Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 696 Where are the cheers

Chapter 696 Where are the cheers
"Is there anything in this world that I don't know?"

In the live broadcast room, Luo Quan repeated the questions raised by the fans.

"Of course there are, and there are quite a few. Don't take me as a panacea."

Luo Quan replied without thinking: "The things I know, or the things I am proficient in, are basically artistic, and I value inspiration more.

If it's a trade that requires years of hard work, then my method may not work.

But if you ask me to give an example, I really can't tell right now. "

As soon as Luo Quan finished speaking, a man of god replied in the bullet screen: "Isn't it easy? No matter how good you are, you can't pee as far as I do."

Afterwards, everyone burst into laughter immediately.

This is indeed a fact, no matter how powerful she is, she can't compare to boys.

Of course, these are just witty words, which are simply made to make people laugh.

"Okay, the new movie is about to start shooting, and the live broadcast will not be available for more than a month. What do you want to say to me?" Luo Quan looked at the barrage, wanting to see the fans' reluctance words of retention.

But after so long, the big guys have long been used to this kind of separation, and everyone is working hard.

"Go early and come back early, don't look for wild men behind my back."

"Hurry up and shoot the American Dream. I suggest you pick up some private goods where those people can't find it. It's also disgusting to them."

"Haha, Luo Quan is still doing such unstructured things, isn't he self-destructing his reputation?"

"Indeed, if a dog bites you, do you have to bite it back?"

"There are no other requirements, let's win the Oscar for best picture, and this will be regarded as a consummation of merit."

"Don't forget that there is also the best director. Now that the actress has arrived, if you have these two things, it will simply break the record at your age."


After the jokes were made in the barrage, the rest was mostly done.

However, she originally thought that after her vacation, the movie would start shooting soon, but things always changed faster than she could grasp.

After months of printing money, the U.S. stock market crashed without warning.

In fact, it cannot be said that there are no signs. Many economic experts have actually given warnings, but the false prosperity has stimulated stockholders, making them think that the current market is good, and they pour all their savings into the stock market, doing the trick of getting rich overnight. dream.

Because of Mia's relationship, Luo Quan's family received some rumors in advance.

However, most of her investment is in a company of Nikolai, which has been rising for several months. Now it is impossible to fall below the issue price no matter how much it falls. It is always profitable, so she doesn't pay much attention to it.

As for Dad, his shipping company is still in its infancy. Many ships are not in place yet, and they are not listed at all, so there is no need to worry.

But those stockholders, this time, will suffer bad luck.

The sharpness of the stock market's plunge this time was completely beyond expectations. Three circuit breakers within three days were the first time in the new century.

In the past, one circuit breaker was considered a stock market crash, but this time three times in a row, not only ordinary people, but even economists called it outrageous.

Economists, however, who study the stock market, rarely buy stocks themselves, and are only excited by the rare occasions when faced with such situations.

But the losses of stockholders are all real money.

In fact, the stock market crash happened once last year.

I remember that Luo Quan was still filming "Frozen" at that time, and he received the news that the stock market had plummeted in Las Vegas, resulting in fewer gamblers coming here for entertainment.

However, not long after the stock fell, the nuclear-powered money printing machine began to exert its power, printing money wantonly to make up for losses, and quickly lifted the stock back.

But this method is obviously to drink poison to quench thirst, to force oneself to survive, but at the same time, it will make the problem more violent after it breaks out.

But now, three fuses in three days are sequelae.

This unprecedented plunge also caused stockholders to fall into irreparable panic.

The financial predators who fished in troubled waters and shorted stocks also exacerbated the spread of this panic.

In just three nights, an unknown number of people went bankrupt, and even incurred numerous debts.

There are not only stockholders with ordinary family backgrounds, but also well-to-do middle class and rich people with strong financial resources.

Different classes got the same life in this stock market crash.

On Twitter, related tweets have already exceeded one million, and everyone is talking about it.

