Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 679 Simple Love

Chapter 679 Simple Love
"I want to hold your hand like this and not let go
Can love be pure forever without sorrow
i want to take you on a bike ride

i want to watch baseball with you

no worries like this
keep walking while singing

Wen Xia hummed Luo Quan's new song "Simple Love", shaking her head very proudly.

This love song with a brisk melody is really top-notch, while the lyrics are sweet and catchy, it makes her girlish heart overflow, and she can't wait to fall in love.

Although Luo Quan said that there is no need to post congratulations on @兄姐 on the Internet, he still posted such a love song the next day.

No matter how it sounds, it sounds like it was sung to younger brothers and younger siblings.

Among other things, it sounds really good. Wen Xia has already played it on loop a dozen times.

"Have you memorized the lines? Let's listen to the song here." Luo Quan asked seriously when he saw Wen Xia listening to the song so excitedly after finishing his work on the set.

Wen Xia looked proud: "I've already learned it by heart, how could I not take such an important matter to heart?"

"That's fine, take a break and get ready for lunch." Luo Quan put down the director's special speaker in his hand and stretched himself.

Suddenly, the joints and bones all over the body made a crackling sound.

Now it's not her acting role, so she can only sit in a chair for a long time to guide.

Tired is not tired, but it is easy to be lazy.

When it was time for lunch, everyone was eating boxed lunches, and Mia drove a lunch box to Lyon.

When I opened it, it was Lyon's favorite fried chicken and barbecue. It was so fragrant that Luo Quan swallowed when he smelled it.

"Hey, Mia, you really feel sorry for Leon. Knowing that he hasn't had enough to eat these days, I specially brought a big meal here." Luo Quan said, reaching out to grab a chicken leg and chewing on it.

"It's for me, what are you grabbing?" Leon glanced at his sister and laughed.

Luo Quan immediately raised his brows upside down: "You forget about your sister when you have a girlfriend, right? You don't want to touch the dishes I cook from now on!"

Hearing this, Leon immediately persuaded: "Sister, my dear sister, just kidding, don't take it seriously, just take as much as you want."

Sure enough, in front of my sister, my younger brother will always be my younger brother.

While talking, Leon also grabbed a chicken leg, opened his mouth and bit into it with a crisp sound.

If it was before, he would definitely not eat these foods for the sake of a balanced diet.

But it was delivered by Mia herself, so there is no need to worry about other things. Even if he will gain ten catties after eating, there will be no scum left in the lunch box under his mouth today.

"How is it? Is it delicious?" Seeing Leon eating with such relish, Mia's eyes turned into crescent moons.

"It's delicious, even better than my sister's." Although Seifert called Leon the Straight Man of Steel, he was not a fool.

I had already guessed that it was made by Mia herself. Hearing her question, she naturally responded fluently and promised not to make any mistakes.

As for the elder sister, it doesn't matter how important it is for the elder sister to have a girlfriend.

Besides, my sister is not such a stingy person.

"Haha, it's not as exaggerated as you said. Luo Quan's craftsmanship is world-renowned, and I think it's still a long way from catching up."

Mia felt a little embarrassed when she heard Leon praise her so much.

After a meal, Leon, who had almost finished filming today's scene, left the crew early to go on a date with Mia.

Now is the time for the young lovers to be gluey, and they wish they could get tired of being together every day. Leon can finish his own scenes without being affected at all, which is reasonable enough.

For domestic artists, after falling in love, only the other half is left in their minds, so they still have the mind to film.

It can only be said that Leon still has a clear distinction between work and love.

And Luo Quan was also very reasonable and didn't let his younger brother stay on the set stupidly.

She even proposed to film his scenes first and let him spend time with Mia.

Fortunately, the only leading actor in the crew is Leon who is in a relationship, otherwise it would be really difficult to arrange.

In this way, the shooting was gradually spent in Leon's daily show of affection.

During the period, the sweet shots of Leon and Mia hanging out in the street were also captured by the paparazzi and posted on the Internet.

In the photo, the corners of the mouths of the two people are always filled with happy smiles. It is true that there are a lot of single dogs in the world.

