Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 710 The True Story of Forrest Gump

Chapter 710 Forrest Gump ([-])
Here is the first climax of the movie, which is faster and more touching than everyone imagined.

Contrary to what all audiences think, this movie starts with mixed feelings of sadness and joy.

A-Gump's childhood was not considered lucky. He had mental retardation and leg disabilities since he was a child, and he also encountered school bullying.

But he is also lucky. He has a mother who loves him more than anything, and he also met Jenny who is as beautiful as an angel.

However, these originally warm factors were shattered one by one.

Forrest Gump's mother exchanged her body with the school teacher for her son to go to school.

And Jenny, between the lines, hinted that she was raped by her father.

These shocking and heart-wrenching plots are a true portrayal of the American social revolution at that time, which can be seen in various news.

And, even now, these problems still exist.

However, the existence of these tragedies also makes those warm pictures more precious.

Sadness and joy are not clearly divided in the movie, but are interdependent.

And this is exactly what makes the audience touch.

Because it's real.

Unknowingly, the expressions of the audience have changed from the frowning or indifferent at the beginning to gradually moved.

Their hearts are all affected by A-Gump's next fate, wondering what his future life will be like.

As soon as the scene of the movie changed, Forrest Gump and Jenny had grown up and reached the middle school age.

There are two children, one of them is slim and beautiful, so beautiful that people are shocked.

As for the other one, although he did look a bit dull, he was also tall and healthy, and his appearance was even more unbelievably handsome.

It's the American Dream.

After seeing the appearance of Forrest Gump played by Lyon, many female audiences have little stars in their eyes.

After arriving in middle school, A-Gump's intelligence was still a bit lower than that of ordinary people, and he was bullied from time to time.

Those campus bullies used to ride bicycles, but gradually realized that they could no longer catch up with the faster and faster Forrest Gump, so they switched to cars.

While running to avoid bullying, A-Gump accidentally broke into a school football game.

His fast speed immediately made the school football coach discover his talent and let him join the team.

Relying on his single mind that only knows how to run, A-Gump just ran into the university and into the finals of the college football league.

It is still "Forrest Gump, run!" This sentence ran through Forrest Gump's entire boyhood, making him a hero in the finals.

The figure of him running all the way with the rugby in his arms cannot be touched no matter how the opponent chases him.

In the end, A-Gump won the victory with the ball in his arms, but he didn't stop, but ran out of the field in a hurry and rushed into the safe passage.

Everyone was cheering for him, and his coach laughed loudly: "Although this kid's brain is not good, he is really fucking fast when he runs."

The language of the coach is very rude, and the frequency of son of bitch is very high, but what he said makes people laugh, typical American humor.

Because of this victory, Forrest Gump and his teammates were received by President Kennedy.

This incident actually happened, and there is also a videotape of the scene, except for Forrest Gump, who was composited, the others are all himself.

When Kennedy communicated with Forrest Gump, Luo Quan used computer special effects technology to change his mouth shape, creating a real sense of history.

This is actually not the first time in a movie that the protagonist has experienced history in person.

At the beginning of the movie, Forrest Gump met a tenant who liked to play the guitar.

When the tenants played, A-Gump would dance beside the music.

At that time, A-Gump's feet were still tied with equipment to help him stand, so the dance steps seemed to be twisted left and right, which was very strange.

The tenant moved out not long after, and when A-Gump saw him again, it was on TV.

The lodger had become quite famous, and danced the strange dance steps he had learned from him, and was fashionable.

At this time, everyone recognized the identity of the tenant, who was the legendary American singer and king of dance music in the last century.

When they saw this, the audience would smile heartily, thinking that this was a joke made by the director.

But combined with this meeting with the president, everyone came to understand. It seems that the director not only wants to make Forrest Gump a witness of history, but also wants him to be a creator of history.

Sure enough, the major events that happened in the United States all had Forrest Gump.

The war broke out, and A-Gump was drafted into the army.

