Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 711 The American Dream

Chapter 711 The American Dream

The movie had already finished, but the audience was still listening to the ending song "California Dream" and staring at the credit list in a daze.

In this movie, there are no cool special effects, the war scenes are not shocking, and there are not many exciting scenes.

At first everyone thought that since it was about the American dream, there must be some great sense of morality on one's shoulders and turning things around with two hands.

Unexpectedly, it was so ordinary.

But greatness is often found in the ordinary.

Isn't the history presented in the movie and the experience of the protagonist the American dream that everyone is looking forward to?
Although A-Gump was born with a disability, he never complained, embraced life with the greatest enthusiasm, and embraced others with the greatest kindness.

It seems that he can always make the right choice at the right time, as if God favored him alone.

But in fact, these successes are all based on Forrest Gump's great character.

For such a kind, serious and persistent person, success is inevitable.

For the audience, this movie is not only a bowl of chicken soup from heaven, but also a signpost, pointing out the direction to the confused people.

Not everyone can have so much good luck and coincidences like Forrest Gump.

But they can be as serious and optimistic as Forrest Gump.

And this is the premise of success and the premise of achieving the American dream.

Perhaps, this is what the director wants to tell everyone.

As the first wave of movies wraps up and people walk out of the theater, the first thing they do is greet everyone with Forrest Gump.

At three o'clock in the middle of the night, "Forrest Gump" topped Twitter's most searched list with more than 50 entries. The comments that can be seen are basically positive, expressing some of the emotions gained from this movie .

And the freshness index of Rotten Tomatoes has reached an extremely rare [-]%!

There are no more than twenty movies with this rating on this venerable movie rating site.

You know, even "Titanic" is only 90.00% nine!
This may not mean that "Forrest Gump" is really flawless, or better than "Titanic", but at least in the eyes of the audience who rated it, this movie is an undisputed masterpiece!

By eight o'clock in the morning, reports from major newspapers, professional film critics, and film review magazines came out one after another.

First up is the New York Times:

"This is the best film about America in the past ten years, recording the changes in the United States over the past few decades, and recreating the era of freedom, struggle, and prosperity.

It's hard to imagine that this was filmed by a foreign director. What's even more rare is that she achieved complete objectivity and fairness, without prejudice against any party or group, including the description of war.

If you want to choose the Oscar for best picture next year, "Forrest Gump" will do my part! "

Time Magazine:

"Luo Quan understands the definition of the American Dream better than most Americans.

She paints a fairy tale for adults with real shots.

Forrest Gump's success may be accidental, but who can say that if he works hard, he can't get the same result?
Luo Quan defined the way of working hard, and even showed it in front of everyone.

And the final destination is called the American Dream! "


Few media would praise such a foreigner so unanimously.

Luo Quan did not rely on politics.

Or maybe, what she presents is the ultimate political correctness.

No one dares to deny the value of the American Dream.

In the US Internet, which has been in the gloom for several months, there is finally a ray of light.

Although there is a saying: When light shines into the darkness full of haze and filth, this light also has sin.

But if it is the light of righteousness that judges all sins, that is another matter.

Now "Forrest Gump" has such a trend, and the entire Internet is full of praise, and there is absolutely no opposition to it.

Not only because of the meaning that this movie represents, but just from the movie, it is indeed a flawless work.

Whether it is from a rational or emotional point of view, there is no point of criticism.

Therefore, it is not surprising that "Forrest Gump" has become the ultimate political correctness in American society.

However, in China, this movie still caused some controversy.

Of course, the main thing is not the plot of the movie.

When Luo Quan was filming, he made some modifications to some plots of the original film, so as to achieve absolute objectivity.

Although it may not particularly cater to the U.S. government, at least from the perspective of the public, this is nothing to be blackened.

Therefore, even if the people of Huaxia cannot empathize with the American dream, they can still appreciate the touch brought by this movie.

