Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 709 The True Story of Forrest Gump

Chapter 709 The True Story of Forrest Gump
"To be honest, Luo Quan has understood the current Internet popularity, and what he said is all about the point."

"It's no wonder that she has been popular until now. It is indeed so clear that she is so popular."

"As she said, as long as she has the strength, a lot of tap water will help her do marketing for free. At this time, there is actually no need for a public relations team. Spending money to hire water troops is likely to cause visual fatigue to passers-by."

"It's a pity that these current stars don't understand the wisdom of moderation, they only know how to keep buying, and they don't care about the popularity of passers-by at all.

As everyone knows, the popularity of passers-by is actually the most important thing, because your fans will definitely not be more than passers-by. "

"Yes, this is Luo Quan's wisdom. The ideas and practices of geniuses are always different from those of ordinary people, but they can always achieve miraculous results."


Seeing these compliments in the comment area, Luo Quan himself was surprised.

Did I say it's so powerful?I was just afraid of going too far, so I asked my sister to reduce the number of exposures. How can passers-by make up so many things?

However, the feeling of being praised by everyone for having a high IQ is quite good, and Luo Quan will not be so stupid as to jump out on purpose to make corrections.

Let's just think of her as a rare wise person in the entertainment industry...

Time passed, and the much-anticipated premiere of "Forrest Gump" finally arrived.

The reason why it is highly anticipated is not to say how many civilians are looking forward to this movie.

Mainly stockholders, counting on it to become the savior of the stock market on the verge of collapse.

Although Luo Quan said at the beginning, don't regard the movie as God, it is impossible for the stock price to rise.

However, I can't stand the exaggeration and flattery of those unscrupulous media.

After stockholders can't count on anything, they can only place their hopes on these illusory things.

Like the previous premieres, Luo Quan still got his act together at the premiere.

The last time I brought the main creators to a fan meeting cosplay.

But this time, it was a charity party.

Before the premiere, she announced that she would auction off some personal items at the premiere.

Of course, it's definitely not the kind of underwear that lsp thinks about. She is not so unlimited.

Mainly some tools and the like, such as ballpoint pens, guitars, and many signed albums or photos.

Because it is a charity auction, all proceeds from the auction will be donated to charities in the United States to help the homeless.

Before the premiere, Luo Quan tweeted: "For those who live without a fixed place and cannot guarantee food and clothing, eating and clothing is the American dream, and everything else is just a false declaration. "

After the tweet was released, it received angry praise from American netizens, and the comment with the most likes said that she had more conscience than all the politicians combined.

Then someone retorted: Politicians have a negative conscience, no matter how much they add up, it will be a negative number.

Then it became the second most liked comment.

Although these remarks were a bit of a slap in the face of the government, they were not banned, probably because they wanted the people to have a place to vent.

It is much better to vent on the Internet than to hold a parade offline with zero yuan purchases.

The premiere ceremony was informed in advance that it was an auction of Luoquan's items. Originally, she didn't expect to have many local tyrants other than fans to attend.

But I didn't expect that after the news was sent out, many rich people actually sent emails wanting to attend the premiere.

"Aren't these people all fans? That's not the case." Luo Quan lost his mind when he looked at these rich people who kept saying they wanted to contribute to charity.

Some of them were randomly selected and sent invitations, and the rest were randomly distributed to fans.

In fact, this auction is just symbolic, and she has no intention of raising a huge amount of money for charity.

The main reason is to take this opportunity to appeal to all walks of life in the United States to see if there is any splash.

If everyone is indifferent, then let her be a clown once.

Anyway, she probably did this kind of good deed once in the United States.

After all, "Forrest Gump" has such a strong marketing effort, and it really can't be justified if it doesn't do something after taking advantage of other people's bonuses.

The premiere ceremony was held as scheduled, film journalists and film critics sat in the front row, while rich people and fans sat slightly behind.

As before, Luo Quan, as the director, first came to the stage with a kind of main creative to share with everyone what happened during the filming.

