Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 715 Gifts

Chapter 715 Gifts
"Luo Quan really treats the big guy as one of his own, it's not hidden at all."

"Give it up, brother."

"To be honest, I just like this kind of honest star, don't cover up when you wear an evening dress, don't wear it if you want to.

The ones that have been through before are both established and established. "

"Indeed, and those airports, I don't know what to hide, they are not as pleasing to the eye as Luoquan."


Just a simple appearance, the barrage began to boast to the sky again.

In fact, this is not the first time Luo Quan has been praised for his free and easy atmosphere.

In fact, many male netizens on online platforms felt that Luo Quan was a very honest person, not at all pretentious.

Walking the red carpet, hands seem to have always been natural.

Of course, for the majority of fans, this is of course a benefit, and everyone can't wait to see Luo Quan take a sexy route.

However, there are also some fans who feel that Luo Quan is a little exposed in this way.

On the one hand, I feel that this is really good-looking and eye-catching, which makes people feel happy physically and mentally.

On the other hand, Luo Quan didn't want others to appreciate such beauty, so he was very jealous and went crazy.

This kind of complex and contradictory emotions can be said to have tortured these fans.

However, this kind of thinking is destined to be hidden in the bottom of my heart. If I say it directly, it will be criticized by most fans. After all, Luoquan is not the private property of a certain person.

After this group of super good-looking actresses passed by, the stars who appeared later made the audience feel a lot more bored.

It may also be the reason why Luo Quan and the others appeared late, as all the big-name stars have already entered the arena.

As the current super top class in China, Luo Quan was assigned to the first row without any suspense.

Originally, she could sit in the center of the first row, but in order to allow Ivy and Junko to also sit in the first row, Luo Quan adjusted the seat slightly to the left to give up the best seat , in exchange for Ivy and the others to move their seats forward.

It doesn't matter where she sits, but what needs to be considered is the exposure of Ivy and the others.

After all, her main business is a singer, and she doesn't usually have many opportunities to show her face. Now that she has the opportunity, she definitely needs to attract more traffic.

Compared with the previous ones, this Weibo night has a lot more new faces, and nearly [-]% of them are newcomers who have risen in the past year.

There's no way around it, the Qingyu campaign has been really strong in this period of time, and this circle is really not clean, and a large number of people have been dealt with.

There was an empty space above, and the newcomer below naturally sharpened his head and jumped up.

And there are lessons learned from the past. These new stars all pay great attention to their own image. Whether it is on the show or in private, they try their best to develop as positive energy stars.

But whether it's just pretending or just like that, it's not known.

But if these people can pretend for a lifetime, they can definitely be called gentlemen and deserve to be praised.

But there are countless "gentlemen" who have overturned in the entertainment industry at present, and there are not many who can really stick to one end.

Weibo night started, because I spent most of last year abroad, and there were not many Chinese works, so I guess there is no hope of winning the award.

But soon, Luo Quan's name was shouted on the stage.

"Congratulations to Luo Quan, for winning the Best Fashion Award at Weibo Night!"

The host shouted loudly, the camera came over, Luo Quan looked at the stage with a dazed expression, not understanding what happened.

The host explained with a smile: "It seems that Luo Quan was very surprised. In fact, this is a new award added to this year's Weibo Night. It is given to the star with the best clothing and the deepest impression last year."

After saying this, Luo Quan understood.

Although she doesn't belong in the so-called fashion circle, she still has a Chanel endorsement on her body. She went shopping in Paris Fashion Week before and took a photo of a queen wearing Chanel.

There is nothing wrong with saying that it left a deep impression.

As for the clothes, her talent is here, even if she wears a floral padded jacket, she will still be magnificent, and maybe she can set off a trend of imitating the style of the urban-rural fringe area.

It is a good thing to get an award, Luo Quan immediately got up and walked on stage.

Under the light of eight spotlights, the gold powder dress on her body was shining brightly, which made many actresses secretly jealous, and at the same time made the barrage agitated:
"Damn, this is too flashy."

"Brightened my 24k krypton gold dog eyes."

