Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 708 Where Are You Going, Mom

Chapter 708 Where Are You Going, Mom

ps. There will be descriptions of some movies in the next 2 chapters, and readers who don't like to read them can skip them as appropriate.


The name "Forrest Gump" sounds stupid, can it be linked to the American dream?
Most people are still skeptical about this, and there are still a few people like Tom who buy tickets directly.

The economy is sluggish, and the public's desire for consumption is not high.

Even if the marketing slogan of "Forrest Gump" is to restore people's dreams and hopes, who would be naive enough to think that just watching a movie can restore hope?
If the economy does not improve and the manufacturing industry does not return, it will continue to rot as it should.

Of course, many people are willing to go to the theater to see such a gimmick as director Luo Quan and starring Leon Carrieline.

After all, no matter how sluggish the US economy is, the foundation is still strong, and most people can't even afford a movie ticket.

"Mom and Dad, you are back."

Luo Quan hugged his younger sister and stood in the living room to welcome his parents who had returned from their "honeymoon".

The two went out for a walk and looked radiant.

Luo Quan took care of his younger sister at home alone, and was busy promoting the movie, so his eyes were darkened.


When the little baby saw his parents coming back, he clapped his hands happily in his sister's arms.

Compared to other babies, Luoxi is quite obedient, she doesn't cry much at night, but she will cry once every night.

This caused Luo Quan, who was used to sleeping until he woke up naturally, to complain endlessly.

I was woken up in the middle of the night to change my sister's diaper and coax her.

Waiting for the little guy, her hazy drowsiness has already been dispelled, and it is not easy to fall asleep again.

Fortunately, apart from promoting the movie, she didn't have any particularly important tasks these days, so that when she was broadcasting live, she always put her sister's cradle in front of the camera, and then she lay on the bed to catch up on the big head.

Seeing his parents come back now, Luo Quan is like seeing a savior.

"Baby, haven't you caused trouble for your sister these few days?" Luo Ni put down her luggage, hugged her little daughter in her arms, and was intimate for a while.

After going out for so long, she also misses the little baby very much. Every night, she will send a video, and she will take the trouble to tell the eldest daughter all kinds of things that need to be paid attention to in taking care of her younger sister.

"Now I know how difficult it is to be a mother. I really admire you for being able to raise me up alone." Luo Quan rubbed his dark circles with admiration on his face.

"Ahem." Eric coughed twice, feeling a little embarrassed, thinking his daughter was cueing him.

"Cough, my daughter isn't lying." Luo Ni gave her husband a blank look.

"Hi, I just have a bad throat, don't think about it so much." Eric quickly laughed, and sat on the sofa with his wife and little daughter in his arms, squeezing Leon, who was watching TV, onto the small sofa next door.

In order to promote the movie, Leon also ended his vacation with Mia ahead of schedule, and it's finally over now.

The family was reunited, and Eric invited a French chef to cook a big meal for a small celebration.

It must be better for Luo Quan to make it himself, but considering that she has been at home alone with her sister for so many days, she can't bear to make her work hard anymore.

In the evening, Luoquan started the live broadcast again, and there were no cradles, cribs and Xiaoluoxi in the room.

Fans were very keen to spot this and immediately asked:

"Where's my sister? I want to see my sister!"

"I'm dying if I can't see Xiao Luoxi, let her come out."

"Isn't Luoquan letting the nurse's aunt take it? It's better not to let outsiders do this kind of thing, don't worry."

"Indeed, there are often such nurses in China who tremble with anger every time they see the news about adults abusing babies at home."

"Although the environment at home and abroad is different, I feel that this kind of situation abroad should not be uncommon."

"So it's better for the baby to bring it by himself."


Seeing the fans talking to each other and caring about Xiao Luoxi's affairs so much, Luo Quan also smiled: "You care so much about my sister, so I'll go?"

"Let's go, but don't forget to bring it for my sister first."

"You can just go to sleep, I think it's interesting to see Xiao Luoxi sleeping."

"Haha, Luo Quan will be disliked one day."

"Woman, don't be jealous of your own sister."

