Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 712 Effort and Talent

Chapter 712 Effort and Talent

"Forrest Gump" swept the American film market, and major theaters directly arranged more than 80.00% of its film schedules in this off-season.

That is to say, out of the ten halls in the cinema, eight of them are showing "Forrest Gump".

Just like this, every movie theater is full, and there is an endless stream of people who come to see this "American Dream", second-timers and third-timers.

However, the Chinese people are no strangers to such a situation.

After all, when "Wolf Warrior 2" was released, the battle was even more exaggerated than this.

In comparison, there are fewer Americans, so the scene may not be as hot as Huaxia.

But judging from the popularity of the reaction on the Internet, "Forrest Gump" has definitely reached the point where the whole people watch movies.

It's all about Amway and boasting about it, and many film critics even called it the greatest American movie of the new century.

Although it is somewhat exaggerated, in this case, no one dares to raise any objections.

When the general trend is formed, personal opinions are irrelevant.

Anyone who dares to stop them will be directly crushed into ashes by the rolling wheels.

In this case, going with the flow is the best option.

And another situation that made the media write a lot is that the U.S. stock market has picked up.

The originally precarious stock price, with the support of retail investors who regained confidence, miraculously survived, and even rose.

Although the increase is minimal, this is obviously great news.

As long as it is bullish, more and more people are willing to enter the market, and then it will enter a virtuous circle.

Not to mention how much it has skyrocketed, but at least it will not crash in a short period of time.

Although I don't want to admit it, a movie has indeed done something that even the government can't do.

The "American Dream" woven by Luo Quan actually saved everyone.

Amidst the voices of tens of millions of people on the Internet, through hard work, Time Magazine finally got the opportunity to interview Luo Quan again, live broadcasting the whole network.

And this time it's not only her, but also the two leading actors, Leon and Carrieline. The topic of the interview is "American Dream".

This interview is open to the general public, so Time magazine also changed the serious and serious style of the past, and put the interview place in the venue of the talk show.

There are three sofas, one host, two guests, and a group of spectators in the audience. Once this configuration comes out, the atmosphere is quite relaxed.

Attending this interview, Luo Quan dressed quite casually, with an army green canvas jacket and a pair of jeans. Everyone thought she would come in a fancy dress or something.

Before the interview started, Time magazine had carried out a big publicity campaign, so that before it even started, the Youtube live broadcast room had entered more than one million viewers.

You know, the number of people on YouTube is the real person shown.

It is the first time in history that millions of people watched at the same time.

The main reason is that "Forrest Gump" is in the limelight. These three are currently top international stars, the kind that are so popular, it is not surprising that they have such a large amount of attention.

Even Luo Quan felt that there should be so many people, otherwise she would be sorry for her position.

Of course, although she was crazy in her heart, she still behaved quite gentle and well-behaved after attending the scene, welcoming the cheers of the audience and waving to them.

Leon followed closely behind. As soon as he came out, the female fans below immediately screamed with an eardrum-tearing voice.

Although the relationship with Mia has been public for some time, many fans on the Internet have announced that they have left the fan.

But that doesn't seem to have had much of an impact on Lyon's career.

There is no way, he has too many fans, and the number of diehard fans is even greater. A small group of people voiced their fans, but in fact the majority were silent.

And now, it is definitely not the time to be silent, all female fans are cheering for Lyon, whose career has reached a new peak.

"Forrest Gump" is popular all over the United States. As the protagonist, Lyon is naturally the one mentioned the most, and he is almost on par with director Luo Quan.

Forrest Gump's state of seven points of persistence and three points of stupidity is perfectly performed by Leon, and his acting skills can be called explosive.

What's more terrible is that his image has reached an incomparable fusion with the American dream, becoming the most perfect incarnation.

Everyone was extremely satisfied with Leon's image, thinking that A-Gump's casting of him was as flawless as this movie.

