Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 680 Promise

Chapter 680 Promise
The author's hand injury recurred, and he went to the hospital to hang the water for a day. He used Yizhizen code words, and the speed was too slow, so today's update is late.

The future updates will probably be late. It is really uncomfortable to endure the pain of typing. Please bear with me for the inconvenience caused to fans, sorry.


No matter what industry to do next, the film at hand is the focus of the work and the most important thing.

As the progress is completed bit by bit, the film has also come to the end stage.

Although the scenes in the second part are much grander than the first part, there are actually not many special effects scenes, and most of them rely on the concerted efforts of the makeup team and the blasting team.

Fortunately, this is not a sci-fi blockbuster like Marvel's. Many places are OK after shooting, and there is no need to go out and use a computer to make special effects.

If you're making a Frozen-style film that's visually shattering, it's going to take quite a while to make.

As for "Resident Evil 2", it won't be long before it is finished to meet fans.

As the filming draws to a close, Luo Quan's work becomes easier.

A while ago, I was both the director and the lead actor, and I was so busy that I had to edit the shots when I went back after filming. Apart from work and rest every day, I didn’t even have much time for entertainment.

It is also because of such hard work that the shooting progress of "Resident Evil 2" is so fast. There is not a single employee in the crew who does not lament the enthusiasm of the director.

It is almost impossible to see her resting, either directing the big guys to film or sitting in front of the computer, she is so dedicated.

In a hurry, "Resident Evil 2" was finally completed in mid-March.

Calculating the time, it took exactly one month to shoot, and the release date can also be matched with Luo Quan's 21st birthday.

Yes, in half a month, Luo Quan will celebrate his No.20 birthday.

When she turned [-] last year, Wen Xia was lamenting for her that time flies by, and she has entered a new stage of life in the blink of an eye.

Now a year into the new phase, nothing seems to have changed much.

She is still the most beautiful in the world, and she is even more beautiful than before.

"This 21st birthday, there is no need to hold it grandly, just have a simple meal, and the birthday gift should not be too expensive."

Before the birthday came, Luo Quan reminded his relatives and friends.

It has been a big birthday celebration for three years in a row, and to be honest, there is no need for it to continue.

For a birthday, the most important thing is that the whole family stay together neatly.

"Your name is also grand?" Seifert laughed after hearing that, "On Juang's 16th birthday, the queen invited the royal families from all over Europe to celebrate. Celebrities from all walks of life gathered, and the line was full. .

With your current influence, you can definitely have a birthday party of this size, and no one will not join you. "

"Forget it, I don't like that kind of occasion."

Luo Quan waved his hands, feeling a little conflicted in his heart.

The main reason is that she attended a banquet last time, and the experience of being persuaded to drink gave her a bad impression of this kind of gathering. She always felt that if there were too many people, she would be kidnapped by the atmosphere and do things she didn't like to do.

And this is what she hates the most.

"My sister is like this. She doesn't like excitement. Our family can just live in a normal way."

Leon put his arms around Mia, laughing.

After experiencing the nourishment of love, he looks much more mature now.

Under Mia's suggestion, Leon has now grown a beard, saying that it is best to keep it in the style of Baggio. Leon is very suitable for the style of the melancholy prince.

But Luo Quan didn't tell him that when the filming started, all beards would need to be shaved off.

When the time comes, the beard that he worked so hard to grow will be gone, and Leon will probably be really depressed.

When the filming was over and the post-editing began, the production of the trailer and theme song also began in full swing.

There is nothing to say in the trailer. The action scenes filmed in Resident Evil [-], every cut is a famous scene that burns to the point of explosion, which is a natural eye-catching material for short videos.

As for the theme song, the first song is actually very good and very classic, but if there is only one song, it will still get tired after listening to it for a long time.

So Luo Quan added another song on the basis of the original song, the name is "Promise" (original performance: Yamabo Akira)
This is actually pure music from a very classic horror game. It begins with a gentle resentment, and then gradually becomes violent and manic, with clear layers and an ear-catching melody.

