Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 714 Another 1-year event

Chapter 714 Another Annual Event

"Exercise more after you go back, don't nest in the room all day."

At the airport, my mother was still exhorting me.

As a mother, when children travel far away, there are always endless things to say.

Even though Luo Quan is 20 years old, in Luo Ni's eyes, he is still 12 years old.

At that time, every time Luoquan went to school, it would chatter endlessly, asking her if she had brought her stationery and homework, and to study hard at school.

Although the content has changed now, the emotion inside has never changed.

"Understood, mom, you, dad, and sister should be fine too." Luo Quan kept nodding while dragging the suitcase.

"What about me?" Leon looked at the elder sister eagerly.

"You?" Luo Quan laughed loudly: "Eat more meat, I made you suffer for filming before."

Leon was speechless: "I don't need you to tell me."

"Okay, I've been to the security check, everyone go back." When parting, the longer you delay, the more reluctant you will be.

After finishing what he needed to say, Luo Quan said goodbye to his family members, then turned and walked towards the security check entrance.

Although she was wearing a mask herself, her family did not cover up too much, so she was quickly recognized by people at the airport.

Whether it is a Chinese or a foreigner, everyone has guessed Luo Quan's identity, combined with her eyes and figure, it is basically inseparable.

Nobody came up for autographs, but many picked up their phones to snap a photo.

Soon, the Luoquan native hadn't boarded the plane, but the news that she was about to return to China was already trending on Weibo.

She didn't tell the fans about this during the live broadcast, mainly because she felt that there was nothing worth noticing when she went home to 9. She just took a plane for ten hours and went from one room to another.

After all, the scope of her activities is only a few square meters, and the life of a house girl is so simple and boring.

Of course, she didn't think there was anything to say about it, but that's not the case online.

The first to act was a large number of station sisters at Hongqiao Airport.

Although Luo Quan does not sell fan circles, and has banned his global fan club on Weibo early, it does not mean that this group can be completely wiped out.

As soon as she got hold of her whereabouts, besides the fans, many monsters and monsters had already smelled her and came over.

But she was prepared for it.

When other celebrities take a plane, they wish to leak it to the world through various inadvertent ways, and then attract a large number of people to pick up the plane to show that they are popular.

The final result was congestion at the airport, complaints from passengers, and finally being scolded on the hot search.

Earlier, Luo Quan had experienced it himself and criticized it.

And these years, she has also hidden her itinerary very well. The station sister who claims to be well-informed and omniscient has never squatted at her.

If you think about it, you can know, if you don't disclose it yourself, who will know your whereabouts?

Luo Quan's personal information, apart from the obsolete measurements and birthday, no other numbers have been leaked.

Those station sisters just wanted to check, but there was nothing they could do.

As for this time, she guessed that there might be more people, so she prepared some "disguise" equipment in advance.

In fact, it is some silica gel, which is used to change the body shape.

The other is the bearded props from the crew.

In addition, the suitcase is also pasted with a piece of film, which is blue on the outside. After tearing off the film, it turns red, and even the pattern on it has changed.

When the plane was about to arrive, she changed all her outfits in the first class, as if she had changed into a different person.

Walking from the VIP passage to the gate of the airport, Sister Zhan saw dozens of them on the way, all holding their cameras and stretching their necks, but no one recognized her.

After getting into the taxi, Luo Quan posted a post:
"Already on the way home, everything went well."

Attached below is a photo of Shanghai Street.

After doing this, the netizens on Weibo and Station B immediately burst into joy.

Half a day ago, the hot search was still saying that Luo Quan's trip back to China had been exposed, and Ms. Zhan was dispatched wantonly, preparing to capture it on the spot to see how she behaved in a "high-pressure" environment.

In the past, celebrities who were caught by station sisters at Hongqiao Airport either had their bodyguards chase them away, or they scolded themselves, or they stood up and let everyone take pictures.

In short, there will be some bad news.

Luo Quan has been going smoothly for so long, and he doesn't know how he will spend this time.

Many people even thought that with Luo Quan's temper, he might do it himself, show off his peerless physical strength, knock down the cameras of the station sisters, and so on.