When the new King of Popularity appeared, the hostess also stood up and cheered. Judging by her posture, she was probably a fan of Lyon.

After Carreline from behind came out, the audience also burst into applause, and the voice was not much lower than that of Leon.

If Forrest Gump is the hope of all audiences.

The occasions when Jenny appears are basically the climax or tears in the movie.

She is the white moonlight in Forrest Gump's heart, and also the grievance in the hearts of the audience.

Everyone smiled when they saw her and Forrest Gump's final result.

And her death made everyone feel extremely sad.

Carreline played such a complex character so well that she couldn't find any faults.

Compared with Forrest Gump, the touch brought by her is actually stronger.

It can be said that this is the only appearance that Luo Quan was suppressed by others. In the past, she dominated the audience, and the loudest and most intense cheers were often hers.

"Welcome to our interview site. I believe that after the film was broadcast, you have heard countless congratulations."

After the host gave a simple greeting, he watched the guests go straight to the topic.

Luo Quan nodded lightly: "Yes, just one hour after the movie was released, someone told how much the movie sold at the box office, and I said it was great, but I thought in my heart that this should not be the case.

Me, Leon, and Carillian, these three names are put on the poster. Even if there is a two-hour advertisement, I think many people will walk into the movie theater to see what kind of advertisement this is, so that the three of us can be named together. . "

A little humor immediately filled the studio with laughter.

"For this movie, I think Leon, who played Forrest Gump, was under a lot of pressure. Did you experience insomnia during filming?"

"Oh, don't mention it." Leon spread his hands and shook his head: "It was really a difficult time. I have been thinking for a long time, whether I can be worthy of this American dream, and what will the effect of the performance be? What does it look like, will it be smashed.

Although I am usually very confident, this time I still seemed a little confused. Fortunately, my sister encouraged me.

She told me, as my Luo Quan's brother, I don't allow you to act so unmanly.

More importantly, hundreds of millions of dollars of investment have been invested. If the filming fails in the end, I will prop you up on a clothes rail and hang you on the balcony! "

This exposure of the sister's cruel character once again caused the audience to laugh out loud.

No one expected that Luo Quan, who looks so gentle, would have such an exaggerated contrast in private.

"My God, Carreline, is what Leon said true? Please tell him this is nonsense. I don't want my image of a goddess to collapse like this."

The host looked at Carrielian expectantly, but she just shrugged: "You know, she is my boss, and in the employee agreement, if you make the boss lose face at will, your wages will be deducted."

This was originally used by Luo Quan to target Wen Xia, but now it was brought up by Carrie Lian, which she did not expect.

"So, what Leon said is true." The host's eyes widened, looking quite surprised.

Carrie Lian nodded with a suppressed smile: "If you were an employee of Luoquan, your wages would have been deducted by now."

The audience burst into laughter again.

"Come on, Luo Quan, tell me how you feel." The host handed the stage to Luo Quan.

"Fake news." Luo Quan raised his hands to play the harmonium, and said with a pouted mouth.

It was just a small move that directly ignited the atmosphere on and off the field.

If you want to talk about who is the most popular Internet celebrity in the United States at the moment, it is not Luo Quan, it is not Lyon, and it is not Carrie Lian, but the current president.

And this sentence is one of the president's golden sentences.

Luo Quan's movements are very expressive, it cannot be said that the imitation is very similar, only that they are exactly the same.

No one expected that Luo Quan would say such a thing, but in the United States, making fun of the president is not something that would be disrespectful to the world. Even many funny variety shows will do similar things for the sake of program effects.

It's just that Luo Quan, a foreigner alone, can make it so authentic, which is really hilarious.

After the host laughed, he added: "If you were the president, with the same words and the same behavior, the support rate would probably not be so low."

Luo Quan had a serious face: "If I were the president, wouldn't all the salaries of the government employees have to be deducted?"

This is following what Carreline said, and it also has a double meaning.

