Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 684 Leisure

Chapter 684 Leisure
It is unknown how high the purchase price of the IP will be. Considering that Resident Evil 2 is so hot at the box office and the Internet discussion is so hot, it must be an astronomical figure.

But Luoquan did not sell it in the end, and still held the IP in his own hands.

Just kidding, seeing that the ip of Resident Evil is on the rise, it is not described as a hen that lays golden eggs, but the whole golden egg hen hatching base!
In this case, how could she sell this ip?
What's more, after it's sold, what if others make random adaptations?
On the contrary, it changed beyond recognition, and she felt distressed when she saw it.

Sometimes, don't underestimate the destructive power of these big companies. There are many successes in IP adaptation, but there are also many failures. Luo Quan dare not gamble.

In view of this, she finally resisted the temptation.

One thing to say, the prices offered by those big companies are quite attractive. She only needs to sign a few signatures, and the progress of the money-making task can be greatly increased.

But the idea of ​​making money sustainably made her abandon the short-term high returns.

In the next few days, the box office of Resident Evil 2 was still falling. During the weekend, although there was a short-term recovery, it still failed to pull up the big curve overall.

However, as a commercial film with very strong marketing efforts, this trend is very normal. The current performance of Resident Evil 2 has exceeded 90.00% of commercial films, including ratings.

Thanks to it, there are a lot of zombie film crews in Hollywood these days.

The Resident Evil is on fire here, and the Biohazard and Biohazard are on the other side. Just looking at the name is very deceptive, and it belongs to the same type of product as Pacific Rim and Atlantic Rim.

Anyway, they are all low-quality movies that are not popular, and Luo Quan doesn't bother to care about them.

If this is done well, it will also increase the popularity of zombies, and it will also make it easier for her to promote the zombie universe.

Speaking of which, she has already made plans for the zombie universe.

The plot of Resident Evil 3 is that the whole world has been infected by the zombie virus.Against the backdrop of a devastating blow to human civilization.

But the original version of the plot directly turned into a nuclear winter, and there was no foreshadowing at all. When the eyes were closed and the eyes were opened, it would be the end of the world, which seemed extremely abrupt.

Therefore, it is not acceptable for her to directly shoot the third part here.

It can be like the Avengers, each movie has several heroes inserted in the middle, and then connect the plots to tell how the world is going to be destroyed step by step.

There are not so many heroes in Resident Evil, but as long as there is the aura of the protagonist, the same effect can be achieved.

Of course, movies alone may not be able to tell such a huge change, so TV dramas are essential.

The Walking Dead is the most suitable choice. After a little integration and adaptation of the backgrounds of the two, the filming can be started directly.

It's just that the casting needs to be carefully considered, but there is no rush right now.

After filming a movie, she has been so tense for so long, she must give her some time to enjoy life.

So, Luo Quan began to rest with peace of mind.

During the live broadcast the next day, a deck chair was placed directly on the balcony of the bedroom, and the person reclined on it, leaving his back to the big screen, and then turned his head to the other side to play with his mobile phone.

"This anchor is too lazy, can he live broadcast like this?"

"I'm used to it. There were a few live broadcasts of Luoquan sleeping before, and I could only see her two big feet the whole time."

"One thing to say, Luo Quan's feet are not big, and they are quite beautiful. (Dog head)"

"Indeed, it's white and rosy, and the pearls are round and jade-like. It should be very fragrant."

"Hey, tell me you're hungry."

"It's all Z-controlled, isn't it? Aren't you afraid of jio smell?"

"Impossible, beautiful girls don't stink."

"Haha, the rainbow fart has begun."


The barrage chat was lively, but Luo Quan didn't pay attention to the live broadcast room, but looked at the stock market.

During this period of time, she also saved a lot of money, originally planning to do some investment or something.

But I was reminded by Wen Xia a few days ago that I feel that building my own brand may be more promising.

Now she is also shopping in the stock market to see what is the hottest and the fastest rising.

This time, it turned to Nikola.

This stock has been rising continuously for more than a month. At the beginning, it was skyrocketing. Now the curve is gradually flattening, but the momentum is still upward.