It is not considered a violation to use it in Resident Evil 2.

Moreover, for this song, Luo Quan also added some elements of the song's source from "Silent Hill" in the movie.

What is the most impressive character in Silent Hill?

Many people may choose the boss triangular head, that strange man with a huge metal triangle embedded in his brain is a childhood nightmare for many people.

But what impressed Luo Quan the most were the female nurses who couldn't see their faces clearly.

It's just that these are not childhood nightmares, but it's definitely okay for her to remember them for a long time.

In fact, Luo Quan rarely has the idea of ​​linking various classic horror films.

It's a pity that there are not many horror characters in this world. After the linkage came out, she estimated that the effect would not be very good.

Therefore, unless another IP is opened, Resident Evil must still be dominated by zombies.

Speaking of zombies, the Resident Evil series, whether it is a movie or a game, cannot be avoided, and it is also the focus of her current production.

In addition to this, there are also many classic works related to the theme of zombies.

Such as "World War Z", "The Walking Dead", "Train to Busan" and so on.

These can actually be adapted appropriately, and then all integrated into a worldview.

Just like Marvel.

Multiple heroes first make their own independent superhero movies, and finally come to the Avengers to assemble an Avenger.

This is the most successful case of a commercial film in the past ten years, earning an unknown amount of box office for Disney.

Before "Titanic" came out, every new work of the Avengers was the world's highest-grossing movie.

The reputation of the Marvel Universe has begun, although with the end of Avengers 4, the first phase of the Marvel Universe will also end.

At the newly opened stage, it seems that there is some lack of succession at present.

But it is undeniable that it still has an extremely large and loyal fan base all over the world.

Even if there are a few more bad movies, it is estimated that a lot of bad money can be negotiated.

The zombie universe that Luo Quan wants to build must not reach such a level at present, and she is now working hard on it.

The IP of Resident Evil 2 is currently gaining a foothold.

Whether it can be completely popular depends on Resident Evil 2 and the planned walking dead.

The performance of these two can be said to be quite critical.

But Luo Quan has always been very confident. After all, this is an excellent work that has been tested.

Under the arrangement of Universal Corporation, the publicity of "Resident Evil 2" also started.

First of all, the platforms of various subways have been replaced with character posters of the protagonists of Resident Evil.

Although it is a group portrait, Alice in a red robe, as the undisputed protagonist, naturally occupies the largest part of the poster.

Unlike the first film where she holds a gun in both hands, this time she is holding a pair of sand eagles with sharp eyes, as if she has fully adapted to the identity of the goddess of nemesis.

As for the other highlight of the film - zombies, because the image is too scary, it is afraid that it will scare children, so it is not put on the poster.

But don't wait until the movie has not been released, and get sued by the parents first, it will be a headache.

This time, with Universal's help in the announcement, the predicament faced by Resident Evil is gone forever.

At the beginning, few people were optimistic about this low-cost violent plasma film, and it was Netflix who helped to take over the film, which made it popular all over the world.

But this time, no one doubted the strength of Luo Quan and Resident Evil anymore. As soon as the film was finished, she received emails from various theaters for cooperation.

Luo Quan directly pushed the world to Seifert to handle it, while he devoted himself to the post-production.

During this period, the theme song "Promise" of Resident Evil 2 also became popular.

In the two-minute-plus preview, the main shots of killing zombies passionately looked really enjoyable.

The picture of several beauties showing their long legs and belly is really eye-catching.

After watching the screen over and over again, I will still get tired of it.

But the song at the end of the preview, after listening to it, it is a loop for a day and I can't get tired of listening to it.

At the beginning of this song, there was a little fresh feeling, but after the performance, the style of the painting suddenly changed, and it became a heavy metal.

The dull and wild atmosphere of zombie movies suddenly rushed over.

It always gives people a feeling of being at the end of the road.

Listen to this song when you are on the highway, don't mention how high you are.

