Chapter 706
Although this is what he said, in fact, Luo Quan was still quite worried about whether this policy could be implemented.

After all, Huaxia, a society of human relations, has its own characteristics since ancient times. Can those judges be truly impartial, fair and just?

This is basically achieved, so how to evaluate acting skills is also a problem.

She is assisted by the system and knows who is a talent and who has the ability.

But other judges don't have such ability, they can only rely on their own experience and feelings.

And this kind of view is quite subjective. How to convince the public will be a big difficulty.

Therefore, at present, the Optoelectronic Bureau has only issued a draft, and there will be a long period of time to add and modify details.

However, as long as this evaluation system comes out, it will definitely be a good thing.

In the past, there was no grade restriction, even if Xiao Xianrou's acting skills were bad, he could still get paid.

But now, the salary depends on the level of acting skills.

Actors with good acting skills have their own advantages.

But actors with bad acting skills are absolutely the same. To sum it up, they will cause all kinds of discomfort to the audience, which can be seen at a glance.

When the time comes to check the amount of his acting level salary, if the level is low, it's fine, but if he has a senior title, a lot of people will suffer.

The current public opinion is not as good as it used to be. Anything can be trending in minutes, and it will definitely not be covered.

Therefore, even if the possibility of corruption is considered, it will definitely be supervised.

Because actors want to be paid, you have to produce works.

Having a work means that it will appear in the public's field of vision. At that time, whether the acting skills match the level can be seen at a glance.

As for how to rate, it is said that the three major actor factories, Jingying, Zhongxi, and Shangyi, have started researching a long time ago. They are all professionals, professors, and the like, and at least they must have a master's degree.

Other professors may stay at the theoretical stage for a lifetime, and the professors and masters of these colleges all have their own works, and they have word of mouth and quantity.

In the past, it would have to be called an old drama.

So in general, although Luo Quan is worried, he still has unlimited expectations for this policy, which is better than doing nothing.

After all, no matter how hard things are going on outside, the Huaxia entertainment industry will not be worse than the current environment.

Some things have reached the bottom, so the next step is to go up no matter how you go.

That is, not long after Luoquan's live broadcast ended, she received an email from Director He, asking straight to the point if she was free in June, and was she afraid of offending others?
Luo Quan replied, as long as I am not asked to do things that violate the law and discipline, I am free, as for whether I am afraid of offending others.

To be honest, since she debuted, she has offended many people, both openly and secretly.

It's just that she is in full swing now, and no one dares to oppose her.

There used to be a few, but now it's all gone.

So her reply is also very simple: "I'm free, don't be afraid."

"That's okay, you are the only actor rating. After all, you are the first Oscar queen in Chinese film history. You can't evaluate acting skills without you."

Luo Quan showed joy: "If you really want to choose me, I thought that my qualifications are not enough to be a judge for the time being."

"Acting skills don't talk about qualifications, just look at the level. As for the hard indicators, although most of them are relatively subjective, some of them still need to be standardized. I will send you a document after this."

The matter was settled like this, and Luo Quan also won a position as a judge by virtue of his title of Oscar Queen.

However, there are more than 50 judges this time, divided into ten groups, each group is led by a national actor as the head of the judges, and the remaining five are in charge of rating.

And under the judges, there is a large group of practitioners who help with the initial screening, which can be regarded as helping to share the pressure.

After all, there are not many stars in Huaxia, and there are not many stars. There are tens of thousands of people who can show their faces in filming.

As for the group performers who played tricks, to be honest, there are no rated ones who have graduated.

Maybe there are hidden gems in the sea, but it is really unrealistic to discover them one by one.

There are so many migrant workers who come to Hengdian to pursue their dreams, but only one truly succeeds.

Therefore, it will be more efficient to focus on celebrities with diplomas.

I just finished talking with Director He about being a judge here, and Zhihu has a hot search related to her here.

"How do you evaluate Luo Quan or the possibility of being a judge?"

The highlighted answer is this:

"Before becoming a judge, everything else is false, you have to read this person's work first.

