Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 678 Determining Relationships

Chapter 678 Determining Relationships
No one expected that Lyon would change so much and move so quickly.

After being scolded by Seifert, Leon learned from the painful experience and reflected on his cowardly behavior.

After a few days of preparation, I finally asked Mia out and successfully confessed my love.

Since it is the first time, I don't have much experience.

Lyons didn't have a buy-out ad on a big screen in Times Square, or a hot air balloon over New York.

All of these can be done with his financial resources.

But he only chose the simplest way, which was to give Mia a bouquet of bright and fragrant roses.

Facts have proved that when both men and women are interesting, it doesn't matter what the way of confession is, as long as you speak, you can succeed.

Then the two didn't return all night, and they didn't know where they went romantically.

Leon, who returned to the set the next day, was obviously a little vain in his footsteps, but his expression was full of joy.

After hearing about it, Seifert also came to the scene again.

"God, why are you so efficient this time, home run?"

"Don't put it so harshly, Mia and I are lovers who will eventually get married, which is the inevitable trend of love."

Leon drank a big sip of the wolfberry water his sister made.It is said that this thing can replenish vitality.

Although he didn't know what vitality was, but his sister was right.

Then what are you going to do next?
Announcing or concealing, what does Mia think?
It must be a good thing to confirm the relationship, but as a male star with countless female fans, how to deal with this relationship is also the top priority.

Mia said that everything is up to me, and she is ready to deal with what may happen next. After that, she even uninstalled Twitter.

"So, what do you think?" Seifert looked at Leon.

"My initial plan was to announce it directly, and my sister also said the same.

But I am afraid that speaking out will affect the box office of new movies. "Lyon expressed his decision and concerns.

"Your sister is not afraid, what are you afraid of?" Seifert patted Leon on the shoulder, "To have such a girlfriend and sister, you are really smoke from the ancestral grave."

"Haha, are you envious?" Leon laughed loudly.

"Laugh while you can. After your official announcement, I don't know if you can still laugh." Seifert said with a smile.

In Hollywood, it is very common for male stars to announce their love or marriage. Few people deliberately conceal it. Most of the female fans also accept and bless them.

But young handsome guys like Leon cannot be discussed together with those middle-aged uncles.

At this time, female fans actually still have great fantasies about Lyon, hoping to become his other half, even if it is the other half in their dreams.

But if the dream suddenly woke up and shattered, one can imagine how broken these girls would be.

It is estimated that quite a lot of radical things will be done by then.

One can imagine how terrifying the madness of men all over the world would be if the Luoquan official announced his boyfriend.

And Lyon's female fans can't be worse than this.

But there are some things that cannot and cannot be hidden.

We can't go shopping with Mia every time in the future, the two of them have to hide like thieves, right?

It's not the mistress who cheated, why should she do this?

So, on the second day after Leon and Mia confirmed their relationship, he posted a photo of himself and Mia walking hand in hand on Sunset Boulevard in California.

The setting sun shines at night, and the road stretches straight into the distance. You can't forget the camera. In the center of the screen are two tightly held hands.

The lens, light and shadow, and composition are all very artistic.

Lyon also wrote below: "We will go on like this until the end of our lives, and we will never change until death."

The photo was sent out, and the Internet exploded all over the world in an instant.

On Twitter, related tweets exceeded 50 in less than half a day, directly surpassing my sister's concert and becoming the hottest news of the year.

In the comment area, Lyon's female fans have completely broken their defenses.

"I knew this was coming, but I didn't expect it to come so quickly, I feel like I'm dying right now."

"Leon, your heart is so cruel, why did you tell this matter? It's fine even if you keep it from me."

"Without Leon, my life has no meaning."

"Fans turn hey, from now on called Leon, see one curse one!"

"And Mia, I curse you to die immediately!"


These radical remarks did not exist for too long before they were folded by Twitter, but even so, among the remaining remarks, blessings to Lyon were not too much.

