Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 681 Resident Evil 2

Chapter 681 Resident Evil II

ps. The author suffered from tenosynovitis and was in severe pain. He could only use one-finger Zen codewords. The speed is too slow. Future updates will probably be postponed later. It is recommended that you refresh and read the next morning.

Please bear with me for the inconvenience caused to book friends, and I apologize to everyone here.


On the night of March 29, Luo Quan organized a special premiere.

Resident Evil 1 has not done much publicity from the filming to the release, let alone the premiere ceremony.

Now, Resident Evil 2 can be regarded as a world-renowned IP, and major theaters in the United States are rushing to promote it, and many film critics are also waiting to join in the fun.

But this time, Luo Quan did not invite too many film critics for the premiere. Instead, they invited die-hard Resident Evil fans from all over the world.

In the name of the premiere, hold a carnival.

The gifts that Luo Quan prepared for the fans are actually the front and back of the filming. In addition, they also let you mainly wear the looks in the movie and come to the stage to interact with the fans.

Among other things, when Alice and Jill came out, the audience cheered with enthusiasm.

The selection of Luo Quan's sexiest look on the big screen must be none other than Alice.

Just the cheongsam that reveals the snow-white long legs has already made countless fans imagine, not to mention that she can also perform various difficult movements, such as backflips, triple kicks in the air, and dual-wielding sand eagles to blast zombie heads.

This simply satisfies all the boys' fantasies about the other half, beautiful, sexy, and powerful.

So after Luo Quan came out, it's no wonder the fans were so excited.

In comparison, the responses of the protagonists of the second part were a little dull, after all, the big guys don't know each other yet.

But soon we will get to know each other.

With the end of this special premiere, "Resident Evil 12" will be officially released on March 3 at 30 midnight.

The fans who attended the premiere did not leave, and started watching the movie directly. This is a gift from Luo Quan to these lucky die-hard fans.

At the beginning of the movie, there is a summary of the previous situation.

In the first part, the scene of the STARS team fighting zombies in the underground hive flashed back over and over again, quickly helping fans recall the plot.

Ten seconds later, the screen finally focused on the protagonist Alice.

Like the beginning of the first part, Alice still gave benefits to the big guys at the beginning of the second part.

After being captured by the umbrella company, she has been in a coma and has been studied by countless white coats.

And when she woke up, the laboratory had become dim and dilapidated.

With the dim light, Alice could be seen lying on the lab bench covered with a white cloth.

All kinds of needles are inserted all over his body, which looks quite infiltrating.

Alice screamed and pulled out the needles one by one.

Standing on the ground again, the white cloth on his body slipped off quietly.


Seeing the fans here, there was a cry of surprise and excitement.

However, because the light is too weak, even if the white cloth slips off, it is impossible to see clearly.

Only in the darkness could I vaguely see the outline of Alice's perfect body.

That arc is like the undulating Cangshan Mountains, the peaks and ridges are like clusters, and the waves are like anger.

This picture, because of Alice's extremely beautiful body and the hazy artistic conception of light and shadow interlacing, has become quite artistic.

In the darkness, Alice squatted down and groped for the piece of cloth, and tied it on her body again.

Next, she followed the emergency evacuation signs of the laboratory, walked towards the exit, and found a hospital gown to change into.

Using the light, Alice found that many places in the laboratory were covered with blood and bullet marks, indicating that killings took place here.

The disappearance of the corpses means that all of them have become zombies.

Looking at the dark road ahead, it seemed that a zombie might be thrown out at any moment.

The weird music sounded, and the tense atmosphere immediately made the fans' hearts beat faster.

As a thriller, Resident Evil is well-known in the industry and outside the industry in rendering the atmosphere.

The main task of horror is to come when everyone is not prepared.

Now everyone thought that zombies would come out, but Luo Quan did the opposite and let Alice walk out of the exit safely.

Leaving the dim laboratory, the sky and the earth immediately became brighter, but the entire urban area has completely changed its appearance.