When parting, Jenny told him that whatever happened, he must save his life, and run away if he couldn't beat it.

A-Gump kept this sentence in his heart.

After arriving at the barracks, A-Gump met his best friend Babu and Lieutenant Dan, who was cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

This part is the scene with the most music in the entire movie, and a song will appear in every plot with memory points.

For example, when the recruits reported, the background music sang: "The children of rich politicians use silver spoons, while the children of poor people go to the battlefield as cannon fodder."

This kind of lyrics is no longer an insinuation, but a naked satire.

This war has been unjust from the very beginning, not only to the invaded country, but also to its own citizens.

The rich live in the rear, while the poor have become their tools to seek benefits.

This kind of pungent irony also made the audience sweat.

Although so far, there have been no private goods in the movie, they are all narrated from an objective perspective.

But it is also a miracle that such "disharmonious" content can pass the review.

The audience frowned, but soon relaxed again.

The movie continued, and the scene came to Forrest Gump writing a letter to Jenny.

The background music also changed accordingly, sounding psychedelic and melodious, and catchy.

This is the famous song "California Dream", but this world does not have it.

In the transition of this classic music, the war finally broke out.

A-Gump's army was ambushed by the enemy, the front and the sky were full of enemies, and the comrades around him fell down one by one like they were being harvested by a wheat harvester.

After hearing the order to retreat, A-Gump remembered what Jenny had said to him, and immediately turned around and ran away from the battlefield in a short while.

But at this moment, he remembered that his good friend Babu was still inside, so he immediately turned around and rushed back.

Seeing those comrades-in-arms on the ground, the upright A-Gump recited them one by one.

But when he found Babu, he was already dying. This accident made A-Gump experience the sadness of losing an important person for the first time.

It was worse than the pain of being shot in his ass.

But it was a blessing in disguise, and A-Gump withdrew from the battlefield because of being shot.

At the same time, because he saved his comrades in arms, he became a hero after the war and was received by the president.

At this time, the president has changed, but the same thing is that A-Gump still made a fool of himself on live TV.

In order to show the president his wounds, A-Gump took off his pants and exposed his buttocks, which caused a lot of laughter inside and outside the scene.

After meeting with the president, A-Gump met a large number of anti-war demonstrators after he came out, and they invited A-Gump to speak on stage.

A-Gump didn't understand their content, but after going up, he told everything about Jenny and confessed his love to her.

No one could have imagined that Jenny was actually among the crowd.

In order for A-Gump to see herself, Jenny jumped into the empty pool and ran towards him.

There was excitement in A-Gump's eyes, and he rushed down the podium faster than a football game, jumped into the pool, and embraced Jenny in the pool.

The protesters around were cheering and applauding for the couple.

In the theater, the audience has already shed tears, and they are all moved by this difficult couple, and thankful that they can achieve a positive result.

However, this is actually just an illusion.

After A-Gump and Jenny hugged under the eyes of everyone, they just had a good night, and then there was no further progress.

Jenny's life is still free and unrestrained, she is looking for a boyfriend who is a bad guy who can only do domestic violence, and she is looking for a job like a stripper playing music, and she will be touched by others on stage.

A-Gump saw it, and every time he shot those who bullied Jenny severely.

But what I got in the end was all Jenny's blame for doing bad things with good intentions.

However, in the following period of time, the emotional entanglement between Forrest Gump and Jenny did not become the main line.

The main line of the movie is still the historical moments experienced or created from the perspective of Forrest Gump.

For example, after becoming a hero, Forrest Gump fell in love with table tennis, and went to China to conduct table tennis diplomacy, witnessing an important moment when the relationship between the two major countries was warming up.

Another example is the Watergate incident, which was exposed by Forrest Gump through the window in the middle of the night, which led to the resignation of the president, and he was forced to leave the officialdom.

After retiring from the army, Forrest Gump thought of the dream of his friend Babu, so he spent most of the money to buy a shrimp boat and named it Jenny.