At the same time, it also caused those fans to turn black to attack like crazy, and all kinds of abuse and curses followed one after another. But for Mia who has uninstalled Twitter, these remarks that only exist on the Internet have no effect on her at all.

As for the reality, Eric, who almost suffered a big loss, secretly sent a lot of security to his family.

Walking on the street, any suspicious and dangerous people could not escape their eyes, so although Leon and Mia had no defenses, they were actually quite safe.

It would be a different matter if there were snipers, but if there were such killers to target, no amount of security force seemed to be of much use, unless they stayed in the basement for a lifetime and could not come out.

In short, the paparazzi helped Lyon to show off their love on the Internet, the people who eat melons are envious of their love, and the jealous fans are crazily hacking them. Countless people are affected by this.

On the other hand, Luo Quan's attention has decreased a lot. The video of the main characters has been released, and the movie has entered a state of no new products for the time being. The popularity is indeed not as good as when it first started shooting.

However, Luo Quan doesn't have time to pay attention to these things right now. She just wants to focus on making the movie well and give Resident Evil fans all over the world a satisfactory explanation.

Speaking of which, she has only completed less than 200% of her task of making a profit of [-] billion U.S. dollars, and the progress is really slow.

If it wasn't for the concert and endorsement that made a lot of money a while ago, I'm afraid it's not even [-]% now.

Although the market value of the stock in her hand is already very high, before it is converted into cash, the income is only dividends, not much but not much.

After much deliberation, it turns out that making movies is the quickest way to get money.

The same is for filming, it takes three to five months at the fastest, and more than a year at the slowest, and it takes a long time to wait for the announcement and release of the edit after the filming is completed.

As for her, everything can be done in about one and a half months.

This speed also makes her earn money far faster than other directors.

Even so, Luo Quan still felt dissatisfied.

"It would be great if it could be done faster." Luo Quan flipped through his phone, thinking about how he could make money quickly.

"What's faster?" Wen Xia asked curiously when she heard Luo Quan's distressed voice.

"Hurry up and make money, the current speed feels a bit too slow." Luo Quan replied without raising his head.

"You're really Versailles, you're the number one post-90s female billionaire in Fox, and you still think you can't make money fast enough?" Wen Xia gave Luo Quan a white look, wanting to say that she is not greedy enough.

Since the surge of Nikola, Luo Quan's net worth has also risen accordingly, and with a net worth of US$40 billion, he topped the Forbes Post-90s Richest Women List.

And this rich woman is still frowning because it is too difficult to make money. Is it true that rich people want to earn more and more?
"By the way, your grandpa's family is so rich that it can be said that you can't spend ten lifetimes. Why do you still have to worry about this?" Wen Xia asked this question very puzzled.

Luo Quan smiled softly: "No matter how rich they are, they are the ones, money is a thing, after all, you have to spend it yourself to feel at ease.

You usually have so many ideas, can you give me some pointers at this time? "

"Me?" Wen Xia poked her nose with her finger, thinking that she is still worth less than a fraction of yours, so let her give advice...

"Theoretically speaking, the fastest way to make money is clearly written in the criminal law."

Wen Xia said seriously.

"Damn!" Luo Quan rolled his eyes and gave her the middle finger, "Then you have to say, what I said is legal!"

"Just kidding, why are you in a hurry." Wen Xia cast a reproachful look at Luo Quan who was making a fuss, "I think the young people on the Forbes rich list, especially those with billions of dollars, almost all have their own brand industry.

Some are beauty products, some are trendy fashion brands, and some are shoes. When they become big, they all make quite high profits. When they become famous, they go public and raise money, and they will immediately be worth billions.

You are the most special one among these rich people. . "

"How do you say that?" Luo Quan gradually became serious.

Wen Xia said sternly: "First of all, let's not talk about your stocks in Nikola, this is the key to the gap between you and those rich people, but after all, you are buying shares halfway, and the main R&D operations are also controlled by others.

Here we mainly talk about your own company, which is Quanshui Entertainment.

The two departments of the company, whether it is artists or games, are well-known, and their products are also very good.

However, your operation is so conscientious that the profit so far is not too high. "

Luo Quan was a little unconvinced. "Who said that last year, the income of the company's artists was in the hundreds of millions."

