Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 704 Daily life with my sister

Chapter 704 Daily life with my sister

Luoxi stared wide-eyed, looking at the screen that kept flashing barrage.

Although she didn't know what it said, she still smiled very happily.

"Wow, my sister is too cute."

"Old man's girlish heart!"

"To be reasonable, is my younger sister a hundred times cuter than my older sister?"

"A hundred times? More than a thousand times!"

"Indeed, my sister is too violent."

"Don't look at everyone's fans of you. The main reason is that you have no choice. Now we have found a better partner."

"Haha, Luo Quan, do you regret it?"


Seeing these fans who "turned against each other", Luo Quan was completely dumbfounded. :
"Do you people dare to be a little more funny? You started to criticize me when you saw Luoxi, right?"

"But it's true that Luoxi is cuter than you, can you refute it?"

There was a barrage of soul torture, and Luo Quan was speechless for a while.

The word cute really doesn't match her style all the time.

After all, because of her figure and appearance, she didn't feel that way.

He never speaks between words, his voice is more intellectual, he seldom shows cuteness, and he hardly skips house dances or the like.

Taken together, Luo Quan is a mature woman who is insulated from cuteness.

Although she was only twenty, she gave the impression that she was too mature.

In comparison, Xiao Luoxi grew up eating cute food.

When he was just born, he didn't bloom, and Luo Quan was still wondering why his appearance was not good enough.

Up to now, she is completely a little angel like a Cupid, completely beautiful.

Moreover, Luoxi with black hair and blue eyes is most likely destined to look like a Chinese when he grows up, which also makes Luo Quan's fans in China look forward to it.

"It's only natural that my younger sister is cuter than my older sister. After all, I'm 20 years older than her. She can be cute for more than ten years, but I will probably be a greasy endorsement in a few years." Luo Quan pretended to be pitiful Di sighed.

"It's okay, I'm not afraid of oil, so I'll accept you if I can't do it."

"As long as you have a good attitude, you can pretend to be cute when you're 40 years old."

"40 years old is indeed something."


Seeing that the barrage suddenly talked about his state when he was 40 years old, Luo Quan also seemed helpless.

There are still so many years of things, and now they are starting to chatter, these people are really idle.

Just as she was thinking, Luoxi suddenly raised her little hand and shouted: "Hungry, hungry".

The language is simple and clear, and the handling is not complicated, just make some milk powder.

"The current baby is still able to eat, all imported high-end milk powder, a can costs several hundred dollars, and it can only be eaten for a few days, which is better than my adult food."

While making milk powder, Luo Quan sighed to the camera: "Thinking about it, what my mother fed me back then was Sanyang milk powder, which is also a big domestic brand, but compared with this one, it's a lot worse."

"Sanyang milk powder? Then it's a miracle of life that you have the IQ you have now."

"It's a miracle of modern chemical industry. Now that I think about it, Sanyang Company really doesn't care about personnel."

"So it deserves to close down."

"I didn't expect Luo Quan to drink Sanyang milk powder."

"Actually, I drank too."


Seeing so many people with the same experience in the barrage, Luo Quan also smiled: "Probably Sanyang Milk Powder hadn't started making unconscionable money at that time, the product should still be guaranteed, otherwise it wouldn't be possible Then it was so big.

So people's hearts are subject to change, just like you people, yesterday you kept talking about me for the rest of your life, but today you start criticizing me. "

"I'll go, the firepower is transferred by surprise."

"If you see Tuqiongdagger, it belongs to you."

"I'll admit my mistake, no matter how hungry the child is, Luoxi's tears are tearful, and she should cry if she doesn't breastfeed her."


"I want you to tell me."

Luo Quan was annoyed by these people and laughed: "The milk powder is still a little hot, so I have to wait for a while."

Speaking of which, Luo Quan put down the baby bottle and hugged Luo Xi: "Luo Xi is obedient, we will have dinner in 2 minutes, hold on tight and don't cry."


Luoxi stared, raised her hand slightly and shook it.

It was such a small move that made the barrage come alive again:

"It turns out human babies are the cutest creatures in the world, as long as they're not crying."