Soon, he met Lieutenant Dan again.

Lieutenant Dan lost his legs in the war, and now he lives on the streets in a miserable condition.

He blamed A-Gump for not letting him die on the battlefield, so why did he save him.

But A-Gump did not abandon him because of Lieutenant Dan's scolding, but let him also board the ship and work together towards the future.

Probably, God sometimes favors fools.

During a storm, other shrimp fishing boats took refuge in the port, but Forrest Gump and Lieutenant Dan broke into the storm to try to fish.

It turned out to be self-defeating, and all the ships parked in the port were destroyed by the storm, but the two rookies managed to survive, and because they were the only survivors in the port, they were on TV.

Also because all the fishing boats were destroyed, Forrest Gump's Jenny finally started to have a bumper harvest. After all, only their boats can operate in the entire water area, so it's hard not to have a bumper harvest.

The days are getting better day by day.

On a beach near dusk, Lieutenant Dan and A-Gump confide in their hearts, lamenting the impermanence of fate and their gratitude to A-Gump.

Those words sounded as if they were saying goodbye to Forrest Gump.

At this moment, the hearts of the audience were all tied together, thinking that the director was about to start abusing again.

Suddenly, Lieutenant Dan jumped into the sea, and people trembled in their hearts, thinking that he was trying to commit suicide.

Fortunately, it was just a false alarm.

A-Gump rushed forward and saw Lieutenant Dan lying on his back in the sea with a smile on his face.

Although he has no legs, he still swims very easily.

The setting sun shines on the sea, and the sparkling golden light changes its shape with the ups and downs of the waves.

The day is coming to an end, but Lieutenant Dan's life is just beginning.

He has come to terms with himself, and no difficulty is beyond his reach.

People are actually very strong and will not be defeated by anything other than themselves.

As long as you are strong enough.

Seeing this, many viewers were lost in thought.

This is probably the place that touched them the most.

The transformation of Lieutenant Dan, the change of fate, the contest between reality and will.

They understood what the director wanted to say, and considering the current social situation, it was perfectly appropriate to use it to encourage everyone.

And soon, this beautiful plot like a fairy tale made everyone laugh again.

Lieutenant Dan invested in a fruit company in his name in order to settle the large sum of money A-Gump earned.

A-Gump opened the contract, and there was a bitten apple on it.

Who else could it be if it wasn't the famous Apple company?
With this investment, Forrest Gump became a rich man as it should be.

Soon, Jenny also came to the door.

At this time, everyone felt that now that A-Gump was famous and rich, Jenny should stay because of emotion and reason, right?
But it was another night of fun, and Jenny still chose to leave.

Before, it was because of self-will and wantonness, but this time it was because of low self-esteem.

Jenny felt that she was really not good enough for Forrest Gump now.

But Forrest Gump, who has lost his mother, already regards Jenny as his only relative.

After she left without saying goodbye, she started searching in the small town.

Every day he would go out, looking for Jenny while running.

Gradually, this scope expanded from a small town to the entire state, and even the whole country.

More and more people saw Forrest Gump running and joined in.

The media rushed to report and asked him why he didn't go home for so many years and ran outside.

Everyone thought that Forrest Gump must be for something.

In the beginning, A-Gump really wanted to find Jenny, but now, he has no other ideas.

Running has been carried out throughout his life. If he wants to find meaning for the rest of his life, running is probably the only thing left.

In other words, he is not doing anything for anyone.

Here, the movie is nearing its end.

The story that followed was beyond reason and expected.

A-Gump and Jenny met again, and Jenny finally walked out of the shadow of her childhood, got a decent job, and raised A-Gump's child.

Witnessed by their relatives and friends, the two finally became husband and wife.

But the good times didn't last long. Jenny contracted a disease because of her promiscuity, and died soon after.

But A-Gump's son is very healthy, not only smart, but also runs very fast like A-Gump.

This is the end of the story.

The movie was over, but the audience sat in the theater without moving for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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