Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 700 Recommendations

Chapter 700 Recommendations
"Ahahaha, chicken soup is here."

Luo Quan came out of the car with a pot of hot chicken soup, with a smile on his face.

On this April day in the world, it is a wonderful thing to be able to drink such a pot of fragrant chicken soup.

Leon, Mia and others immediately surrounded them, scrambling to fill up.

Following the crew, everyone eats boxed lunches every day. Although Luo Quan chooses the best fast food restaurants and tries to make the dishes more varied, there will be times when they get tired of eating.

And compared with Luoquan's, the taste of these fast food is really not flattering.

So after eating fast food for more than ten days in a row, the big guy finally couldn't bear it, and begged Luo Quan to cook for everyone next time.

Of course, only Leon and the others can get this kind of treatment. There are hundreds of people in the entire crew, and it is unrealistic to have a tooth festival.

"The chicken is soft and rotten, the soup is rich and fragrant, and the taste is mellow. It's absolutely amazing!" Mia commented with satisfaction after eating the chicken in chicken soup.

Luo Quan smiled: "You're pretty good at talking, aren't you still a part-time gourmet?"

Lyon professionally dismantled the stage: "Many bloggers on Twitter have made your food videos, just follow suit and say no?"

"You talk a lot!" Mia glared at him, "But there's nothing wrong with using these words to describe this bowl of chicken soup. It's really delicious."

After finishing the chicken soup, Carrielian looked at Luo Quan's eyes sparkling: "Luo Quan's cooking skills are really good, I don't know how I can reach your level."

Luo Quan sat down, served himself soup and said, "You want to learn? I'll teach you."

After eating a big chicken leg, Leon snorted with a smile: "Then you have suffered a lot. My sister told me before that if you want to improve your cooking skills, it takes a year or two at the shortest."

"A year or two?"

Carreline showed a surprised expression: "It took so long? Let's forget it."

There are some things that only Luo Quan can learn.

None of her abilities can be achieved without several years or even ten years of dedicated study.

Others think it is a side job, and you can learn it easily.

In fact, for many people, this is simply unattainable state.

Suddenly, Carreline understood what a genius is, and she should be a good-looking vase with peace of mind.

After the tooth festival, the filming continued.

At present, "Forrest Gump" is progressing smoothly. Although various demonstrations and zero-dollar purchases in the outside world are intensifying, Hollywood is still relatively stable.

Since Los Angeles learned the lesson last time, it is now equipped with a lot of police force, and the law and order is much better than usual.

However, not every place can have such a police force to maintain order, and the riots are still going on.

Especially zero yuan purchase, this kind of ridicule makes many people unable to realize the seriousness of this behavior.

But this is robbery, and it is a mass robbery in broad daylight.

In addition, robberies in the United States are usually accompanied by shootings, some from the robbers and some from the robbed.

Although the United States has always been the country with the most frequent shootings in the world because of gun ownership, the frequency of shootings this year has surpassed the highest level in the past 20 years.

If this trend continues, Luo Quan feels that it is only a matter of time before mass shootings occur.

And Eric also predicted this, and sent a bodyguard of 50 people to be responsible for the safety of a pair of children.

This is also the first time for Luo Quan to feel that it is very necessary to arrange bodyguards.

Looking at those bodyguards in suits and leather shoes, sunglasses with guns in their arms hovering around the periphery of the set, she still felt quite safe.

As long as you don't kill yourself and go to the neighborhoods with frequent cases, there will basically be no big problems.

If nothing else, the film will be finalized in mid-May. Filming without any special effects is a little less worry-free and more convenient for post-production.

However, there are several big scenes in the movie, which still require some thought.

For example, on the Peace Memorial Day, the hero and heroine hug and kiss each other under the eyes of everyone.

She has already found the venue, but the situation is not stable now, if there are too many people, it will be a bad thing if some psychopath comes and commits a shooting.

