Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 703 Violations

Chapter 703 Violations
"Luo Quan, you want to lie flat again, don't you?"

In the live broadcast room, countless fans questioned her.

At the press conference for the film wrapping of "Forrest Gump", Luo Quan's previous answers were all okay, but when the reporter asked about the new arrangement, he just let it go. What's the reason for that!
In order to spur Luo Quan, countless fans repeated this question when she just opened the live broadcast room.

Luo Quan's eyes widened in surprise: "How can you say that you are lying flat? Didn't I just finish filming a movie? Anyway, let me rest for a few days. What the hell are you doing at night?"

After this explanation came out, the fans also felt as if their request was indeed a little too much.

But in view of her previous convictions, she can't think of work at all when she takes a break, which is really worrying.

"Okay, everyone just listen to my arrangement slowly. No matter what I'm going to do, I definitely can't tell you in advance. If I say all the surprises, is it still a surprise?"

Under Luo Quan's soothing voice, the excited fans immediately calmed down.

When Luo Quan said good things in such a gentle voice, it was really hard for people to refuse.

There is no way, her method is just such a foul.

"By the way, "Forrest Gump" is basically scheduled to be released at the end of April. Although it is the main theme of the United States, it is also an objective perspective to look at the changes of that era.

If I say it looks good, I'm sure it's not convincing, but I definitely won't feel bad after seeing it. "

It's hard for Luo Quan to say with certainty that this is definitely not a bad movie. After all, whether it's bad or not is a subjective opinion, and she can only describe it as not feeling bad.

Now a movie ticket is only a few tens of dollars, and if you can’t buy it, you will suffer a loss and you will not be fooled. As long as the movie is not too bad, you will definitely not lose money.

"I've heard you say that, if we don't go, it seems that we won't give you face."

Seeing the barrage, Luo Quan laughed: "That's right, it doesn't matter whether you give face or not, it doesn't matter whether you watch the movie or not, if you like it, go, if you don't like it, don't go, it's a very simple thing."

"A daily question, do you have any nude scenes?"

"No!" Luo Quan quickly retorted: "I asked you to stop thinking about these things. I'm not a Japanese teacher. How can there be so many restricted-rated works?"

"It's good to look forward to."

"Don't think too much, I would like to call it art, but we are all art connoisseurs."

"The sages have said it, food and sex as well."


"Cut, don't think so much about what you have and what you don't have." Luo Quan waved his hand, telling the fans not to have so many unrealistic thoughts.

"I took a lot of photo shoots a while ago, and I don't think I have any plans to do this again, so don't expect anything."

As soon as Luo Quan's words came out, the fans' thoughts were completely cut off, and it saved them from urging this matter every day.

As for "Forrest Gump", she didn't plan to promote it in China.

Movies are certainly good movies, but people from different countries will be moved differently after watching movies with the main theme.

This is not like Resident Evil, you just need to watch it for fun, and many movie fans don't like this kind of thing.

So she didn't particularly care for domestic fans, she just mentioned it, and if you are interested, just watch it.

Of course, it is more likely to look at pirated copies.

After spending a few days, Luo Quan finished all the post-production of the film, and sent it directly for review to be released.

After Universal received the promotional video, it promoted it with unprecedented intensity, and the density of the advertisement was even twice that of Resident Evil!
Luo Quan himself didn't expect this movie to attract so much attention from Universal. Although the above said hello, it's not like this.

And Seifert's original words are this: "You made the movie, but you can't imagine what kind of sensation this movie will bring.

The United States now needs such a shot in the arm! "

"If you can save a few homeless people from starving to death in winter, that would be the greatest merit." Luo Quan said.

What saves the stock market, revitalizes the manufacturing industry, and eases racial conflicts? Currently, the largest U.S. companies cannot be resolved by a single movie.

As for the tramp, that thing is actually outrageous.

Some so-called human rights organizations in the United States are sometimes really ineffective. When there are too many homeless people in the shelters and everyone lives in a crowded place, these organizations think that this is disrespect for human rights and sue the shelters for this reason.

