Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 686 On TV

Chapter 686 On TV ([-])
Luo Quan opened her big Kazilan eyes, stared straight at the hostess, and spoke frankly.

If it was Lyon, maybe the hostess could ask something, but Luo Quan really didn't have much relationship with the royal family, and only had contact with it a few times.

If you insist on talking about your feelings, it is like watching the jokes of the royal family like the people who eat melons.

But it is definitely not appropriate to say such words, so Luo Quan changed the wording.

The hostess probably didn't expect Luo Quan to be so straightforward, but thinking about it, there is actually no problem.

It is true that Luo Quan and his father have only known each other for less than three years. In such a short time, the relationship with his immediate family members may have been relatively close, but it is completely deceiving himself to say how good he is with his distant relatives.

Besides, with Luo Quan's status, it seems that there is no need to hurry up to climb the high branches of the royal family.

"So your mood is similar to that of a passer-by. Is it because you watch more fun?"

The hostess continued to ask questions, and the first pit was dug here.

It seemed that she was following Luo Quan's words, but the word "watching the fun" was used very harshly.

After all, they are also relatives, and they can be regarded as having a reputation. It would be too much to watch the excitement.

Luo Quan also responded quickly, explaining: "My position is similar to that of netizens, because my country no longer has a royal family, and I really can't empathize with the grievances and grievances of the noble children. I don't understand many things, so naturally I didn't speak up. Right, you can only stand aside and watch.

But to say that I watched the excitement would be wronging me, after all, this matter is disgraceful. "

Seeing that the first pit arranged was avoided, the hostess continued to ask: "You should also know that the Morris and his wife also came here for interviews in the last episode, and they talked a lot about the royal family in the show. The many injustices done to them.

You also said just now that without the right to know, you have no right to speak, but based on the analysis of the news you know so far, what do you think is the situation? "

"As far as I know, it's nothing more than a choice between gain and loss."

Luo Quan raised two hands, one on the left and one on the right: "The royal family members are actually very similar to celebrities, and they are roles that will attract the attention of the public. Compared with ordinary people, their privacy is actually much less. The shortcomings will also be magnified.

However, when celebrities want to be popular, isn't it mostly because of the attention of many people?

You enjoy the benefits of being noticed, but naturally you also have to bear the exposure of most of your privacy, which is impossible to avoid.

The same is true for members of the royal family. If you want to be treated like an aristocrat, you will naturally have to bear corresponding responsibilities.

There must be a free lunch in the world, after all, I have given others a free lunch before.

But there must be no free Rolls-Royce or luxury villas worth tens of thousands of dollars per square meter, because the cost is too high.

Anyway, I think that since you have left the royal family, don't let the royal family bear any obligations for you.

This is as outrageous as breaking away from the relationship between father and son, and the son continues to ask his father for money. "

"So you are standing with the royal family and speaking out for them?" The host didn't give Luo Quan a chance to rest, and continued to dig a second hole.

Luo Quan picked up the water on the table next to him and took a big sip, his swan-like snow-white and slender neck slid up and down for a while, and his mouth, which was a little dry because of talking too much, was finally moistened a lot.

"I don't know what happened to them, it's just about obligations.

My point of view is also based on the perspective of universal values. I believe that most netizens should not have too much difference from my point of view. "

After the hostess listened to it, she suddenly realized the tactics and leaned back, thinking that this little girl is too smart, her words are really impeccable, it seems that she can't dig out any serious information.

After chatting about the farce of the royal family, the hostess finally changed the topic and asked a question that men all over the world are very concerned about.

"We all know that you are a staunch non-marriage advocate, or you don't even talk about love, so how do you create so many works full of true feelings?
Is it really uploaded on the Internet, relying on your imagination? "

The words came to his lips, how could Luo Quan not admit it, he nodded immediately and said, "I've never been in a relationship, so I can only rely on my imagination."

"So it's true, that's amazing." The hostess did not use words such as "Really? I don't believe it" to make the program effect like a certain host, but expressed her feelings to Luo Quan directly. admiration.