New energy vehicles seem to be a good direction at present, but she does not have the technology in this area, so she does not consider it.

Another popular one is Metaverse, which is to create a hodgepodge universe in the virtual world, so that human beings have the opportunity to restart their lives in the virtual world.

This technology requires the use of a brain-computer interface, which sounds a bit like a live-action version of "Sword Art Online".

However, the current brain-computer interface is still in the experimental stage, and many technologies are not yet mature enough.

On the other hand, the concept of the metaverse is only hyped by some big companies and capital, and no one has made it. The public generally believes that it is a scam like Bitcoin.

Luo Quan thinks that this novelty is very novel and promising, but it will not be until the year of the monkey to make it.

In fact, the "World of Warcraft" that Blizzard under her is working on now belongs to the primary form of the metaverse, and the momentum is quite gratifying.

How tempting it would be to wait until the brain-computer interface matures in the future, and players would directly descend to the continent of Azeroth to take adventures.

But now these can only be said to be a good enjoyment.

Speaking of World of Warcraft, the current situation is also considered to be very good.

After the internal test, the evaluation is indeed quite high. The $99 annual card pre-sale gift package has sold more than 50 copies, and the number is still rising. It should not be a problem to break through one million pre-sales.

An online game with such a huge user base before the public beta is definitely worth popping champagne to celebrate.

After watching the live broadcast of the closed beta, players have a good idea of ​​the quality of World of Warcraft. The annual card package may be a bit expensive, but the season card is definitely worth buying.

After all, Blizzard products must be fine products.

If Luoquan announces the listing of the game company now, it is estimated that the stock price will rise all the way like Nikola.

As long as the products sell well, capital will inevitably flow in. This is an objective law.

Of course, the premise is that if you are not hit by an iron fist, that kind of force majeure cannot be controlled by capital or the market.

After looking around the stock market, those who stand out are all old acquaintances, not to mention that they are closely related to daily life, but they are also well-known, and basically already in a semi-monopoly position. She is now looking for a competing product, which is completely courting death.

"It's really hard to do business now." Luo Quan shook his head, exited the stock market, and sighed.

"Now the live broadcast business is really easy to do."

There was also exclamation in the barrage, obviously complaining about Luo Quan.

At this time, she also returned to the live broadcast room, saw the complaints from the fans, and immediately turned to face the camera: "Okay, then I will live live with everyone face to face, don't say I am lazy."

"But that doesn't change the fact that you're lazy."

"However, watching Luo Bao's back is sometimes quite enjoyable, and there is a feeling of tranquility in the years."

"Looking at it for a long time, I thought I fell asleep."

"No, Luo Bao is going to snore when he falls asleep, it's like thunder, you can definitely hear it."


"who said it!"

Luo Quan immediately retorted when he saw this barrage: "I shouldn't snore when I sleep, except when I'm extremely tired, right?
Besides, even if it hits, it won't be like thunder, otherwise Weibo Heizi would have killed me laughing. "

Luo Quan's rebuttal was well-founded, and the person who said it was indeed just joking.

After all, beautiful girls don't snore.

After refuting, Luo Quan leaned his head back on the chair and relaxed his body: "Hey, this state is actually the most comfortable time for me. I don't have to do anything, I don't have to think about anything..."

"So you're making excuses for being lazy?"

"You are the only one who can talk about touching fish so freshly and refinedly."

"You have to stand up, Luo Bao, don't be like a waste."

"Young man, be more energetic, what are you looking like now, bastard!"


Seeing Luo Quan's appearance, the barrage immediately began to lecture.

But Luo Quan actually felt sleepy while basking in the warm sunshine.

Probably because I got up too early today, I couldn't hold on for a while.

After yawning for a long time, Luo Quan covered his mouth to prevent everyone from seeing his mouth open, so as not to say anything about the abyss.

"Oh, I'm a little sleepy, please allow me to go back to the cage for a good night's sleep, I'll continue the broadcast when I wake up."

As she said that, she didn't turn off her mobile phone, she just stood it on the opposite table, then lay on her side and closed her eyes.

"I'll go and sleep as soon as I say sleep."

"When I touch the pillow, it's whirring. The quality of sleep is absolutely amazing."