Vehicles lay in haphazard manner in the middle of the road and on the side of the road, street lamps were tilted, and newspapers were flying everywhere.

As the camera zoomed out, fans found that not only this area, but the entire city had fallen into chaos.

The scene changed, and we came to the gate of the police station in Raccoon City.

Jill, who was wearing a blue vest, walked into the police station in a heroic manner, looking at the chaos in front of him.

The camera gives a shot of the newspaper on the wall next to it, enough for fans to quickly browse the main content:

"The members of the STARS team temporarily left their jobs to rest, and members Chris and others went to Europe."

And Jill, who was resting temporarily, appeared here, naturally to deal with the chaos in front of him.

There have been a large number of cases of civilians suddenly attacking others throughout Raccoon City, and the police station has been overcrowded by these criminals.

But Jill knows that these are actually zombies, and those civilians who are attacked by zombies will soon become zombies.

After she came out of the underground hive, she told the police chief about it, but the chief didn't believe them at all. Instead, he thought they were too nervous and gave all the surviving team members a holiday.

Chris didn't know where he got the news about the umbrella company, so he went to Europe alone to investigate.

Jill, on the other hand, stayed in Raccoon City until the virus spread completely.

At this time, Jill saw a handsome police officer next to him, struggling to fight a criminal who had turned into a zombie, trying to subdue him.

Jill shot directly, right between the zombie's eyebrows.

"They are not human anymore, they have to be dealt with like this."

Jill looked at the new police officer and reminded him seriously.

"Hello, my name is Leon, and I'm a police officer who just came to Raccoon City to report." Leon introduced himself to Jill.

It was during this time that the zombies in the police station finally got out of control and began to attack the police. More and more policemen were bitten and gradually transformed into zombies.

"This...what's the situation?"

Leon witnessed all this happening with his own eyes, showing a surprised expression.

"This is all caused by the umbrella company's virus. They, and even the city, are hopeless."

As Jill said, he took Leon to the gun room, brought enough guns and ammunition, and prepared to leave the city before it was dark.

However, when the two came to the city's entry and exit checkpoint, they found that it had been blocked by government forces. They were ordered to ensure that the virus would not spread. All survivors could only camp here and could not leave.

"Let's go back to the city."

Jill saw this and planned to leave directly.

"Why?" Leon still didn't quite understand.

As soon as the words fell, there was a shrill scream from the crowd gathered around the checkpoint.

A fat middle-aged man suddenly turned into a zombie, hugged a woman and bit her bloody.

Then, one after another, the zombies that had completed their transformations began to attack the crowd.

The soldiers standing on the high ground couldn't tell who was a human and who was a zombie, and they couldn't make a move with their guns up.

But as the situation gradually got out of control, the top military officials finally ordered them to conduct indiscriminate shooting.

This is how the massacre began.

Jill and Leon, who had already left the checkpoint, watched the civilians and zombies all die under the hands of these soldiers.

While scolding those high-level officials, the two returned to the city helplessly.

On the way, they met Claire, a reporter who came to Raccoon City to find his brother Chris, and a dozen other survivors.

According to horror film convention, when the crowd and the main character reunite, their death is approaching.

Sure enough, when the group took refuge in the church, it didn't take long for them to be attacked by lickers.

This kind of monster Jill couldn't be more familiar with. When they left the hive by train, it was this monster who attacked them and almost wiped out everyone.

I thought there was only one big guy, but the reality is that there are three of them hanging on the top of the church.

Soon, a licker jumped down and swept the priest away with its tongue.

The other lickers seemed to have received the signal, and they also started to kill, and the cannon fodder died tragically one by one.

Although Jill and Leon were superb marksmanship, they only shot two heads.

Just when the remaining one pounced on them, a motorcycle broke through the glass of the church and fell from the sky. It was Alice who had already changed her clothes.

On the motorcycle, Alice is handsome and sexy in a black leather jacket and jeans.

The vigorous body stepped on the motorcycle, causing it to knock the licker into the air.

