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Ps. Thanks to book friends for the book coins that hahahaha embarrassingly rewarded!
"I thought you would scold that Cao Mufeng directly." Wen Xia teased as she stared at Luo Quan who had returned to her seat.

Luo Quan laughed: "If you want to scold you, you will also scold the host... Now the lower limit of these shows is really low. I'm really convinced by taking the initiative to pick things up for traffic."

Wen Xia shrugged: "No way, there are times when Uranus and superstars are caught, but what you did just now was pretty good, you didn't offend anyone, and you didn't lose face."

"If you don't lose face, you have to read Weibo to know." Luo Quan said and opened Weibo.

Unsurprisingly, the conversation between her and Cao Mufeng just now has been on the hot search. Fans on both sides of the comment area have started to match up, and Luo Quan has the upper hand.

The main reason is that Luo Quan has more young male fans. Although I don't usually see them on Weibo, the girls are still much worse if they are really on the line.

But some girls are well versed in the ways of disgusting people. After all, after so many years in the rice circle, they have mastered countless ways to anger people in an instant.

One of them is the posthumous photos of p and all kinds of fake news. The content of the news can no longer be described as unsightly, and it is full of foul language.

Luo Quan once thought that the slander she suffered in Japan was the limit of netizens' malicious words, but now it seems that she still overestimated the quality of the girls in the fan circle.

As a public figure and a high-quality college student, it would be too expensive if she went out to spray fans in person. After hesitating for a long time, she posted a Weibo, calling on her fans to calm down and not talk to her. Don't be rhythmized by those who are interested.

Coincidentally, less than half a minute later, Cao Mufeng also posted a Weibo, asking his female fans not to trouble Luo Quan, whoever caused trouble would be fired directly.

This made Luo Quan a little surprised. He didn't expect that Cao Mufeng was so fond of fans on stage, but he was so strict with fans in private that he was dismissed as a fan if he didn't obey.

But think about it too, fans who recruited their own stars everywhere can no longer simply use cerebral palsy to describe them. If they don't get fired, do they keep it for the New Year?

"This Cao Mufeng is different from a lot of small fresh meat." Luo Quan said softly, raised his head, and looked at where Cao Mufeng was sitting.

At this moment, Cao Mufeng also raised his face as if he was blessed, and looked at Luo Quan.

The two looked at each other, smiled and met, and then staggered their eyes again.

"The two of you... won't you meet your eyes so soon?" Wen Xia could see clearly from the side, and the two looked at each other almost at the same time, which is too tacit.

Luo Quan said with a dark face: "Sorry, I won't have any thoughts on this in ten years."

"No!" Wen Xia was taken aback, "Could it be that you have a shadow because of something?"

Luo Quan raised his arms and showed off his muscles: "I am a martial artist, and underworld bosses are not afraid. What could happen? I just don't have any thoughts in this regard."

Luo Quan didn't discuss the relationship with Wen Xia too much. This kind of mentality can't be changed in a day or two, or even a lifetime.

Of course, the secretion of estrogen may have an impact on her, but the psychological barrier cannot be overcome, and everything is meaningless. At least for now, Luo Quan has no idea of ​​falling in love.

Under the constraints of the two stars, the fans' scolding stopped in an instant. Although there were still a few people scolding, it was basically fans of other stars who were leading the rhythm, so there was no need to ignore it.

However, the dispute between Luo Quan and Cao Mufeng did not stop there.

The low-quality scolding war between fans is over, and what follows is a debate between a group of "music pool lovers".

There are already related questions on Zhihu:

"Who is Luo Quan and Cao Mufeng who is the leader of the new generation of Chinese music?"

It is undeniable that Cao Mufeng's talent is still relatively recognized in the industry, although half of his songs are not quite in line with the public's aesthetics. People who like them think they are celestial music, and people who hate them regard them as ghosts and wolves.

But his songs do contain a certain philosophical quality, and they are well-made. He does everything from the lyrics to the arrangement, which is one level higher than all musicians of the same age in terms of musical rationale.

In layman's terms, Cao Mufeng's songs are average to passers-by, but they sound valuable to professionals.

Qu Gao and widow, bright spring and white snow, this is the evaluation of Cao Mufengge by people in the circle.

As for why he is sought after by so many fans, it is mainly because he is handsome.

Female fans who like male idols do not care whether his works are good or bad in most cases, as long as they are good-looking, so even if his songs are not so popular, many people still like them, and concerts are full.

And Luo Quan's style is basically the opposite of Cao Mufeng's. It's all pop music with catchy and catchy melody. It only takes one listen to make people like it, and the audience is very wide.

Although Luo Quan currently only has one Chinese song, as far as the popularity of the song is concerned, both "Lemon" and "Faded" are higher than Cao Mufeng's most popular song by an unknown number of grades.

Anyway, there are as many as 10,000+ users singing covers of Luoquan songs on Douyin, and the total number of hits on cover videos exceeds one billion.

This is still under the circumstance that she only has one Chinese song. If she releases a Chinese album one day, the popularity of the song will probably rise to a new level!

In terms of the popularity of the song, Cao Mufeng was completely defeated, and most people in the question also believed that Luo Quan was better than Cao Mufeng.

But those who support Cao Mufeng also come up with many tenable viewpoints.

For example, Luo Quan's music style is too outdated and not innovative at all. It is just a higher creation on the basis of predecessors, and does not bring innovation to Chinese music.

But Cao Mufeng has been at the forefront of the Chinese music trend since his debut, and has been creating experimental music that is both popular and philosophical. In a few years, he may be able to become an artist!
This is unmatched by a pop singer like Luo Quan, and in terms of singing skills, Cao Mufeng's high pitch is the best among young singers, and even many veteran singers are not his opponents. This is his biggest advantage over Luo Quan. where.

In the current Internet environment, a singer's singing skills are one of the important indicators for comparing strengths, and Cao Mufeng's singing skills are almost the ceiling for singers under the age of 40. The scary thing is that he is only 25 years old this year, and the future room for improvement is huge.

Therefore, in terms of singing skills, Luo Quan is completely at a disadvantage.

At least in the eyes of Cao Mufeng's fans, Luo Quan's singing skills can only be said to be average.

(End of this chapter)

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