Chapter 683

ps. Breaking is definitely not going to be updated, but the update time will be later, so don't worry too much about it.

In addition, please bear with me for the inconvenience caused to book friends, and I apologize to everyone here.


"Okay, let's not talk about this. Today is my birthday. Do you have anything to say to me, or do you want to give me a gift?"

After laughing, Luo Quan entered today's topic.

"I want to give you a shining star, I want to give you a gentle moon, I want to give you a fiery..."

"Say it, why don't you continue talking?"

"Probably because I'm afraid of the one-year ban package."

"Hahaha, it's all about you guys."

"Actually, I want to give away a lot of things, but you probably don't like what I can afford, and I don't think I can afford what I can afford."

"Indeed, with this worth, there shouldn't be any lack of these."


Seeing what the fans said, Luo Quan immediately denied it: "How could it be? Gifts are just a matter of thought. No matter how much it is worth, as long as it is given to me, I will accept it, even if it is a happy birthday. .

Of course, except for deliberately spoofing. "

Luo Quan knew that these fans liked to joke around, so he blocked this road ahead of time.

"The student party doesn't have much money, so I can only say happy birthday to you!"

"Haha, what's the difference between this and not wanting a gift?"

"But what Luo Quan wants is indeed just everyone's wishes."


The barrage began to complain. In fact, since the live broadcast, the happy birthday on the screen has not been interrupted.

It's like Luo Quan didn't make any request, it's just that the fans thought too complicated.

If it was a very expensive gift, she would not be able to accept it.

After ordering the presents, it's time to read the comments that fans have been waiting for for a long time.

Generally speaking, Luo Quan would not read the comments written by fans.

Because there are too many, her mailbox and private messages are in 999+ status every day, and they are mixed with advertisements, which is not easy to distinguish. Moreover, there are mixed fish and dragons, which is prone to live broadcast accidents.

Therefore, she did not add this link.

But today is a special day, so I added this link and selected a few lucky viewers.

Opening the mailbox, the first thing fans see is a birthday card from a large group of well-known brands.

There is fashion clothing industry, such as Chanel, LV, Dior.

There are those in the automotive industry, such as Hyundai, Volkswagen, and Honda.

There are those in the film and television industry, such as Universal, Warner, and Disney.

Basically, they are all familiar brands, and each of them sent very eager birthday congratulations to Luo Quan.

Except for Chanel, these brands have also added the words that they hope to cooperate with you at the end, which is obviously a ulterior motive.

The above are just the well-known brands that Luoquan stopped for a while, and there are countless brands below.

These brands don't care whether Luoquan can use their products, but they have to send congratulatory telegrams when they celebrate their birthdays, and they hope to cooperate with each other.

Although the possibility of cooperation is rounded to approximately zero, what if?If Luo Quan had a whim and saw this greeting card and wanted to cooperate, wouldn't that be a good thing?
Therefore, even though the previous cooperation invitations of these brands fell silent every time, they still sent congratulatory emails for their birthday this time.

"I am super, this row of noodles is just like an exposition."

"Since these brands have issued endorsement invitations, what will happen if Luo Quan accepts them all? Isn't it going to make a lot of money!"

"Probably exhausted. Luo Bao's energy is badly damaged when making movies, and he needs to rest for half a month. God knows how long it will take to shoot with so many endorsements."

"Haha, why am I so happy to hear you say that, but Luo Bao is indeed a bit lazy."

"It's not that I'm lazy, it's just that I don't like to move by nature."

"If you don't move, isn't that bastard?"

"Hahaha, you're going to laugh at me to death, aren't you?"


2B youths are much happier, Luo Quan did not expect to be so happy to see a routine greeting card from a brand owner.

But since the audience helped her create the effect of the show, it also saved her a lot of trouble.

After skipping the long advertisement, finally arrived the mail from the fans.

"Come on, let's read the letter from this scorching-eyed Xiahou Dun... Hey, have I seen you somewhere before? You look so familiar."