Leaving aside the American dream, this is actually an inspirational movie set against the tide of history.

And Forrest Gump's experience is actually quite in line with China's mainstream cultural thinking, that is, where there is a will, there is a way, and those who help themselves, God helps them.

To put it simply, good people are rewarded with good rewards.

With such a premise, it is not difficult to understand the emotion of the movie and applaud Forrest Gump's good luck.

As for the controversy among netizens, it mainly revolves around the heroine Jenny.

There was a lot of debate on the Internet over whether she was a good girl or not.

One side thinks: she treats A-Gump repeatedly and her private life is so corrupt, she really can't be called a good girl.

But the other side thinks: Jenny never hurt anyone from the beginning to the end, and she was kind to Forrest Gump from the bottom of her heart. The main reason for her private life is because of her miserable childhood, not from her own heart.

Both sides stick to their own views, and no one can persuade the other.

If placed in the United States, Jenny's problem is actually not a problem.

Because not only her, but many young people at that time were like this.

Under the hippie movement, young people have almost no restraint on the indulgence of life, and they can't do any outrageous behaviors too much.

But in the eyes of the Chinese mainstream, Jenny's private life is really not a good girl.

Not to mention anything else, just being addicted to drugs can already be labeled.

Of course, evaluating a character cannot be separated from its background, and the limitations of her environment need to be considered.

Moreover, people cannot be defined by just good and bad, and sometimes the boundaries between the two are very blurred.

So, after the quarrel was fruitless, the eclectic argument prevailed.

"Jenny was one of the hippie youths of that era.

She had a miserable childhood, was disgusted with her family, hated herself and had extremely low self-esteem at the same time.

She loves music and wants to achieve something, but because of her limited ability, she can only go on stage in this vulgar way.

In order to numb the pain in her heart, she indulged in pleasure and corrupted her private life, which eventually led to her own illness.

But no matter how miserable Jenny was, she never hurt anyone.

She is still gentle and kind, and is entitled to love and be loved.

And the relationship between her and A-Gump is actually complicated and tangled.

Forrest Gump's two marriage proposals, the first time Jenny felt that Forrest Gump did not understand love, so she refused.

And the second time, out of inferiority, she felt that she was not worthy of Forrest Gump, so she chose to leave.

And for the third time, she has become a strong mother who is self-reliant, free of drugs, and raising her son alone.

At this time, Jenny finally let go of all the pains she had suffered, bid farewell to her tragic childhood, and embraced a new future.

So, she agreed to A-Gump.

It's just that people always have to pay the price for their actions. In such an environment and indulgence, no one can be safe and sound, so it's not surprising that they get sick in the end.

Although director Luo Quan didn't say it explicitly, this strange disease is actually AIDS.

Jenny's life was tragic, but I think the last period of her life must be happy.

Compared with Forrest Gump, the director's approach to Jenny is actually not bad at all, both of which are the embodiment of the image of that era.

One is the American Dream, and one, perhaps, is America itself. "

This conclusion analyzed Jenny quite clearly from Huaxia's perspective.

People are complicated, not everyone can be as pure and simple as Forrest Gump.

And Jenny, as the heroine, is certainly not as in line with the preferences of the mainstream public as in ordinary movies.

But she has achieved "independence", not an accessory of the protagonist, but a heroine in the true sense.

After washing away the lead, people can experience her beauty and kindness even more.

The only pity is that Luo Quan, who claims to hate tragic endings, finally arranged such a tragic ending for Forrest Gump and Jenny, which is really deplorable.

Especially seeing the beautiful Jenny lying on the bed haggard, the scene was as similar as when A-Gump saw off his mother, and I don't know how many audiences wept.

For this reason, after the film was screened, many female audiences in China asked Luo Quan why he broke his promise and did not give the two a happy ending.

Soon, "Why Luoquan broke his promise" became a hot search.

