Chapter 695 Art
ps. The author has tenosynovitis, and his typing speed is much slower. The update will be delayed for a while. You can wait for a later refresh, or refresh the next morning, but it’s just later than usual.

This situation will probably last for a few days, and it will be almost the same after a while. After the new year, the update should return to normal.

Please bear with me for the inconvenience caused to book friends, and I apologize to everyone here.


"You all want to do good things, and you come here once a year, so why don't you do it every month?"

In the live broadcast room, Luo Quan half-jokingly responded to the fans' suggestions.

"That's what you said, no one is forcing you!"

"It's a deal, and it will be once a month in the future. The frequency is too fast and the body can't bear it."

"I can't take it anymore."

"Exuberant sexuality causes disaster, cut it off to rule forever"

"Although it is said that this is art, why do I still feel very lustful?"

"Actually, I view it with a critical eye."

"This involves a relatively high-end level of personal realm and self-cultivation. Generally, those who are knowledgeable and elegant can appreciate her beauty without colored glasses.

But if you ask me if I'm lustful or not, my answer is that I don't want to talk about lust, and I suggest that more efforts should be made. "

"After such a big talk, the body part is more honest in the end."


Fans are very enthusiastic about discussing photos, and Luo Quan has been more open about this since the live broadcast in Hawaii.

After all, this photo shoot is said to be for public welfare, but it is nonsense to want everyone to be a gentleman. Anyway, it all comes down to being sexy.

"By the way, don't just pay attention to the photos, you should also read the specific content of this public welfare website, especially for girls, you should take a closer look. It talks about many symptoms of the body after illness, you can take it Make a comparison.

In addition, whether it is a boy or a girl, it is definitely not wrong to have a physical examination every six months or so, which will help to find some diseases that are still in the early stage. "

As a public welfare ambassador, Luo Quan also faithfully performed his duties and promoted this public welfare activity.

But the website is not easy for her to open, and when she enters, there are "artistic photos" of female stars, it feels like opening a website that starts with the word p.

When doing this during the live broadcast, I feel that I will probably be warned.

"Speaking of which, Luo Quan is engaged in art, besides music, can he also paint?"

This matter was suddenly asked in the barrage.

She has demonstrated music and calligraphy before. As an important form of art, painting has been quite popular in recent years.

For a painter who is not well-known in the world, if a random painting is taken, it will be sold in the millions of dollars.

If it was painted by Luo Quan, as long as the quality is not particularly bad, it should be able to sell for a good price.

Luo Quan said modestly: "I know a little about painting and sculpture, but it takes a long time to practice, so I'm not particularly proficient."

"Understood, that is very proficient."

"Hearing this, you should know what level she is?"

"She said that she knew a little about driving, and then she gave us a three-way trick, and the tires were worn out and smoking."

"If you want to be realistic, let's draw this portrait."

"Hmm... It's exciting to think about watching my own large-scale portraits live and drawing them."

"You guys can always come up with something new."


"Hanging up during that kind of live broadcast will be blocked." Luo Quan was also straightforward, and did not refuse, but explained what would happen after doing so.

"Just draw something normal, such as Luoquan Lisa's smile."

As Luo Quan said, he ran downstairs and entered the storage room, and found a notebook and sketch pen.

Because it is a live show, there is no need to paint the battle of oil painting, a simple sketch will do.

Then Luo Quan stood the sketchbook next to the camera, she turned sideways to the audience, thought about the animation for a while, and then started to work on it.

An ordinary painter is very careful with every stroke and every painting, and even a single line must be handled with perfection.

But Luoquan's painting is just like a machine with pre-set programs, the strokes are smooth and silky, and the speed is ridiculously fast. Many outlines are made overnight, without any need to think about it.

Sure enough, Luo Quan's fantasy world began to play a role again.

Netizens now agree that Luo Quan has a fantasy world. In that world, she has learned almost all professional abilities and has practiced them to the top level.

This is also the explanation that she is proficient in everything in reality.

Of course, this is actually a saying after the new century. In ancient times, Luoquan was actually an all-round talent like Da Vinci.

Coincidentally, what she is painting now is Leonardo da Vinci's masterpiece - Mona Lisa's smile, but the face of Mona Lisa is replaced by Luo Quan.

Half an hour later, Luo Quan pushed the painted Luo Quan Lisa in front of the camera: "How about it, this painting is not bad, I don't want to spend too much time, so some details are omitted.

In addition, don't expect to find any passwords or easter eggs in it like the original work. This is a simple self-portrait. "

"I'll go, it's not easy."

"It feels too similar, Shen Yun is quite in place."

"Is this drawn? My student, as long as 200."

"You can't even be a beast."

"I really want to buy it. Can Meng give me a starting price?"


"No way, do you also want sketches of this level?"

Luo Quan seemed very surprised. She knew that there is a genre in modern painting called hyper-realism, which can make paintings as realistic as photos taken by high-resolution cameras.

In a painting, the smallest detail even the fluff on the face of the characters shows the superb skill of the painter.

"Actually, it can be more realistic, but that is too time-consuming, so I won't show it here.

As for this painting, if you really want it, I don’t hold any auctions here. You can just send bullet screens and I will draw a lottery. Whoever is lucky will want it. "

As soon as Luo Quan finished speaking, the live broadcast room froze immediately.

All of a sudden, it was full of fans posting barrage, and the entire screen was covered by various barrages. In less than half a minute, there were nearly tens of thousands of barrages, which was outrageous.

The lottery was completed in the blink of an eye, and the winner was a fan nicknamed "Buying Love Family Han Shao".

"Congratulations to the buried love family, Mr. Han, for getting this painting. I'll talk to you privately later, and you can send me the delivery address... Wow, it's already 2019, and there are still people with such nicknames, it's too unorthodox." Bar?"