Just in the past few days, Nikola's new car Passion has been delivered, and many users who have snatched this car on Twitter, ind, and TIKTOK have begun to share their driving experience.

This is the background music that many people use for driving.

It can be said that there is a wave of dream linkage.

Now whether it is the popularity of the car or the popularity of Resident Evil, they are all driven by this linkage.

Many people even asked Nikola to make an Alice co-branded sports car, printing Alice directly on the car and so on.

I just don’t know if there are many fans who bought it. Nicholas was really moved after listening to it. It would be a pity if the popularity of the movie didn’t go away. So he planned to wait until the movie was released to conduct a questionnaire survey.

If there are really that many people, then make a few joint limited editions.

This kind of thing requires hunger marketing.It will be sold directly without a limited amount, but everyone will feel that it is not rare.

But if there are only a few sets in the world, then fans will have to buy it.

On the car side, Nikola is busy making gimmicks and marketing.

On Luoquan's side, the movie has been produced and submitted for review.

The release date has finally been confirmed, just March NO.30, the day before her birthday.

After completing a task, Luo Quan turned on his mobile phone comfortably, enjoying the long-lost time of salted fish.

She has been working hard for a month, but she is exhausted, and the live broadcast has not been played much.

So as soon as Luo Quan turned on the camera, the barrage filled with tears.

"Luo Bao, you are back."

"Do you know how hard it is to spend these nights without you?"

"Are you all right now? Give me a live broadcast and make up for what I owed!"


Not seeing the barrage she wanted to see, Luo Quan was a little bit disappointed, obviously it's been a few days.

At this moment, a colorful advanced barrage suddenly floated above the screen:
"Luo Bao, it's your birthday soon, what gift do you want?"

"That's right, the 31st is Luo Bao's birthday!"

"Damn it, why did you even forget this?"

"In fact, I always remembered that I wanted to surprise her."

"Don't you know Luo Bao's habits? She must like shiny gems, especially diamonds."

"It's beyond my ability, but if I marry her, I can still get the diamond ring. (shy)"

"I think you are ugly, but you are beautiful!"


Soon, the barrage began to discuss what kind of birthday gift should be given to Luo Quan.

To be honest, although many of these barrages were made for cleverness, there were not a few who sincerely congratulated her.

This feeling actually made her satisfied and warm in her heart, so she said seriously:
"Thank you for caring so much about my birthday, but I just need to say a blessing. There is no need for diamond rings and necklaces. This kind of intention is enough."

"I'm not very good at talking, so I hope you will have paper in the toilet in the future."


"Haha, skr talent."

"Isn't this going to be sealed forever?"

"Fortunately, today is not your birthday, otherwise no one would be able to save you."

"Blessings from the underworld, right? I'll kill you next time."


She was quite moved at first, but a bunch of sand sculpture netizens left her speechless again.

Sure enough, these people can switch freely between expressing their true feelings and being funny with sand sculptures.

"Not to mention anything else, if everyone really wants to give me a gift, go to the cinema to watch Resident Evil, beautiful women beat zombies, eye-catching and exciting!"

After going around for a long time, Luo Quan finally got to the point.


"Let's not talk about the opportunity, civilized you and me."

"Just talk about the machine, civilized QTM!"

"By the way, do you still have any nude scenes this time? (dog head)"


"It's as if I had it before." Luo Quan selectively replied with a barrage.

"It's true, but it's not really naked, but this kind of situation of still holding the pipa and half covering the face is actually considered."

"Yes, the first part is pretty good at the beginning, I suggest you add more."

"If there is, I will definitely buy a ticket."


Luo Quan smiled mysteriously: "Then you say that, I can only say that the movie hasn't been released yet, and you'll know if you go to see it yourself."

"Challenge me, right? I have to buy one to see what medicine you sell in your gourd."

"Don't have too much hope for a movie that can pass the review."

"To be fair, Resident Evil is still worth watching. After all, we didn't spend much money on the first movie."

"One thing to say, indeed."


Amidst the laughter, Luo Quan finished advertising to the fans.

(End of this chapter)

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