When Luo Quan looked at this nickname, he always felt very impressed, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

"Have you forgotten this? For us, this is a very important fan boss."

"Indeed, we would have no welfare without it."

"Friendly reminder, crowdfunding, swimsuits."

"As soon as I came, I got the boss, awesome!"


After seeing the bullet screen prompt, Luo Quan immediately remembered: "So it's you kid."

After her debut, her first bold act started with this crowdfunding swimsuit photoshoot.

Although she was indeed the one who set the flag, if there was no "Shaoyan Xiahoudun" organization, it is estimated that it would not be able to raise so much money, so naturally there would be no need to shoot.

But there is one thing to say, although I was quite embarrassed at the time, but now that I think about it, it doesn't seem to be a big deal.

And it can be regarded as indirectly doing her a favor, rejecting the so-called definition of her by the public, and making her style more changeable in the future.

"Let me see what you said this time."

Luo Quan clicked on the email, and the scroll wheel slowly slid down.

"Long time no see, Luo Bao, I don't know if you still remember me, but first of all, I have to wish you a happy birthday.

It has been more than a year since your first swimsuit photo shoot, and fans are waiting for your sequel. How about raising [-] million US dollars this time?
I have selected the location, it is in Hawaii, if you can, let me know at any time, and I can start organizing right away!
Finally, happy birthday to you again! "

"Damn, this is really a kind man."

"What kind of high-strength spirit is this? It is simply out of the low-level interests, and only pursues the highest state of beauty."

"Good guy, can you talk so stalwart just by looking at a swimsuit?"

"I'm just asking if you want to see it."

"Thinking, dreaming about it."


Xiahou Dun's words from Zhuoyan ignited a group of LSPs in the barrage, and they all expressed their desire to raise Luoquan to crowdfunding again, even if it was raised to [-] million US dollars, it would not be impossible.

But this time Luo Quan won't make the same mistake again, and directly crossed his hands on his chest: "Fuck, don't even think about this kind of thing, as far as I am concerned, I have no plans to take swimsuit photos again.

After all, my profile isn't a swimsuit model. "

"So, will there be plans for this in the future?"

Fans quickly asked.

"I really can't give you any definite answer." Luo Quan shook his head, "But there should be some, I don't know when."

Hearing this, although the fans were a little disappointed, they still had hope.

It's just this empty check, and I don't know if it can be cashed within a year.

But last year, Luo Quan gave everyone a swimsuit live broadcast in Hawaii. It was quite exciting to be honest. Even if you don’t take photos, it would be great to do a few more live broadcasts like this.

After the first lucky fan finishes reading, the second one follows.

A netizen nicknamed Yunmu said:
"Happy birthday to Sister Luoquan, I hope you will become younger and more beautiful.

I am a poor student from Dashanli. My parents are migrant workers and I was brought up by my grandparents.

Some time ago, my grandfather was diagnosed with cancer. Although it was in the early stage, the operation fee was still quite expensive for us, and we couldn't afford it at all.

Fortunately, there is a foundation established by Sister Luoquan to help the poor. After we sent an application for assistance to the foundation and got it verified, Grandpa was arranged for an operation soon.

Grandpa is now in good health and recovering well.

In addition, my tuition and miscellaneous fees are actually solved by Sister Luo Quan's foundation. It can be said that without Sister Luo Quan, I would not have the happy and complete family I am now.

Now I have been admitted to Capital University, and my deputy is the Department of Finance, in order to make a lot of money, to repay sister Luo Quan, and to be a rich and benevolent person like you.

In addition, if I want to borrow this, I will say thank you to you. If you are not married when I get ahead, I will step on the colorful auspicious clouds to propose to you! "

After hearing that Luo Quan finished reading the student's email, the barrage exploded:
"Good guy, I was quite moved when I saw it before, but in the end, I just came to a picture to see you in the end, right?"

"When Luo Quan did good deeds, he probably didn't expect to involve himself in it."

