Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 70 Receiving the Prize

Chapter 70 Receiving the Prize
"Why?" Zhou Yangwen was very puzzled, "If you are worried that becoming an artist will affect your studies, then you don't have to worry about this at all, we will ensure your study time and rest time to the greatest extent, and the schedule will be perfect. It's up to you to arrange!"

Luo Quan shook his head: "It's not for this reason, I just simply don't want to sign a contract. It's easy to talk about other cooperation requirements, but this is not enough."

No way, the system enforced that she couldn't sign an artist contract with any company, so it wasn't that she didn't want to sign, but she really couldn't.

Zhou Yangwen sighed bitterly: "It's such a pity that I can't sign the contract."

Luo Quan smiled: "Actually, we can carry out other cooperation matters, and there is no need to get entangled in it."

Zhou Yangwen smiled bitterly and said, "There shouldn't be any chance for cooperation at the moment... I have a word for you, Luo Quan, don't be angry."

"You said so."

Zhou Yangwen organized the language and said, "Although your songs are currently in the Japanese music scene, they are Japanese after all. The domestic market is too small, and you can't sell your albums to make money or become popular... Unless you can release a Chinese album, or even an album that speaks both Chinese and English, as long as the quality is decent, we have a way to hold you up!"

"These are just small problems!" Luo Quan waved his hand confidently, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised: "I can write good Japanese songs, and I can also write good Chinese songs, but that's a matter of the future, Now I have to take a good rest."

Zhou Yangwen smiled: "No one dares to question your talent. I'm also looking forward to your first Chinese album!"

Just as they were talking, the three suddenly heard Wen Xia's name coming from the stage.

"We invite the enterprising artists of the year on Weibo in 2016: Wen Xia, Wang Hyun, Wang Yan, Zhao Muyang... Come to the stage to accept the award!"

The translation of this award is the Best Rookie of the Year Award. The group of artists with the fastest increase in the number of fans within a year can take the stage to receive the award. The gold content is high or low.

However, as the leading female idol in China, how could Wen Xia only have such an award in 2016 when her popularity has skyrocketed?
After receiving the annual enterprising artist award, the staff told her not to return to her seat immediately, and the next award soon: her name is again on the list of popular artists of the year on Weibo.

Less than 3 minutes later, Wen Xia came on stage for the second time, and then played a few small games on stage with a group of fresh meat.

Maybe it was because they got a little closer to these little fresh meats when they were playing games. Female fans who were watching the live broadcast sent out bullet screens and sprayed Wen Xia, calling her shameless and seducing their men.

The brain circuit of girlfriend fans is difficult to understand with normal people's thinking. They are professional when they are jealous. Every woman other than her who appears beside her "boyfriend" in their hearts is a vixen and should go. die.

Luo Quan saw these barrages of envy, jealousy and hatred below. He was both angry and funny, and he didn't bother to help Wen Xia refute, so he just turned off the barrage, out of sight.

Soon the game session was over. Wen Xia walked down the stage with two trophies in a round of applause. Although these awards on Weibo Night are not very well-known, they are also awards given by the first mainstream media in China. Getting two of them can be said to be quite rewarding.

Luo Quan said sourly: "Look, you are so proud, the high heels are about to be thrown into the sky!"

"Oh, what's so proud of two trophies, I don't know how many of these things I have won in Korea." Although Wen Xia's tone was disdainful, her humble smile still revealed her inner pride.

Luo Quan gritted his teeth: "Hey, maybe next year I will be the goddess of the year on Weibo, and I won't be mad at you!"

Wen Xia twisted her body like a cheerful caterpillar: "Then take one, who wouldn't just brag!"

"Next, please invite Cao Mufeng, the most influential musician of the year on Weibo, and Pan Yunhai, the most popular musician of the year on Weibo..."

The host read five or six music-related awards and winners in one breath, and finally, she read a name that no one thought of: "Luo Quan, Weibo Pop Musician of the Year, please come to the stage to accept the award!"

As far as these people in the front have won the award, everyone's is normal, because the Chinese music scene is currently the only young singers who can barely make a shot, but when Luo Quan won the Weibo pop musician, the barrage filled the screen. All question marks.

Not only the audience, but even Luo Quan himself was confused.

She has only debuted for a month. No matter how well-written the song is, she should be participating in the 2017 selection. How could she accept the award this year?
However, the previous hostess' evaluation of Luo Quan's award-winning introduction was very high:

"As soon as her song was released, it caused a heated discussion on the entire Internet. "Lemon", "The Wind Rises", and "Fireworks" became the best video BGM of the year, with more than one billion usages!
The electronic music single "Faded" is even airborne on the B chart, with the best score ranking third. It is the most covered song in China this year. It can be seen in station B, Douyin, and even in the live broadcast rooms of countless anchors. figure!
Although it all happened in just one month, it is undeniable that she is leading a new trend in the pop music scene in Asia! "

Listening to this evaluation carefully, it seems that people don't think it is outrageous that Luo Quan can win such an award. Apart from lack of qualifications, what point is she inferior to these seniors who are on the same stage as her?

More importantly, Huaxia is different from Japan and South Korea. The most important thing is qualifications, and strength is the most important. This kind of law also applies to small fresh meat. After all, appearance is also a kind of strength.

"Why are you standing there, go up and accept the award!" Wen Xia saw Luo Quan standing up, still in a daze, and slapped her on her buttocks.

With a soft sound of "Pia", Luo Quan grinned.

"Come back and settle the account with you!" Luo Quan glared at Wen Xia who was smiling wickedly, and trotted onto the stage.

As usual, the winners gave their acceptance speeches after accepting the awards. Luo Quan was the last one, and when it was her turn, she seemed a little timid for a while.

After pondering for a long time, Luo Quan finally said: "I never imagined that this trophy would fall into my hands. In my opinion, the number of works I currently have is too small to afford the original musician of the year. This title is truly deserving.

But the program team is willing to give me this trophy, which must also be a recognition of my ability and talent. I will work hard to bring you better works in future creations! "

A very modest and decent acceptance speech, in exchange for the applause from the audience, the stars are not very emotional, it seems that a singer who has just debuted cannot get into the eyes of these big guys in the audience.

(End of this chapter)

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