Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 701 Gossip

Chapter 701 Gossip
The thing about cp is actually derived from the fantasies of netizens who have nowhere to put it.

In fact, many men and women, men and women, women and men who are out of reach, can pull CP.

As for Xiang Luoquan and Karan, who have appeared on the scene together, and said that this kind of sounds very CP-like, it will easily arouse the big guy's imagination.

In fact, although Luo Quan has emphasized countless times since his debut that he has never been in a relationship before, he will not fall in love in the future.

But there are not too few scandals.

Just when I was in Shangyi, there were two of them.

In addition, a certain grandson in Japan counts as one, and now he is already a prince.

Now, this Karan can also be counted as one.

But those are all rumors, and none of them have been officially certified by Luoquan.

But in this day and age, there is no cost to spreading rumors.

And the general public likes to listen to gossip among celebrities.

Therefore, it is easy for everyone to know about rumors, but it is even more difficult to dispel rumors.

But this time, what Luo Quansuo faced could not be called a scandal.

I don't know how many people on the Internet said with certainty that the relationship between these two people is definitely not simple, and they seem to have jq.

It is indeed not simple, Karan is Party A, and she is Party B.

But if you tell this kind of thing, some people will say that you are trying to cover up.

But if you don't say it, someone will say that you are the default.

Fortunately, Luoquan didn't have any studio or public relations team, and he would speak up when he encountered any troubles.

Considering that this scandal is mainly spread abroad, especially in the United States, Luo Quan specially sent a clarification on Twitter:
"Explain the recent series of rumors.

I only have a working relationship with Mr. Callan, he's the producer, I'm the director, it's that simple.

Please do not speculate, so as not to cause misunderstanding.

If everyone doesn't listen and insists on thinking about it, then I have no choice but please my fans and Mr. Karan's fans, please don't swear and attack people because of this non-existent rumor. "

What should be said, Luo Quan clarified it clearly in the news.

In fact, she and Karan met three times in total, and they didn't make many phone calls. They couldn't even be called ordinary friends.

But if you say that, it's too emotionally intelligent.

In short, what should be clarified has also been clarified. Anyway, it is not the first time that she has been rumored to be scandalized. It will stop sooner or later, so don't worry too much.

The military cameo scene was filmed soon, and Karan saw such a big commotion and didn't take the initiative to find her later, probably to pay attention to the impact or something.

It just so happened that the filming of this part of the scene had just finished, and there was a shooting in the city of Los Angeles next door.

It was heard that it was a burglary, and the police went to enforce the law after receiving the call, but were shot by the robbers again, resulting in casualties.

Although the specific situation is not clear, but this kind of thing happened at this time, it is estimated that the society that has not been stable for a long time will start to be turbulent again.

Sure enough, the incident was in the news the next day.

Two police officers were killed and two were injured in a shooting in Los Angeles.

And the robber was unsurprisingly black again.

In an instant, public opinion across the United States was in an uproar.

This is the first case this year in which police officers have suffered such heavy casualties, and it is another tragedy caused by black people.

Why do you say that, because of the conflict between the police and the bandits, the bandits are usually black.

But this time, it was the police who responded the most.

Tens of thousands of police officers in Los Angeles took to the streets together to hold a mourning ceremony for the two officers who died.

In addition to Los Angeles, there have also been spontaneously organized parades in other major cities, with participants from all walks of life and races.

On the Los Angeles side, there were tens of thousands of policemen with live ammunition. After the parade started, the entire street was covered by black waves, which was spectacular and orderly.

Faced with so many notes, the potential criminals are obediently staying at home and not daring to come out.

But marches in other cities were less peaceful.

For example, in the parade in California, tens of thousands of people were walking, and suddenly there was a gunshot, and then the crowd scattered and fled, causing a large-scale stampede.

Fortunately, no one was trampled to death, but more than a hundred people were injured, and the situation is quite serious.