But unexpectedly, this time she didn't even give the sisters a chance to find her.

After more than ten hours of squatting and guarding, plus more than an hour of "waiting with necks", in the end, the person had already arrived home.

Now the netizens were all laughing, but the station sisters were already furious, and directly called her crazy and playing big names.

There are a few top sisters who directly tweeted the connotation: "So-and-so is really interesting, you don't need the traffic sent to your door, as expected, international stars are more expensive, we really can't afford it, goodbye to you! "

After Luo Quan saw it, she didn't stay silent. She always complained directly when she was upset:
"Some chickens always think that the sun is called out by itself.

What does my traffic flow have to do with you? "

As soon as this response came out, the netizens stopped having fun and all ended up supporting her.

"The Light of the Righteous Way! I've been annoyed by seeing these station sisters for a long time. The capital and Shanghai Airport are so congested, and they have a part to credit."

"I think that's the way it should be. It's not helpful to take a picture of the airport because of the traffic, so why bother."

"I just like Luo Quan's character, it's really true, and he can say whatever he wants."

"It has to be you, no one is used to it."


Some people only know how to restrain themselves after losing face.

After Luo Quan responded, these station sisters quickly deleted Weibo under the onlookers and complaints from netizens.

It seems that they have not been in the country for a while, and these people have forgotten the fear of being dominated by her.

It's just that she's back now, and she still has a mission with her.

Of course, before that, she had to participate in Weibo Night.

As the party with the most traffic in the domestic traffic circle, Luoquan has never missed a session since its debut.

I remember that when she first participated, she was not well-known.

And Wen Xia was already a well-known idol in China at that time, and she also won a few good trophies in that Weibo night, but she was overwhelmed.

As for now, everything has changed drastically.

Of course Wen Xia is still top-notch, but as for her, that can no longer be described as top-notch.

In the past, she was invited to participate, but now, not to mention begging her to participate, at least it is a warm welcome.

Luo Quan had nothing to do, and he was planning to attract the company's artistes who hadn't appeared in the public eye for a while, so he agreed to the invitation.

The condition is that Weibo Night invites all of her artists, and arranges a relatively high position.

Traffic, although many people dismiss it, but she is still very fancy.

In this era, traffic is popularity, and then money.

If you want to become a big star, you must have strength alone.

The last time Luo Quan attended a party, Luo Quan remembered it was at the Oscar ceremony. She wore a dress full of flowers, which was overwhelmingly luxurious, and she won the Oscar queen, and her film career reached its pinnacle.

But this time, the style of the dress was slightly changed. It was a golden evening dress with a low cut that was not too low.

Mainly this color, just such a style.

The reason why I chose gold is mainly because I like this rich color.

In China, apart from red, this color is the most festive.

Wearing a big red robe on Weibo night is a bit strange, but it would be better to change it to gold.

In the afternoon of Weibo Night, before it even started, all the girls were changing clothes in the living room, looking at each other's dress styles.

As Chanel's global spokesperson, although Luo Quan didn't win a high-quality contract from Chanel for his artists, he at least got a high-end wardrobe that can be used at will.

There are a large number of high-end dresses in different shapes, enough for big guys to wear them for seven days without repeating them.

"How about everyone, isn't my dress cute?"

Junko is wearing a dark green skirt, which can be opened like flower petals when turned around in place.

She just likes this kind of cute style, and the movies and TV series she is currently accepting are basically of this type.

"Kawaii Neko."

Wen Xia was clapping beside her. Today she was wearing a black evening dress, which was low-key, luxurious and connotative.

Except for the two of them, Yoona wore a blue hip skirt, Su Yu wore a white cheongsam, and Ivy wore a pink lady's suit.

The whole room was like the Seven Fairies changing clothes.

As the well-deserved eldest sister, Luo Quan was wearing a golden low-cut evening dress.

It is said that the golden thread of this evening dress is all glued with 999 pure gold powder, and one thread is worth hundreds of dollars.

As for such a set of high-end dresses, the gold alone costs a lot of money, plus the manual cost, a set will directly sell for nearly 200 million US dollars.

