Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 707 The Eve of the Screening

Chapter 707 The Eve of the Screening
"How do you evaluate Luo Quan's tenth group?"

This is today's Zhihu hot list question, and the other is "how to evaluate these ten team leaders".

Because there is no Luo Quan in the team leader, the heat is slightly lower.

After all, Luoquan now has a huge amount of traffic, so it is understandable that there is such a gap.

Netizens commented on Luo Quan's tenth group:

"The members of this group are very interesting, five people, three best actor, one queen, and one best picture, in terms of the gold content of the awards, it can be said that it is unrivaled in China.

Moreover, the average age was also the youngest group, only 36 years old, among which Luo Quan and Xia Yu were holding back, the two of them together were not even as old as Uncle Cheng in the first group.

But young is young, but the skills of these few must be clear to everyone. There is no such thing as adulteration, and the acting skills are all first-class. In the future, when the ratings start, I believe they will bring a lot of anecdotes. "

"There is no need to question the acting skills of these few, the only thing that needs to be clear is that, except for Luo Quan, the other four are all from the Beijing circle.

What is the Beijing circle? In the early days, it referred to the large number of artists headed by Hua Yi, but as this circle has grown and grown, the definition of the Beijing circle has become less narrow.

And with the imprisonment of the two presidents of Huayi Company, the Beijing circle has completely drawn a line with this company.

There are many stars in this circle, there are also many big names, and there are even more people with status backgrounds.

In a humane society like Huaxia, what I'm more worried about is that those actors in the Beijing circle will deliberately arrange themselves into the tenth group for ratings in exchange for preferential treatment.

I'm not questioning the character of Uncle He and the others, but I'm just worried about whether they can withstand the pressure and be fair and just? "

"If you want me to say, Luo Quan should be the team leader.

During the live broadcast, she was soft but not hard.

And when it comes to work, it is notoriously hard and soft.

The rating work requires this kind of Hai Rui-style judges to control the direction.

The most important point is that the background in the Beijing circle can't overwhelm her. If such an international celebrity really wants to use her background to overwhelm her, she will probably announce it on Twitter immediately .

When the time comes, the eyes of the whole world will focus on you, and I really want to see how strong these people's backgrounds can be. "


It seemed that the people were really looking forward to a head-on confrontation between Luo Quan and these imaginary enemies.

After all, it was Huayi Company that had a head-on confrontation with Luo Quan last time. Judging from the recording later, when Luo Quan faced Hua Yi's boss, if he had any displeasure, he would scold him directly, without giving him any face.

Later, seeing that Wen was not good enough and wanted to come to Wu, he sent more than a dozen thugs to deal with her, but she was still knocked down in the street. This posture is completely untouchable by Tianzi No. [-], not to mention how arrogant it is.

Having such a person as the team leader can actually make netizens feel more at ease.

It's just that the list has been finalized at present, and if it is changed again, it will somewhat arouse some opinions of the team members, so although netizens have discussed it in this way, the list has not been changed.

And Luo Quan also talked about this matter during the live broadcast.

"It's this wise brother, am I as fierce as you say? Describe me like a shrew, am I very unqualified?"

Luo Quan stared at the camera with a big face, and asked in disbelief.

"Otherwise? Did you just find out about your relationship with violence today?"

"That means you met us, otherwise you might not be able to get married in another place."

"Girls should stop beating and killing every family. Honestly, it would be great if the husband and children are hot on the kang."

"Indeed, hurry up and hug Luoxi, let me see you as a good wife and mother."

"I want to see my sister! I want to see my sister!"

As if hearing the call of the fans in the barrage, Luo Xi, who was lying well in the cradle, suddenly stretched out her hand and made a fuss:

"Can you really hear the barrage?"

Luo Quan hugged Luo Xi dumbfounded, and touched Luo Xi's nose with his own: "Next time if you want me to hug you, call me sister!"

