Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 705 Change

Chapter 705 Change
"It's pretty sweet, what is Luo Bao humming?"

"Listen carefully, it seems to be a lullaby."

"Nonsense, isn't it common to call a lullaby to put a baby to sleep?"

"Geniuses are really different, just humming casually is a good song."

"Do you have a name? Can you post a full version? I also want to experience the feeling of being coaxed to sleep by Luo Quan."

"Good guy, what an immersive experience."

"You're always coming up with something new."


Luo Quan really didn't expect that the lullaby he hummed casually could attract so many barrages.

But this Brahms lullaby is indeed one of the most famous lullabies in the world.

But judging by the performance of the fans, there is probably no such thing in this world.

"It's called "Lullaby". If everyone likes it, I will record a full version and post it online." Luo Quan lowered his voice and said to the camera.

After speaking, he looked down at Luoxi, who was sleeping peacefully, with a bright mouth, very pink and cute.

Because he wanted to hug Luoxi, he would definitely not be able to play the game, and he was afraid of waking her up when he spoke.

Although the fans said that it was all right to watch her sit, Luo Quan sat stupidly in front of the camera for a while, and then downloaded it.

After holding her like this for about ten minutes, Luo Quan saw that her sister was already deeply asleep, so she carefully put her on the crib.

Babies under one year old sleep a lot every day, but generally they don't sleep for long, or they wake up crying because of various discomforts in a short time.

At that time, changing diapers, washing buttocks, applying talcum powder, and all kinds of troubles will begin.

Because of this, Luo Quan didn't leave. The crib was placed beside her, but she turned her phone to silent and began to browse.

Not long after the live broadcast ended, Luoxi was already trending.

The last time Luoxi was a trending search was when she was just born.

It's quite funny to say that when her younger sister was born, a bunch of celebrities who had no connection with each other in the entertainment industry all sent congratulatory messages in the comment area.

Although it is a good thing for people to express their congratulations, Luo Quan always felt a little strange.

As for Luoxi's hot search this time, there are not so many celebrities, and most of the netizens are commenting:

"Wow, she's so pretty at such a young age."

"Look at the eyes and nose. After two or three years at most, she will be a proper little beauty."

"The genes of the Luoquan family are really good. They are already so good-looking at such a young age. I'm really envious."

"After all, the most beautiful family in the world is not just talking."

"I really hope that little Luoxi will grow up soon. I really want to know how beautiful she can be."

"If you can, it's best not to grow up.

In the world of grown-ups, there is nothing to touch. "

"Indeed, children's world is the purest and most beautiful, carefree, without so many intrigues."


It can be seen that when netizens express their love and praise to Luoxi, they also contain a lot of envy and memories of their childhood life.

People are always like this, the more they lack something now, the more they will talk about it.

But Xiao Luoxi is not a celebrity, and there is no one on the Internet to help with marketing.

So the heat comes and goes quickly.

In comparison, everyone is still more willing to discuss the big star sister Luo Quan.

The trending search for "Luoquan's maternity brilliance" began to dominate the list not long after.

Click on the hot search, and there is a scene of Luo Quan hugging Luo Xi, humming an unknown lullaby.

Under the soft light, Luo Quan's arms and chest formed a cradle, shaking gently, and Luo Xi slept peacefully in it, the whole scene was so warm that one only felt a sore nose.

The warmth between parents and children is the most touching. Although Luo Quan is an older sister, the 20-year-old gap really makes her look like a young mother.

And the temperament she showed on the surface was not much different from that of a real mother, especially the kindness in her eyes, which almost melted people's hearts.

"I don't mean love, but Luo Quan couldn't help but I almost blurted out "Mom."

"This is probably Luo Quan's most gentle moment. I have never seen a moment like this."

"The baby is very light, but in her arms, it is equivalent to the weight of the whole world, so carefully held, full of a sense of care."

"If I could be hugged by Luo Quan like this, it would be worth being a ghost."

"Haha, then you probably have to save the solar system in your previous life."