What's ridiculous is that after investigating the cause, it was found that the gunshots that caused the riot were not gunshots at all, but the engine sound of a motorcycle.

But in the social environment of the United States, all similar sounds will basically be regarded as gunshots by default.

It's no surprise that this is happening when everyone is terrified.

Although the news has become a joke in foreign countries, it is a very serious social problem in the United States.

Every day on the TV station, various political parties will be entangled in it and quarrel with each other.

And this also provides an opportunity for politicians to promote themselves, and they all promise that they will do something after they come to power, so that similar situations will not happen again, and the people will have a harmonious and stable living environment.

But the root cause, the proliferation of guns, is not mentioned by anyone.

However, it is also understandable. After all, this is an article in the U.S. Constitution. All Americans have the right to own guns to defend themselves. This cannot be deprived of under any circumstances. level.

Therefore, even if you know that banning guns can solve all problems, as long as you are a smart person.I won't mention it.

If this is brought up, it will not only offend the public, but also offend the arms dealers.

However, due to the public's panic about the shooting, the number of online users of World of Warcraft on the US server is much higher than before.

Everyone doesn't want to go out, so they can only stay at home and play games.

Speaking of which, World of Warcraft now has a stable global online population of around 100 million, making it the most popular online client game second only to League of Legends.

Although there is not much krypton gold content, but with such a large number of players, even if it is just some skins and costumes, it can still make a lot of money.

The current situation of World of Warcraft can not be described as an exaggeration.

Luo Quan probably didn't expect that World of Warcraft could become a bigger cash cow than her music and movies.

The small goal of 200 billion US dollars now seems not so far away.

It's just that it's not her style to sit and eat.

Now Blizzard Studio only has two IPs of World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy, although it is enough to make a lot of money just by marketing these two IPs well.

But if you can earn more, why not keep trying?

Thinking of all the things that happened in the United States recently, Luo Quan felt that if he made a game called Grand Theft Auto, it would probably be a hit.

But in China, it is estimated that she will not be able to make it to the stage. The content of this game does not conform to the mainstream values ​​of China. No matter how strong her domestic relationship is, she may not pass the review.

But there will certainly not be any problems abroad.

Now that you have an idea, you can start working on it after the work at hand is done.

It is conceivable that when this game comes out, what kind of game craze will it cause.

After all, in the previous life, this was a game with a sales volume of over [-] million...

"Okay, this one is over."

As soon as Luo Quan's words fell, Leon and Carreline, who were embracing and kissing, immediately separated, appearing very divided.

It's not the first time that the two of them filmed a kissing scene. The last time they filmed on the Titanic, the scale was bigger than this time, and it's not like it is now.

But that was when Leon didn't have a girlfriend yet.

Although Mia wasn't there, Leon and Carreline had to keep their sense of proportion.

As for Luo Quan, she said that the kiss scene in this movie is not particularly important, and she can use a double or borrow a seat.

But upon hearing this, before Leon said anything, Mia objected first.

Her original words are: "The United States is not like China. We separate sex and love very separately. Love includes sex, but sex does not include love.

Therefore, kissing is not something unacceptable to me, as long as Leon and Carreline don't mind, I don't care anyway. "

Such a speech also allowed Luo Quan to understand how open-minded the United States is.

But it sounds like some lkds in China are trying to justify their cheating?
Anyway, Luo Quan himself can't accept the weird saying that sex and love are separated.

Isn't this as outrageous as: I'm a good girl despite my clubbing, tattoos, and promiscuity.

Of course, she is not saying that going to bars and getting tattoos is not a good girl, but the premise of combining these three.

Probably this is the gap between cultures. Anyway, Mia, Leon, and Carreline all acted naturally and easily accepted this matter.

On the contrary, she, the director, seemed to be a little more cautious.

But everyone didn't have any worries, so she didn't have to think so much when shooting.

She filmed the sex scene between Leon and Carrieline very seriously.

