Chapter 713

At the end of the interview, Luo Quan, Leon, and Carrie Lian left the studio surrounded by bodyguards and got into the car.

The news of the live broadcast here today spread very early. When I arrived, I met quite a few fans. After the interview, more fans gathered outside.

Fanatical fans almost packed the main entrance, but Time magazine has dealt with quite a few similar situations, and there is a hidden side door for them to leave.

After the screening of "Forrest Gump", the fame of the three of them reached a new peak.

Many media even support them as the iron triangle of the new era.

Including Titanic, this is already the third film that the trio have collaborated on.

And whether it's "Titanic" or "The Silence of the Lambs", they are all classics.

As for "Forrest Gump", it was even more outrageous, and it was directly recognized as the number one American film in the new century.

And in a short time, it is estimated that there will be no changes.

Because people's emotions are too high, it is no longer possible to use rational thinking to evaluate.

However, even if "Forrest Gump" is not the first, it is definitely one of the best.

So such an evaluation is not particularly outrageous.

Just like the previous movies after the big hit, "Forrest Gump" earned a global box office of [-] million US dollars in two days of its release, and immediately made countless film companies plan to follow suit.

The definition of the American Dream has already come out, and those historical materials can be used freely by everyone. It is not surprising that "The Story of Cat" and "Forrest Gump" will come out next.

After all, this is not a patent, and the current social situation is also very suitable for this kind of inspirational and healing movie to inspire people.

I feel that as long as you use a little bit of care and conform to American values, you probably won't lose money when you shoot it.

Of course, one thing does not bother the two masters.

What everyone wants most is to let Luo Quan make a movie, whether it is a sequel to "Forrest Gump" or a new movie, it doesn't matter.

As long as she did it.

Now the film company has recognized that Luo Quan is a cash cow. At present, the profit margin of the films she makes is several times or even ten times. It can almost be called the most profitable director in Hollywood history.

In order to attract her, many companies even offered higher prices than Universal, including using their well-known IPs to attract her.

Just like Warner before, it used DC's most popular villain, the clown, to successfully arouse Luo Quan's interest, making her decide to make a related movie.

And Disney is not to be outdone, and directly said before that it can choose Chaoying at will, and the script can also be changed at will, as long as it is not too outrageous.

It's a pity that Luo Quan didn't agree at the time, which made the Disney executives who had finished the third phase of the Marvel Universe quite regretful.

After the end of Avengers 4, a new chapter belonging to Marvel has opened.

If Luo Quan could participate, maybe he could continue the glory, but since Luo Quan didn't come, there was nothing he could do.

However, among the many director candidates, Marvel Xiangzhong is a Chinese female director who has won an Oscar before.

Although it is only the best documentary at the Oscars, it definitely has some strengths. Disney's top management is also quite relieved and entrusted both "The Eternal Race" and "Legend of the Ten Realms" to her.

As for Luo Quan, many people felt that she had missed an opportunity to make a lot of money.

With her fame, she can actually ask for a share from Disney. The more box office, the more she earns.

For Disney, which has huge and loyal fans, the movies of the Marvel Universe seem to have never lost money since the reunion.

No matter how bad the filming is, it can still have a box office of [-] to [-] million US dollars, and if the quality is a little better, it can easily reach one billion.

So in the eyes of many directors, making movies for Marvel is a fat job.

But such a lucrative job was rejected by Luo Quan, and it was twice.

There is no way, her nature is like this, she can guarantee short-term serious work, but long-term hard work is not enough.

In her early twenties, she is indeed more playful, so even if it is a good project, she has no idea.

Of course, this time it wasn't because of laziness.

The main reason is that the scripts of these two movies are so shockingly written that she didn't even think about flipping through them after reading them a few times. Whoever likes to shoot should shoot, anyway, she won't go into this muddy water.

On the other hand, the actor rating in June is about to start, and the next half month is expected to be relatively busy.