"Indeed, this is not a treatment that ordinary people can enjoy. There are currently 70 billion people on the earth, and only Luoxi has enjoyed it."

"To be honest, I'm really envious this time."


Watching netizens' half-serious, half-funny words is Luoquan's greatest pleasure. This kind of satisfaction cannot be given by a box office that breaks one billion, and no matter how you watch it, you can't get tired of watching it.

Of course, the premise is that you can't watch it for too long at a time. If you watch it for too long, you will easily fall into a state of narcissism.

Although fans don't think there is any big problem with her narcissism.

It would be weird not to be self-obsessed with such a pretty face, but as long as it's not too much, it's actually kind of cute.

However, there are not many celebrities who can be treated so tolerantly by netizens.

Since the clean-up of the Internet began, the above-mentioned rectification of the entertainment industry has never stopped.

The first is to crack down on those groups and individuals who violate the law and commit crimes, big or small. At least they will be ordered to quit the circle, and at worst they will be imprisoned. The intensity can be said to be quite large.

Immediately afterwards, there was another wave of salary restrictions, which limited the salaries of the stars to a more reasonable range.

It is also after the salary limit came out that although the overall number of movies and TV series has decreased, the number of good works has increased significantly.

After these two measures, the third wave of policies finally came, a measure that has never appeared in Huaxia and may subvert the entire ecology of the entertainment industry.

"Starting in May, Chinese actors will implement a hierarchical system, and the upper limit of actors' salaries will be determined by their grades."

The shorter the words, the bigger things tend to be.

This policy became a hit within 5 minutes after it came out, and it received millions of likes on Weibo hot searches within half an hour.

Countless netizens who have been tortured by bad actors and bad acting skills for a long time can say that they have been looking forward to this policy for too long.

Actors are supposed to be like this, making money based on their strength. Those traffic stars who have no shit skills and only know about marketing and hype are not worthy of making so much money.

Now that the hierarchical system comes out, it will be a huge blow to all traffic stars.

However, this policy is definitely good, but it immediately leads to a series of problems.

For example, what is the highest level an actor has, how is the level assessed, and who is responsible for the assessment, can they convince the public?
These are all points that the fat public needs to understand, but probably the final discussion is still going on inside Guangdian, and now it is revealed that a rumor is blowing, and it is also to let those actors who do not have acting skills make a preparation in advance.

The entertainment industry really needs to be rectified, but killing the vast majority of actors is definitely not what the above want to see.

This policy is more of a spur and a restriction.

Urge the little fresh meat to work hard to improve their acting skills, instead of spending time on managing fan circles and tearing up.

At the same time, it also limits the amount of money that celebrities can make. After all, those sky-high film remunerations are indeed too easy to arouse negative emotions in society.

Generally speaking, the promulgation of this policy will indeed bring about many good changes, but it will also cause considerable changes to the current ecology of the entertainment industry.

But as long as the rating is fair and rigorous, then this policy can definitely make the entertainment industry better.

And now it's just an actor. In the future, directors, screenwriters, singers, variety show hosts, etc., can all be rated.

In this way, there will be fewer and fewer bastards, and those who are capable can gradually gain the opportunity to be in the top position, and the anchor can get more money, thus starting a virtuous circle.

This is a foreseeable situation. If you really want to revitalize such a large circle, you still have to strike with an iron fist.

As Luo Quan said before, if you want to revive the music or entertainment industry, it is not enough to rely on one person alone.

But now, the strength has already been established, and the specific situation depends on the situation after the rating in May.

On the second night, Luo Xi was lying in the cradle listening to classical music. The title of the live broadcast room was: "Music should start from the baby. Listen to some high-class classical music today."

Then, the barrage also very cooperatively swiped the upper stream all over the screen.

"Today, this is an upper-class live broadcast room, so I didn't bother to go out in an evening dress or tuxedo."

"You look down on me, don't you? Open your eyes wide, I'm wearing a dragon robe!"

"Where did the waiter come from with such poor eyesight? I have an invitation letter written by Princess Luoquan herself."

"Since everyone is so classy, ​​everyone should know the music in the live broadcast room, right?"