Some cursed the capitalists, some rejoiced that they had successfully stopped losses, and some were just watching the show.


There was a scream of scolding from outside the window, from top to bottom, which lasted for a few seconds.

Then, there was a muffled bang, followed by several female screams.

Luo Quan looked at the confinement curtains, not daring to look outside.

This is the fourth time this has happened in the past few days. The first time she looked up and looked outside, she found a family of five lying on the ground, and her parents jumped down with their three children.

This human tragedy left her in a daze for a long time, and the tragic death of them lingered in her mind all night, and she couldn't sleep at all.

The next day, when I was about to fall asleep during the day, there was another commotion outside.

This time there were only two dances, and they were two old couples who were nearly sixty years old.

The third time, and the fourth time this time, she didn't watch it anymore, because she couldn't bear it and felt uncomfortable.

If she could have been on the rooftop before the tragedy happened, she might have been able to prevent all this from happening, just like she did when she was in Tokyo to stop the male Sony employee.

But these people were too decisive, they didn't give others a chance to dissuade them, they took off their shoes when they got on Tiantai, and jumped down directly.

Now the rooftop has been sealed off, but there are still people who jumped off the building.

At this time, Luo Quan thought about making a song, which might relieve his despair.

But it is almost impossible to reproduce the miracle in Tokyo at the beginning.

At that time, the sinking of Tokyo was a rumor after all. Although she gave hope to the public, she was not the one who saved the stock market in the end.

It didn't even need to be rescued. Tokyo didn't sink, and the stock price came back by itself. She played a big role in it, but it couldn't be called the key.

But right now, Luo Quan feels that even if she writes ten songs, it may not be effective, and even many fans have no money to support the new song.

This matter cannot be solved by her alone.

Under the tide of the times, she can play very little role.

The only good news is that although the U.S. stock market has fallen so badly, the economic crisis does not seem to have erupted.

After all, only the stockholders lost this time, and most of them didn't lose everything.

The subprime mortgage crisis in 08 affected people who bought houses with loans across the United States.

However, there are still many homeless people on the street, and the crime rate has begun to rise sharply. In some neighborhoods with relatively poor security, zero-yuan purchases have begun to appear.

In some other cities, large-scale zero-yuan purchases and parades also broke out, and Luo Quan always felt a little familiar.

When she was in Los Angeles, she experienced this scene. The parade crowd quarreled outside the street all night, and many shops were robbed.

Now this situation seems to be worse than worse.

However, where there is pessimism, there is also optimism. After seeing the bleak social atmosphere and the sharp increase of homeless people on the street, Baizuo began to organize a parade with hands to ask the government to distribute unemployment assistance.

In addition, the "Where's the Applause" campaign was launched. They distributed food to the homeless and asked them to applaud together. After the video was posted on the Internet, they encouraged everyone to continue to maintain hope for the future.

The intention was good, and it had some effect at the beginning, making the public opinion on the Internet a little more positive.

But it's a pity that I encountered a pig teammate.

After stocks fell for a week and circuit breakers occurred four times, the U.S. government announced a temporary shutdown due to financial problems.

The government is shutting down. This is new. To be honest, this is the first time Luo Quan has heard of it.

The government of a dignified superpower will actually close its doors.

Interestingly, this has even happened quite a few times.

It would be fine if it was a normal shutdown, but the key is to let it go in this troubled time, which is more or less pretending to be dead.

The government shutdown also made the anger of the people no longer suppressable, and they went directly to the streets to protest.

The stock price of Nima has fallen like this, and there are dozens of cases of jumping off the building every day. Fortunately, you don’t want to take rescue measures.

With such a simple operation, the US government has become the laughing stock of the whole world.

This stock market crash is different from the financial crisis. Although other countries have also been affected, they can barely cope.

In the United States, it is like delivering express delivery under Big Ben, placing it on the top and sending it from the bottom.

In this general environment, Luo Quan's film shooting has also been greatly affected.

