Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 685 On TV

Chapter 685 On TV

"We martial arts practitioners, what's wrong with our appetite?"

Luo Quan's mouth was full of egg fried rice, and he puffed up his cheeks and said.

"If you are poor and rich in martial arts, if you want to practice high-quality kung fu, you have to eat a lot and eat well."

As soon as Luo Quan swallowed the food in his mouth, he took another big mouthful with a spoon: "By the way, my Bajiquan tutorial has been on the submission homepage for so many days, and the hit rate is more than 400 million. What are you guys doing?" How many people are still practicing?"

Before, the fans were clamoring for Luo Quan to give a detailed explanation of his boxing techniques and teach everyone the real martial arts.

Although she knew that most of them didn't have the perseverance to learn it, she still asked fans to initiate a vote and ask everyone which one they want to learn.

After all, she knows quite a lot of boxing techniques, and it is quite a workload to do a detailed explanation of them all, so she definitely doesn't have the time.

After some votes, Bajiquan defeated Wing Chun and Taijiquan, and became the boxing technique that fans most wanted to learn.

The main reason is that her fans are more boys, and Bajiquan is famous for its fierceness, so it is very popular among boys.

Countless Luo Quan then gave fans a detailed explanation of the two moves in Bajiquan, namely the most famous Ding Xin Elbow and Tieshan Kao.

Before that, Bajiquan had its own way of luck. Luo Quan took several chest-pumping breaths in front of the camera, which almost failed the review.

After the video came out, there were indeed a lot of people who watched it, and it was played over a million times in a short while. In the video, one blow from her palm elbow can make a deep depression in a big tree, and the power is really amazing.

Everyone definitely wants to learn, and many people check in and report in the comment area every day.

It was very lively just now, but now, there are very few people who report every day.

Although I guessed that this would be the result, I still took it out at this time and asked the fans to make fun of them.

But in the face of Luo Quan's ridicule, the fans themselves have something to say:
"Your method of blowing air is too difficult to control. I tried it a few times, and I lost my hearing immediately. I almost perforated my eardrum when I went to the hospital for an examination."

"Blowing air is from the nose, not from the ears."

"It was even worse for me. When I blew my breath, I lost my breath. I almost coughed out my lungs."

"The entry threshold for this boxing technique is too high. It's so difficult just because of luck. Don't blame us."


"Is this still difficult?"

Seeing the plausible and funny excuses from the fans, Luo Quan said tremblingly: "This is already the easiest and best to learn, as long as you master blowing air, your power will be rooted." .

Bajiquan is originally an explosive boxing method, and the technique is not particularly important.

As the saying goes, three inches of qi can be used in thousands of ways, as long as you have qi, your punches will be powerful.

In comparison, Tai Chi and Wing Chun, you don’t have seven or eight years of water-milled kung fu, and you can’t master it at all. The wooden mannequin is boring to practice thousands of times a day. Are you sure you can stick to it? "

This call completely shattered the martial arts dreams of many fans in the barrage.

I knew that kung fu would take time to hone, but I didn't expect that it would take so long to spend on it.

Luo Quan's punch was more than 20 years old, and few people could resist it.

Everyone wants it, but they don't have her talent and effort, so naturally they can only think about it.

Seeing that the bullet screen seemed rather disappointed, Luo Quan also comforted him: "There are some things that you can't learn, so don't force them. It's great to practice kung fu, but now there are not many times when you can really use it.

Besides, even if you have practiced it, it may be okay to beat one or two ordinary people with bare hands, but you still have nothing to do when facing bandits with knives, so your kung fu is not as good as everyone imagines. "

"how about you?"

"Yeah, why are you so good at kung fu?"

"You belong to the gunmen and are not your opponents?"


Facing the barrage of questions, Luo Quan smiled helplessly: "How can you compare with me? How many years does it take for a genius like me to emerge? Besides me, is there anyone like me in the world?"

"Damn, this is so crazy, I have no words to refute."