After hesitating for a while, she still called Karan and told him about the difficulties she encountered.

Karan was very happy, and directly said that he was on him, and then he would directly invite the military to come over and play a cameo, so as to calm down the situation.

Luo Quan didn't expect Karan to have such a big face, and he was a little surprised that he could directly invite people from the military.

But if this level of security can be maintained, the situation she worries about will probably not happen.

After all, no matter how excited the people are, they dare not fight against the military. State violence agencies are not just talking about it for fun.

Besides, maybe on the day of filming, the conflicts might not be as intense as they are now.

What's interesting is that Luo Quan's conjecture actually has the possibility of becoming a reality.

After being a tortoise for a long time, the US government finally came out to tell the people the solution to the stock market crash.

The method is very simple, that is, to give those bankrupt civilians thousands of dollars in relief money each, and then lower the bank loan interest rate, so that everyone is more willing to borrow money.

This method is really too rough. Luo Quan thought that he would use some method to raise the stock price, but the result was to send money directly to the public.

As for where does the money come from?The Federal Reserve's nuclear-powered money printing machine has already begun to stir.

In the end, the whole world still pays the bill, which is not much different from the previous financial crisis and stock market crisis.

However, this method can only save a temporary emergency, and the problem has not been solved at all. It will be a matter of time before the stock price crashes again.

But the U.S. government obviously can't think so much now, so let's solve the urgent problem first.

After the money was issued, social security has indeed improved a lot. At least the frequency of zero-yuan purchases and demonstrations has decreased significantly.

Seeing that the news of recent violent incidents has decreased, Luo Quan also contacted Karan, so that he could bring someone over to film.

But she didn't expect that this action made "Forrest Gump" in the news.

Originally, it was just a guest appearance by the military, and Luo Quan didn't think about how many people Karan would bring.

As a result, Karan directly transferred a reinforcement company, hundreds of people, all of them with body armor and automatic rifles, and the equipment was from special forces. As for whether it was a Delta or a seal, I don't know.

There were even two sci-fi Osprey gunships in the sky. Those who didn't know it thought it was a rebellion in Hollywood, and the army sent special forces to suppress it.

All the reporters rushed over, only to find an unexpected person descending from the helicopter.

Karan is not considered a celebrity, but he is still somewhat famous in the political circle.

When he was young, he often appeared on state television with the governor's father, and sometimes his father would take him with him to attend some meetings.

Because of his good looks and sensible since childhood, Karan has been the darling of the media since the first time he appeared on camera, and has been loved by many American people.

As a political family, Karan's father's behavior also used his son to gain favor with him, and the reason for winning votes was in it.

But more, I still want my son to be exposed to all this since he was a child, so as to help his future development.

And Karan himself is very interested in politics, and his family has helped him plan his way. As long as he obtains a master's degree in the law department, he will probably be able to directly enter politics in the next step.

Moreover, his fans on Twitter have already accumulated a lot of numbers. Although it is not obvious at present, but after he enters politics in the future, it is estimated that he will become a very firm ticket holder.

As for the army he brought this time, it was not because he was a fan, but Karan called him through his father to find a relationship.

The script of "Forrest Gump" has been read by many big names.

Although there is no beautification of some things that embarrass the United States, at least they are impartial and in line with the actual situation.

And generally speaking, the filming of this film can still have positive effects on society, so the above also shows more emphasis on this, and it also meets the requirements of Luoquan's shooting as much as possible. This is why Kakan can borrow it so easily. The reason for the soldiers.

However, because the performance was too high-profile, it directly caused such a big commotion.

However, the United States seems to never hide this kind of thing, and even wants to let the media hype it up, just to encourage this type of creators.

The scene of Karan getting off the plane and having a warm conversation with Luo Quan was also captured by the reporters who heard the news.

What Karan thought was to say hello to these reporters later and tell them not to post anything randomly.

Who knew that these reporters were even more ruthless, they started the live broadcast when they came, and directly drew their salaries from the bottom of the pot.