What works has Luo Quan produced since his debut?Then I have to mention Alice in the "Resident Evil" series, those snow-white long legs, hey, it's amazing, it's the best in the world...... Ahem, it's a bit off topic.

In this kind of movie, the acting skills of the actors are actually invisible, because the audience focuses on things other than acting skills. The same is true for "Rurouni Kenshin" and "Frozen".

Then let's look at the others, then I have to mention "The Silence of the Lambs".

With this movie, Luo Quan successfully won this year's Oscar queen, and only with a performance of less than 10 minutes.

What kind of concept is this?Since the establishment of the Oscars to the present 100 years, more than [-] actor and actress queens, Luo Quan is not the youngest one, but the one with the shortest appearance time.

She left an indelible impression on everyone in just one supporting role, and it was incredible to bring Dr. Hanni to life.

As we all know, the Oscar judges are a bunch of die-hard academics who discriminate against young people and handsome men and beautiful women, especially young handsome men and beautiful women are not easy to win awards.

Luo Quan is not only a young beauty, but also the most beautiful one.

With so many debuffs, she still won the Best Actress Award. Can anyone question her acting skills?

Anyway, I can't find a reason why she is not worthy of being a judge. What I have to say is that she is still too young and has too few works. "

"What I said above is basically what I want to say, let me add a few more words here.

It is actually very reasonable for Luo Quan to be a judge, because her background is actually in the music industry.

In the music industry, she has already offended quite a few colleagues, but now in the entertainment industry, she is nothing more than offending a group of people.

As the saying goes, if there are too many lice, it doesn't itch. There is not much difference between a hundred people scolding her and two hundred people scolding her.

Under such a premise, she must be fair and just, so you don't have to worry. I guess she will soon receive related work emails.

Even she has already received it, but it is not impossible to pretend to be stupid and not tell everyone. "


"Hey, these people are pretty smart." Luo Quan smiled in surprise as he looked at the analysis.

The actual situation is indeed similar to what these people guessed.

But now she definitely can't admit or deny it. In short, just pretend not to see it and it's over. Everything has to be officially announced by the optical circuit itself. Anyway, it is not the leader of the judges, so there is no need to worry about it.

The next day, the list of 50 judges finally came out. When I pulled it out, I could say that it was full of stars.

Not a celebrity or fresh meat in the conventional sense, but an old face familiar to the common people.

The leader of the first group, Cheng Baoguo, is representative of his works as Jiajing in "The Ming Dynasty" and Emperor Wu of the Han in "Han Wu Da Di" and so on.

The acting skills are basically well-known, and no matter what he looks like, no matter who he is compared with, he can hold the stage, and he deserves the title of team leader.

The leader of the second group is Ni Youbing, the lead actor of Bilibili drama "Bright Sword".

Needless to say, the leader's status in the minds of young people, and his military rank in the art troupe is also quite high.

And when he appears in the public eye, he has a righteous character and an evil character. It is not only the role of the leader who is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

For him to be the team leader, the fans at station B can say that they are in favor of it, and they even want to carry the Italian cannon to the team leader, and follow him to charge again.

The leader of the third group is also the national idol of Station B.

Tang Qiang, whose works include Zhuge Liang from Romance of the Old Three Kingdoms.

The comment area was immediately used by enthusiastic netizens on station B. A line helped everyone recall this character: "I have never seen such a brazen person!"

In addition to the old Romance of the Three Kingdoms, he also has quite a few classic works of classic characters, which belong to the old drama bones among the old drama bones.

It's just that his works in recent years have been much less than before, and he has hardly been seen on the big screen. I didn't expect that Huidao would continue to play his role.

And the fourth team leader is Mr. Ni Xuejian. There is no need to introduce this masterpiece. There are too many. Currently, one of the leading actors in Chinese actors.

The leader of the fifth group, Cheng Daoning, is the president of the Huaxia Film Actors Association. He has had many popular TV series and is also one of the pronouns of Chinese actors' acting skills.