"I always feel that you have been pretended again, and I am a little uncomfortable."

"Look at you, your mouth is crooked to the sky."


The fans were sour on Luo Quan crazily, but it couldn't stop her smug expression.

The eating and broadcasting lasted about ten minutes. Luo Quan ate rather anxiously at the beginning, mainly because he was hungry, but soon his eating behavior became normal.

After eating and drinking enough, put the remaining egg fried rice in a pot, and when those few wake up, heat it up in the microwave and eat it.

In the afternoon, the game was basically broadcast live. She played every popular game for a while. Anyway, she played whatever the fans said.

One day passed in the live broadcast like this, except for the occasional dry mouth, it was quite leisurely.

The next day, Luo Quan received an interview invitation from a TV program. It was a TV program organized by Time Magazine, which was dedicated to interviewing some celebrities and digging out those little-known secrets.

Because it was a program of Time Magazine, Luo Quan did not refuse.

Her popularity can rise so fast, and Time Magazine spared no effort to get her on the cover. In fact, it has a lot of credit. The previous invitations to her have been rejected because it is inconvenient for her to be in China.

This time she was in the United States, so it would be inappropriate to refuse.

It is worth mentioning that the last episode of this program called "People of the Times" just interviewed Prince Maurice and Princess Fox.

Oh yes, we can no longer call them prince and queen.

A month ago, Prince Maurice had announced his separation from the royal family because of irreconcilable conflicts with the royal family, and he had the approval of the queen himself.

From that day on, Maurice was no longer a prince, and soon immigrated to the United States.

This incident caused quite a stir all over the world, including my father who was called back by his grandfather, saying that he was going to Buckingham Palace to ask what was going on.

After all, don't look at the cards of the British royal family-the queen has always been elegant, noble and kind, but in fact, everyone in the know knows that she is not soft at all when she is really ruthless.

The matter of Princess Anna is a clear proof. Even if she is divorced, if she dares to shame the royal family, she will not show mercy.

Although there are different opinions on the truth of this matter, it is rumored that this matter is inseparable from the Queen's nod and instruction. After all, the identity of Princess Anna's stepfather for Prince William is really a bit big.

Luo Quan, who was curious about this matter, also asked his father, wanting to know what the truth was.

My father said that it was a traffic accident caused by the paparazzi chasing after him. The newspapers, the police, and the government all reported this way. He was not in the UK at the time, so he didn't know what happened.

My father also asked Grandpa back then, but the reply he got was not so gentle, it was just a scolding, in summary, we have left the royal family now, so there is no need to meddle in it.

That thing is just a puddle of mud, anyone who goes in will become dirty.

But sometimes, even if you know it is dirty, you have to go there.

The nature of Prince Maurice's departure from the royal family this time is very serious, second only to the abdication of a certain king in the last century and the divorce of Princess Anna at the end of the last century.

The British royal family, which was already in a bad situation, was already humiliated by such a disturbance, and the Morris couple was interviewed by "People of the Times", which completely wiped out all the decency of both parties.

The British royal family originally thought that Morris could have a little bottom line, but he didn't expect that he would directly strip off the royal family's underpants.

In the program, he talked about the corruption of the lives of members of the royal family, took taxpayers' money to spend, and did quite a lot of absurd things that surprised ordinary people.

And Princess Fox, because of her black identity, pursued political correctness, accused the British royal family of discriminating against her black identity, and refused to recognize her two sons as princes, and withheld the treatment that the couple deserved.

In short, what should be said and what should not be said are all said on the program.

After this episode of "People of the Times" was broadcast, the whole world was in an uproar.

A month ago, Mr. Charles took his son Eric to Buckingham Palace to have a look and ask about the situation.

After watching the show this time, I immediately hung up on nothing to do with myself.

In Dad's words:
That is to say, the Morris people are in the United States, and the times are different.

But 20 years ago, this master's fate would not be much better than his grandma's.

Maybe one day when he goes out with his wife by car, he will encounter the same thing as Melaleuca.

