Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 698 Women, be nice to yourself

Chapter 698 Woman, Be Kind To Yourself

ps. The update has been resumed, book friends, happy new year!


"Is someone scolding me on Twitter?" Luo Quan thought that Hei Zi was playing the rhythm again when he heard Carrielian's words.

Caroline explained: "Isn't someone scolding you all the time? It's just an individual behavior, but it's always a bad mood when you see it."

Luo Quan breathed a sigh of relief: "I thought it was someone who was playing the rhythm again."

It is normal to be scolded. Who can not be scolded in this network environment?

At least she is treated well, and very, very few people scold her, and most passers-by will help her when they see it.

Not to mention the fans, although these guys like to tease her when they usually broadcast live, but they really defend her when encountering this kind of thing.

Just thinking about it, there was a pain in my stomach.

Although menstruation was painful in the past, it was not so severe, and I don't know if it was because of the ice cream falling.

Seeing Luo Quan suddenly frowned and rubbed his belly, Carlilian gave her a white look: "It hurts again, don't you Chinese people taboo to drink ice these days? Why are you so careless?"

"I thought I was in good health and could withstand it." Luo Quan gasped in pain, and his two tender jios were also fastened.

"Hehe, no matter how good your body is, you are still a woman. Do you think you are a superman?" Carrielian complained, taking out a hot water bottle.

This is not the rechargeable kind, and the more primitive one that fills hot water. Although it is not durable, it is better than safety.

After installing the hot water, Carrielian stuffed the hot water bottle into Luo Quan's bed, and Luo Quan immediately clamped the hot water bag with her body.

The warm and soft touch immediately relieved her pain a lot, and as the medicine she just drank gradually took effect, everything finally got better.

"It's been slowed down, just now the pain made me break out in a cold sweat." Luo Quan took out a few tissues, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said with lingering fear.

"Hey, if you still want to reminisce, at this time next month, the ice will continue to fall." Carrie Lian chuckled, and started to feel strange.

She is a few years older than Luo Quan, and she treats this out-of-control boss like she treats her younger sister sometimes.

And the carefree Luo Quan is really not very worrying.

Just eating and drinking, and the appearance of eating meat, made her feel terrified.

This level of eating is actually not fat, it simply does not conform to the laws of nature.

However, considering that Luo Quan usually exercises a lot, it is understandable.

As for drinking Bingkuoluo during menstruation, it is purely self-made, no, retribution is coming.

Hearing Carrielian's ridicule, Luo Quan couldn't refute, so he could only listen obediently.

She has gained a lot of wisdom after eating a pit, and I'm afraid she won't drink ice cream after this time.

After a while, Mia also came to visit, also because Luo Quan was in a bad mood this morning.

Knowing that Luo Quan's relatives were here, she bought painkillers specially.

After Leon found out, he said that it was unnecessary, just drink more hot water, but he was scolded by Mia and asked him to sleep on the sofa and pillows by himself tonight, and now he is reflecting in the next room.

"I usually take it if the pain is unbearable. Although it is three-point poisonous, this medicine has the least side effects. Take one when you can't help it."

Mia gave Luo Quan the painkiller, and seeing her relaxed face, she was finally relieved.

"Thank you, but it doesn't hurt as much now." Luo Quan took the medicine and thanked him.

If you don't drink Bingkuoluo next time, your stomach should not hurt anymore.

Of course, this kind of thing is not easy to talk about. Maybe the root cause of the disease is directly caused by drinking Bingkuoluo?

After confirming that Luo Quan was fine, Mia and Carrieline left the room one after another, and only after she was left alone, she quickly lifted the quilt and replaced the dirty sanitary napkin.

Although they are all her own people, she doesn't have any idol burden.

But this kind of thing still feels quite embarrassing, and Luo Quan was too embarrassed to let Mia and Carrielian know, so he endured it until the two left.

Every time I come to my aunt, I will actually have such a dilemma, but because it was well hidden before, it didn't attract so many people's attention.