After chatting with Luo Quan for a few words, Karan received a call, saying that he saw it on the Internet now, and told him to be more careful in what he said next.

A mature politician, no matter whether the microphone in front of him is on or not, he should act as if it is on.

In the same way, regardless of whether the camera is broadcasting live or not, Karan will treat it as a live broadcast, so he didn't say anything inappropriate from the beginning to the end, and the flirting with Luo Quan was also about the movie.

But he was actually a little worried, because if the live broadcast went out, it might cause some unnecessary troubles to Luo Quan, and she didn't seem to like getting involved with political figures.

When she told Luo Quan about the live broadcast in a low voice, she also showed a surprised expression, turned her head to look at the cameras of the reporters, and hesitated to speak.

But soon his expression returned to normal.

"Thank you for your help. I will have to trouble the soldiers to change into another set of military uniforms, and the helicopters will also need to be changed. There were no Ospreys a few decades ago."

Luo Quan told Karan about the things that need to be changed, neither humble nor overbearing.

As a major element in American war movies, Osprey is almost becoming a business card.

When it came out in the early years, people thought it was a fictional sci-fi aircraft because of its peculiar shape, but it turned out that it really existed in reality, and its performance was quite good.

The United States is also willing to use this method to demonstrate its strength and export culture, so in many large-scale production movies, real cameras will be sent to shoot.

But "Forrest Gump" definitely won't use such an advanced helicopter, so where do these ospreys come from or where do they go back.

Taking advantage of the time to change equipment, the reporters also hurriedly gathered around and interviewed Luo Quan, who hadn't appeared in the public eye for a long time.

Unlike those film crews who are eager to let the whole world know the progress of the film, Luo Quan will hardly accept any media interviews before the filming is completed, mainly because he can't find anyone.

Sometimes she broadcasts live, but more often she interacts with fans in the hotel, the media must not break into the room or the live broadcast room.

Now this opportunity is very rare, and there is an American celebrity Karan next to him, the reporters smelled the traffic almost instantly.

"Luo Quan, is Mr. Karan your official partner for this movie?"

"Luo Quan, is this the first time Mi and Mr. Karan have cooperated?"

"Luo Quan, is the mysterious man who visited your set last year Mr. Karan?"

"Luo Quan, what was your first impression of Mr. Karan?"


Questions came one after another like a cannonball, Luo Quan rubbed his temples, thinking that I knew it.

But pretending to be dumb is obviously not the answer. After rubbing the temples, I should respond or have to respond:
"It is indeed the first time to cooperate with Mr. Karan, but I haven't met him many times, so I can't answer many questions.

As for the first impression or something, it is actually very obvious that this is a handsome, gentle, and educated man. "

An official answer, as if he said something, but also as if he didn't say anything.

Karan looked at Luo Quan, and suddenly felt that she seemed to be quite suitable to be a politician, because she seemed to be very good at dealing with the media and speaking correct nonsense.

With a smile, Karan stretched out his hand to attract the reporter's attention: "This time I am here as a film producer, and also brought the government's support for this film.

If you have any questions about the film, you can wait to mention it at the press conference after the finale. As for now, for the sake of the film's secrecy, many things are actually difficult to talk about. "

"Then can you tell me about this American theme movie, why did Karan Mi find Luo Quan?"

"What was your first impression of Luo Quan?"

"Do you have any cooperation plans in the future?"


These reporters were also quite honest. When they saw Karan coming to pick up the conversation, they directly switched their firepower and started firing at him.

"As you can see, Luo Quan is recognized as the most beautiful in the world, a beautiful, gentle, and elegant lady.

In addition, she also has an unattainable talent. Her movies have never disappointed everyone so far, so there is no problem in letting her make this main theme movie. "

Karan smiled slightly and responded to the media in Luo Quan's format.

It was such a response that directly caused the good people on the Internet to lock the cp of the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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