Although it is not possible to strip the two of them like "Titanic", it will present an ultimate fusion of soul and flesh to movie fans all over the world.

But it is relatively simple to shoot aesthetics and harmony.

Generally, such a feeling is achieved by filters, while a good director relies on the control of mirrors and light and shadow.

How can I say that she is also very intelligent now, and the knowledge of directing is the focus of her current study, so it is not difficult to shoot such a scene well.

Besides, after working on hs for so long, she herself has some experience in this area, and she is a good doctor after a long illness.

He is very familiar with how to capture the audience's G-spot and how to capture the feeling of wanting to reveal but concealing.

In the past, she used this trick on herself, but now it's all used on Leon and Carreline.

After explaining many key points to the two, this part of the shot was shot only twice, and the effect was very good, adding a lot of color to the movie.

Of course, this kind of thing can only be used as an adjustment. If there is too much, it will overwhelm the guests and cause bad effects.

So even though it took her a day to shoot this scene, in fact, after editing it into the movie, the total amount is less than 1 minute.

However, referring to the eclectic clips of the two on the Titanic, it has now become a must-use material for the cover party of domestic marketing accounts.

It is estimated that the one shot this time cannot escape that fate.

But looking at Leon and Carreline, they are quite open-minded about this, thinking that this is a dedication to art.

Having said that, the topic of actors' awareness is brought up again.

As a senior, even though she has never won a Best Actress, she has been in the industry for so many years, and she still puts on a show in front of her boss Luo Quan.

"I'm not talking about your boss, your ideological awareness still needs to be improved.

As an actor, you can't say that I can't act in this scene, I can't do that action.

For the sake of art, we must overcome all hardships, and we must not cherish ourselves and be afraid of this and that.

Although Luo Quan, your acting skills are very good, but you are still a bit weak in this aspect, and your professionalism needs to be strengthened. "

In the room, while eating a small cake baked by Luoquan, Carrie was criticizing and educating her.

Luo Quan next to him was reviewing the footage of the two embracing and kissing in the computer.

Remove the not-so-good-looking clips, and keep the good-looking few seconds or even a few frames.

"How can my situation be different?

Huaxia doesn't allow leaked shots to be released. If I shoot that one, I'm sure I'll be blocked right away. "

Luo Quan focused on two tasks, explaining to Carrieline while editing the movie.

She herself didn't think there was any need for things like nude scenes.

What is the purpose of this in literary movies?She couldn't figure it out.

If it is to reflect the lust of the hero and heroine and express the inner desire, then why not just finish the filming, wouldn't it be more intuitive.

But if that's the case, it becomes a ****.

But if the filming is not finished, the kissing and caressing scenes will be interesting at once. What is the purpose of stripping?
Unless it's like the Titanic, the plot requires it.

But most movies are about taking off for the sake of taking it off.

So Luo Quan felt that there was no need for this at all.

Of course, on the other hand, she couldn't get rid of this face, or she couldn't let go of the burden of being an idol.

At any rate, she has been crowned the most beautiful in the world for three consecutive times, and now she has so many fans all over the world. Although she usually makes some big-scale jokes with big guys, but if she really wants to play as big as Carrieline, she is really powerless.

She didn't even dare to imagine what the domestic public opinion would look like after that picture appeared, and what her Fengqing would become.

There are actually some lessons learned from the past, such as a certain domestic actress at the beginning of the century.

It was also a literary film by an international director. For the sake of art, he acted in a few outrageously large-scale scenes with a certain actor.

Then there is no more then.

It's not known whether this actress was blocked by the actor's wife or by the Mainland's review department, and she simply disappeared for many years.

That is to say, it seems that the limelight has gradually subsided recently, so I came out to continue working again.

Although she debuted very early and won many awards for that movie.

But until now, to be honest, there is not much value left.

What the netizens are talking about is not her acting skills, but more about her fame at the beginning.

But the film king was not affected in any way.

This is very unfair.

(End of this chapter)

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