Of course, this is an internal price, and there is no charge at all when it is given to Luoquan.

After wearing it, Luo Quan can choose to pay for it and collect it himself, or return it to Chanel for them to collect.

Of course, Luo Quan has always bought these clothes by himself, but the price will definitely be much cheaper than the original price.

As for returning it to Chanel, no matter how good the cooperation relationship is, it is impossible for her to be so confident and bold.

The price of the previous pair of "original" shoes has soared to tens of millions of dollars. It is a farce. She will not make the same mistake again.

"Boss, this skirt of yours must be very heavy, right?" Su Yu leaned over and observed Luo Quan's golden skirt closely.

Although the workmanship of this skirt is complicated and there are a lot of materials piled up, but there are no special decorations, so the pure clothes are not too heavy.

But it's different with the addition of those gold, this thing is still a bit dense.

So wearing this skirt on the body, at least it must weigh more than ten catties.

"It's okay, this dress is quite light. There were a few [-]-jin dresses before, and I didn't feel too tired wearing them."

While talking, Luo Quan did a chest expansion exercise. I don't know if it is an employee who has been working at a desk for a long time. He always feels uncomfortable in his back. Now when he moves a little, there is a crackling sound.

Wen Xia joked next to him: "Our Luo Bao is born with supernatural power, so what are these clothes? It's a [-]-jin dragon robe, and that's a piece of cake."

"Dragon robe?" Luo Quan's eyes suddenly lit up: "Your suggestion is good, I have found a dress theme for the next party, so I will wear a dragon robe!"

Ai Wei was surprised when she heard it: "I'll go, boss, you are going to heaven, dare to wear a dragon robe?"

Junko didn't think so, and said, "What's the matter, with Quan Jiang's current popularity, there's nothing wrong with wearing a dragon robe, right?"

"I really want to see what the boss looks like in a dragon robe." Yun'er also raised her hand with excitement on her face.

"It depends on what color it is. Different dynasties have different styles and colors of dragon robes." Wen Xia studied it seriously.

"Black or gold, the former is solemn, the latter is luxurious, both are good.

But this time I wear gold, next time I will wear black, cosplaying a female version of Zulong. "Luo Quan made a small joke.

This must be something that can only be said here. If it is spread, it will be easy to be complained about.

As for the dragon robe, what effect it will have when worn, and how netizens evaluate it, that's their business.

However, considering her figure, it is estimated that the effect will not be particularly bad.

In addition, even the dragon robe can be slightly modified, and the lengthy hems can be shortened a little to make it lighter.

"Okay, everyone put on your makeup and get ready to go." Luo Quan looked at his phone, and the convoy responsible for picking them up had already arrived at the gate of the community.

Fortunately, Luo Quan asked everyone to do their makeup in advance. If they started painting now, the drivers would probably have to wait for an hour or two.

Half an hour later, two Rolls-Royces carrying six girls arrived at the Weibo Night scene.

The red carpet stretched for dozens of meters, and the sky that had not yet darkened was already illuminated by the flashlights of reporters and media.

And the arrival of this female star team pushed the atmosphere of the crowd to a climax.

In fact, this is not the first team of artists from the same company to attend collectively.

Now the entertainment industry is used to sign up for groups, and if there is a top-notch as the main force, it will soon attract a large group of artists.

Of course, if there is an agent with excellent resources, he can also gather a lot of stars.

Luo Quan, on the other hand, belongs to the former.

And just from the perspective of popularity, it is also the top echelon.

In terms of first-line popularity alone, there is Su Yu, Ai Wei, Junzi, and Yun'er are second-line, and Wen Xia is top-tier.

As for Luo Quan, that's out of the discussion. She is the only domestic female star, and she needs to be at least three blocks below before she can be ranked.

In addition, in terms of appearance, this team is also the best in the industry.

In addition, today's dress was also carefully selected, so as soon as I got out of the car, I immediately murdered the flashing lights of the media.

And Luo Quan, who was walking in the middle, was the center of everyone's focus.

(End of this chapter)

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