Chapter 71 Rhythm

The hostess nodded: "Okay, I hope Luo Quan can make persistent efforts!"

After briefly encouraging Luo Quan, the hostess walked up to Cao Mufeng and put the microphone to his mouth.

This is the young singer with the highest traffic in China this year. Although he is young, he has been out for some years. He has a huge fan base and a good spending power.

Last year, an album sold millions of copies, but it was an electronic album that cost 20 yuan. Now there are basically no singers in China who still sell physical albums.

As the owner of the title of "Leader of Chinese New Generation Singing" before Luo Quan appeared, Cao Mufeng has strong singing skills and certain creative ability, but because some songs are too far from the public's aesthetics, the stage performance is also exaggerated. Therefore, it is often criticized by passers-by.

But in any case, he is considered one of the few musicians in China with ideas and quality of works.

I don't know what he thought in the past two years. Most of the works he created are experimental songs, and the style of the songs is rather strange. Although fans love him so much and play him every day, it also causes the popularity of the passers-by to become worse and worse.

Many old musicians have said that a talented musician may have to go down a wrong path.

However, Cao Mufeng himself doesn't care. He is a very self-centered person. Whether he writes or sings songs, he just wants to express his inner thoughts and doesn't care about other people's opinions at all.

On the other hand, he is also very proud. In his eyes, the songs of the so-called musicians in China are simply slobber songs without nutrition. They can be popular for a while, but they will be eliminated by new slobber songs in a month or two. And what he wants to do is good music that can be remembered by the world!

Although the heart is higher than the sky, life is not much thicker than paper.

Of course, compared to those singers who only know plagiarism and sinicization, Cao Mufeng is many grades higher than they do not know.

"This year has been a fruitful year for Mu Feng. Mu Feng has won the Golden Bell Award, the Golden Melody Award, and the Chinese Song Ranking. What does Mu Feng have to say about such achievements?" The host had a smile on his face and a very warm tone.

Cao Mufeng is usually more introverted, and such scenes are usually handled by the agent, but this time he was the only one who came up, so he hesitated for a moment when answering: "First of all, I want to thank the fans who have always supported me, without you I couldn't have written so many songs, and I couldn't have achieved what I am today, thank you very much.

In addition, in the next days, I will also actively create, and strive to better integrate experimental music and pop music, which is more in line with the public's aesthetics. "

Cao Mufeng's fans immediately turned on the female mode of swiping the screen, all of which were cheering words such as "Mufeng, I love you! Mufeng, I will always support you! Mufeng is number one in the world!"

"Mu Feng is too modest, and credits all his achievements to the fans." The hostess praised without pain, and then a gleam of light flashed in her eyes, "Mu Feng, you are a Chinese language that is favored by seniors. The leaders of singing and composition in the music world are undoubtedly the most outstanding group of young musicians today.

And Luo Quan, as a new generation of singer-songwriter, what do you think of her, can you share with us? "

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the people on and off the stage changed.

In this era, traffic is king. If you want to have traffic, you must have attention and popularity, and the mutual tear between two stars and their fans can bring the most attention and popularity.

As the largest media platform in China, Sina Weibo is well versed in this, and in order to gain traffic, I don’t know how many stars it has brought.

In most cases, this kind of traffic is also good for celebrities, so everyone is happy to cooperate, which also makes Sina Weibo more and more unscrupulous.

In fact, it has now become a regular hype method for Weibo to cause star conflicts to gain popularity, which is also one of the most annoying things about Weibo.

And the hostess had obviously been eyeing Luo Quan and Cao Mufeng for a long time, in order to bring their rhythm up.

What kind of popularity can there be in the mediocre award and acceptance?It's a gimmick when two stars tear apart. This is also the most popular thing for the majority of netizens. After all, it is human nature to like gossip.

Facing such a question, Cao Mufeng was stunned for a moment, and then fell into thinking.

It wasn't because Luo Quan was next to him that it was difficult to make comments, but he had something to say to Luo Quan.

He has heard all Luo Quan's songs, and they are very good. The lyrics and music have reached the first-class level. He is a talented singer, but that is the first-class level of Japanese songs. In his opinion, being able to write Japanese songs well does not mean that you can also write songs. Good Chinese songs, and what he dislikes the most are those songs that describe love and love. They are too petty.

Therefore, Cao Mufeng felt that Luo Quan's best writing was "One Hundred Time".

In the entertainment industry, Cao Mufeng is notoriously low in emotional intelligence. Some of the things he said on variety shows in the past made the guests and hosts embarrassed.

The hostess of Weibo Night is also well aware of Cao Mufeng's character, and she deliberately asked him to evaluate Luo Quan, which shows her sinister intentions.

Cao Mufeng did not live up to her expectations, and after being silent for a while, he said, "Luo Quan is a very talented and talented singer, but most of the songs describe love and love, and I don't like it very much.

And I heard that she went to Japan after graduating from junior high school, so her Chinese proficiency is not very high. If she wants to enter the Chinese music market in the future, she needs to learn Chinese well. "

The corners of Luo Quan's mouth twitched, thinking that this person is too straight, a fool knows that the hostess is picking things up, and he really cooperates with her like a fool.

However, Cao Mufeng's evaluation is not too malicious. He just expresses his opinion from the perspective of a bystander. After all, he does not know his true Chinese level. It is reasonable to have such doubts, and she will not So angry.

It's just that this female host is really bad, the kind who has no PY when giving birth to a son!
It is conceivable that he and his fans may have already started spraying in the barrage.

Luo Quan is not angry, it doesn't mean that her fans can be as generous as her, and Cao Mufeng's fans also won't be as honest as him.

I was brought a wave of rhythm again, I am provoking who to provoke who...  

Luo Quan sighed faintly, and when he came back to his senses, he realized that the hostess had come over like a normal person.

The topic was brought to her lips, and the hostess asked with a bashful expression, "What do you think of Luo Quan's evaluation of Mu Feng?"

Everyone came to the spirit, and looked at Luo Quan without blinking.

Although they hate that the hostess is so blatant to sow discord, but they also like to see two singers directly fighting each other on stage.

Facing the "expectation" of so many people, Luo Quan took a deep breath and showed an elegant and polite smile:

"Chinese is my mother tongue, it is something imprinted in my soul, and it has nothing to do with the level of education. I humbly accept everyone's valuable criticism of me, and I will also confidently accept everyone's criticism of me. Compliment!"

(End of this chapter)

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