In the second half of the year, "Joker" will be filmed, and the next film will become as tiring as last year. This is something Luo Quan absolutely does not want to experience again, so no matter from which point of view, she does not plan to find work for herself.

Not only Disney, but also Universal and Sony asked her to make a movie, but she also rejected them.

In comparison, she still prefers to do live broadcasts.

This is probably the easiest and most relaxing job. Staying in the room and turning on the camera without saying anything, even just sleeping can have a program effect.

In the spare time after participating in the interview, Luo Quan started the high-intensity live broadcast again.

In order to celebrate "Forrest Gump" breaking [-] million yuan at the box office in China, Luo Quan bought [-] movie tickets out of his own pocket and planned to give them to lucky viewers.

As a result, after the lottery was given away, the fans said that she was too bad and wanted to give her gifts.

Luo Quan also hurriedly persuaded: "Thank you for the gifts, but I suggest that if you have extra money, you should spend it on yourself or your family. It's too much, just donate it. Earn the difference."

"You talk like that, uncle, I'm really going to be angry."

"Luo Bao is still upright. I'm not afraid of being blocked if I broadcast live on Bilibili and directly say that Bilibili makes a difference."

"I don't dare to dare my uncle, besides, Luo Quan alone has brought so much traffic to Bilibili, it's too late for my uncle to protect me."

"Indeed, with Luo Bao's live broadcast standard, another anchor would have blocked it long ago, and up to now Chaoguan hasn't even issued a warning."

"Is Lobo big? Or is there some late night show I'm missing?"

"Luo Quan's scale is huge just sitting there. If it's summer, it's like eighteen bans."

"My good fellow, from what you said, it seems that this is really the case!"


"Don't talk nonsense, okay." Luo Quan looked a little annoyed: "I'm a green and healthy live broadcast room, and the host is also well-dressed, so why is there any illegal content?
Can't I wear a down jacket in summer to broadcast live? "

"From the perspective of overall work, it's not impossible."

"Farewell, I just like you wearing that Chanel logo T-shirt, I don't even like you wearing anything else."

"Indeed, I just like to see the arc of C and L, it's so beautiful."


"Ahem, it's almost there, the live broadcast room is really going to be closed for outside conversations."

Luo Quan saw that the big guy seemed to be agitated, so he quickly stopped everyone's divergent thinking, and changed the subject: "It's been a while since "Forrest Gump" was released, how many friends have watched it?"

"I haven't watched it, I want to wait for "Joker"."

"I saw it, but I feel that Gao Hua's comments are even more exciting than the movie."

"What is Gao Hua?"

"A refined egoist among Chinese Americans is, in layman's terms, a banana man."

"These people are very conflicted. On the one hand, they want to lick the United States, but they feel that this is a film made by Chinese people, so it's not easy to talk about it."

"Sluts are hypocritical. Whether it's ability or class, Luo Quan doesn't know how much higher than them. Do you really think that after drinking foreign ink for a few years, you are superior to others?"

"What do you think of Luo Bao?"


"What do you think of these people?"

Luo Quan thought for a while and said, "Probably they hate us the most.

Can't see us well, so we will make some achievements with cynicism.

But just ignore it. After all, the world is so big, there are always some harmful insects who use their screams to attract everyone's attention.

As long as you ignore him, more than half of the meaning of their existence will disappear. "


"It's still Luo Quan who can see clearly."

"Those people probably have to start arranging Luoquan again."

"With the courage of the two of them, I dare not trouble Luo Bao at this time."



Originally, we were talking about movies, but somehow we ended up talking about the Banana Man.

Compared with Weibo, Bilibili's netizens are more positive in their stance.

But now that there are too many people, the situation has gradually become more complicated.

But at least there is no rhythmic person here for the time being, or in other words, these people dare not come to her to lead the rhythm.

After all, several dear friends had taken the lead in the charge before, and then were sent to prison.