The sixth team leader……………

The leaders and members of the ten groups lined up all the way, and there was not a single one who stretched their hips. They were basically the all-round ceiling of acting skills, status, and popularity in this industry.

I don't know if I don't pay attention at ordinary times, but in this way, there are actually quite a lot of good actors in Huaxia.

It's just that these actors are either too old to act.

Or it's a high-ranking celebrity, a high salary, and the care of feathers, which is generally not available for movies.

Therefore, the current situation can be regarded as a time without a hero, which made Shuzi famous.

But when the old heroes appeared again, they immediately became a sensation on the Internet, with "popular" hot searches one after another, and everyone's introduction alone could easily get more than [-] likes.

It is worth mentioning that there is actually another Chinese actor named Ceiling who failed to become the team leader, which aroused heated discussions among the public, and that is Teacher Zhang, the great sage in Journey to the West.

When it comes to acting as a great sage, he is considered the second and no one dares to recognize the first, and he will not accept any form of refutation.

In the old Journey to the West, the ratings are still a myth that no one can break so far. Except for Huanzhugege, the others are far worse than it.

Even if it is released now, it still has a very high ratings, and it can finally attract the attention of children during the winter and summer vacations.

It is said that in some countries in Southeast Asia, when the old version of Journey to the West is broadcast, it can even effectively reduce the incidence of crime in society, because even criminals stay at home to watch Journey to the West.

This shows how terrifying the influence of this TV series is.

As the absolute protagonist of the old version of Journey to the West, Mr. Zhang's Great Sage has always been a strong contender for the most classic character competitions on various platforms, and has even won many championships.

The image of the Great Sage can be said to be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Back then, the Year of the Monkey Spring Festival Gala was not invited, and netizens also sprayed the Spring Festival Gala from top to bottom.

But it was from here that the reputation of this veteran artist with both virtue and art began to take a turn for the worse.

Flowering stalks, joking stalks, and mourning hall stalks became popular on the Internet.

And his own reputation was completely ruined.

It is undeniable that his acting skills are still superb.

As for virtue, it seems that it is not very good at present.

Therefore, considering this aspect, he is only a member of the third group, and if the group leader is Teacher Tang Qiang, it is not considered to distort the Great Sage.

As for being the team leader, if he is really allowed to be the leader, maybe it will cause more discussions.

After all, the Great Sage is no longer the original Great Sage.

In addition, netizens are most concerned about Luoquan.

I looked through the list of the previous groups, but I didn't see her name, which made everyone think that she had lost the selection.

This result is really unacceptable. After all, the front is so loud, and she is a queen and a genius. It would be embarrassing if she wasn't a judge.

Fortunately, what everyone was worried about did not happen.

Luo Quan's name still appeared on the list, and he served as a judge in the tenth group.

This group belongs to the one with the most international awards.

Team leader He You, Cannes Best Actor for his masterpiece "Alive".

Team member Miao Fan, representative work "Fireworks in the Day", Berlin Best Actor.

Team member Jiang Wen, representing "Let the Bullets Fly", won the Cannes Film Award.

Team member Luo Quan, the masterpiece "The Silence of the Lambs", Oscar queen.


This string of titles is Cannes best actor and Oscar queen, which is quite bluffing, as if there is no honor to be a judge.

In fact, there are not many people in Huaxia who have won the three major film festival awards, and there are even fewer heavyweight awards such as Best Film, Best Actor and Best Film.

It can be said that less than half of China's international honors are concentrated in this group.

On the other hand, the tenth group is also the group with the youngest average age.

The oldest one is only 50 years old, and like other groups, the average age is 70 to [-] years old.

Here, Luo Quan and Miao Fan are both quite young, one has just turned 21, and the other is only in his early thirties, which greatly lowers the average age.

However, low age does not mean low level.

Those who can win these awards will not be able to conquer those judges if they have no skills.

After all, Huaxia is abroad, and there is no way to conduct secret operations.

And after the grouping situation of this group came out, netizens also reported it with a great degree of discussion.

After all, the members of this group are all actors or directors who are quite popular among young people.

(End of this chapter)

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