"Human cub... May I ask what species you are?"

"Jie Jie, there are too many aliens."

"By the way, have you thought about what Luoxi will do in the future? Have you ever caught Zhou?"

"I only grasped Zhou when I was one year old, but now I can't stretch my hands too far, what can I grasp?"

"I feel that Luoxi can also become an actor in the future, and then star in the same movie with her sister, using the peerless demeanor of a young man to fight against the arrogance of an old woman at that time!"

"This works."


"Hehe, you guys think too much."

When Luo Quan saw these bullet screens, he just curled his lips and smiled: "Do you believe it or not, even if I am 40 years old, I am still the most beautiful in the world?
There is a saying that goes like this, a beauty is skinny but not boney, and time never defeats a beauty.

Maybe when I am 60 years old, my face will be full of wrinkles, ravines, and senility.

But if you are 40 years old, if you take good care of it, you can avoid wrinkles. At that time, your sister's appearance will still be invincible in the world. "

Since her debut, the only character she has recognized is the most beautiful in the world, and she has never overturned her car until now, and it is estimated that she will not overturn her car for a long time in the future.

Hearing Luo Quan's arrogant words, although the fans in the barrage wanted to refute, they couldn't find a counterexample.

Although Luoxi can be seen as a big beauty reserve, but no one can say exactly how beautiful she is.

Twins sometimes have huge differences in appearance, not to mention the age difference between the two sisters by 20 years?
However, other than relying on Luoxi, the others really have no chance, at least for the time being, no such person has been found to exist.


Just as Luo Quan was looking at the screen triumphantly, Luo Xi yelled again, even more eagerly than before.

Luo Quan hurriedly picked up the baby bottle whose temperature had dropped, then lay down on the bed with her in his arms, and carefully stuffed the baby bottle into Luo Xi's mouth.

Babies at this time can actually eat some eggs, but according to the doctor's advice, they can wait until they are half a year old before considering liquid food such as egg custard and rice porridge.

Now, let's drink milk powder for a while.

Luo Xi ate faster than Luo Quan imagined, and he was full in a few minutes, but there was still a lot left in the bottle.

After eating and drinking enough, Luo Xi lay in Luo Quan's arms and began to blink her eyes. It is her habit to go to sleep when she is full.

Luo Quan sat on a chair with his sister in his arms, and the barrage was already boasting:

"Hey, I feel a strong sense of motherhood from Luo Quan."

"If she is a mother, she must be a mother."

"If you don't talk nonsense, you will definitely not talk nonsense."

"Haha, it's just a joke, but Luo Bao is really good at raising the baby."

"The main thing is that Luoxi is also good. She doesn't cry or make trouble. She yells twice when she's hungry, and sleeps when she's full. It's so worry-free."

"Indeed, the one in my house started to be noisy at night. It was louder than the renovation upstairs. It was hard to handle."

"That's how they all came here."

"By the way, was Luo Quan good when he was a child?"


"When I was young?"

Seeing the fans being so curious, Luo Quan also thought about it: "When I was a child, I was a well-known well-behaved baby, smart and sensible, which neighbor upstairs or downstairs wouldn't praise me?
After studying, I was a child of someone else's family, and my legend was passed down in every family. "


"In front of the child, can you show some face?"

"It's the first time I saw such a narcissistic person, and I feel more and more that it is the right behavior for me to take off fans. (狗头)"


"You really don't believe it."

Luo Quan smiled: "In the old house where my grandparents lived, the walls of my mother's room and I were covered with all the awards I got from kindergarten to junior high school, from academic performance to class cleaning to school sports meeting, which one is not perform well.

If I have a chance, I will take you to see it, lest you say I am bragging. "

While speaking, Luoxi fell asleep unknowingly. Luo Quan was worried that his voice would disturb Luoxi, but she fell asleep quite quickly.

"It's really a carefree little house." Luo Quan gently put her back in the cradle, whispering softly.

I don't know if it was a protest from hearing this sentence, Luoxi raised her foot, and almost poked into the nostril of Luo Quan who was wrapping her in the quilt.