If the remaining banana people want to make trouble, they have to weigh it first.

Once people get up, they will feel that time passes quickly.

Open your eyes, play a few games, chat with netizens for a while, eat three meals a day, and check your phone for a while.

After repeating several fixed links, the day passed.

And such a cycle often passes faster than a life full of new ideas and unknowns.

In fact, many people will soon feel bored with this kind of lifestyle.

When you have no worries about food and clothing, your happiness threshold will gradually increase, and you will feel more and more satisfied.

Just like a playboy who has no shortage of beauties around him, the gameplay will become more and more flamboyant in the long run.

And by extension, it is actually the pursuit of exciting life.

This is also the reason why many wealthy second generations like extreme sports.

The feeling of walking between life and death is indeed quite exciting.

Luo Quan had watched a lot of extreme sports videos at station B before, including skydiving at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, wingsuit flying, deep sea diving, jungle rafting adventures and so on.

Any situation is possible, and the scene is exciting enough.

Even if she is separated from the screen, her heart beats faster.

Although it looks very enjoyable, if she is really asked to do it, she will have no such idea and courage at all.

For this, she explicitly admitted her timidity to fans.

Life is fragile and there is only one time, so she is very afraid of death.

Even if she was ridiculed by fans for being cowardly, she still said the same.

But having said that, how many people can do it without fear of death?

She can, if necessary.

But if you just die for the pursuit of excitement, it is completely out of her range of acceptance.

No matter how boring her life is, she will never try this way to relieve boredom.

In Bilibili, there are many cool and handsome videos of extreme sports, but there are also many videos of accidents.

Moreover, once an accident occurs in these projects, most of them will have no bones left, and there may be no chance of self-rescue.

So for the sake of life and health, she didn't even plan to touch these things.

In comparison, it is more practical to lie at home and be a salted fish.

If you are tired from lying on one side, turn over and lie down again, it is simply not too comfortable.

Although he will be scolded by fans for not seeking to make progress, he has no dreams at a young age.

Who makes this lifestyle the most comfortable, though.

"Luo Bao, you have to stand up and lie down for a while, I don't know how fat you will be."

"I'm afraid you must weigh 140 catties now?"

"A little fatter, to be honest. Even 1.7 meters five."

"It's okay, no matter how fat you eat, I will support you."

"Indeed, no one will snatch it from me when I become a small fat house."

"I'm fine with this one."


"Are you fat now?" Luo Quan looked at the barrage of complaints, and smiled: "Then you have to remember how fat I am now, because after a while, I'm afraid I will lose dozens of catties Yes, it will probably be skinny by then."

"Ah? Why!"

"It's not about Luo Bao. It's just a joke. There's no need to go on a diet for the sake of looking good."

"Yes, even if you are a little fatter, you will still be plump, definitely not fat."

"Now this body shape is already very good, there is no need."

"That's morbid aesthetics, how could you be misled for being so smart?"


Seeing that the barrage changed instantly, Luo Quanxin said that these people can change their faces.

But she didn't do it to lose weight or look beautiful.

"Don't get me wrong, of course I know what is healthy beauty and what is sick beauty.

Although everyone has the right to pursue this kind of thing, and it is impossible to say who is right or wrong, but I lose weight mainly for movies. "

Hearing what Luo Quan said, everyone became curious again:

"What movie, Joker?"

"It shouldn't be. I remember that the clown should not be a fat man. What does it mean to be skinny?"

"Although, if you do this, will it cause harm to your body?"

"Indeed, it sounds unreliable to lose a few dozen catties."


"My clown...I mean, the clown I play is probably not the same as the villain everyone imagines.

She is not the slightly rich shape in the traditional sense.

But what it looks like, you just have to watch my performance.

As for when it will be released, I can only say that I don't know, because I will soon return to China for actor ratings, and the next schedule will depend on the arrangements above. "

(End of this chapter)

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