Although many things happened during the filming period, Luo Quan's character is to report good news but not bad news.

Life is already very difficult, adding more difficulties in movies that escape from life, wouldn't it add to the audience's frustration.

Therefore, if it is not necessary, Luo Quan does not like to use this method to show how difficult it is to shoot.

No matter how difficult it is, the movie has been made, and it is estimated that most people will not care too much about it.

After the part of the movie extras is over, the auction officially begins.

For most of the fans at the scene, this is actually the highlight.

It is worth mentioning that all the auction items are basically things that Luoquan has used in the past two years.

As for those older ones, they are more commemorative and carry quite a lot of memories, Luo Quan does not intend to sell them.

The first auction item is a ballpoint pen that Luo Quan often uses when writing at his desk.

It looks new on the outside, but the middle part has been rounded by her fingers, and even the icons are gone.

The starting price is one dollar, and each increase is no less than five thousand dollars.

Even for all the audience at the scene, this price is an out-and-out cabbage price.

The price is only one dollar, how much do you look down on the economic level of the United States.

As a result, outrageous scenes that could not be seen at auction venues in the past appeared.

At the beginning of the bidding, all the audience without exception raised their signs.

Regardless of whether it can be photographed in the end, at least everyone wants to buy and can afford it.

However, with round after round of price increases, the price of this ballpoint pen soon exceeded $[-].

Those who are still holding signs here are basically the rich people in the front row.

However, Luo Quan stated in advance that no one would take at most one piece, so these rich people would not let all the collections be taken away.

In the end, Luo Quan's ballpoint pen was sold for $[-].

Next, Luoquan's pens, pencils, paintbrushes, and various pens came out one by one and walked around. Basically, they were worth tens of thousands of dollars, far exceeding their own value.

Small items are sold out, followed by guitars, violins and other big items.

Because these Qinluoquan bought all well-known brands, the prices were also high, and the final transaction prices were basically over one million US dollars.

Because it is the premiere, the whole process will be broadcast live.

The following auctions can also be seen online, and everyone is paying attention to how much Luoquan's used things can fetch.

Although we all know that it must be expensive, it still surprised everyone.

In addition to those wealthy people, Luo Quan's fans are also fanatical with secrets.

Many fans in ordinary clothes were able to bid with those rich people until the last moment, and some even won the final victory, which was unexpected by netizens.

It is said that Luoquan has a large fan base and many invisible rich people. Now it seems that it is not a joke. No wonder it was able to raise a $[-] million swimsuit photo fund in such a short time.

When the tools and supplies are sold out, it's time for the autographed album and autographed photos to appear.

These can be said to be specially prepared by Luo Quan for fans.

Because those rich people probably don't lack ways to get these things.

And after the previous rounds of auctions, basically everything has been harvested, and at this time, there is no way to compete with others.

Compared with before, the competition for these relatively cheap items is much fiercer. Most of the audience have similar financial resources, and each price increase is not too much. The final transaction price is generally around [-] US dollars.

The entire auction lasted for more than an hour. Luo Quan was stuck on time and ended the auction before twelve o'clock.

The harvest this time is quite good, and it sold for more than 300 million US dollars, which was much higher than she expected.

It can only be said that the rich people in the United States are indeed rich.

The auction is over, and it's time for the movie to begin.

Luo Quan and a group of main creators came to the stage again, thanking the audience for coming here to participate in the premiere ceremony, and then the lights on the scene were dimmed.

At the same time, movie theaters across the United States also opened the theaters of "Forrest Gump", and all the audience who pre-purchased movie tickets sat down when they encountered popcorn and Coke.

Some are alone, and some are with their families.

Tom was going to call his good friend Jerry to watch a movie together, but Jerry said he was not interested in such things, so Tom came alone.

Obviously going to a movie is a very relaxing thing, but after he entered the theater, he found that the faces of the people around him were not very good.

But it's normal, because their complexion is not good.