But compared to most male idols' official announcements, Lyon is already pretty good.

After all, since his debut, he has relied more on his works, and his strength is also a top-notch position among his peers, so no matter what he does, he is very confident.

If it is an ordinary male idol, he would definitely not dare to make an official announcement, because it would lose a huge number of fans.

If Lyon does this, although many people will lose their fans, but in comparison, it will look much better.

Anyway, the official announcement is now official.

Seeing the fans' extreme remarks, Lyon also posted a post: "I don't ask for the blessings of the fans, but I hope you treat yourself well and don't do anything to hurt yourself or others because of me."

Speaking of this, Leon has already done his duty.

As for what happens next, he can't control it.

On the other hand, Luoquan's male fans also shouted for danger in this commotion.

When I was watching the news before, I saw the words Luo Quan, official announcement, and confirmed relationship, and I was immediately stunned, thinking that Luo Quan was finally in a relationship.

Only after he calmed down did he realize that he had missed a few words about his brother Leon.

It turned out that it wasn't my own house that collapsed.

The male fans who were mourning their concubine suddenly burst into laughter again.

If Luo Quan knew about it, he would probably directly type the word "face" on the public screen.

Male fans who have survived the catastrophe are completely understandable about the excitement of Lyon female fans.

At the same time, I was also thinking, this younger brother has already left the order, what about my sister?
Although Luo Quan did say that she would not fall in love, who knows if she will change her mind midway?

Countless male fans with a sense of crisis ran to Luo Quan's Twitter, asking when she would make an official announcement, or if she was hiding any major events from them.

Luo Quan, who concentrates on making movies, hasn't been on Twitter for a long time, so he hasn't replied.

This made the fans feel a little flustered, thinking that Luo Quan was silent because of a guilty conscience.

Soon, "Luoquan is silent and right" was on the hot search again, and fans who didn't know it thought that the sister followed in the footsteps of the younger brother and had a double happiness.

In an instant, the rumors announced by Luoquan officials were flying all over the sky, and the entire Internet became a mess because of the life-long event of the siblings.

Luo Quan himself saw what happened on the Internet only after Wen Xia reminded him.

In order to explain, she also specially opened a live broadcast, the title of the live broadcast room is "When did I make the official announcement?".

"I said, do you want to be so sensitive? My younger brother is in a relationship. Why does everyone think I'm a suspect?"

Luo Quan pretended to be very angry and looked at the camera, and asked in a very annoyed tone: "Or do you all want me to have a relationship?"

"Don't, please!"

"We were wrong, don't be like your brother!"

"Don't do this, you won't dare again in the future."


The barrage that used to be so skinny has become extremely cute now.

It was mainly because of being scared by Leon. Before the incident happened, everyone didn't think it was a big deal.

But when it really happened, everyone realized the seriousness of the problem.

Let’s just talk about Lyon, before the official announcement, there was no sign at all. A lot of people on the Internet ridiculed him for being a straight man of steel, not being able to find a girlfriend and so on.

Who knew that just after Valentine's Day, when the official announcement was announced, the big guy suddenly woke up. With his conditions, how could he not find a girlfriend?

Let alone Luo Quan, there are probably more people in the world who want to chase her than the population of most countries.

This number is not exaggerated at all, Huaxia's male fans alone can already reach this order of magnitude.

So, don't look at the previous fans saying that she is too boyish, not gentle at all, and destined not to marry.

But when the matter came to an end, they still panicked.

It seems that Luo Quan was indeed a little angry because of this incident, and said such angry words.

The male fans didn't dare to talk back, they quickly apologized humbly, for fear of angering her again.

After scaring the fans, Luo Quan restrained his tone and said: "I didn't reply to everyone's questions, mainly because I have been busy with movies these days. I haven't opened Twitter B station for a while. Yes, if Wen Xia hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known about these rumors on the Internet.