Alice herself performed a backflip with a perfect arc in mid-air, and then landed on the ground with one hand.

Immediately afterwards, she lifted her jacket, took out two police large-caliber pistols from her waist, and shot at the licker who was knocked into the air by the motorcycle.

"Damn, this is too handsome!"

"As expected of the protagonist, the appearance is perfect."

"This action scene is so cool."

"I'm fucking straight up!"

The fans sighed excitedly, and in the movie, Alice's timely appearance helped Jill and his party get out of the siege.

Along with Alice, there is also Carol, a soldier of the Umbrella Company.

However, Carol is a non-staff member of the Umbrella Company, equivalent to a mercenary. The mission this time is to rescue the experimental personnel and their families of the Umbrella Company in Raccoon City.

But not long after they arrived, they encountered a wave of zombies, and most of the team members died.

From the information given by Carroll, everyone knows that the military has planned to nuke the entire Raccoon City.

And they need to find Dr. William, who has been missing so far. With him, they can contact the helicopter to take the big guy away.

At the same time, as the top executive of the umbrella company, Dr. William also holds quite a lot of secrets about the umbrella and the T-virus.

If you find him, many secrets can be unlocked.

But Raccoon City is so big, it is impossible to search aimlessly, so everyone is going to divide into two ways.

Alice and Claire went to Dr. William's residence to search.

Carol, Leon, and Jill go to the brood laboratory where William conducts research.

And this laboratory is also the laboratory that Alice left before.

The story seems to have returned to the original point.

As night fell, the real danger came to the city with the release of the umbrella company helicopters.

Cages fell from the sky to various parts of the city, and it was unknown what was hidden inside the black cloth-covered cages.

After the two waves of people separated, they encountered a huge wave of zombies on the road, and the cannon fodder also died one by one.

And just when Jill and his party were very close to the brood laboratory, she received a call.

It was a call from a colleague from the police station, saying that they suddenly encountered a monster and was chasing and killing all the police officers, and told Jill to be careful.

As soon as the voice fell, there were explosions, gunshots, and screams from the other end of the phone.

Jill knew that he had encountered a murderous hand, and when he was considering his next plan, a tall humanoid monster wearing a black windbreaker and a ferocious face suddenly appeared on the street at night.

This is the Umbrella Company's humanoid weapon chaser, which is extremely fast and powerful, and the pistol can hardly do any damage to it.

The pursuers came straight to Jill. In order not to hurt others, Jill chose to run away from the crowd alone and let Leon go in to find Dr. William.

Carol was worried and chased after him.

Leon was alone, brave enough to enter the brood laboratory, and happened to meet King Ada who also came here to investigate.

Ada Wang claimed to be an FBI agent and was ordered to investigate the illegal activities of the umbrella company.

Leon had no doubts about him, so the two went deep into the company together.

On the other side, Alice and Claire, who went to Dr. William's house, also encountered a tall attack.

It's just that compared with the ferocious licker, this humanoid weapon is wearing a mask, and its limbs are more agile and coordinated, not much worse than normal people, and its combat effectiveness is also stronger.

Obviously, this is a complete tyrant that has been successfully researched.

And from the eyes under his mask, Alice found that he was Matt who was captured by the umbrella company with her before.

It's just that one still maintains a human form now, while the other has become a monster.

To save him, Alice sends Claire to search Dr. William's house, leaving her alone to deal with Matt.

The plot continued to develop, and Claire found his daughter Shirley at Dr. William's home. Shirley said that her mother was still in the laboratory and had just called her not long ago, asking Claire to take her to find her parents.

And outside, Alice finally awakened Matt after a fierce fight with him, allowing him to restore his memory and humanity.

After completing the task, Alice and her team immediately rushed to the Brood Research Institute to meet Leon.

On the road, he met Jill who was being hunted down by a pursuer. Matt shot, fought the pursuer, and finally tore it in two.

It is this shocking scene that makes it a famous scene in Resident Evil 2.

(End of this chapter)

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