"Is this real gold, or small sequins?"

"It's still a little far away, and I need to zoom in to see clearly."

"Do you want to see the clothes? I'm too embarrassed to click pe on you."

"Such a set of clothes is probably worth a lot of money, right?"

"At least two or three thousand!"

"Two or three thousand? Can you get it without five thousand?"

"You've started, haven't you?"


When the barrage level announced the results, Luo Quan also got the first trophy of the night: "Thank you, thank Weibo for recognizing me.

Regarding fashion, I really don’t have any special comments to say, I just thought it was a surprise to take a few photos and get them after acting in a movie.

But since it was sent to me, I will be disrespectful. "

Such a statement from Versailles came out of Luo Quan's mouth so fresh and natural, it really surprised the fans for a while.

"Crazy! Too crazy!"

"Look how proud she is."

"Luo Bao is a little drifting these days."

"It can't be helped, that's how the Oscar queen can cover her up."

"If you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten to have this award. She didn't seem to mention it much after she won the award."

"In the future, it is estimated that I can win the award every year, so there is nothing to mention."

"Haha, this sounds like a cow, you can get it every year."

"It's better not to brag too much, if you don't take it, you will be caught by others."

"With Luo Bao's strength, do you still need to worry?"


While the barrage was still arguing, Luo Quan had already stepped down.

Seeing these fans, Luo Quan himself felt a little ashamed.

I really thought that Oscar was opened by her family, and she could win it every year.

It is said that one powder is worth ten blacks, and she has seen it.

I just don't know if this is a real fan or a counterfeit.

Fortunately, there are quite a lot of rational fans, and this momentum of brazen talk was quickly suppressed.

Compared with last year, Luoquan's harvest this year is not much different.

In addition to the Best Fashion Award, she also won the Best Actress, Best Female Singer and Best Traffic Performance.

She has won several heavyweight awards for actresses, and there is basically no controversy.

In terms of songs, she is in a monopoly position. At present, there is one in the country, and no one can compete with her.

As for actresses, it's easier to understand, who won't win the Oscar queen?

The traffic responsibility is also well-deserved. With 130 five hot searches a year, 78 of which ranked first in the hot search, Luoquan was crowned the throne of Weibo traffic king.

When the data came out, the audience exclaimed, and Luo Quan was a little stunned.

She knew that she would be on the trending searches every three to five days, but she didn't expect the specific number to be so large. She felt that she was on the trending searches when there was a little movement, and she became the number one in the trending searches without paying attention, which was the attention of the whole network.

As soon as the award was won, the barrage immediately boiled:
"When the king comes out, who will fight for the front?"

"I'll just ask: Still! Yes! Who!"

"The number of hot searches is simply against the sky."

"Although traffic is not a good word now, Luoquan is indeed the king of traffic in China now."

"When it appears on Luo Quan, it is a good word."

"Haha, it's true that there are quite flexible standards for good and bad."


Four awards, a perfect ending.

Compared with last year's shining stars, this year has become a thriving show in Luoquan.

After all, many big-name actresses have announced their indefinite withdrawal from the circle due to taxation and improper transactions, and some have even been imprisoned for this.

Last year was a year of major reshuffle in the entertainment industry, and it was also a year for a new generation to replace the old ones.

Although we don't know whether the new era will be better, remain the same or worse, everyone has no way of knowing.

But as long as there is a change, it is a good thing, at least everyone can have expectations.

In particular, the rating of actors is about to start, and the expectations of this netizen have added another weight.

However, it is precisely because the rating day is approaching that various economic companies are beginning to move around.

Their object is how to get in touch with the national first-class actors who are in charge of ratings and get some good impressions.

Since the list came out, the homes of these rating committee members have become much more lively than before, with countless visits, friendships, and gift giving.

Fortunately, the Optoelectronics Bureau issued a document soon, saying that if the agency companies of these stars do this again, they will be directly disqualified from rating.

Such a severe punishment also caused many people in the entertainment circle to worry.