Can you not be angry when you say that I recite such rumors for no reason? "

"So, you don't even know that your brother is in love?"

In the barrage, someone asked a stupid question.

"I'm his older sister, do you think I know?" Luo Quan laughed angrily at this question, "But my younger brother is in a relationship, so I just wish him well, what else do I need to do?

Do you want to bless him once again with @ him on the Internet?This is not for show. "

After finishing speaking, the fans suddenly realized that it seemed to be true.

In the past, when online celebrities had something good to say, their relatives and friends would forward it and comment on it on Weibo.

If Luo Quan didn't do this, everyone would think she didn't care at all.

But people get along day and night, so why bother on social media?

It can only be said that Luo Quan's thinking is different from that of ordinary stars.

But what is certain is that she is still the same as before, and her thoughts have not changed in any way.

Here in Luoquan, the turmoil has calmed down.

On the other hand, Lyon has just started, and many threats from female fans are not just talking, but actually doing so.

The better ones burned Leon's signed photos, signed T-shirts, etc., and the more violent ones directly cursed or self-harmed, and even posted it on the Internet for Leon to see, trying to make him feel guilty.

Fortunately, Leon had the foresight to let Mia uninstall Twitter one month in advance, so that she could see nothing.

As for himself, he had already adapted to the fan's extreme behavior last time.

Faced with this now, although it is still worthless for these fans, I don't have too many thoughts.

He has so many fans all over the world, and everyone has their own ideas. How tiring would it be if he took care of all of them?
Therefore, he just needs to do his own thing well. This time, he has purified his fans. Without these extreme fans, he will be much more relaxed in the future.

But this time, because of Universal's timely public relations, the media did not criticize Lyon too much.

Although it is very outrageous to criticize Leon because of this kind of thing.

However, for the sake of traffic, some media like to report on such controversial topics to gain blog attention.

But Universal Company had been prepared for a long time, and it suppressed the matter after some ups and downs.

After a week passed, the enthusiasm for Lyon's love affair gradually subsided.

It's been a tough week for most of Lyon's female fans.

Just like a withdrawal reaction, many girls will feel pain and reluctance.

Some will choose to "forgive" Leon, and finally accept the fact that he no longer belongs to them.

And some, because of love and hatred, became black fans, and since then embarked on the road of no return.

And more, it was after this week that a substitute was found.

Chasing stars is actually the same as falling in love. The fastest way to forget the previous relationship is to start the next one.

If you divert your attention, everything will be fine.

There is no doubt that Lyon has lost more than one-third of its fans because of this official announcement.

Previously, there were more than 6000 million Twitter fans and more than 8000 million INS fans. After the official announcement, more than 1000 million were unfollowed.

These are all live fans, and such a drop-off number is quite rare.

In addition to losing fans, the products it endorsed also encountered a large number of malicious refunds and negative reviews. There are revenge from fans turning black, and there are also competitors who fish in troubled waters.

Lyon's endorsement brand did suffer a lot in this turmoil.

Fortunately, so far, no brand has asked him to terminate the contract.

In fact, if you think about it, you know that when you become the son-in-law of a stock god, the capitalists in this relationship have no time to curry favor, how could you offend him by terminating the contract.

What's more, Lyon's past endorsement benefits have far exceeded the current losses.

Businessmen are all shrewd, how could they do such a small thing.

At this point, the turmoil caused by Lyon's official announcement has come to an end.

It's hard to say how much the loss will be. It depends on the box office performance of the next new movie.

Although there is my sister Luo Quan, the box office will definitely not be bad.

But there may be a large number of black fans who have no brains to write bad reviews. This is what Leon is most afraid of.

It doesn't matter how he looks at it, if it affects his sister, the crime will be too great.

"With your fans, you don't really think you can beat my fans, do you?"

When Luo Quan heard his brother's worry, he comforted him heroically.

But it sounds like it's mocking.

(End of this chapter)

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