"bia!" Luoxi spat out a bubble, and laughed.

When fans saw this scene, they were almost immediately turned into cute.

"These two sisters are so loving, I can watch them all day."

"It's a beautiful thing to have such a sister."

"This is probably the chicken soup for the soul that I have seen the most. It feels like all the unhappiness before has disappeared."

"Ahahaha chicken soup is here."


After the netizens finished their work, Luo Quan looked at the camera and chatted about the business:
"Actually, I still have something to say about actor ratings.

First of all, I don’t know if there are practitioners in the live broadcast room, I guess there is not.

I have already obtained the rating criteria, and I cannot disclose the details, but I can assure you that as long as you study it seriously, even if you are not from a major, you will still get a good result.

But if you just want to make money even if you don’t even memorize your lines because you just think about your traffic, then I can only say that you may need to improve your skills and ideological awareness.

Anyway, here I am, except for acting skills and hard work, nothing can impress me.

Don't look at me saying that I am gentle, but fans who are familiar with me know that when I work, I am very strict and do not show any affection.

So, show more skills when rating, and don't try to get away with it. "

These words can be regarded as a response, or affirmation, to Zhihu’s comments on myself.

Since she accepted the actor rating, she must do her best.

This has always been her life principle. Creativity and inspiration belong to others, and she must copy it flawlessly.

The same attitude must be followed in other areas as well.

As for her identity and background, as Zhihuli's answer said, she has never compromised before, and she will not this time either.

Soon, "Luoquan is so rigid" became a trending search.

The hot search content is what she said in the live broadcast, which was liked and forwarded by GQT.

Afterwards, the actors on the judges' list also forwarded it, which was to express their attitude by using her words.

However, how many of them are just a formality, and how many of them really agree with her words, it is unknown.

But at least on the surface, no one disagrees.

The overall situation here in the country has been decided, and everything is waiting for the actor rating in June, also known as the college entrance examination for the actor industry.

The college entrance examination will determine the fate of the students, and the rating will determine the salary ceiling of the actors for the next year.

And the salary is just a facade, getting a good rating can lead to quite a few marketing opportunities.

It used to be said that whoever is good at acting is not good at acting, and there is no standard.

Now the official will give you the standard, and also give you a grade. If you want to brag about it in the future, just take out the certificate, which is simple and convenient.

As for the judges who serve as committee members, they have no grades, or the default is the highest grade.

After all, their acting skills have already been unanimously recognized by the public, and their own works are indeed very hard, so there is no need to do more.

As for salary, as long as it does not exceed the standard of the salary limit order, there is no limit.

Therefore, compared to evaluating a high level, actors actually want to sit on the position of judges.

But those who have this idea are basically young and middle-aged actors with some ability and qualifications.

Apart from Luo Quan, there are not many young actors who dare to say that they understand a character, can recite their lines, and can cry in a crying scene, which is already quite good.

If the lines are more cadenced and full of emotion, it is simply an old drama in the little fresh meat.

It can be seen how low the threshold of the actor industry is now, and even the most basic qualities have become a point to praise an actor.

What's even more outrageous is that in the past, even if you didn't have the strength, you could still be a star if you had at least a handsome face.

But now, not only does he have no strength, but even a good-looking face has to be questioned.

Nowadays, there are many male and female protagonists in costume dramas. To be honest, many of them are passers-by, and they have nothing to do with being handsome or beautiful.

But relying on the fan circle, they still obtained resources.

This makes the crowd intolerable.

It's nothing more than letting the public look at the vase with facial paralysis. Now that the vase is not shown, only facial paralysis is left, and it is so ugly that it is an insult to the public's IQ.

Therefore, the emergence of actor ratings can be regarded as winning the hearts of the public and many actors in the circle, and they all think this is a good thing.

For those who are capable, this is an excellent opportunity to prove themselves, and it is a stage for salted fish to stand up.

And for those who make up their numbers, the day the rating starts is the day they show up.