Several people were missing from the original team, some jumped off a building, some went to a protest march, and some were shot at zero yuan purchases.

This kind of thing happened made Luo Quan very sad. After all, they are all good employees in the industry.

Originally, the government should have said that it would cooperate with the crew and help give the green light in all aspects.

Now it is estimated that the government itself is too desperate to count on it, and the entire crew is also stuck there. It is not known when the start of work will have to wait.

The parade is getting more and more intense, and the law and order are getting worse and worse. If this continues, it is estimated that they will almost be unable to leave the door.

Fortunately, although the White House government has shut down, the state government is still in place. Some state governments have introduced laws to reduce the violence caused by the arrest of zero-dollar purchases, that is, as long as zero-dollar purchases do not exceed $[-], it is not illegal .

When Luo Quan saw this for the first time, he thought he was wrong.

This is simply too outrageous for his mother to take him back to his natal home for the New Year - outrageous to his grandma's house.

Otherwise, foreigners will work hard, and now he has seen it.

Relying on the opportunity made in the United States, Luoquan can't start work now, so he can only continue to live at home.

"Wow, Luobao, you've been so haggard since I didn't see you today."

"These two big dark circles are comparable to pandas."

"Your stocks also lost a lot?"

"With your family background, you won't be so angry. Money is something outside of you, so be careful."

"That's right, if you lose hundreds of millions of dollars, no one will look at it."

"That's right, standing and talking doesn't hurt your back."


After Luoquan started broadcasting, fans saw Luoquan's dark eye circles, and said jokingly with distress.

The dark circles under my eyes are indeed a bit deep this time, but compared to the previous few days, they are much better.

"The main reason is that I haven't slept well in the past few days." Luo Quan searched his dry eyes and explained: "As for stocks, I didn't buy much, so naturally I can't talk about losing much."

"I heard that Ami's situation is not good these days. What happened?"

"A series of contradictions have been triggered, plus the inaction of conquest."

"Traditional arts, pretending to be dead for a few days, and then come out to clean up the mess after the limelight has passed, and then continue to print money, and the whole world will pay for it."

"Not a big deal, but a lot of fun."


To be fair, there are quite a few up hosts on station B who are concerned about major international events, and there are a lot of news related to the United States every day, so you can know what happened with a little search.

It's really not a big deal, but this time the joke is enough for the whole world to see.

The chaos continued until the end of April, and the government finally resumed operation after many days of shutdown.

As predicted by the outside world, it's time to print money, it's time to hold a press conference and hold a press conference, and then the two parties start to throw the pot away, which is the third thing.

As for those financial predators who took advantage of the stock market crash, they were probably the only winners.

They made a lot of money and sucked the blood of many people.

After paying an unknown price, the stock market crash gradually subsided, and the evaporated wealth finally flowed into the pockets of unknown people.

And those lost lives can never come back.

The street after the zero-yuan purchase is still a mess. Fortunately, most merchants have bought insurance for their shops, and they can get compensation afterwards.

Otherwise, when encountering such a thing, it is estimated that other than jumping off the building like those stockholders, there is no other idea.

To commemorate the tragedy that happened during this period, "Black April" became a word that was mentioned a lot on the American Internet, and was even written into Wikipedia.

In the encyclopedia, everything that happened during this period of time has been recorded in detail, and the names of those wealthy and unkind financiers are also written in Baidu.

Fortunately, Mia's family was not among them.

In her father's words, it is no longer worthwhile for their family to lose their hard-earned reputation for such a small amount of money.

What they lack now is not money, but the same reputation as the Albert family.

In other words, I want to change from new money to old money, so some money cannot be earned.

By the end of April, all the turmoil subsided temporarily.

The stock market has become a little more visible, but it is only a matter of time before it falls again next time, and everyone knows that it will happen again and again.

Next time I come again, I don’t know how many leeks will go bankrupt because of this.

It was under such circumstances that Luo Quan's "Forrest Gump" finally started filming.

(End of this chapter)

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