The comment area starts to output directly:
"Luo Quan really likes doing this, so does "Farewell My Concubine", and so does "Forrest Gump". When it comes to the ending, it's so miserable, it made me cry so much!"

"He says he likes a happy reunion, but he doesn't know how many tragedies he will cause with his own hands. He is really a villain in the world."

"Although I guessed it would end like this, when Jenny really died, I couldn't help but want to send Luo Quan the blade."

"She must have a live broadcast tonight, let's see how I match up!"


In this regard, Luo Quan was actually very helpless.

While she does love reunions and happy endings, that doesn't apply to Forrest Gump.

The emotional atmosphere has been brewing to that point. If Jenny does not die, she will definitely not be able to achieve that unforgettable effect in the end.

And this is also the reason why the audience was unhappy, but none of them complained about it.

We all know that this is a reasonable and good ending, but everyone just doesn't like to see the heroine die.

Seeing that the audience denounced it so strongly, Luo Quan also posted an explanation:
"I do like happy endings.

But not all movies are suitable for a happy reunion. Some characters are born to sacrifice their lives to bloom.

Although it was cruel, at least she left an indelible mark in everyone's hearts, so that you can feel aggrieved and cry for her.

As a character, she is successful, and I am also grateful for everyone's love and support.

But I want to emphasize here that I am not Wenqing, nor do I have Wenqing disease.

I will not be green just for the sake of being green, or die for the sake of death. That kind of hypocrisy is definitely the enemy of art creators, and it is a self-promotion that completely ignores the audience!
If you are offended when you hear this, don't doubt it, I did it on purpose, please take your seat consciously! "

Luo Quan has always hated creators with literary youth.

This time I also took the opportunity to express my own thoughts, that is, you can say that I am cruel and deliberately make the audience cry.

But you can't say that I am Wenqing, I am not this kind of person.

And after these remarks were made, it also attracted ridicule from a group of netizens:

"Haha, it looks like Luo Quan was injured by a certain Wen Qing's work, and unexpectedly fired a map cannon."

"Before the live broadcast, Luo Bao said that he had read a fantasy novel, but the author of the novel was both a daughter-in-law and an abuser, Luo Bao almost had a cerebral hemorrhage.

From then on, I started to be a little dazed. "

"It's true that I have some cerebral palsy, and many literary youths like to do this, and it's called art."

"The protagonist Fugui in "To Live" is also very miserable, but he didn't give his wife to others. Those who can write that kind of plot have more or less psychological problems."

"I can understand it anyway."


It can be seen that many netizens dislike Wen Qing.

But having said that, the fact that it can make people feel so uncomfortable also shows that the characters are successfully portrayed and the works are excellent.

If it's a bad movie and a bad novel, no one cares how disgusting you are.

However, it can only be understood as two situations if it can give the public a good ending, but insists on abusing the protagonist.

Either there is a hole in the brain, or a psychopath.

Of course, Luo Quan specifically mentioned it here because he was disgusted by reading novels a while ago.

What a cool article, if you insist on doing this, she doesn't know how to describe it except outrageous.

However, through such a distraction, the voice about Jenny's tragic ending was also much quieter.

And as more and more people have watched "Forrest Gump", the popularity and praise numbers have also begun to blow out.

The film's first-day box office also came out, with a global total of 4.59 million US dollars.

The United States alone has 3.2 million US dollars, a rather exaggerated figure.

And with the unanimous Amway of the entire network in the United States, I believe that more people will go to the cinema to watch this American Dream movie with zero negative reviews.

It is worth mentioning that on the second day after "Forrest Gump" was released, the stock market received a lot of retail capital inflows.

The stock market, which was already jittery and stagnant, seemed to come alive again suddenly.

The confidence of stockholders was restored, and their courage grew again.

The situation that was on the verge of collapse was miraculously reversed.

No one knows whether this is due to "Forrest Gump", but Apple has become the one with the highest rise among all stocks.

(End of this chapter)

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