"I'm envious of a life where I just sleep and sleep. I've suffered from insomnia for several nights in a row."

"Haha, watching Luo Quan sleep, I also lay down on the bed, the camera zoomed in and placed it on the pillow, it felt like we were sharing the same bed."

"What spiritual victory method?"

"What a daydream."

"Don't sleep in Luoquan, Luoquan is mine, only I can sleep~~~"

"As soon as the anchor sleeps, you guys start to make trouble, right?"


Luo Quan couldn't see these funny speeches in the barrage now, and she fell asleep in just a few minutes.

The sun shone on her face, and the golden hair on her head reflected the golden brilliance, rendering her fair and beautiful face as holy as a sleeping goddess.

If all the masters in the history of painting can have such a model, there will definitely be another famous work in their resumes.

In the live broadcast room, fans saw Luo Quan in his sleep, as if they were afraid of disturbing her, the barrage became sparse, and only a few "good beauty" were still dancing.

Everyone looked at Luo Quan quietly, recording the screen, licking the screen.

It took about an hour before Luo Quan woke up with moans of satisfaction, stretched his waist, and felt refreshed under the still warm sunshine.

He wiped the corner of his mouth, but it was still dry. It seems that he is not drooling in this sleeping position.

However, the fans in the barrage seemed to be drooling a lot, and they all cried out to see her sleep and hungry.

"What kind of delicious meal am I? I'm sleepy and I'm hungry." Luo Quan smiled puzzled.

"Don't you know how beautiful and delicious it is?"

The fans explained without thinking.

"It's almost time for lunch, everyone, stop staring at me, it's serious to go to dinner." Luo Quan checked the time and found that it was already eleven o'clock.

"Let's start the live broadcast here in the morning. I'll go to the kitchen to see if there is anything I want to do."

Luo Quan said, and turned off the live broadcast.

As an artist, she has a high-intensity live broadcast every day, and of course there is no problem in sharing her life.

But not everyone in the family likes to appear on camera, so she usually does not broadcast live when she is downstairs, in order not to let her fans disturb her family's life.

Walking down the stairs, I saw that there were not many people in the living room. After asking the maid who swept the floor, I found out that my father and mother had taken Luoxi for a spring outing, and there were only three of them.

Leon and Mia don't know where to go, you are getting rich, and the other girls are probably sleeping in the room.

Today's young people go to bed late at night and wake up late in the morning, at least three hours later than at the beginning of the century.

In comparison, her schedule is relatively normal, but it is true that she slept a little longer because she was too tired recently.

Now that Mom and Dad are out, there is no need for her to prepare any sumptuous meals. Looking at the refrigerator, there is still a lot of leftover rice from last night, Luo Quan digs it all out, and prepares to fry a big plate of fried rice with eggs.

Delicious dishes often only need the simplest ingredients and cooking methods. In the past, her egg fried rice ingredients only needed eggs and ham sausage.

But now the conditions are different, and the things that can be added are naturally abundant.

In addition to ham sausage, there are also diced carrots, diced mushrooms and peas. The nutrition must be balanced.

It just so happened that the family members had gone out, Luo Quan went into the kitchen and turned on the live broadcast on his mobile phone again, and changed the title: "Egg fried rice at noon."

"Good guy, are you just waiting to jump with me repeatedly?"

"Didn't you say it will be broadcast in the afternoon, why did you come back again?"

"You're playing monkey, right? I'll be angry again!"

"Egg fried rice is good. My favorite is egg fried rice. Remember to feed me when it's ready."


Facing the question of the barrage, Luo Quan did not explain, but silently beat five eggs with one hand, and then quickly dispersed them.

Compared with other dishes, egg fried rice is relatively easy, but the best ones are pretty good.

Just like what Luoquan makes, the rice grains are wrapped in egg liquid, the oil shines with a golden color, and the inside reveals a white and crystal clear white, which is worthy of the name of Jinyu Mantang.

Luo Quan poured a big bowl for himself, and then ate it clean while the fans were stunned.

"My god, what a big appetite you have!"

Seeing this, the fans have already shown disbelief.

It was the first time for them to see Luo Quan eating so much.

(End of this chapter)

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