Giving gifts can't solve the problem now, so what kind of acting skills can I hone in such a short amount of time?
Thinking of what Luo Quan said before, they really regretted that they didn't seize the precious time to figure out how to perform tricks well, but instead thought about how to give gifts.

No matter how regretful it is now, it seems too late.

"It's still too late for you to take back the gift and leave."

Outside the Weibo Night venue, Luo Quan, who was about to go home, was stopped by a male star.

His name is Xu Chen, and he just won the Best Newcomer of the Year on Weibo Night tonight.

Among the newcomers that have emerged this year, this one is the most popular and promising.

In front of the camera, he is as gentle as jade, and his private style of dealing with things is also a spring breeze. He is a very gentle and kind young male artist.

But he has nothing to do with sissies. His 1.8-meter tall figure and solid body make him the best software and hardware among young Chinese artists.

It's just that like most young people, he is also a fan of Luoquan, and he is still quite fanatical.

Today, he finally met the opportunity and won another big prize. Xu Chen felt that he was somewhat qualified to get to know Luo Quan, so he mustered up the courage to come over and say hello.

For such a celebrity with social bull-nose syndrome, Luo Quan did not keep a cold face, but responded with a smile.

After some awkward chatting, Xu Chen took out a carefully wrapped gift box and put it in front of Luo Quan.

If it was before, she might have refused more tactfully.

But now "holding an important position", there are some bottom lines that must be kept. If this gift is not taken seriously, how can you stop Yoyo's mouth?

So Luo Quan said something like this, which sounded quite blunt.

Xu Chen was stunned for a moment, but quickly reacted.

"Yes... I'm sorry, I didn't think carefully, but I have nothing else in here, just a box of chocolates."

As he said that, he quickly tore open the outer packaging, and inside was a box of the latest Dove chocolates.

Indulging in silky Dove is also Luoquan's favorite taste, as I said in the live broadcast before.

It seems that this Xu Chen is really her fan, and even knows this.

"Thank you, but I still can't accept it, but I appreciate your kindness.

In addition, you'd better post a Weibo later to explain, otherwise it may cause unnecessary trouble to you. "

As Luo Quan said, he glanced to the side meaningfully.

Xu Chen looked over and found that it was a group of paparazzi, who were shooting frantically with cameras, looking for material for tonight's hot search.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, I signed with my own company, so I don't need to look at anyone's face.

As for the fans, I will let them calm down. "Xu Chen said very calmly.

Luo Quan pursed his lips, actually wanting to say that you may not be able to control those who want to scold me.

But after thinking about it, forget it.

Feel free to scold, anyway, she doesn't check Weibo very much.

As for this gift, she could not accept it anyway.

Xu Chen's first meeting with the stars ended in failure.

Luo Quan rejected him with a very gentle tone, just like she rejected all boys before.

"Wow, Luo Bao, another big fish has taken the bait so soon."

Back to her sisters, Wen Xia slapped Luo Quan's arm when she came up, with excitement and gossip written all over her face.

Luo Quan was very helpless: "What's the bait? I'm not a fisherman. What can I do if she jumps out by herself?"

Su Yu shook his head: "It's really not a fisherman, it should be King of the Sea."

Luo Quan looked over sharply, as if saying: If you embarrass the boss again, your salary will be deducted.

Seeing this, Su Yu immediately covered his mouth in fear.

"But I think that handsome guy seems pretty good, I don't know where he is from." Junko asked this question, looking very interested.

"Why, it's love at first sight for you?" Luo Quan grinned and looked at Junzi.

"No way!" Junko almost jumped up on the spot, as if she had suffered a great injustice.

Luo Quan smiled: "Don't get excited, it's normal to have thoughts when you see a handsome guy. There's nothing to be embarrassed about, it's human nature."

"Then why don't you have an idea?" Wen Xia was curious.

"When you get along with the most handsome guy in the world day and night, and he is quite skinny and aggressive, you probably will have a huge immunity to the handsome guy." Luo Quan sighed, remembering the three days when Leon didn't fight, went to Fang Jiewa's cheap and handsome face.

With that said, all the girls understood it all at once.

(End of this chapter)

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