"It's not easy being a girl." Luo Quan returned to the bed and sighed while drinking hot water.

Today's situation is special, so naturally there is no need to work.

Turn on your phone and see what hotspots are there recently.

The various social issues caused by the stock market explosion are still the most discussed nowadays, and new news is released all the time, one by one outrageous.

Just now, for example, a rare stock market financial war took place on Wall Street.

Why is it rare?Because the way the winner wins is simply beyond everyone's imagination.

The cause of the incident was that a financial investment company on Wall Street attempted to short the stock of a listed company, taking advantage of the stock market crash to make a fortune.

But because it was a game company that was short-sold, quite a few classic arcade games have been released before, which are the childhood memories of many young and middle-aged Americans.

Maybe it's because of defending childhood memories, or maybe it's the group of capitalists who simply want to get revenge on Wall Street.

Countless retail investors began to target that financial company for sniping.

In the stock market, facing such a financially strong company, a single retail investor can only end up being cut off from leeks.

But when a huge number of retail investors united, the situation immediately reversed.

The financial company that was attacked can be regarded as one of the top ten financial companies on Wall Street, but no matter how much money they poured into it, the retail investors actually followed the orders.

In just half a day, billions of dollars have been lost.

If you continue to smash, no one knows where the limit of these retail investors is, and how much they have to smash to support them.

But if it is not smashed, then these billions of dollars will be in vain.

The unwilling financial company obviously couldn't fight against the united retail investors on its own, so it brought in two other companies as foreign aid.

And retail investors also have their own channels to seek reinforcements, that is, the major online social platforms, directly using: "This is a great opportunity for us to cut capitalist leeks" as the title.

Even if the United States is a capitalist country, there are still a small number of people who can be capitalists.

Faced with such a group, in fact, whether they are Americans or Chinese, they have the same opinion, that is, vampires.

But now, with the opportunity to make the vampire vomit blood, how could the people who had been complaining for a long time miss this great opportunity, so retail investors quickly gathered to invest in this stock.

No matter how many stocks those financial companies sold, they kept taking them.

This also caused the stock price of this arcade game company to continue to rise, and it has more than doubled.

Here we need to talk about the principle of shorting.

The so-called short selling means that you are optimistic about a certain stock and it will fall sharply in the near future.

At this time, you borrow [-] shares and sell them, and you get the cash in advance of multiplying the current stock price by [-] shares.

After the stock price has fallen, you buy another [-] shares to repay the borrowed stock, and then earn the difference from it.

But now the stock is only falling but not rising. When the time comes, capitalists have to repay as many shares as they borrowed at the current price.

The more you go up, the more you lose.

Looking at the current situation, the retail investors whose financial resources seem to be in a bottomless pit have completely gained the upper hand. If it continues, these three financial investment companies will probably not be able to withstand it.

Things have come to this point, in fact, it is a just act of the masses of the people working together to sanction the capitalists, which sounds quite relieved.

But don't forget that this is magical America, where amazing things can happen.

Seeing that the loss was about to be unbearable, these investment companies contacted the stock trading app and directly cut off the trading channel of this stock, which is known as Wall Street unplugging the network cable.

Since then, the business wars, stock wars, and financial wars filmed before have all become jokes.

Everyone thinks that the war in the stock market is happening in the market, using financial resources and calculations to control the rise and fall of stock prices, and manipulating the entire stock market while talking and laughing?

To describe it in one sentence: I want you to rise, you are not allowed to fall, I want you to fall, you are not allowed to rise!
How domineering it sounds.

It turns out that the reality is so absurd, so many calculations are more ruthless than the trick of pulling out the network cable.

When the trading channel is broken, the company's stock price will naturally freeze.

The losses of financial investment companies have not continued to expand for the time being.

However, this move undoubtedly angered retail investors throughout the United States. They denounced this behavior as a challenge to the U.S. Constitution and made the so-called free trading market a joke. It is recommended that relevant departments investigate these companies immediately.