I don't know how many times I remembered the laughter. The host was quite determined, and he almost broke his defense.

And the barrage in the live broadcast room is also overwhelming "lol".

In Chinese barrage culture, 23333 means laughing out loud, while abroad it means lol.

Now everyone has forgotten that this is actually an interview. Originally, the program team just wanted to make the atmosphere a little more relaxed, but unexpectedly, a few words made the interview a talk show scene.

"I used to think that you are very cold on the outside and hot on the inside, elegant and friendly, but this interview really made me see another side of the goddess." After the host recovered, he sighed at Luo Quan .

"Actually, I'm always like this. Fans who often watch my live broadcast probably know my real appearance."

The host nodded approvingly: "Yes, even though you are a genius, sometimes geniuses are no different from ordinary people.

And don't think that geniuses and stars are so glamorous in front of the camera, but in fact, the hard work and hardships they put in in private are actually beyond the imagination of ordinary people. "

Luo Quan blinked: "I don't know about others, but I really didn't put in any hardship or effort.

The most difficult time for me is when I think about what excuses I can use to reject fans urging me to release new works. "

"Oh, maybe this is a genius. I admit that I was sloppy. It seems that mortals still can't understand the world of geniuses." The host pretended to lower his head, and everyone would smile heartily.

"Come back to the topic, regarding the Forrest Gump movie, Luo Quan, did you ever think that it would be such a success?

Please allow me to directly say that it has succeeded, and now it is unmatched in terms of box office and word-of-mouth. This love was even more exaggerated when Titanic was released. "

When Luo Quan heard this question, he replied without hesitation: "Of course I thought of it, because it was born for this.

After such a story came out, I couldn't find any reason to fail.

In fact, some things that appear in the movie are some things that are gradually lost in today's society.

And judging from the current environment, Forrest Gump can indeed inspire countless people. "

"Regarding this, I actually read a lot of news before, saying that your movie will save the stock market and ease social conflicts.

Although Mi has been refuting this kind of remarks, after the movie came out, it really achieved such an effect. What kind of thoughts do you have now? "

"I still feel like, don't over-mythologize me or this movie.

Whether it is the stock market or the social environment, it is not the result of a single person, but the product of countless people's behaviors.

If you want to change, you can only go from bottom to top, and use all your strength to one place.

Just like the history in Forrest Gump, it needs to be created by the masses. "

"Your thinking is indeed very different from our general thinking, but you have produced a Forrest Gump that suits our national conditions. This is really incredible."

Facing this question, Luo Quan thought for a while and replied: "After all, human beings have the same pursuit of truth, goodness and beauty.

In my opinion, Forrest Gump is such a story.

It's a fairy tale for adults, you can say it's false, it's impossible, but that doesn't affect most people wanting to be Forrest Gump. "

"Yeah, who wouldn't want to achieve the American Dream.

But I still have to thank Director Luo Quan, it is you who gave a clear definition to this illusory thing and showed it to everyone.

Perhaps as you said, society will not change because of one person.

But the last piece of weight that promotes change must be put down by you. "

After these words were finished, applause rang out, and the bullet screen was full of words of approval.

This is an undeniable fact, that is, the popularity of Forrest Gump has caused the stock market to pick up.

No matter how humble Luo Quan is, she should be credited with the credit.

Of course, Leon and Carrieline are also included.

After interviewing Luo Quan, the host started an in-depth conversation with the other two.

The main purpose is to let them talk about the self-analysis of the corresponding roles, and talk about how they view the two roles of Forrest Gump and Jenny.

For professional actors, it is very important to analyze the psychology of characters.

But Luo Quan's movies don't need it. She writes the psychology of the characters and gives them to the actors. The actors can act accordingly, and there is no need to add their own understanding.

So the two of them here are just repeating Luo Quan's words.

An interview lasted for an hour, and the number of viewers in the end exceeded [-] million, directly breaking the record.

(End of this chapter)

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