Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 694 Charity Activities That Make Fans Carnival

Chapter 694 Charity Activities That Make Fans Carnival
ps. The author has tenosynovitis, and his typing speed is much slower. The update will be delayed for a while. You can wait for a later refresh, or refresh the next morning, but it’s just later than usual.

This situation will probably continue until the end of the year, and it will be almost enough to raise it for a few more days. After the new year, the update should return to normal.

Please bear with me for the inconvenience caused to book friends, and I apologize to everyone here.


"Deja vu
Deja vu!
I've just been in this place before
I've been to this place before

Higher on the street
higher up the street

And I know it's my time to go
So I know it's time to go

The surging music burst out from the speakers, shaking the hearts of every audience.

Watching Luo Quan's operation in the car and the sight of flying past outside the window gave them a feeling of being there.

Never dreamed that Luo Quan's driving skills were really so good, his drifting skills were almost comparable to professional drivers!
After one lap, there were zero mistakes, and it was only a few seconds slower than the records created by various supercars.

Combined with the huge gap in the cost of cars, this slowness is completely acceptable.

"Did you see, fans, this is the performance of our passion. If there are more short straights on this track, our results will be even better!" Luo Quan picked up his phone again and showed off to the fans.

"But you're so awesome, you can akimbo."

"This car is really good, but your driving skills seem to be even better."

"Overturned all my stereotypes about female drivers."

"If Luo Quan drives those supercars that are built for speed, I don't know what it will be like."

"That's probably flying at a low altitude and sticking to the ground. (Dog head)"


A live broadcast successfully dispelled netizens' doubts about the performance of Nikola cars.

With the continuous publicity of various bloggers, Nikola Motors has finally gained a firm foothold in China. After the store is completed, it is estimated that there will be many customers who are willing to come and have a look.

As for Luo Quan, he encountered a little problem in finding a domestic celebrity to endorse him.

The male celebrities she has a crush on seem to have car endorsements on them. According to the contract, during the endorsement period, they are not allowed to endorse other car brands.

This is more uncomfortable, and it seems that I can only do it by myself.

The matter of the car was temporarily over, but Luo Quan did not stop, but ushered in the second major event that required distraction.

Similarly, this incident also made fans feel very nervous.

Under the call of the International Women's Protection Organization, Europe and the United States launched activities to focus on women's health.

The requirement of the activity is to let the female stars take some large-scale public welfare photos, have influence to attract social attention, and let the women go to the hospital for a physical examination and so on.

There are actually a lot of such public welfare activities at home and abroad, and it can be called a good thing. After all, is it for women's health, and it is still led by this kind of feminist organization in the true sense.

At present, there are more than 200 female stars who have been called upon accordingly, ranging from top-tier to first-tier to second-tier and even small stars who don't go out.

Some are purely out of public welfare considerations, while others want to take the opportunity to gain traffic.

But no matter what a gentleman thinks about his deeds, no matter what his purpose is, what he does must be worthy of everyone's praise.

And this kind of public welfare photos are usually all L photos, and the sacrifice is not small.

Of course, it is definitely not full L in the true sense. When taking pictures, props or hands are used to cover key parts.

This is the case both at home and abroad, except that some celebrities are very unrestrained and sometimes take extremely bold photos, but that is only a very small number.

And as an event calling for well-known actresses from all over the world, Luo Quan, as the female star with the highest traffic at present, is of course also included in the invitation.

If there are not many people who respond, you can consider declining this matter.

But it seems that everyone is so keen on public welfare, it seems inappropriate for her to refuse alone.

What's more, she also took a look at the photos for this purpose. In fact, they are not much different from swimsuits, and some even wear more than bikinis.

After thinking for a while, Luo Quan replied "ok" under the tweet that appealed to her.

Then, he added the most powerful can of fire oil to the already burning flame.

It was originally a public welfare activity calling for attention to women's health, but it turned out that the most excited and loudest people on the Internet were men, and they didn't know what to say.

