Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 697 Responsibilities

Chapter 697 Responsibilities
Happy Spring Festival!

Stars all over the sky, beautiful fireworks, and my prayers on New Year's Eve!I pray for my book friends, smooth sailing, double happiness, Sanyang Kaitai, four seasons of peace, and five blessings!
May book lovers bring their dreams and set sail at a new starting point!I believe that in the Year of the Tiger, you will be able to create miracles like a tiger with wings!
ps. The author here also wants to have the cheek to take a day off on New Year's Day, so everyone understands tomorrow's update.

In addition, the delayed update within this period of time has indeed caused troubles for book lovers.

However, the author has indeed tried his best to overcome the pain in his hands, and guarantees to update it every day.

In such a difficult situation, the update has not been interrupted until now, and it will never be interrupted in the future, so book lovers can rest assured that the book will be completed from beginning to end, and will never enter the palace as a eunuch.

As for the story of the book, the author can only say that there is still a long time to go. If you want to, just keep reading with Luo Bao.

Finally, I wish the book friends a happy new year again, and thank you for your continued support.


According to the usual practice, a press conference is required for the shooting of this kind of big-investment and high-profile movie.

And "Forrest Gump" is currently the only big-investment movie that has news of its launch, and other movies have basically been postponed indefinitely due to the recent turmoil.

At the same time, it also includes those movies that were originally planned to be released. It seems that everyone feels that the movies released at this time will lose money.

In fact, it is normal to have such thoughts. Stocks have plummeted and society is in turmoil. It has indeed created a depressed atmosphere, and people's consumption sentiment has also been greatly reduced.

When movies are released at this time, the box office is definitely not as good as usual.

As for filming, to be honest, it is really not easy to find a film team that is calm and free from outside influences.

But Luoquan is an exception here. It makes movies, and other people only need to act like a tool and operate according to her will. This way of shooting will be much less influenced by the outside world.

At the press conference, in order to fit the recent atmosphere, Luo Quan, who usually likes to laugh, also rarely looked serious.

In the past, the American media liked to put a close-up of Luo Quan's bright smile on the report, and attached a title like "Silly Big Sister".

And the American people really like this kind of personality, so there are often reports with close-ups of her smile, which can get a lot of traffic.

But this time, her happiness and smile disappeared, and she didn't know if it was related to the stock plunge.

"Luo Quan, in the current environment, it is not easy to start filming. I wonder what expectations you have for "Forrest Gump"? Do you hope to save the current United States through this movie about the American dream? "

A reporter from the New York Times raised a very constructive question as soon as he came up. It combined the content of the movie and hot spots, and it was very topical, but it would be difficult for the person being asked to answer.

Luo Quan fiddled with the microphone in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "I'm just a filmmaker, and this is also a biographical film, but if I want to save the current United States, it belongs to the category of science fiction films."

As expected of the silly elder sister and pistachio recognized by the American media, Luo Quan made everyone laugh as soon as she opened her mouth.

"I'm serious, as an outsider, I'm actually not qualified to make irresponsible remarks about the current social situation, and it's actually useless to say so.

I only hope that the film I made can help alleviate the current tense and pessimistic atmosphere, and this is the responsibility I can promise.

As for those promises that cannot be fulfilled, or that are not sure to be fulfilled, I will not make them. "

In fact, she wanted to say that if you want to solve the current problem, your own government needs to do more personnel.

But considering his own position, it is better not to say such things, so as not to cause trouble for himself.

After all, what's the matter with her family affairs, an outsider making suggestions?
In the current situation, it is the best choice to pretend to be stupid and protect yourself wisely.

The reporters also understood the reason why Luo Quan said this kind of talk, and changed the direction of the question very interestingly:
"You chose your brother Leon to represent the American Dream, do you think he is up to the task?
In fact, judging from the public opinion on the Internet, the public thinks that you are more suitable for the term American Dream. "

Luo Quan smiled when he heard this question: "Is it the dream of American men? I don't believe how many girls dream of me when they are dreaming.

This kind of limited American dream is definitely not what I want to shoot, and probably not what everyone wants to see.

As for Lyon, I can only say that I hope everyone looks forward to his next performance, and he will definitely hand in a satisfactory answer. "

"Now it is said on the Internet that you are nepotism and give all resources to your family. All the movies and songs before are like this. If you are not a family member, you are giving it to your own studio. Some are too xenophobic and selfish. What do you think of such remarks?"

Another reporter raised a highly discussed question.

Fertile water does not flow into the field of outsiders, which has always been the most authentic and accurate portrayal of the works of Luo Quan and others.

But Luo Quan thinks this is a matter of course: "I don't give my relatives and friends the best resources. Is it possible to give priority to strangers? There is no such reason, and I am not that selfless.

Besides, among those relatives and friends who appear in my works, is there anyone who hinders the work?Or did it ruin any work?
Obviously, no, it is enough to show that there is no problem with my choice, and not only did I do it in the past, I do it now, but I will still do it in the future. "

Very straightforward answer, slapped a lot of people who can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour.

In the following press conference, the reporter asked Luo Quan about his future schedule, such as new album, concert and so on.

She said everything she could say, but as for the concert that she hadn't even thought about yet, she just said "please look forward to it" perfunctory.

Just kidding, how long has it been since the last concert, and again, the donkeys in the production team didn't do that.

After the interview, it didn't take long for Luo Quan's classic quotations in this interview to become popular searches.

And with so many answers, the most exciting one is the sentence "science fiction movie".

"It takes science fiction movies to save America."

Under the news, countless netizens were really dumbfounded:
"This answer, which seems like a joke, is actually really in line with reality.