"Facts have proved that Luo Quan's charm is still inferior to that of his sister."


Looking at so many bullet screens, Luo Quan himself couldn't tell whether the fans were joking or really thought so.

But what is certain is that Xiao Luoxi is indeed quite popular among his fans.

Not only station B, but because of the live broadcast every day these days, many netizens from other stations have also been attracted to come here, staying in the live broadcast room every day just to watch Xiao Luoxi.

Compared with the world's most beautiful who is already too familiar, the public is obviously more interested in the same good-looking younger sister.

After all, there is the factor of novelty in it, and people like the new and dislike the old again.

As the saying goes, there are beauties from generation to generation, and once a newcomer replaces an old one, when Xiao Luoxi really reaches the age of [-] or [-], her status may really be shaken.

In just the past few days of the live broadcast, my sister can be searched several times a day, which shows how outrageous her popularity is.

Things like "Xiao Luoxi vomited milk", "Xiao Luoxi laughed so happily", "Xiao Luoxi cried", and so on, it seemed that no matter what she did, she could arouse the response of netizens.

This situation is even more outrageous than when Luo Quan became popular.

At least she was on the trending searches, either releasing a new album or saying some classic quotes during the live broadcast.

And my sister doesn't even need to say anything, every frown and smile is a hot search.

So much so that Xiao Luoxi didn't appear on the screen today, and some fans even said that she was afraid of being robbed of her popularity by her younger sister, so she deliberately didn't let her come out.

Luo Quan didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he saw it: "Mom is back from a trip today, so my sister must be brought by her.

Besides, as an older sister, how can I be afraid of being robbed by my younger sister?Don't say such funny things, okay? "

"So you won't be able to see your sister anymore?"

"Xiao Luoxi didn't show up in the live broadcast room on the first day, I miss her."

"I immediately felt that life was meaningless."

"I feel the same way. I didn't know how happy I was watching Luoquan's live broadcast before, but now I don't feel it at all."


"No feeling?" Luo Quan looked at the barrage and blinked suddenly, "Does that mean no one will watch my next few black silk cosplays?"

"Who said no one! I want to see!"

"Haha, I'm just kidding, if you really wear it, you'd be a fool not to look at it."

"This is the only effective way for you to make up for Xiao Luoxi's non-camera appearance. I hope you will not be stingy."


"Hehe, you guys are really real." Luo Quan sneered, not intending to change clothes at all.

"A little bit of probing will reveal the truth, as expected, men's words are not trustworthy." Luo Quan said decisively.

"Oh, I really don't feel it anymore, it's really not a lie."

"Just now I was just joking, in fact, I still just want to see my sister."

"Indeed, no matter what you change into next, even a swimsuit won't bring me any interest."

"Yes, if you don't believe me, just give it a try and see if I can post barrage and it's over."


Facing the barrage of playing hard to get again, Luo Quan was not fooled at all, but said softly: "Don't think about cosplay, I'm just talking, but don't take it seriously.

In addition, I also know that everyone wants to see my sister, but after my mother comes back, she must spend more time with her. It is not good to be exposed to the camera for a long time.

You see, a few days ago, a lot of advertisements that had never been seen before came up, all of them were baby products, and where did the mother go, they even booked me to take my sister to the show four years later.

I'm not a mother, so where is my mother going? "

"Where is mother going?"

While chatting, Luo Ni suddenly walked in with her little daughter in her arms.

"A show." Luo Quan turned his head and looked over, and found that his mother had accurately found the milk powder and diapers she had put in the closet.

"I'll go, mom, how did you find it so quickly." Luo Quan asked in surprise.

Luo Ni smiled triumphantly: "I'm your mother, I still don't know your habit of putting things away?
It's been more than ten years, don't you stuff everything in the closet? "

"My God, it's my mother-in-law!"

"The next family is neat and tidy."

"And the father-in-law? The son-in-law wants to meet the father-in-law!"

"You really dare to shout."

"Why don't my mother-in-law broadcast live too?"

"It's okay to go wherever mommy goes, just take Luoquan Luoxi with you!"

"This plan is good."


The barrage rolled quickly, and Luo Ni came over curiously.