"The kid is very ambitious, but Luoquan is destined to belong to my brother, so don't think about it."

"What's so great about Capital University? I'm from Buffy, are you proud?"

"Mere Bluefly? I'm from Neuist!"

"Everyone has a bright future."


The fans made jokes, but Luo Quan was very pleased that his donation had indeed been implemented, helped those in need, and cultivated a talent.

Of course, it would be more perfect if this person didn't have her idea.

"Little brother Yunmu, first of all thank you for your letter.

But you have to study hard at this stage, and you can talk about emotional matters slowly. In the future, repaying the society and being a useful person is the greatest reward for me. "

Replying like this is a tactful rejection of his intention. After all, the live broadcast of this directly hurts the self-esteem of young people too much.

Although she herself is not very old, I know that young people have a good face.

Next, I read several fan mails one after another.

These fans come from all walks of life, there are workers who are working ashes on the construction site, there are social animals working in the company, there are programmers who are half bald, but in fact, they are less than [-], and there are also takeaway boys who come and go in the wind and rain. .

Maybe many of them are not well-educated, but the emails they sent are pretty good at doing things, and they also include classics handed down after pirated spoofs like "I really want to be Miss Luo Quan's dog".

After reading it, not only the fans were rocked with laughter, but Luo Quan himself couldn't hold back.

After reading more than a dozen emails, it was almost two o'clock in the morning on Huaxia's side. Considering the rest of the fans, Luo Quan asked everyone to go to bed early and downloaded the broadcast.

She also said that she was quite satisfied with the effect of this birthday live broadcast. It has been a long time since she interacted with fans so happily. Although many people have symptoms of peach full users to varying degrees, it is also out of liking for her. .

For the next two days, Luo Quan's attention will be on the evaluation and box office of Resident Evil 2.

Resident Evil 1.7, which had a box office of 2 million US dollars on the first day, successfully broke the circle when public opinion took off, and became a hot topic among people of all ages in the world, and also attracted a considerable movie-watching boom.

So much so that the next day's box office increased to $1.85.

Don't watch too many, but a movie with overwhelming publicity means that it will attract most of the interested fans on the first day.

Most of the people who come back later are second-brush and attracted by word of mouth. In this case, the box office will usually be lower than that of the first day.

But Resident Evil 2 had a reversal, and it lasted for three consecutive days, which really gave Luo Quan a surprise.

In just three days of box office, Resident Evil 2 has earned $5.8 million, which is already a lot of money.

However, this grand occasion did not last long. After rising for three consecutive days, it began to fall, and each day was about 15.00% less than the previous day.

The speed of decline is not too great, which shows that Resident Evil still has considerable interest in watching movies among movie fans all over the world, but everyone may not be free.

As the screening time lengthened, movie fans probably finally squeezed out time and came to the theater to contribute their own tickets.

With such a steady stream of box office accumulation, Resident Evil 2 is already within easy reach of breaking through one billion US dollars. It just depends on whether it can break through 15 billion.

For Hollywood commercial films, one billion dollars is the threshold. As long as the plot has no big surprises and the special effects and acting skills are above the standard, it is not difficult to reach it.

And after one billion, basically 15 million is a level, and those that can reach more than [-] billion are very good commercial movies, such as the Avengers.

And if it can reach 20 billion U.S. dollars, it will be awesome, and there are not many movies in the world at present.

For now, Resident Evil 2 doesn't have such a fan base.

But if this series continues to be released, and each of the subsequent films does not stretch the hips, then it is possible to break through the $20 billion mark.

The success of Resident Evil 2 has completely announced the prosperity of Zombie IP. Next, it only needs to vigorously operate and produce related movies, games, and comics. With the support of fans, it can really make money while lying down.

It is also for this reason that many film and television companies also sent emails to Luoquan, hoping to buy the right to adapt the IP of Resident Evil.

Some even offered a high price, wanting to directly buy the copyright of Resident Evil
(End of this chapter)

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