And after seeing that Luo Quan also agreed to participate, the big guy's mood became even more fierce.

But out of modesty and respect for women, most boys look forward to it, but they still don't comment on any bad language below, such as driving and the like.

After all, this is a charity event.

For this special appearance, Luo Quan also consulted a lot of information, thinking about what kind of posture he should pose.

After searching for a long time, I feel that these postures are used too much by others, and they seem to have no intentions.

At this time, she suddenly remembered a movie she had watched called "Dream of Paris", in which the heroine paid tribute to Venus with a broken arm, which was very good.

She also thought about this lens when she was taking photos before, but because the scale was too large and inappropriate, she skipped it.

But now, this public welfare portrait requires a large scale, which can be used just right.

However, the original posture is exactly the same as that of the broken-armed Venus, with both arms placed behind her, without any cover.

Although the visual impact is huge, it certainly cannot be used in this charity portrait.

The opening up of foreign countries is open, but not to this extent.

After a little change, a new version of the design came out.

So how to choose the place and people to take photos next?

Rushing downstairs, Luo Quan looked at the living room.

Wen Xia and the others have already returned to China to prepare for their new TV series. Mia and Leon were supposed to be dating, but Mia was the only one in the living room.

"Mia, why are you alone, where is Leon?" Luo Quan asked suspiciously.

Mia reclined on the sofa: "Just now Seifert called and said that there seems to be a campaign focusing on men's health, calling on well-known male stars all over the world to take photos and contribute to public welfare.

Lyon thought it was very interesting, so he passed. "

"Are they going to shoot this too?" Luo Quan was stunned, he had never heard of any patriarchal organizations in the world.

"What's it called? Don't you guys have it too?" Mia has been uninstalling Twitter for a long time because of her relationship with Leon, so she doesn't know about these things.

After Luo Quan showed her the news on the phone, Mia opened her mouth enough to stuff an egg: "I'll go, if Luo Quan plans to participate, it's big news!
But you have to choose a good location and good photography. "

Luo Quan smiled: "I came down to ask if you can take pictures, after all, I don't feel at ease with others.

In addition, the technology does not need to be particularly good, just press the shutter and hold it steady. "

"Then you are really asking the right person." Mia stood up from the sofa with a carp. "My favorite spare time activity in college was photography. Among other things, shooting people is my specialty!"

Luo Quan nodded lightly: "Is there any equipment?"

"Wait for me for a while!" Before Mia finished speaking, she had already run downstairs to her home.

The two families were on the upper and lower floors, and it took Mia only 2 minutes to bring the equipment up.

Luo Quan found some props for lighting in the utility room.

It is said to be a utility room, but it is actually [-] to [-] square meters. There are a lot of things in it, not to mention everything, but you can find many things that are commonly used and not commonly used.

"Shall we start?" The two came to the second floor, and Mia rubbed her hands with a look of impatience.

"Why are you so excited?" Luo Quan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I'll take a shower first."

Half an hour later, Luo Quan came out and began to prepare for the shooting location

After drawing the curtains and adjusting the lights, everything was ready, and the shooting began.

The shooting process was somewhat different from Mia's imagination.

In fact, it's almost like taking a Victoria's Secret underwear show. Of course, she will definitely feel more fragrant when she is in the scene.

After the photo was taken, Luo Quan checked it.

It has basically achieved the effect she wanted, and although the scale is large, it is not too large to be unacceptable.

After slightly modifying the halo effect, Luo Quan sent the photo to the event organizer.

She is not the first female star to get it done. Before her, many actresses have posted photos, all of which were posted on the official website.

Originally, the organizer originally thought that if there were few people, they would invite everyone to appear together, but they didn't expect that there would be hundreds of female stars responding this time, so if they appeared together again, it would be a bit crowded.

So I simply made a slideshow-style collection of songs, put them on the homepage for mixed playback, and then there are various health-related knowledge and consultations below.