The fucking reality made them all want to find comfort in the virtual world.

It seems that "Forrest Gump" seems to be a good choice.

It is especially worth mentioning that when he took his seat, he found a girl with blond hair sitting next to him.

She also watched the movie alone, and she was so beautiful and innocent.

Tom, who has been an otaku for many years, was immediately tempted, but he was too inferior to take the initiative to strike up a conversation with a girl, so after taking his seat, he could only obediently watch the big screen.Use the corner of your eye to look at the girl.

I don't know if this girl knew about his behavior. Tom guessed that she didn't know. After all, she was just like himself, watching the big screen and looking forward to the movie.

Soon, the audience fell into darkness, and the words "Spring Water Entertainment" appeared on the big screen, as well as the classic titles of Universal Movies.

At the beginning of the picture, it focused on a feather.

It floated in the sky, skimmed over the city, and finally landed next to a pair of muddy sneakers.

The camera goes up, and Forrest Gump, the protagonist of the movie, appears.

At this moment, Leon's handsome face showed a dullness that was different from ordinary people. He was clearly a middle-aged man, but his eyes and movements looked like a child's.

A black woman sitting next to him noticed his strangeness and asked him why he was so well dressed but his sneakers were so dirty.

A-Gump showed a simple and innocent smile, completely without the perfunctory that middle-aged people should have, there is only sincerity in it.

A magnetic voice sounded, and he began to tell about his childhood.

The camera cuts to A-Gump's childhood.

It turned out that he was born with mental defects, and he also had a disability in his legs.

And, like many American families, his father is nowhere to be found.

Despite the difficult conditions, A-Gump's mother still tried her best to find a way to treat her son, and even went to the hospital to install assistive devices at a high price in order to allow A-Gump to walk.

Forrest-Gump could walk down the ground, but because the equipment was too bulky, his movements became even more ridiculous.

Soon he was of school age, but because of his intellectual disability, he could not pass the simplest tests.

But in the end he passed the monitoring of enrollment and successfully enrolled.

The price was that his mother made a very big sacrifice and used her body to make a deal with the school teacher.

Forrest Gump, who was successfully enrolled, did not change his fate because of this.

Still mentally retarded, no one even offered to give up his seat on the school bus for the first time.

But on this day, he met the girl whom he loved all his life——Jenny.

Only this girl asked Forrest Gump if he wanted to sit with her.

In the eyes of Forrest Gump at the time, this girl was like an angel, full of innocence and kindness.

A-Gump, who still doesn't know what love is, can only look at the girl with all his eyes, and sit beside her.

All of this is like fate.

However, the encounter with the goddess did not make his life much better.

After entering school, A-Gump was still often excluded by his classmates because of his intelligence.

On the way home from school with Jenny once.

A-Gump met those little bullies again.

They pushed bicycles, picked up stones on the road and threw them at A-Gump, and even stepped forward to push him.

There were so many of them, A-Gump was no match, so he could only turn around and run away like an ugly duckling.

But because the assistive devices on his legs were really heavy, his swaying body made the little bullies lean forward and back with laughter, and then they got on their bicycles and chased after him.

Seeing that A-Gump was about to be caught up, Jenny shouted loudly from behind: "Run, A-Gump, run!"

For Forrest Gump, there is nothing more exciting than Jenny's encouragement.

It was at this moment that a miracle happened.

His legs seemed to have suddenly returned to normal, and they began to move forward alternately.

The auxiliary equipment on the legs were also broken bit by bit due to the change of running posture.

The slow motion showed Forrest Gump's legs, and the parts that bound him fell apart and fell down during the run.

This scene is like breaking out of a cocoon and becoming a butterfly.

In the movie theater, countless audiences suddenly burst into tears for some reason.

That inexplicable move was so strong and so sudden.

Obviously this is a miracle with no scientific basis at all, why does it give people such a sense of reality?
The answer to this question, no one can answer, probably only A-Gump himself knows.

(End of this chapter)

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