The investigation will definitely be investigated, but according to the usual practice, it is estimated that a symbolic penalty of tens of millions of dollars will be imposed, and then nothing will be done.

Capitalists still have quite a lot of privileges in the United States. As long as you can pay family taxes on time, many problems will not be a problem.

However, this incident has once again made the United States, which is already at the center of public opinion, lose face in front of the people who eat melons all over the world.

Newspapers in Britain and France called the act of unplugging the network cable a victory for ordinary people and a disgrace to Wall Street.

Soon, fans started @罗泉 one after another, asking her to give a sharp comment.

Because it was inconvenient to start a live broadcast, Luo Quan sent a short post: "Investment is risky, you need to be cautious when investing in shares, because you never know that your opponent will use all kinds of outrageous means to swallow your money."

After the news was posted, it immediately attracted a large number of fans:

"But Luo Bao, why do you make a lot of money every time you invest?"

"Now Luobao has a high vision, but now he has a strong appeal, just like a stock god. A large number of people follow the trend to buy whatever you invest in. Can the stock price not go up?"

"Luo Bao, can I buy shares in your... company?"


"There's something wrong with you, it seems like you're driving."

"LSP, isn't it comfortable not to drive for a day?"

"Copy them all, everyone upstairs is wronged!"


Sure enough, the comment area has changed from a fairly normal discussion to such an unscrupulous one.

But there's nothing to do, if she continues the pure personality when she debuted, then there must be many, many fewer fans who dare to speak like this now.

But in order not to be defined, she changed to a sexy route.

Although it turns out that this path is actually quite suitable for her, reducing a lot of criticism and restrictions, but it also allows fans' comments to become free.

It's not easy to stop staying at this time, there are some suspicions that are both legitimate and established.

In addition, the fans are also well-controlled, not like the post bar, the kind that immediately makes people numb after reading it.

After resting for a day and taking two meals of medicine, the team leader's pain was finally completely dispelled, and his mood returned to normal.

Although she was still in her aunt's time, Luo Quan's exuberant work enthusiasm had prevented her from continuing her cultivation, so she continued to work early the next morning.

As the protagonist, Leon's childhood form is the one with the best acting skills selected by Luo Quan from hundreds of child stars in the United States.

The protagonist doesn't have to be handsome when he was a child, but he must have good acting skills, and he must act out the feeling of polio and weak legs and feet.

Besides animal scenes, children's scenes are also recognized as one of the more difficult scenes to shoot.

Fortunately, Luo Quan was one in a million this time, and the price was sufficient. The child he invited was exceptionally talented, and he also came from a family of actors.

Even after seeing Luo Quan, she still chatted up with her like a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy, making her exclaim that American children are so precocious?
It is indeed very precocious, and it is related to family education. Parents of American children will conduct gender education with their children very early, and many contents on the Internet can be directly searched.

In addition, this kid has been in the entertainment industry since he was three or four years old, and has acted in the funny movie "Little Ghost". In fact, he himself has the same name as the movie, Little Ghost.

But this time, he definitely can't act like a funny movie anymore. Luo Quan also put high demands on this little boy on his first day in the crew.

But compared to the salary, this boy seems to want to exchange money for the chance to date Luo Quan.

When Seifert saw him, he said that this kid was even better at flirting with girls than Leon.

But Luo Quan was unmoved, and said directly: "Little friend, you are still a little tender now, if I want to flirt with my sister, I'll wait ten years later.

In addition, you are not handsome enough to make my sister and I fall in love. "

This was a kind of tactful refusal, but it sounded like a promise to the little boy, that he could tease her when he grew up and became handsome.

Faced with such a misunderstanding, Luo Quan also corrected it, and reminded him that his current task is to make a good movie, and if he can't make a good movie, he can only let other boys come to take his place.

This threat works better than anything else.

After gaining a sense of crisis, the little boy worked even harder in filming, so much so that the filming that originally took ten days was completed in a week, which exceeded Luo Quan's expectations.

And such a rapid progress also made the entire film crew more excited and confident about the next shooting task.

(End of this chapter)

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