"Isn't it all displayed on the player, Mozart's Violin Concerto."


"Haha, you're almost done. I'm joking and I still take it so seriously." Luo Quan put his arms around Luo Xi, smiling happily.

Seeing her sister so happy, Luoxi turned her face to look at her, cupped her mouth with both hands, and then squeezed hard into the middle, smiling happily while squeezing.

"Haha, I know who Luo Quan's nemesis is."

"Facing Luoxi, my sister really has no temper at all."

"You have to deal with her like this, Luoxi, use your strengths, and you won't have this chance when you grow up!"


"You instigated the crime, right?" Luo Quan immediately retorted when he saw the barrage.

At the same time, he tilted his head, trying to get out of Luoxi's hand.

But as soon as they left, Luoxi's mouth was flattened, and she was about to cry immediately, so scared that her sister quickly stretched her face up again.

This scene made the fans laugh even more happily.

"Little sister just treats you like a toy, and she cries as soon as her head is withdrawn."

"Let me ask, who doesn't like playing Luoquan?"

"Is this going to drive? Should I lock the door?"

"I want to knead Luo Quan's face like this, Sihasha."

"Shoushou Wei, this is the upper stream studio."

"But don't nobles usually behave like this?"

"Haha, this soul asked me to live in Bengbu directly."


Amidst the ridicule of the barrage, Luo Xi rubbed her sister's face up and down, left and right.

After rua for a while, maybe because he felt bored, he also clamored to go back to the cradle and lie down.

Luo Quan couldn't wish for it, so he quickly put Luo Xi back in the cradle.

"Oh, it's not easy to take children with you." Luo Quan rubbed his sore mouth and drank a cup of hot water to quench his thirst.

"Luo Quan, can you comment on the actor hierarchy in the morning?"

"The specific news came out in the afternoon. There are up to six levels. It is said that the templates for each level will be released later."

"Level one shouldn't be necessary, isn't it that those little fresh meats are all of this level now?"

"You're already an actor at the first level. Do you think those fresh performances are worthy of the profession of an actor?"

"Indeed, my grandma probably performed better than these people when she acted."

"I'm looking forward to how many grades Luoquan can rate."

"Is this a problem? It must be the highest!"


Seeing that the fans in the barrage are quite concerned about this matter, and this hierarchy is also closely related to her, so Luo Quan also intends to say this:
"First of all, grading is definitely a good thing. In the future, you will be able to find actors of the corresponding grade for any movie you want to make. The classification can be said to be a big improvement.

As for the salary limit for Xiao Xianrou, it does have an effect.

But now the income of Xiao Xianrou is not only the film salary, variety shows, advertisements, appearance fees and so on, in fact, many of them are higher than just making a movie, so making money will still be very profitable, regardless of the level. There is too much to do.

As for what everyone is more concerned about, how many levels will I rate when I return to the Congress? Although I am an Oscar queen, it does not mean that my acting skills have reached the peak.

In fact, I still have a lot of room for improvement, and there are many types of roles that I have not challenged before, so it is not that simple to get the sixth-level certificate. "

"Indeed, for example, nude scenes and kissing scenes have never been performed. As an actor, this is very unprofessional."

In the barrage, an old fan of the tenth-level fan brand said this, Luo Quan stretched out his hand to hold the mouse dumbfounded:
"You guy, you really don't know which pot to open and which pot to lift. You have been banned for one day, and there is nothing wrong with it."

"Is this just a day?"

"It's too ruthless. They are just telling the truth."

"Even if I will be blocked, I still have to say, you are not professional!"

"Indeed, a maximum of five grades."

"Is it possible that Luo Quan is the judge this time?"

"Damn, if you don't tell me, I'll forget about this position."

"With Luo Quan's resume, it seems that there is such a possibility."


"Judge?" Luo Quan pinched his chin and thought about it carefully. Although he hadn't received a similar notice on his email or mobile phone, he still couldn't rule out the possibility.

After all, she now has a queen in her hand, and her acting skills are quite convincing.

(End of this chapter)

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