Of course, the above are all whispers that Eric said to his wife and children at home, and they must not be spoken outside.

Not everyone has such a big mouth like Morris.

In this interview, although the British royal family was disgraced, many people were so angry that they had a cerebral hemorrhage.

But the image of Morris himself as a giant baby and a rascal is also exposed.

The royal family is not a good thing, but this couple is definitely not a good person, anyway, they are dogs biting dogs.

In the Internet age, everything is based on heat.

"People of the Times" just interviewed Morris and his wife in the last issue, and then immediately invited Luo Quan, it is hard not to make people feel that something is wrong.

After all, the relationship between the Albert family and the British royal family is well known, and everyone must know a lot of secrets about the royal family.

Of course, it would be better if he interviewed Leon, because he grew up in Buckingham Palace and probably knew more things. Luo Quan had only known his father for a few years.

The "People of the Times" program team actually thought so, but they couldn't contact Leon and didn't know where he went, so they had to choose Luo Quan.

This choice can't be regarded as the second best. It may be less gimmick than Lyon, but the popularity is not bad, or even higher.

For this interview, Luo Quan didn't change into any fancy clothes, anyway, it was Chanel's casual clothes.

Since signing Chanel, only Chanel is left in its wardrobe, and there are no other clothes to wear.

The person who interviewed her was a rather plump black female host.

The appearance may not be called beautiful, but it has a very special temperament, the eyes are very sharp, and the speech is quite direct and to the point.

Luo Quan has seen some of her interviews, and it is easy to make the interviewer emotional, and then say something in his heart, and sometimes dig a hole, so you have to be prepared.

But she didn't expect that the host gave her a big move from the very beginning.

"Luo Quan, we all know that you are the most beautiful in the world, but when you first won this title, the competitor was a beautiful black woman.

It is said that you were successful because of racial advantages. Do you agree with this statement? "

Luo Quan kept his expression on the surface, but in his heart he was thinking that this show would be very confrontational.

But she doesn't like political correctness.

"To be honest, it's been a long time, and not many people have mentioned it.

After I got this title, I really felt that I was not worthy of this honor. I think the most beautiful person is my mother, so in my opinion, this first honor belongs to my mother.

As for the latter two..."

When Luo Quan said this, he laughed confidently: "Appearance is both subjective and objective.

Everyone's definition of beauty is different, but if most people like it, it must be a kind of beauty.

And I am the one that most people think is the most beautiful and there is no dispute. If anyone thinks that I am not worthy of this honor, just compare it with the one that you think is worthy.

But if there is, then I won't be the most beautiful in the world for three consecutive times. "

Luo Quan didn't say a word about racial discrimination, anyway, he started from the aspect of appearance.

It is said that the view of beauty is objective, and everyone has their own definition.

But the fact is that her beauty is the supreme conclusion, except for her, the rest are all vulgar fans.

Dissatisfied?Why not just find someone prettier than her?
This answer seems to have not answered the question of the black hostess, but it actually explained it very arrogantly.

In her opinion, what racial advantage is needed to win this title?
Her looks are her biggest advantage.

If she was as beautiful as she was, black and white would no longer be a problem.

After the first level was passed easily, the host talked about some of her recent achievements, such as the concert in Tokyo, the Resident Evil 2 that caused the global zombie craze, and last year's Chinese food craze.

Everything has been done uproariously and quite successfully. It is true that it is a waver who stands on the cusp of the times.

After this flattering, Luo Quan couldn't stop laughing from ear to ear.

But then, the female black host asked about the recent uproar about Morris' departure from the royal family.

Ask Luo Quan, who is a branch of the royal family, what do you think of this matter?
"How can I watch it? Of course I watched it on my mobile phone.

There is a saying in Huaxia that it is difficult for an upright official to decide on housework.

My family is Albert, and my surname is Luo. Most of my family members live in the United States all the year round, and I am a Chinese.

Regarding the farce of the royal family, my position is actually similar to that of netizens. "

(End of this chapter)

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