Only then did Luo Quan realize the specialness of this nickname, and he held back his laughter and made some complaints.

"You look down on my family, don't you?"

"The abstract culture on the Internet now should be similar to those non-mainstream Martian texts back then."

"That's still a little different, at least everyone's hostility was not so strong at that time."

"There are bad guys all the time, it's just that there are more people surfing the Internet now."

"This Young Master Han is really lucky, I'm envious."


Send out the painting after the live broadcast. If there are no accidents, the beloved family member Han will soon receive a large number of private messages asking if he will produce this painting.

At that time, it is estimated that it will not be like the students on Xianyu, who just open their mouths to ask for 200 postage, which is estimated to be a transfer fee of more than one million yuan. It is estimated that it will be difficult for ordinary people to resist the temptation of money.

No matter how precious the gifts from idols are, they are actually not worth mentioning in the face of reality.

Of course, if this Young Master Han's family background is good, then it is estimated that this painting can be passed down as a family heirloom, but I don't know how many years her fame will last.

Even after thousands of years, the paintings of Van Gogh and Da Vinci are still shining brightly in the history of mankind. Will she be a fleeting meteor or a bright star that will hang forever in the sky?

The answers to these questions, she must have no way of knowing.

However, given the current level of development of the Internet and the persistence of Internet memories, her legend is estimated to be passed down forever.

The debate about whether or not public welfare activities should be set as festivals finally came to fruition after two days of quarreling.

Although many netizens think that it should be set as a festival, it is better to do it once a year.

But the organizers believe that the main purpose of this event is to make the society pay attention to women's health and develop women's rights, and it should not be remembered only on a certain festival.

Being influential all the time is their real purpose.

Of course, it is still a little bit difficult to achieve this goal, unless the scale of the photos of the stars is larger, then it is guaranteed that a large number of audiences around the world will log on to the website to enjoy the song for a few minutes from time to time.

In addition to the portraits of female celebrities this time, the portraits of male celebrities are actually a surprise.

I don't know who made the suggestion, saying that this time the female star is so brave and has made a contribution to the public welfare. Shouldn't the men also follow suit generously?
After the topic came up, the female netizens went completely crazy, and ran to @ their own idols one after another.

In the end, a society was formed in which many well-known stars all over the world participated in taking pictures, which is known as equal rights between men and women in history.

As the representatives of the new Uranus superstars, Luo Quan and Leon's photos topped the click list, and their position was as stable as their ranking among the most beautiful faces in the world.

After that, there was such a joke circulating on the Internet: "Girls look at Leon's photo every day, it is more effective than any health exercises, and it can definitely maintain a high level of physical and mental pleasure."

In addition to Lyon's handsome appearance as always, female netizens were also pleasantly surprised to find that his abdominal muscles and chest muscles have become so clearly defined since some time ago.

Obviously, he still looked like a puppy before, and his muscles were not obvious in all aspects.

It's been a while since I saw her. The muscles on my body have begun to take shape, and they look very well-proportioned and beautiful, without the exaggeration of those Hollywood big muscle bullies.

Lyon himself was a little proud of the fans' surprised remarks.

After all, in order to develop such a good figure, he has put in a lot of effort and suffered a lot.

Especially in terms of eating, his favorite barbecue, fried chicken, etc., have been reduced too much.

But now, after being praised by so many people, Leon feels that the happiness that was missing before has suddenly returned, and his hard work has finally paid off.

As for fans asking why it has changed so much during this time, his answer was:

"Because I'm about to play the incarnation of the American dream, it's not good to be as skinny as before, not to mention how strong it is, at least it has to look healthy."

This answer made the netizens who were expecting it once again arouse great curiosity about this so-called American dream.

What kind of story is this movie?

Will the biography tell the story of a small person who through hard work finally becomes a rich man?

But wouldn't such a story be too clichéd? With Luo Quan's talent, he should be able to come up with a more ingenious story.

In addition, Luo Quan, a Chinese who has only lived in the United States for a short time, really understands what the American dream is?

Can she make this kind of theme movie without bias?
Many voices on the Internet are saying that the United States has made a lot of movies with private goods before, and it contains its own opponents.

And now it's Luo Quan's turn to make a movie for the United States, so will she also connotate it in turn?

Although she herself said that she would not do such a thing, who knows whether what she said is true or not.

The topic that had been silent for a while, started to rage again because Leon got up and was brought into a rhythm by someone with a heart.

Facing the rhythm, Luo Quan didn't even want to talk about it this time.

Before the movie came out, no matter how much you explained it, it was useless. Heizi thought that hei could always find black spots.

Of course, this kind of thing cannot be completely attributed to Heizi.

In short, when the movie is shot and released, all problems will be solved.

But the time has not yet come, she still wants to rest for a while, so she has to wait until Resident Evil 2 is released.

Although the rhythm of the new movie is not particularly good now, the box office and reputation of Resident Evil 2 are rising steadily.

At present, it has broken through 18 billion US dollars, and it seems that it is not far from the 20 billion mark, but now the daily box office increment is only at the million-dollar level. The dollar is still more difficult.

This has to be the case that the number of viewers remains at the current level and does not decrease.

US$19 billion is probably the final box office of Resident Evil 2, although it is a little short of Luoquan's final goal, which is a pity.

But such a low-budget movie can achieve such a successful result, which already makes her quite satisfied.

In particular, after the movie became popular, related industries also got a considerable boost.

The horror image of zombies has once again set off a craze around the world. In haunted houses everywhere, the theme of zombies has become popular again.

And these are all copyright fees paid to Luo Quan.

(End of this chapter)

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