When Luo Quan's photo appeared on the official website, the public opinion that had been patient for a long time finally broke out.

Twitter, Weibo, and Bilibili airborne directly to the top of the hot search list.

Speaking of which, this is not the first time Luo Quan has taken large-scale portraits.

Those swimsuit photos taken on the beach before are actually no worse than this one in all aspects.

But the artistic texture of this photoshoot is really incomparable to what it was before.

In the photo, Luo Quan was facing the camera obliquely, with the darkness behind her, forming an extreme contrast with her white and bright skin.

Most of her right arm was placed behind her, submerged in the darkness, leaving only a small part sticking out from her arm.

And the left arm is also mostly in the shadow, with the palm to the wrist horizontally in front of the body, blocking all eyes.

The whole posture reminds people instantly, isn't this the Venus with the broken arm?

The sculpture, which was hailed as incomplete but perfect, was said to have lost both arms when it was discovered.

But people found that no matter how to add arms to her, it was like superfluous, and it was not good-looking, as if the Venus sculpture without arms was the most perfect.

Since then, Venus with broken arms has become synonymous with incomplete beauty.

And this photo of Luo Quan once again proves how shocking this kind of beauty is.

She cleverly used the interlacing of light and shadow to almost reproduce the posture of Venus with a broken arm.

If the left arm is also completely in the dark, it will be perfect, and it will definitely become the incarnation of Venus directly.

But in this current state, it is already the limit of what she can achieve.

Let's not talk about the opinions of the Internet, the domestic fans are already frying pans at this time.

Because the call was made during the day, but it was still night in China, and many people didn't know what happened.

In addition, after Luo Quan agreed, he acted very quickly, and it was done directly at home. Including taking a bath, taking pictures, editing pictures, and posting them, it took about an hour in total.

However, it took less than 5 minutes for the photos to come out, spread to the country, and then the public opinion exploded.

"Although I don't know what happened, Luo Quan finally got the hang of it. I just want to take more photos like this, which will help my physical and mental health and social stability!"

"Luoquan is mine, you are not allowed to look at it (crying loudly), all of you should turn off your mobile phones!"


"Hey, I want to watch it. (dog head)"

"It's a big, big surprise for me to be able to see photos of this scale in my lifetime!"

"It's really big. I suggest you take more shots in the future. There are a lot of gifts and rewards."

"Oh, let me tell you to fans who don't know, Luoquan filmed this in response to a public welfare activity initiated by a foreign feminist organization that focuses on women's health.

This filming is entirely for the sake of the girls, and there is no utilitarianism in it, so everyone appreciates it, but don't use money to insult this sentiment. "

"I'm sorry, our hearts are too filthy to tarnish this kind of artistic portrait.

But our reaction is also the greatest respect for this subject matter. "

"Let's not talk about brothers, the nutrition express line will start in the next month."


It can be seen that the fans are quite surprised and pleasantly surprised by the benefits of Shen Genghan.

But after someone popularized the reason, everyone's language still became serious.

After all, after a full meal, they still know how to choose.

If Luo Quan was pissed off this time, and he didn't say anything after the filming, then he would cry without tears.

Of course, not everyone on the Internet is qualified.

However, Luo Quan has encountered similar situations in photo shoots before, and he has long since ignored it.

And soon, the public welfare photos of female stars were released, and a wave of health-conscious movements was set off around the world.

In the United States, many girls even ran to the streets to hold demonstrations and called on the government to carry out medical reforms in this regard.

If relevant policies can really be introduced, then this public welfare activity will definitely be a success.

On the other side, after a large number of public welfare portraits of male stars came out, the whole activity was pushed to a climax.

It's been a long time since there was such a big event around the world. This time, a group of foreign fan circle fans can be said to have enjoyed watching it.

Then came the question, do you need to shoot the whole anniversary, every year?

(End of this chapter)

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