Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 682 Resident Evil 2

Chapter 682 Resident Evil II (2)
ps. Enduring the pain and staying up late, the code came out, and I still don't want everyone to wait until noon.

Please bear with me for the inconvenience caused to book friends, and I apologize to everyone here.


"Oh, here's a close-up of the tearing up pursuer!"

"This is Luoquan's aesthetics of violence, it's so powerful."

"I finally know why it's a B-grade movie. It's really not suitable for children."

"But it's really enjoyable to watch."


The scene of the three-meter-tall giant being torn apart was indeed very powerful, causing the fans who were watching the movie to exclaim.

However, the following plot continues to be high-energy.

After Alice and Jill's round, they entered the Brood Research Institute together to find Dr. William.

The structure of the research institute is very similar to a beehive. Everyone killed zombies and lickers all the way, and finally came to the core area of ​​the research institute located underground.

This is the place where various large-scale human experiments are carried out. A large amount of experimental data was originally kept, but now it is basically destroyed.

On the way, everyone met Shirley's mother, Leon and Ada Wang.

Alice's intuition made her think that King Ada was not trustworthy, and when King Ada saw Alice, there was obviously something wrong with his eyes, as if he had known her a long time ago.

Everyone moved forward and encountered the BOSS of Resident Evil 2, that is, William who had been injected with the G virus.

It turned out that not long ago, Umbrella Company learned that Dr. William had defected to the federal government and leaked a large amount of company data, so it sent soldiers to clean the entire Brood Research Institute, and the T-virus that caused Raccoon City to fall was also leaked at that time.

In order to survive, Dr. William was also injected with the newly researched G virus after being shot.

In the end, he survived, but turned into a huge monster with tentacles.

The protagonist group and Dr. William immediately started a desperate struggle, during which everyone was forced to disperse in order to avoid the attack.

Ada Wang and Leon found the experimental data left by Dr. William.

At this time, King Ada finally revealed her true colors, and her real purpose was actually to seize this information.

In order not to let her succeed, Leon fought with her, but was defeated in the end.

However, King Ada was soon attacked by Dr. William's tentacles, and he fell into the abyss.

Although Leon pulled her in time, he still couldn't pull her up, and watched her fall into the bottomless abyss.

On the other side, Alice, Jill and others also used the weapons and equipment in the laboratory to finally hit Dr. William seriously.

At this time, Dr. William also regained some consciousness, entrusted his daughter to Alice, and then died with his wife.

Immediately afterwards, the self-destruct program of the brood was activated for some reason, and everyone evacuated quickly.

At the same time, Carroll's teammates also arrived in a helicopter, and everyone boarded the plane immediately and prepared to evacuate.

But because Matt is too big to sit on the plane, he can only stay in Raccoon City.

In the tragic and tear-jerking music, everyone watched Matt disappear at the end of the street.

Although they left in good time, the aftermath of the nuclear bomb launched by the army affected the helicopter, causing it to crash into the waterfall, and everyone drifted along the river and was finally separated.

At this point in the movie, the content of the second part is considered to be over.

But while everyone breathed a sigh of relief, they didn't leave, because they all knew that the director would put an easter egg at the last moment.

Sure enough, after the cast and crew finished rolling, the easter eggs came out.

King Ada, who was thought to be dead by everyone, took out his rope gun and shot the wall not long after the fall, and then slowly landed on the ground.

At this time, Wesker, the behind-the-scenes boss of the first part, also appeared. It turned out that he was the employer who sent King Ada to collect data, and he also detonated the Brood Research Institute.

The second part is over, but the story of Resident Evil has just begun.

Although director Luo Quan filled a lot of holes in the second part, he dug more holes.

Where the hell has Chris gone?
What is Wesker's identity, and what do you want to do with these data?
What is the relationship between Ada Wang and Alice?
Where will the protagonist group go after they float into the river?
And what happened to Matt in the end.

There are too many doubts in the hearts of movie fans, and it was uncomfortable for a whole year before watching the second part.

After watching the movie for 2 hours, it will be uncomfortable for about a year. Many movie fans put on pain masks.