Wen Xia laughed: "As far as the entertainment industry is concerned, this little money is really nothing.

Su Yu now has more than 3000 million fans on Weibo. Last year, he received two movies, two TV dramas, and three variety shows, and his income exceeded [-] million. You think the results are very good, right?
But the star with the same number of fans as her, as far as I know, has one film and television plus variety show a month, and the flying guests of various popular variety shows have never stopped, with tens of millions of appearances every time.

In addition, the advertisements are also picked up seven or eight times, and occasionally bring a product to earn some extra money.

The annual income of these stars is one billion or more!
Do the math, they are also first-tier stars, how big is the income gap between Su Yu and these peers? "

Wen Xia doesn't know if he doesn't say it, Luo Quan really feels like he missed a billion.

The main reason is that she always felt that some TV series should not be filmed, and some money should not be earned.

But I didn't expect that it would be so much money.

"So I really admire you and Su Yu. With such a good condition, you can pass the golden mountain without entering, and your awareness is really high."

Wen Xia sighed, not mocking, but really felt that the realm of the two of them was quite high, and she was really incomparable.

"I don't care, but I'm really sorry that Su Yushao made so much money."

Luo Quan blushed slightly, feeling ashamed.

As the owner of the company, she doesn't take much care of the artist's development, that is, when she has a project, she will bring them in to appear together, and let them develop on their own at other times.

But at the same time, you have to face the restriction of "can't pick a bad script", and the range of choices is even smaller.

"what's the topic?"

At this time, Su Yu also came over.

Luo Quan repeated what Wen Xia said just now, and asked, "Su Yu, won't you be reconciled to earning so much less money?"

"How much money can you earn? Boss, I thought you understood this truth better than me."

Su Yu smiled unexpectedly. In her heart, the boss is the most Buddhist in the entire entertainment industry.

At present, Qitu at home and abroad does not know that she is the hen that lays golden eggs. As long as there is her in any program, the ratings will definitely skyrocket.

The same goes for movies and TV shows.

With such influence, there are only a handful of announcements received in a year, but the amount of money donated is countless.

This can no longer be described as a good person, that is the reincarnation of an angel.

So Su Yu has always followed the example of his boss. Not only does he regard money as dung, but he also cherishes his feathers very much. No matter how high the price is for some scripts and variety shows, he will not consider it.

It is precisely because of this that she, including several other artists of Quanshui Entertainment, has a very good reputation inside and outside the circle.

It's just that I didn't expect that the boss would also be troubled because he didn't make so much money.

"Your words reminded me that some money really cannot be earned, but at least we are famous now." Luo Quan looked at Su Yu and agreed.

"The co-author is the money-worshiping female star polluted by the big dye vat in the entertainment industry?" Wen Xia immediately became unhappy when she heard what Luo Quan said, and said with her hands on her hips, pretending to be angry.

"No way, you are the chief development consultant of our company."

Luo Quan quickly put his arms around Wen Xia's shoulders, and comforted him softly: "If there is any wind direction in the circle in the future, you have to grasp it as soon as possible."

Wen Xia gave Luo Quan a blank look: "What about you? What do you do as a boss?"

"Of course it is to use the company's good reputation to expand business.

You reminded me just now that after the real industry becomes famous, the profits are quite high. I don’t think about listing and financing for now, but at least I have to produce songs and products.

Wouldn't it be a win-win for everyone to bring a product to promote in the future? "Luo Quan was thinking about the bright future, his eyes were almost smiling.

Wen Xia thought about it for a long time, but couldn't figure out what kind of win-win method this is. Could it be that winning twice is a win-win?
"Then what are you going to do? Makeup? Clothing or a restaurant?" Wen Xia asked Luo Quan this key question.

"The restaurant is great. The owner's craftsmanship is superb. If it really opens, there will be an endless stream of customers every day!" Su Yu nodded frantically, agreeing with this proposal very much.

Luo Quan shook his finger: "I haven't found it yet, but I already have some clues, but it's definitely not a restaurant."

Opening a restaurant can make a little money, and now the catering industry has nothing to do, unless it is fast food.

What she wants to do is another type of product.

(End of this chapter)

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