touching broken coffee with porcelain."

"That's just a way to strike up a conversation. Rich people must have rich people's strategies." Seifert blushed and talked nonsense without a beat.

"Besides, I later explained to Anna that I had made a mistake, and I got her forgiveness."

"Cut!" Luo Quan chuckled, noncommittal.

"What's the fuss about it? Mia and I can just let it go, we don't need to think about what we have." Leon clapped his hands and ended the argument caused by him.

Although yesterday's Valentine's Day performance was really useless, it doesn't mean that there will be no chances in the future.

On the contrary, there are still many opportunities.

Although he failed to reach the last step last night, he and Mia already knew what they wanted each other, and they just barely said it.

Then just get along and run in, and slowly it will be a matter of course.

"Let it be? What I heard you say yesterday was that when you were with Mia, you felt unnatural." Seifert rolled his eyes when he heard Leon's words.

"Isn't that nervous?" Leon explained, "This will never happen in the future."

"I hope." Seifert shrugged and didn't say any more.

On the other side, Luo Quan watched the news while drinking water after lunch.

Speaking of nature, a piece of news about nature has been trending on Twitter.

There was a rare fire in a century in Australia, and the momentum was very fierce. The sky in Sydney, the capital, was dyed red because of the fire in the distance, and the air was filled with dust.

The photos from the scene looked like the end of the world, quite scary.

Due to geographical reasons in Australia, the crown environment is actually quite dry.

It is dry, but there are many trees and plants, which is prone to forest fires.

Similar situations actually happen every year, but this year the situation is particularly serious.

When the fire first started to spread, everyone thought it would be the same as in previous years, and the burning stopped after a few days.

But until the fire burned for a week and the scope became bigger and bigger, everyone finally realized the seriousness of the problem.

Firefighters in some affected areas started to put out the blazes, but they couldn't do enough.

The government is capable, but after research, the officials found that the financial consumption was too great, so they didn't send too much firefighting force.

It is worth mentioning that when the fire broke out, a certain high-ranking official was still on vacation abroad, and the yacht looked quite comfortable on the beach and the ocean.

However, his own people were in dire straits, and after the news came out, there was a chorus of curses.

As for foreign countries, it is more of a joke.

But when the fire develops to the point where it is now, it is not just a joke.

Especially after the photos of those award-winning animals being burned to death at the scene came out, it caused tears and condemnation from numerous animal protection associations and the Holy Mother, saying that the Australian government should be responsible for this.

Afterwards, celebrities on the Internet began to speak out for this incident, hoping that the relevant departments can respond as soon as possible to put out the fire and stop the tragedy from happening again.

Probably because of the popularity, more and more celebrities are starting to post news to participate. Obviously, many people may not even know which is the capital of Australia, Sydney or Melbourne.

Now start to worry about the safety of Australia.

There is famine all over Africa, and I haven't seen them make a sound.

It can only be said that in the current age of traffic, for the sake of popularity, I am willing to rub everything.

But she didn't blame the behavior of the stars, because she also rubbed off.

But not to worry about Australia.

"This fire has been burning for so long, can any scientist tell me how much carbon emissions from meat, egg and milk can be covered?"

The sunspots in Huaxia like yin and yang, and Luo Quan himself likes to use this method.

Facts have proved that in the situation where image needs to be considered and swearing cannot be uttered, yin and yang is indeed the most comfortable way of speaking.

What's interesting is that Luo Quan, who used to get countless likes for posting a selfie, has very few comments on Twitter this time, and many screen comments have been folded.

The reason for the folding is a violation, that is, I don’t know what the violation is.

But it's normal. In China's current public opinion environment, it's no wonder that she didn't fold her words. It's enough to not let foreigners scold her.

After the heat was over, Luo Quan didn't bother with the matter anymore, no matter how badly the fires in Australia burned, they couldn't burn the sea anyway.

It's just that she doesn't want to deal with it, but some people like to come to the door by themselves.

Some environmental protection organizations tweeted that all celebrities would unite to speak out for Australia and use their influence to call for it.

The idea is beautiful and ideal, and Luo Quan raises his hands to support it.

But Luo Quan was the first person this organization approached, which made her very unhappy.

There is a saying that goes like this, if I have [-] million, if you ask me to donate, I can donate all of it.

One billion, ten billion is not a problem.

But if you ask me to donate a car, then I will not be happy, because I do have a car.

This time the situation is more similar.

How you ask others to call is someone else's business, but it won't work if you ask me to come.

In order to avoid arguing with these people and affecting his mood, Luo Quan pretended not to see it and devoted himself to the production of the movie.

In her words, she is currently in a state of seclusion, keeping her ears shut and all she wants is for Fen Rong to see "Resident Evil 2" as soon as possible.

Think about it, what kind of sentiment and hard work it is.

Fans of Resident Evil will definitely be moved to tears by this anyway.

(End of this chapter)

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