Chapter 702
"Thank you for your hard work these days. The film can be completed so quickly, it is inseparable from the efforts of all of us."

On the set, Luo Quan, who finished filming the last scene, called all the employees over and thanked them face to face.

She respects workers very much.

"Director, you are too polite. Who doesn't know that you are the busiest and most tiring during the filming of the whole movie. We are actually just working with wages."

The assistant director laughed, flattering and telling the truth at the same time.

Compared with other crews, working under Luo Quan is really comfortable.

If you have a lot of money, you don't need to use your brain, and she arranges almost everything.

The only problem is that the tasks are relatively heavy. As soon as Luo Quan starts to work, he works from morning to night. Others are embarrassed to be lazy when they see the director working so hard.

Of course, only during working hours.

She also takes vacations when she should, and never works overtime.

In this regard, it is already countless times better than others.

Don't look at the fact that there is no overtime culture in the United States, and everyone is fishing when they go to work. It seems that they are paid a high salary and are very leisurely.

But in fact, these are all for colleagues and superiors to see when they are in the workplace.

In fact, a lot of work is done at home, and this kind of leisurely appearance in the company is to highlight one's own ability on the one hand, and to reflect the management ability of the leader on the other hand.

This is a kind of wisdom in the workplace.

Of course, this is only the case in the IT industry, and the labor industry is relatively normal.

According to the usual practice, Luo Quan invited everyone to a restaurant in a big hotel after the finale.

After all, I usually eat box lunches every day on the set. Although the hygiene of fast food in the United States is not a big problem, the taste and nutrition can only be said to be adequate.

Now that it's finished, I can get a lot of favors by taking everyone to a restaurant to reward them.

Because of being so considerate in dealing with people, Luo Quan's reputation in the Hollywood film industry is now one of the best. If you do a survey, the director's crew that the behind-the-scenes people are most willing to go to must have Luo Quan's name.

In the private room of the hotel, relatives and friends of Luo Quan and Lyon toasted to celebrate.

This time Seifert brought Anna over, and Luo Quan couldn't remember the last time he met her.

In my impression, Seifert seldom brings his girlfriend out to meet with everyone, and he is quite reserved after coming here today.

But that’s how it is with socializing. You’re new at the first time, you’re familiar with it at the second time, and you’ll get acquainted after meeting a few more times. They’re not outsiders anyway.

"I heard from Seifert that you majored in finance?"

Although Mia didn't study this major, her family's work was basically related to this, and she also dabbled in it, so she chatted with Anna very acquaintedly.

Anna nodded: "Yes, I plan to work on Wall Street after graduation."

Her school is also a prestigious school in the Ivy League, and her grades are usually very good. If she successfully graduates, Wall Street is still quite easy to get into.

But with Seifert's connections, she can enter Wall Street even if she doesn't graduate.

But Anna herself didn't want to accept Seifert's help. She said that although the two were lovers, she was actually a self-reliant woman who wanted to make a living with her own hands.

So far, Seifert has not provided her with any academic help, and will not provide any help at work in the future.

The two are just ordinary couples, and even many outsiders don't know that the prince of Universal Company has a girlfriend.

"Indeed, we women just want to be self-reliant, so what's the point of relying on men?"

Anna's words entered Mia's heart, and she was about to toast with a group of sisters at the banquet while raising her glass.

Among the four wine glasses, Luoquan's orange juice is particularly conspicuous.

"I can't drink alcohol, so I can only drink this." Luo Quan smiled embarrassedly.

After the four of them drank it all in one gulp, Carrielian looked at Luo Quan curiously: "Luo Quan, have you been checked in the hospital for your constitution? Why do you pour it down as soon as you touch it?"

Luo Quan shook his head: "I've had a physical examination, but no reason was found out."

"It's actually nice not to drink."

Seifert also drank a glass, feeling quite emotional: "At least it is reasonable to refuse to drink. Sometimes it is really uncomfortable to drink too much of this stuff."

"And after a few years, I will grow a beer belly, which will greatly affect my figure, so although I can drink it, I usually don't touch this stuff."

Leon had a glass of wine and a Coca-Cola bottle by his hand.

In comparison, he still prefers happy water.

"By the way, why hasn't Fred come out recently?" Leon suddenly mentioned this friend who had a lot of interactions before.

Among the three musketeers, Fred was the only one who had an idea about Luo Quan and put it into action. He also gave the Lamborghini Poison which is limited to nine units worldwide.

In order to gain Luo Quan's favor, it can be said that a lot of effort has been made.

But it seems that I haven't seen him for a while. Could it be that one day I couldn't hold back and confessed to my sister again, and didn't come out after being rejected?
"I heard that she went to Italy to get married."

Seifert didn't know much, and just said some news he heard: "You know, the Fred family has a lot of connections with Italian gangs.

His father saw that he was single all the time, so he arranged a marriage for him. Now, it is estimated that the young couple is about to talk about marriage. "

While speaking, Seifert was still looking at Luo Quan's expression.

Not only him, but Leon, Mia, and Carreline were also watching.

"What's your expression like?"

Luo Quan was chewing nuts, and found that everyone suddenly looked at her:

"I know he likes me, and he knows I know he likes me.

But I made it clear to him very early on, and he also knew there was no hope, so isn't it normal to find another lover? "

Seifert laughed loudly: "I didn't say anything, you recruited yourself."

"Cut!" Luo Quan gave him a middle finger.

"But I actually have doubts, sister."

Leon took a sip of the happy water and said worriedly: "You don't like Fred, you don't like Karan, and you don't like the prince and crown prince. Do you really plan to die alone?"

"Yes, can't you?" Luo Quan nodded.