Soon, the first wave of fans who watched the movie gave "Resident Evil 2" a perfect score of [-].

Although there are still some flaws in some plots, as a B-grade film, it is definitely flawless.

The whole movie has a two-line narrative, which is merged at the end, with a tight rhythm and one climax after another.

The picture is full of tension, many landscapes are full of artistic sense, and the action design is even more shocking, especially Alice, who is completely worthy of her name as the goddess of nemesis, and she is so handsome that she bursts.

Most movie fans watch Resident Evil just to watch beauties kill zombies.

Luoquan meets this point, and almost every place is perfect, so it is only natural to give ten points.

In comparison, the media is much more rational. In the eyes of professionals, B-grade movies are naturally dwarfs.

Although the filming of "Resident Evil 2" is really good, it still cannot escape everyone's preconceived discrimination.

Fortunately, most of the film critics are still discussing the matter, giving a score of 7 to 8 points, which is already quite high in B-grade movies.

At 12:2 noon, the global box office of Resident Evil 1.7 has been counted, and it is a very gratifying US$[-] million, which can be said to attract the attention of the world film industry.

It is worth mentioning that although Resident Evil 2 has increased investment, it is only at the level of tens of millions of dollars.

Now it not only pays back the cost in one day, but also has a pretty good reputation, which is applauded by both the industry and the outside world.

Now the main creator is going to make a lot of money.

Speaking of which, the ability to attract money from the IP of Resident Evil is really outrageous. The cost of the first part was only a few million dollars, and it was still broadcast on Netflix.

In the end, it earned nearly [-] million US dollars at the box office and generated huge added value.

The cost of the second film was also recovered in one day, and every subsequent day of release was an extra day of profit.

In view of this, Universal, which has made a lot of money, can't wait to notify Seifert, asking him to urge Luoquan to quickly establish the project Resident Evil 3.

At this time, Luo Quan was scrolling through Twitter.

Online fans have been buzzing about Resident Evil 2.

In the first part, the scene was only limited to a laboratory, and there were only a hundred infected zombies.

In the second part, all the people who directly became a city were infected, and the tide of corpses formed by thousands of zombies simply exaggerated a sense of despair and fear of the doomsday.

And at the end, the scene where the protagonist group holds spray guns and hand cannons and kills the zombies is also very enjoyable for everyone. After watching the movie, they quickly entered the forum to share their joy.

"I really enjoy watching this movie! All the bad moods that have been accumulated for more than a month have been released. Watching beautiful women kill zombies is simply a magic tool for decompression!"

"Yes, Alice Gill and Ida and Claire are so beautiful, God, I like every female character like crazy, and each one is very unique."

"I can't wait to see the third part, and the horror is that it may have to wait at least a year."

"Can you not mention this, this is my biggest regret after watching Resident Evil 2!"

"One year, how hard it is to wait for such a long time!"


Soon, the satisfied movie fans quickly fell into a void, desperately wanting to watch the next plot, but knowing that there will be no new movies in a short time.

This kind of contradictory state is the most tormenting. It can make them listless for a long time, have no energy to do anything, and feel like crying without tears.

But no matter how uncomfortable it is, you still have to wait.

After Luo Quan saw the uncomfortable comments from the fans, he also saw the update message from Seifert.

"Are you kidding me? As soon as my movie was released, you urged the third one. Even if you are a cow, you have to rest for a while after plowing a piece of land!"

Luo Quan sent a direct voice to Seifert, questioning its outrageous demands.

Seifert quickly explained: "I'm just following orders. It's a request from the higher-ups. Isn't this watching your movie explode and want to strike while the iron is hot?"

"Tell them, wait patiently, I'm not free here yet." Luo Quan was not used to it, and directly said that he was not free.

Luoquan's laziness is world famous.

There must be at least two of the seven deadly sins on her.

Seifert understands Luo Quan's temper, he takes the soft but not the hard, and he says what he says.

He didn't intend to help those old guys to persuade Luo Quan, it was indeed a bit too hasty to ask someone to release a third movie immediately after the filming.