Because of this, many shelters now close their doors when the beds are full, and never open their doors no matter how cold it is outside, so that many homeless people were killed by the cold a while ago.

This is a completely avoidable tragedy, just because of the so-called human rights.

As for Luo Quan, he didn't dare to show any condescension to the Virgin in the face of these homeless people.

The main reason is that this group is too complicated, some simply have no place to live, are cold and hungry.

Some couldn't stand the rules and regulations in the shelters, so they deliberately stayed on the streets.

And such people are often criminals with previous convictions, either violent or drug addicts, in short, they are not good people.

If you go to help them, maybe they will pull out a gun and kill you backhandedly.

The story of the farmer and the snake did not happen this winter.

Therefore, although Luo Quan sympathized with this group of people, but because the composition was too complicated, he did not lend a helping hand much.

After all, what can she do if the US government can't solve the problem?

When she opened a restaurant before, the unused materials could still provide a hearty lunch for the homeless next to her.

Now, you can't just buy food and give it away.

Therefore, after thinking about it, she still felt that it might be more reliable to let the movie complete this task.

Although it can't be said how reliable it is, it is still more likely than saving the stock market and the like.

But Seifert laughed after hearing Luo Quan's opinion: "I think you misunderstood me, causing a sensation and changing society are not synonymous.

This movie can give goals or fantasies to the people who are currently confused, and the motivation it brings cannot be simply measured by digital money.

As long as the amount of discussion comes together, its popularity will be the rhythm of taking off in place. "

"I do believe that."

Luo Quan nodded in agreement.

"Forrest Gump" is indeed different from other movies. If it is set in China, it may be similar to "Wolf Warrior 2".

How popular was "Wolf Warrior 2" in China?What box office?
It was a real movie-watching craze for the whole people, and the box office has ranked No. [-] in Asia so far, creating a myth that no one can break.

As for "Forrest Gump", Luo Quan feels that the conception will not be too different, the premise is that it is compared to the American public.

If you think about it this way, it's no wonder that Universal Corporation pays so much attention to it.

If this thing is released at this juncture, it will be a proper cash cow.

Although the economy is going down, there is still money to spend a few banknotes to watch a movie.

And exchanging a little money for spiritual comfort is a very cost-effective deal no matter how you look at it.

Thinking about it this way, Luo Quan is suddenly looking forward to the day when it will be released...

"The Albert Group invested US$80 billion in the medical giant Lydonne, which is the largest investment of the Albert Group this year."

The news this morning is a piece of news from England, which is related to Luo Quan's grandfather.

Although all the company's affairs are currently handled by the second uncle, the actual controller is still grandpa.

And this investment was also presided over by him.

This Lidoon company is a world pharmaceutical giant, and has researched many specific drugs for terminal illnesses!

In fact, many terminal illnesses in the past, with the development of science and technology, gradually have the possibility of relieving symptoms or even curing them.

Including cancer!

If you heard the word cancer in the past, you can directly use it three times.

But now, many cancers do not directly mean that they are incurable. Sometimes there are ways to prolong life at a high price.

It's just that the big price is really outrageous.

So there is a saying now: there is only one disease in the world, and that is the disease of poverty.

As for cancer, it is actually more like a longevity disease.

The longer the life expectancy, the higher the risk of cancer.

Therefore, in order to live longer and more comfortably, the rich will invest in medical projects in this area. Whether it is for themselves in case of emergency or for the benefit of future generations, it is quite good.

Besides, the pharmaceutical industry is also making money now, and many medicines are directly monopolized when they are produced. If you want to cure a disease, you must use the medicine of this company, and the price is set by yourself.

As long as it can be effective, it is simply an unbreakable source of income.

However, the old man's investment this time is not for himself or money.

Mainly because of heart knots and future generations considerations.

The old man's wife, Luo Quan's grandmother who had never met, died of cancer.