Next, the topic of their conversation gradually shifted from career to her life, such as her usual interests and hobbies.

When Luo Quan said that he usually likes to lie on the bed and use his mobile phone, the hostess also showed a look worthy of you.

It seems that the goddess who has fascinated the whole world is actually no different from many nerds and nerds in private.

Of course, these questions from the hostess are actually for those who have heard of Luo Quan but have never been fans of her.

Fans who often watch Luoquan's live broadcast don't know her personality?

Not to mention hobbies, I know all measurements clearly.

Of course, that was last year's old calendar. After so long, Luo Quan's figure has also undergone some changes, so it must be updated.

But she doesn't write it herself, and the big guys can't measure it accurately just by visual inspection.

As for the show, it is definitely impossible to ask such a straightforward question, so it has become a mystery.

This interview lasted for nearly two hours. The hostess asked a lot of questions, covering almost every aspect. At the beginning, she dug two holes for Luo Quan, but they were perfectly avoided, and she did not use this method again. deal with her.

All in all, the interview was conducted quite harmoniously. Except for the fact that we didn't dig out any major information, everything else was perfect.

Because it was a live broadcast, the interview became popular when the interview lasted halfway.

The reason for the hot search is naturally related to the discussion of the Morris couple in the first half.

The world is very big, and there are many people. There are those who oppose the couple, and naturally there are those who support them.

After Luo Quan's interview came out, everyone thought that she was clearly standing for the royal family, saying that she was rational, neutral and objective, but in fact her position was extremely clear, and she was completely a lackey of the nobles.

She herself didn't know how she got involved with the lackeys of the nobles. After checking the information of the Morris and his wife, she found out that they had participated in some affirmative and democratic movement at some point, calling for the elimination of the privileges of the nobles.

From this point of view, she and the couple are talking independently, so they are running dogs of the nobles.

Fortunately, the couple didn't have many fans, and Luo Quan and her fans were notorious. Some people wanted to scold them but dared not speak up, so the public opinion they aroused in the end was not too big.

In addition, I don’t know if it’s because of a guilty conscience. The Morris couple didn’t respond to her remarks. Instead, they crowdfunded speeches in various places, and they were quite happy to collect money.

Back home, her father conveyed to her the praise from the UK, saying that her conversation was very good this time, which made the big guys feel bad, and saved the royal family from personally tearing it apart.

After hearing this, Luo Quan felt dumbfounded, she was just telling the truth.

Besides, as an outsider, she doesn't know who is right and who is wrong in this matter, maybe it is the royal family's fault later on, and she will still have to be scolded after it is exposed.

Facing the question from the British side: what reward do you want.

After Luo Quan thought about it, he decided to forget it. It is better to spend less time in this muddy water.

Eric actually holds this attitude, or in other words, the entire Albert family actually holds this attitude.

The popularity of interviews with "People of the Times" has not yet subsided, and the news that "Resident Evil 2" broke $15 billion at the box office has already dominated Twitter's trending searches.

This is great news for Resident Evil 2 fans around the world.

In addition to the higher the box office, the faster the new production, which seems reasonable, but in fact it is not the fantasy.

The high box office also gave them the capital to go online with other IPs.

As a new IP, with such a high popularity after it comes out, it will always be jealous or ridiculed by fans of other well-known IPs.

The rebuttals are nothing more than that B-grade movies can't be shown on the stage, they don't even have theaters, they only rely on pornography to attract attention, the plot has no depth, the production is petty, and the shooting location does not exceed [-] square meters.

There is one thing to say, most of them are correct, but they are all the first ones. At that time, Luoquan had just invested in Nikola, and there was a shortage of funds.

But the facts have proved that all those theaters were wrong. The zombies that are popular all over the world make these theaters regret it.