"That's not impossible, but it's a pity that such a high appearance cannot be passed on." Seifert sighed for a while.

"Speaking of which." Leon suddenly embraced Mia proudly: "I think Mia and I will work hard, and there is still hope."

"Who wants to work hard with you?" Mia gave Leon a white look.

There was a sudden burst of laughter at the banquet.

I was urged to get married every day, but fortunately, it was only a small talk, and it didn't matter if I skipped it as a joke.

As for the family, my parents have never cared about this matter.

It is estimated that he is very confident in his daughter, and feels that even if she is 40 years old, she can have a large number of suitors, who can line up from East New York to West New York.

But I don't know what I will look like when I am 40 years old. At that time, it should be the so-called mature woman stage that fans are most looking forward to.

After the banquet, everyone rested in the hotel for one night, and boarded the plane back to New York the next day.

The director and the main creator will have a press conference next, and then there will be a premiere ceremony. There are still many things to do.

Luo Quan's work on the film is almost done. She shoots the film in sequence, and the editing is done together with the film. It is basically finished, and there is not much left in the editing.

It is also such a wonderful way of working that has created her output like a sow giving birth.

Well, this adjective doesn't sound very nice.

But everyone on the Internet is so ridiculed, saying that it is full of respect for her.

Now that the film's press conference is finally taking place, journalists are gathered to ask specific details about the film.

At this time, Luo Quan also released more content and tidbits of the movie.

She hides when it should be hidden, and reveals it when it should be exposed. She is quite clear about this.

During the publicity stage, the media and movie fans have to see some benefits before they can enter the theater. If any news is tightly covered, it will cause disgust.

"Luo Quan, first of all, congratulations on your successful completion of the movie. What are your expectations for this movie? I mean the award."

The first reporter who asked a question was from the New York Times, and it was quite straightforward.

"It must be an Oscar." Luo Quan's answer was also simple and rude, "After all, a singer who doesn't want to win an Oscar is not a good cook."

Luo Quan's humorous smile caused all the reporters to smile knowingly.

When you don't talk about it, people don't think about it that much. Now that I mention it, it seems that her achievements in these aspects are quite high.

Needless to say, filming.

Singing, No. [-] in the new century singer list, known as a music angel, a unique world-class queen.

Cooking, that is also full of praise from all gourmets.

"Then, for the movie "Forrest Gump", can you talk about the aspects of the American Dream embodied in it?"

After laughing, the second reporter asked a more important question.

Luo Quan organized his language, and said: "The protagonist Forrest Gump, he is a witness of the era, and also a witness of the era.

He lived through the best of times in America and left his mark.

And a series of miracles that happened to him intertwined into the American Dream. "

"You mentioned the best era in the United States. Do you think that it was the best era in the United States three or forty years ago, but it is not now?"

The third reporter's question seemed a bit sharp or had ulterior motives.

But he also asked questions following Luo Quan's words, and she needed to answer them herself.

"Actually, if it's the best era, you just need to look at the lives of the low-level people."

Luo Quan smiled and told the facts: "As far as I know, at that time, working families in the United States could own a second-floor house purchased with full payment, and they could have enough time and money to travel abroad every year.

Just talking about this point, in fact, the gap can already be seen. As for what it looks like now, I don’t need to talk about it in detail. "

After saying this, the reporters nodded their heads in deep agreement.

Although the reporter should try to be objective when interviewing, and not add personal emotions.

But there is nothing wrong with what Luo Quan said, it's just that he can't directly clarify the problem due to his position.

If it were a different politician, it is estimated that another party would be criticized directly.

"However, the United States is still a beacon, the most developed country, and the most immigrant country in the world.

Does this mean that now is still the best time? Another reporter asked Luo Quan a question.

"It is possible to say so."

Luo Quan did not refute, "But I think it can actually be better, not like it is now.

As for what it will become, it depends on those meat eaters. Don’t ask me if it’s deeper. I have no plans to go into politics. "

"Actually, with your popularity, if you are looking for a professional campaign team, there is still a good chance." The reporter from Time Magazine made a joke.

If you want to be an official in the United States, you must first choose a political party, and then you have to gather three things.

The first is money, the second is eloquence, and the third is opinion.

That's right, no professional knowledge is required at all.

As long as you can make promises to your target voters, then give parade speeches in the areas where you want to run, and put a lot of advertisements, you can participate in the election.

If the conditions you promised sound more reliable than your competitors, and if you have good looks and eloquence, then the possibility of winning will be very high.

With Luo Quan's current popularity, coupled with her humorous and decent words, the family is so rich, and my father has friendship with many important people.

If you really go for election, you might have a chance to be mayor or even governor.

Of course, the premise is to change the nationality.

Before that, there was no precedent for a star being an official. Isn't that the case for a certain governor who is famous for his fitness.

However, changing nationality has basically blocked the way.

So Luo Quan just took the words of the Times magazine reporter as a joke.

"In my life, I am actually a rather lazy villain. I don't like to take responsibility, let alone governing the people?
Such a heavy responsibility is not something I can afford. Relatively speaking, a song or a movie is easier.

I like it, just to bring happiness to everyone, this is the only promise I can make and keep.

As for those who are more ambitious, they should belong to those better political talents.

And I just want to shine in the entertainment industry. "

The sincere and sincere answer drew heartfelt applause from the reporters.

However, amidst the applause, there were still discordant words:
"So when will your new album be released? There will also be a concert. This time it should be the turn of the United States, right? You should also be invited to the Super Bowl. That is our Spring Festival Gala in the United States."

Luo Quan tilted his head and smiled mischievously: "At present, I just want to lie on the bed and wait for the movie to be released, so that I can catch fish for a long time again."

(End of this chapter)

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