Although I have two daughters, and I am over 40 years old, I no longer have the demeanor of my youth.

But a world like Luoquan is the most beautiful, and Luo Ni himself is not far behind.

In addition, life is rich now, and all aspects of maintenance are also in place, so even if you don’t have makeup at home and have a face-to-face camera, your appearance is very good.

"Wow, Mama Luo is so beautiful."

"And it looks so young, I feel like I'm only 30 years old."

"Thirty? Twenty!"

"Twenty? Eighteen!"

"Eighteen? Sixteen!"


"Hahahaha, enough is enough, everyone, how can I be so young."

No woman would refuse such compliments and compliments. Although she knew everyone was joking, Luo Ni still enjoyed it.

"Are these all your fans?" Luo Ni finished laughing and looked at her daughter again.

"No, they all came to see Luoxi, and I'm just a tool man." Luo Quan sat in front of the camera rubbing his hands with an honest face.

"Haha, I'm dying laughing."

"Luo Quan looks very angry."

"It's good to know, so hurry up and arrange for Luoxi to make a debut, and make sure she's even more popular than my sister."

"Would it hurt her too much to say that, but I still want to laugh."

"The barrage and the host in this live broadcast room are so interesting, I can't stop laughing."


Obviously, a lot of people in the live broadcast room were from outside stations, but because the atmosphere here was so comical, they were fans.

And Luo Quan, in fact, has been doing program effects all the time.

Live broadcast, isn't it just to make the audience happy? Understanding this is equivalent to having a traffic password.

As for Luo Ni, she also often surfs, but she doesn't play Bilibili very much, so she doesn't understand many stalks and abstract languages.

But it can be seen that everyone here likes sister Luo Quan or sister Luo Xi very much.

The two daughters are so popular, and the mother is naturally very happy.

As for the question about where is my mother going, Luo Ni also responded here: "Actually, I don't have much interest in being famous, so let's forget about being on the show.

If you want to watch it so much, you can tell Luo Quan. It just so happens that she just stays in bed all day and has nothing to do. This show seems to be traveling around, and it seems to be quite effective in exercising her body. "

"Mom, when did I stay on the bed all day long?" Luo Quan looked over aggrievedly, "Obviously I work so hard and hard at work."

Luo Ni also educated her daughter: "But you can't stay at home whenever you have time, you should go out more often."

"Understood." No matter how old a star is, she is still a good girl in front of her mother, and dare not make any rebuttals.

She listens to whatever my mother says.

Whether to do it or not is another matter.

The mother and daughter interacted for a while, which finally satisfied the fans who wanted to see the younger sister, and even had an unexpected harvest, seeing the mother-in-law sama who hadn't seen for a long time.

After the mother and sister left the room, Luo Quan straightened his chair and looked at the camera: "Where is that mother going, everyone should not have any expectations in a short time.

After all, Luoxi is still young, and she can't even walk, and she certainly can't shoot the show.

In addition, it is still uncertain whether she will debut or not. Although she is famous now, to be honest, she has nothing to retain fans. Once the popularity passes, she will soon be found.

Moreover, during this period of time, she was being marketed everywhere, and I guess netizens on many platforms felt resentful, thinking that it was none of my business if the little baby cried and laughed.

This family really pushed such a small child in front of the camera for the sake of traffic.

Therefore, before the public becomes completely disgusted, it's better to let Luoxi's popularity cool down, lest she and my sister and I be scolded. "

He has also been in the entertainment industry for several years, and Luo Quan is very familiar with this set.

No matter how popular it is or how good its reputation is, it will arouse public resentment.

And without extraordinary skills, the heat gained from cuteness alone cannot last long.

Strong business ability is the key to keeping the popularity alive. It is still too early for Luoxi to talk about his debut.

Luo Quan's words also made the fans in the live broadcast room shout out that they were correct, and they simply analyzed the phenomenon of these hot people in China quite thoroughly.

Afterwards, the trending search "Luoquan is sober in the world" became the number one on Weibo.

After my sister was on the trending search, it was finally my sister's turn.

(End of this chapter)

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