Today's American society can only be saved by the power of science fiction movies. "

"Luo Quan is probably also very helpless. She is just an influential star and not an official. It doesn't count if she says such a thing."

"I suggest that those officials look at Luo Quan's answer, at least her point of view is more reasonable than the words of these bureaucrats throwing blame at each other."

"My grandma's nonsense after she got Alzheimer's made more sense than what they said. These people are just moths and trash."


The more the conversation went on, the more intense the words of the netizens became. As a result, "Forrest Gump" didn't attract much attention.

But it's also good, so no one will arrange "responsibility" for her.

Because she once had a record of "saving" the Japanese stock market, this time many people still hope that she will save the US stock market, and even regard her as a life-saving straw.

But this is a very nonsense and irresponsible behavior at all. If nothing changes after the movie comes out, wouldn't she be blamed innocently?

Luo Quan didn't know whether the people who spread such remarks had good intentions or ulterior motives. Anyway, it was not good news for her.

She didn't want to be blamed for something that didn't belong to her because of other people's mistakes.

Even if this scapegoat is cleared up by her, she will reap unparalleled fame and popularity, she is not willing.

It's not that she's afraid of being scolded and hacked after failing, these are already taken for granted by her, so she doesn't need to worry about them at all.

What she was afraid of was that when those people saw such remarks, they really put all their hopes on her.

And if it fails, these hopes will turn into despair in an instant, and I am afraid that any extreme thing may be done by then.

Conversely, if everyone has no hope, it may produce some unexpected effects.

Anyway, the current situation where everyone's attention is not on "Forrest Gump" still makes her quite satisfied.

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

This is what Luo Quan saw from a super-English movie. It makes sense, but she doesn't have that much ability, and she can't afford such a responsibility.

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

She wants to give hope to the people, but if it fails, the disappointment it will cause is unbearable for most people.

So, so be it.

Of course, most of them don't care about movies. As the creator of the movie, Karan finally contacted Luo Quan.

I probably saw the news about the press conference, so I took time out of my busy schedule to ask if there was any difficulty, and if I wanted to help solve it.

Karan's tone sounded very tired, with a feeling of being overwhelmed.

Luo Quan felt that his difficulties should be much more than his own, so he smiled: "No need, everyone in the production team is in a stable mood now, and the film will be successfully finished and released."

"That's fine, I have something to do here, so hang up first."

In the past, after talking about movies, Karan would find excuses to chat with Luo Quan about other things.

It can chat about anything, as long as it talks to Luo Quan, it is very happy, but most of the time it can only be awkward.

But this time, Karan ended the topic quite neatly, saving her a lot of trouble.

To be honest, Luo Quan really didn't like chatting with these second-generation and third-generation officials, and dealing with Karan was purely for business.

After dealing with the media and film promoters, Luo Quan officially started filming "Forrest Gump" in Hollywood.

And today, it is destined to be included in the textbooks of American film history in the future, but right now, it is not yet known what kind of film this crew will bring.

On the second day of filming, Waterloo encountered.

But it was not because of others, but the director herself. She was directing the whole morning shooting and announced that everyone was free in the afternoon and there was no shooting task.

When he said this, his tone was quite impatient, and he seemed to be in a bad mood. The employees looked at each other, thinking that something bad had happened to make the director so angry.

I checked the Internet, and there was no negative news about Luoquan.

The big guys are puzzled.

"What's wrong with my sister?" Leon returned to the hotel, looking at his sister's back, he didn't understand.

"I probably know." Mia looked at the phone calendar and made a guess.


"Oh, girls have been in a bad mood for a few days, isn't that why I lost my temper a while ago?

But Luo Quan is really gentle, with such a lot of pressure, even when this happened, he never lost his temper with anyone, and kept all negative emotions to himself. "

Mia sighed softly, and then looked at Leon again: "Leon, do you think I should do the same and become gentler?"

"Haha, you are not the same type as my sister, why do you force yourself to imitate her?" Leon asked puzzled.

Mia tangles her fingers quickly: "But I think your sister looks very...very good, who doesn't like gentle girls?"

Instead, Leon became gentle: "That's what I said, but I like you the way you are, and you don't need to make any changes."

"So, I can lose my temper casually in the future?" Mia laughed, wanting to see her.

"Ah, this..." Leon had a sweaty face, wanting to say that you can't get hurt too much.

"If you can be gentle, you can still be gentle. If you can't, don't lose your temper like before."

"Haha, I was joking with you. After that time, I also reflected on it. It is true that I did something wrong. You must not be angry with me." Mia lowered her head while talking.

"I'm not so stingy." Leon held Mia's face and said affectionately.

At the same time, in Luo Quan's room, Carrielian babbled to Luo Quan like an old woman.

"It's menstruation, so don't eat hot pot Bingkuole, your body dares to eat such an exciting diet? No wonder you're in a good mood!"

Carrielian bought a large pack of leak-proof sanitary napkins from the supermarket and threw them on Luoquan's bed.

She asked her assistant to buy this, and Luo Quan just ran out of the previous ones.

"Forgot, I thought it would have no effect." Luo Quan had already finished taking a shower at this time, and was wrapped up tightly.

It is expected to be cold in spring, but fortunately, I am in Hollywood, and the weather is relatively pleasant.

However, the diet was too unrestrained, which still caused her mentality to have problems.

To be honest, this once-a-month period is actually not as scary as she imagined.

The pain can be tolerated and the mood can be adjusted.

But if she is a little careless and eats more stimulating food, it will still make her irritable.

In the current state, it is definitely impossible to make movies, so I can only choose to rest.

"Stay well, it's best not to read Twitter, lest you see any news that slanders you." Carrielian poured a cup of hot water and handed it to Luo Quan.

(End of this chapter)

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