Although there is no possibility of family inheritance for the time being, no one can say for sure about birth, old age, illness and death, so after learning about this project, the old man directly invested money without saying a word.

It is said that if this project is successfully developed, cancer cells can be eradicated. As long as the oil is not exhausted, it can basically produce very good results.

Luo Quan inquired about it, and it seemed to be some kind of custom-made gene therapy. The principle is to let one's own immune system play a role, and eliminate cancer cells in a targeted manner. The effect is quick and the removal is very clean.

It's just that the price is extremely expensive, and it cannot be mass-produced. Everyone needs to customize it individually. It is destined that only the rich can enjoy the treatment for a period of time.

Of course, if possible, Luo Quan would not want to have the opportunity to enjoy this treatment.

But in any case, if this kind of medical technology that can cure cancer is really developed, it will be a great boon for all mankind.

Among several incurable diseases, cancer is the most troublesome besides AIDS.

The latter can also be prevented by keeping oneself clean, while the former really depends on luck.

If possible, she would like to get a panacea from the mall, which is a potion that can cure all cancers, so that it can help all mankind solve this big trouble.

Unfortunately, the system told her that this is not within its business scope, it only has entertainment functions, technology and medicine cannot be unlocked.

There are specialties in the art industry, and some things really can't be forced.

"So you were so quiet that you left your sister to me and Leon?"

Luo Quan looked at his mother and father with their luggage on their backs, with a look of helplessness on his face.

"It's only a few days. I've been bored with the children for a while, and I want to go out to relax, but don't worry, it won't be too long."

Luo Ni looked at her daughter apologetically: "So you are troubled, take care of my sister for a few days.

She is very well-behaved now, she doesn't make any noise at night, you just need to shake her little bed for nothing. "

"Oh, that's such a good baby." Luo Quan complained with his mouth curled up, and turned his face to look at Luo Xi who was in the cradle beside him, grinning.

Dad laughed loudly: "Don't worry, we're not going out of the United States, we just go to California to discuss business and take a trip by the way, spring is here, it's the season for spring outings."

"Then can Mia and I go on a spring outing?" Leon stretched his neck and looked over.

"Whatever you want, as long as you don't come to California." Dad waved his hand.

If it was normal, he would probably just throw a fart on his son's face.

But anyway, he is also a "family" man, so he has to save some face, otherwise, what will happen to the younger brother in the family in the future.

As for Luo Quan, who has no family at all, she is the one who has the heavy responsibility of raising a baby.

Can't blame others, who told her not to have a spring outing if she doesn't fall in love.

So, my father, my mother, and my younger brother Mia went to California and Yellowstone Park for spring outings respectively, leaving only the servants and the Luoquan and Luoxi sisters at home.

"Wuuu, sister, we are the only ones left now." Luo Quan lay on the edge of the cradle, making a crying face.

"Ahhh!" Luoxi stretched out her small hand, gently still on her sister's face, smiling happily.

When we first met, Luoxi was quite shy.

But after getting acquainted with her now, Luoxi is very attached to her elder sister, and she won't cry when she holds her in her arms.

Of course, Luoxi doesn't need to be hugged anymore, and she can spend the afternoon quietly even in the cradle, provided she plays some music or something.

There is still a live broadcast to be done here in Luoquan, and it is impossible to leave my sister alone in the room, so I carried the cradle to my room, and then turned on the live broadcast.

"Mom and Dad went on a trip, and today they are alone at home with the baby."

Luo Quan changed the title of the live broadcast room and turned on the camera.

"When I saw the title, I clicked in with a snap, it was so fast!"

"This little face, why does it look like bitterness and hatred?"

"No, Luoxi is quite cute, she smiles so happily."

"I mean Luo Quan."

"Haha, Luo Quan is a bit bitter today."

"It's more than that, that's like a bitter woman."

"The whole family went to play, and it was really hard to leave her alone to take care of her younger sister."

"Then what should I do? No one wants her."

"That's right, it's okay, I want you forever!"

"Bah, it's a beautiful idea!"

(End of this chapter)

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