So I didn't say anything more.

In the evening, Luo Quan had a sumptuous dinner with his family and friends.

This time, it was my mother's kitchen, a big meal for my daughter's birthday.

Amidst the laughter and the crisp sound of the cups colliding, Luo Quan was one year older and turned 21.

In Wen Xia's words, she is already one year older, and she is getting older every time she celebrates her birthday.

Some people on the Internet said that there are more white people who are at the peak of their beauty, and they start to decline rapidly after they are [-]. Her beauty will not last for too long.

But Luo Quan felt that maybe in a year or two, she would surprise these people.

Because by that time, she will probably have almost completed the task, and her appearance level will reach the full mark, and I don't know what it will be like by then.

After the big meal, because Luo Quan reminded in advance, everyone didn't give any gifts this time, but they still bought some exquisite handicrafts for fun.

After spending time with family and friends, Luo Quan went back to his room and continued the birthday party with his fans.

Since noon today, the gifts in the live broadcast room have not stopped, and they are all for her. The battle is as big as the previous concert.

Even in the live broadcast room, you can see several real-name certified sons.

They are all well-known rich second generations in Beijing, Shanghai, and Jiangnan.

Luo Quan didn't know how they came to the group building in his live broadcast room, but the people who came to give gifts were all guests, maybe these were die-hard fans of diving, and they came out collectively to make a fuss today.

"Thinking of last year's birthday party, it still seems to have happened last year."

Facing the camera, Luo Quan uttered his first opening sentence, which immediately caused the fans to burst into laughter.

"Would you put it here, put it here, put it here?"

"The last time I saw this sentence was the last time."

"Nonsense literature is really powerful."


"Haha, I just suddenly felt a little emotional. After all, I'm one year older. Time really doesn't forgive people." Luo Quan shook his head lightly, showing a sad expression.

"Indeed, time has never spared beauty."

"However, from a medical point of view, twenty is the time when a person's functions in all aspects reach their peak."

"Reaching the peak means that the road after that is all downhill."

"I rely on it, it makes sense."

"Anyway, I've been waiting for Luo Quan's first wrinkle to appear."

"Be conservative, I bet ten years."

"It's too much, I think it's six or seven years."

"Do you think Luo Quan is one of those plastic surgery freaks who received hyaluronic acid? Wrinkles will appear in at most three years."

"Look, Luo Quan has wrinkles now."


She does have wrinkles, but between her eyebrows.

These bullet screens are outrageous, each and every one of them seems to wish for her early wrinkles. Is this what fans should say?

"You seem to really want to see me turn ugly?" Luo Quan asked unhappily.

"You are already very beautiful, if you become more beautiful, I will not be worthy of you."

"I didn't even have a meal, why are you drunk?"

"Being ugly will save too many people from worrying about it."


"Where did you get your confidence?"


In Luoquan's live broadcast room, the male fans always have unparalleled self-confidence. After all, they can call the world's most beautiful wife unscrupulously, and they can also have all kinds of daydreams.

And in the face of these, Luo Quan often does not deliberately refute.

Of course, it wouldn't work if she was said to be ugly.

This is an insult to her personality.

"By the way, have you watched the new movie yet?"

This time, it will be released simultaneously in China and abroad, and there are relatively few deleted scenes. The viewing experience should be good, so the domestic box office on the first day has reached about [-] million.

Although she knew the result, she still wanted to ask in the live broadcast room.

As for the barrage, it is natural that the screen is full of swipes, or even swiped twice.

Then someone asked:
"Luo Bao, where you are at the beginning of the movie, is it a vacuum or a false void?"

"Good question, this has to be analyzed from various aspects, such as light and shadow, angle study."

Luo Quan shook his head and said: "But the most important thing is to learn from logic, think about it with your clever little heads, how could it be a real vacuum?

Can that kind of thing pass the trial? "

"Indeed, I'm a reviewer. If I see this, I'll just confiscate it and read it for myself."

As soon as this barrage came out, the audience suddenly burst into laughter, and Luo Quan himself lost the strength to laugh.

(End of this chapter)

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