After low tide, anyone can see who is swimming naked.

China is very lively here, and the United States on the other side of the ocean is also not idle.

After the nuclear-powered money printing machine was started, the low-level civilians certainly received a lot of relief funds, which improved their lives.

But it didn't take long for prices to start rising.

A large amount of money printing will inevitably lead to inflation. The United States has sufficient resources, but not enough to the point where everyone can eat big fish and meat.

If the wealth is divided equally, it must be enough, but it is a pity that 80.00% of the wealth is in the hands of 20.00% of the people.

But it is the remaining 80.00% of the people at the bottom who are affected by inflation.

Soon they discovered that the relief money they received from the government had been spent in a few moments, and it was still hard to find a job, the price of goods was getting more and more expensive, and life gradually tended to develop in a more difficult direction.

From this analysis, people found that the government's relief fund plan was lonely, and instead of solving the problem, it made the problem worse.

In addition, the stock market, which has just slowed down for a short time, is faintly showing signs of collapsing again.

Panic is extremely contagious, and now that the Internet is developed, it is more convenient for people with ulterior motives to incite stockholders.

As long as you post a news on the Internet that the US stock market is about to melt down again, it will have an effect.

At first, it may be regarded as a lie and scolded.

But when a lie is repeated, it becomes the truth.

Moreover, US stocks have a criminal record.

Coupled with the cooperation of those financial giants, the leeks who have just regained their confidence may be doomed again.

At the same time, the promotion of "Forrest Gump" has reached its final stage.

The film will be released in four days, and the main creators have also frequently created a sense of presence on the Internet during this time.

The price of movie tickets is one of the few commodities that hasn't skyrocketed during such a difficult time.

In other words, only Luoquan did not rise too much.

The main reason is that the filming of "Forrest Gump" did not cost too much money. Although there are many stars, one is the director's younger brother, and the other is simply the director's own company. The prices of these two big heads are not particularly high, so the final cost Also kept fairly low.

Although movie ticket prices have still risen, it is only because the expenses of various aspects of the movie theater have to rise, although the price must not be adjusted accordingly.

Compared with other movies that have nearly doubled the price, "Forrest Gump" has only increased by a few dollars, which is quite conscientious.

After all, film marketing is the main theme of the American Dream, and conscience pricing is also a marketing point.

And after promoting this, it really received good reviews on the Internet. Netizens expressed their support for the movie verbally, and many of them planned to support it offline and donate a movie ticket of their own.

On the streets of New York, Tom walked on the street with his pocket in his pocket.

The bustling streets in the past looked a little bleak because of the impending stock market crash.

It seems that the economic lifeline of this country lies in the stock market. If there is a problem in the stock market, everyone will not even be in the mood to do business.

But thinking about it, last year he could still eat fried chicken in his room with his good friend Jerry and watch Luoquan's Resident Evil.

But now, in order to live, even if he has not graduated from university, he has to spend a lot of spare time working as a waiter in a restaurant to reduce the burden on the family.

Originally, his family situation was pretty good.But since the stocks that my father invested in plummeted, the good life in the past is gone forever.

Although it is not yet bankrupt, it will definitely not work if it is as lavish as before.

But their family is not bad, at least they still have some assets left, so they won't be at the end of their rope.

The family upstairs, because of the stock market crash, basically locked up all their deposits, and turned from a rich man to a negative man overnight.

The man in charge couldn't bear the blow, so he jumped directly from the window, and the whole family fell into the abyss.

Because of this incident, Tom has always had a shadow in his heart, and he hasn't smiled for a long, long time.

But today, after finishing work in the restaurant, I passed by the movie theater on the way back to school, and saw the poster of "Forrest Gump".

Seeing that handsome face, Tom went up in a mysterious way and booked a movie ticket for the premiere night.

I don't know what kind of power made him make such a decision, or the "American Dream" in the middle of the poster?

(End of this chapter)

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