This scene immediately made the barrage burst into laughter.

"If you tell me to speak ill of my sister, you will be sanctioned."

"You don't look for a husband. When you are old and lie on the hospital bed, when the doctor asks the family members for their opinions, they may get a consent to extubation."

"It's so miserable. I can already imagine Luo Quan's life in his later years."

"I almost died laughing, Luo Quan really suffered a lot today."


"Laugh, don't think of me taking swimsuit photos in the future." Luo Quan sneered for a while, and broke the defense of all fans with just one sentence.

"My God, don't be like this, we were wrong, woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

"Looking at the barrage records, I didn't tease you like these people, so in the future, if you shoot it, just leave it to me alone."

"Luo Bao, I was wrong, please forgive me."


In an instant, the barrage was filled with words of apology.

So people, sometimes you just can't be too rampant.

Once rampant, it is easy to be rectified.

"I remember just now everyone asked what my sister will do in the future, right?"

Luoquan Computer is going to bring the long-lost League of Legends, and let’s talk about it by the way:
"Actually, I think there is no need to regulate what children want to do at such a young age.

No one is like Mozart, who showed great talent in music since childhood.

Luoxi's words can't be seen now. In the future, it is possible to become a star, a scientist, an artist, an athlete or an ordinary person.

Just like everyone, who can say for sure about the future life. "

"Don't be like us, we're lying flat."

"Indeed, we uncles and aunts are the fertilizers of our motherland, and our only role is to cultivate the next generation."

"Some people were born in Rome, and some people were born as cattle and horses."

"There's nothing wrong with that, Luoxi was born in Rome."

"But Luo Quan, in fact, was born in the same environment as everyone else, and they can get to where they are now through hard work.

Although everyone does not have such a good talent, it at least shows that hard work is also useful. "

"Indeed, my dream is to lie down and make money."

"Ah, there are ways, but it is not recommended."


In the live broadcast room, for some reason, it became mournful.

Luo Quan scratched his head when he saw it: "Don't be like this, everyone, compared with those children in impoverished mountainous areas, your situation is already very good.

If the situation is really bad, you can also apply for funding and get help from the government and the people, including the charity I founded, which has a rescue plan in this regard.

As for ordinary families, there is no particularly good solution. After all, it is impossible for each of the 70 billion people in the world to enjoy a rich material life like those residents in Northern Europe.

Although birth cannot be decided, at least we can decide now. "

"That's a good point, so I think that if you eat an extra bowl of rice, let's temporarily put down today's weight loss plan."

"I lay flat anyway, and the whole family will not be hungry if I eat enough for myself."

"Work hard everyone."

"Looking at Luoquan will bring you a good mood, why do you think so much?"


Seeing such a response from the barrage, Luo Quan also smiled helplessly.

There is no way for her to solve this kind of problem. If I stop talking about it, it will be like preaching.

But today's young people hate preaching the most.

It’s okay to be preached by adults and teachers on the news, but watching a show during the Spring Festival Gala is also preached, and now you have to listen to lectures when you watch an idol’s live broadcast, that would be too miserable.

So what Luo Quan hopes more is to hack all the fans watching the live broadcast to bring relaxation and happiness, and it is possible to not talk about similar heavy topics.

But if you have children, no, after you need to bring children, games like League of Legends are not suitable for you to play.

Because you never know if Luoxi will suddenly start crying after a game is played.

Although Luoxi is much better now than when she was born, she is still under half a year old and can cry for many reasons.

Things like being hungry, full, peeing your pants, or even being too tender to be wrapped in clothes, anything can happen.

So when Luo Quan heard Luo Xi's cry, he quickly backed away and ran over to see what was going on.

Fortunately, the game hadn't been played for long, and she was able to start over immediately after quitting in seconds, without harming the team members.

As for Luoxi's side, it's not a big deal, it's probably just that it's uncomfortable to lie down, and she needs to be hugged by her mother.

Mom didn't have one today, but my sister did. Luo Quan hugged her and hummed a lullaby softly.

(End of this chapter)

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