Now if Resident Evil 2 doesn't make it to the stage, it won't be the turn of a commercial movie. Everyone is a Tuyile movie. Why are you more noble than me?
Now that the box office is so hot, the Resident Evil fans who have been ridiculed before finally seized the opportunity to refute, and returned all the anger they had received before.

Luo Quan does not support this kind of behavior of using violence to control violence, but he does not oppose it either.

It's a common thing to gossip on the Internet. What she can do is to make a movie well, get good results and reputation, and at least give fans an advantage when they are laning.

Taking advantage of the global popularity of Resident Evil 2, Luo Quan tweeted the next plan of the Zombie Universe.

"The Walking Dead is in preparation, when the zombie virus sweeps the world, can you survive this catastrophe?"

Below the text is a photo of a ragged zombie walking on an empty road with a smoky city behind.

This impactful photo immediately made countless zombie fans excited again.

Ask questions in the comments below:
"Luo Quan, may I ask if this is another zombie-related IP besides Resident Evil?"

"It can be said like this, but both of them happened on the same earth, but in the timeline after Resident Evil 2." Luo Quan stared at the comment area and answered the highly praised comments.

"So, the protagonists like Alice can also have the chance to appear?" This is one of the things that movie fans are most concerned about. Compared with movies, the volume of TV dramas is much larger, so that they can see their favorite characters. Time will also increase.

So everyone is actually looking forward to seeing the characters of the movie in the TV series.

However, Luo Quan did not directly confirm this, but said: "Maybe there will be, I don't know, but TV dramas have the protagonists of TV dramas, so they can't be too obtrusive."

Everyone doesn't believe this at all. You are the producer, screenwriter and director, don't you know?

Or is it that you have only produced such a poster now, and you haven't had time to do anything else?

But it's not impossible, after all, with Luo Quan's habit, it's okay to hold Buddha's feet temporarily.

But fans still prefer that this is just a smoke bomb. They all said that they are in the same world. If the two works do not have a dream linkage, then this setting is completely meaningless.

But everyone saw it and didn't say it, and then asked about the casting and show time of the TV series.

Luo Quan's next answer made people laugh and cry: "Because the project has just been approved, the casting has not yet been finalized, and I don't know if it will be screened. After all, I still have two films to shoot."

The topic also mentioned Luo Quan's two new movies. She is a newcomer to the TV series and has no works, so everyone has nothing to look forward to.

But many of her movies have been completed, and all of them are classics, so everyone's desire to watch them is actually very strong.

"Speaking of what the movie is, I haven't mentioned it for a long time and forgot."

Luo Quan said the name of the movie he will make next, but it has been a long time, so fans still ask questions in the comment area.

"It's "Forrest Gump" and "Joker". Both are realistic themes, mainly based on the experience of the characters, without special effects."

Luo Quan was very helpless to recall to everyone, but it can't be blamed on everyone, after all, it has been almost half a year since the filming was announced last year.

She never mentioned this during the period, so it's normal that everyone can't remember.

After finishing a series of tricks, Luo Quan is now out of stock.

The movies have basically been arranged. As for the music, the concert has just been held. It lasted seven hours that night, and the fans were so excited to hear it.

But afterwards, I also expressed my distress for her singing for such a long time, and asked her not to work so hard next time, and to sing less for a while.

Even the two concerts that were promised were also logically declined.

Because of this, Luo Quan was quite moved, saying that the fans finally knew how to understand her.

As a result, a hot search came up for her the next day, asking her when her new album for the New Year would be released. It had been so long that the donkeys in the production team didn't dare to rest like this.

Seeing this trending search, Luo Quan was speechless for a long time, calling these fans the same type of people as Zhou Papi, and frantically squeezing her value.

Zhou Papi was crowing in the middle of the night, and she has been urging updates for half a year. She has been working diligently to update new works, but she still says she is lazy, which is simply too much!
After replying to Weibo, Luo Quan swiped Bilibili again while lying on the bed.

One thing to say, she is indeed quite lazy, but I am afraid that this problem cannot be changed.

(End of this chapter)

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