Chapter 716
Although the words were clear, they were all told to the sisters, and outsiders did not know Luo Quan's true feelings.

And the reporters who took the photos were also the ones who feared the world would not be chaotic, and the news must be published with the best headlines, so as to have a click-through rate.

As a result, the news of "the popular niche giving gifts to Luoquan" became a trending search not long after.

However, Luo Quan, who had been prepared for a long time, was faster than these reporters. On the car home, he turned on the live broadcast, and the first sentence was:
"Fans, when I first came out, I met a celebrity giving a gift, and it was photographed. I guess it will be trending again later, everyone, remember not to contribute traffic."

"What, you seduce a wild man behind my back again?!"

"Why is it behind your back? It's obviously behind my back!"

"How many men do you have outside, tell them all, I can support it."


Like Luo Quan, fans have actually experienced it many times, so they didn't take it seriously, and even joked about it.

"It's almost enough. I'm an innocent woman from a good family, how can I use seduction?" Luo Quan pretended to be angry, "Besides, Xu Chen is said to be my fan, and he belongs to the same group as you."

"The tree wants to be still but the wind doesn't stop, that's how it is."

"If I become a celebrity, I will probably have the courage to come to Luo Quan. Even if I fail, I feel that I have nothing to regret."

"Haha, if you come a few more times, you can report that someone harassed me."

"Chasing stars should be more sensible, there is one thing that needs to be recognized, Luo Quan in the live broadcast room is a wife, an idol, and a confidant elder sister.

In reality, she is unattainable. "

"This self-awareness is very clear, so I plan to stay in the live broadcast room forever."

"A new age otaku, right?"


Hearing the description of the barrage, Luo Quan scratched his head, and felt that there seemed to be nothing wrong in his doubts.

Because when the live broadcast was on, many fans would call her wife directly, and she never refused this title.

But now when girls are up hosts or anchors on the Internet, the core fans all shout this way, which can be said to be quite common.

Because after telling the fans about the live broadcast in advance, there are quite a few fans of Duo Luoquan in the comment area of ​​Weibo's hot search this time.

Although these guys usually like to complain and hate themselves, they will listen to what she says, especially when it comes to this kind of thing.

However, because two stars were involved, Luo Quan's side stopped, while Xu Chen's side seemed quite lively.

Male celebrities naturally have more girlfriend fans, and girls in the fan circle account for the majority.

And Luo Quan is almost the public enemy of girls in fan circles at home and abroad.

Beautiful, good figure, rich, good family background, highly educated, they are almost all imaginable top-notch character designs.

This is the kind of person that girls in the fan circle want to be the most, and probably the kind of person they hate the most.

Now the male star that I am a fan of has had a relationship with Luo Quan, and quite a few of them have directly blown their hair.

"I'll take my brother away first. Well water doesn't offend river water. Luoquan's male fans shouldn't be mean and scold them."

"My brother is handsome alone, it's best for everyone not to interact with each other."

"Unlucky, how come every handsome star has entanglements with Luo Quan, is she a vixen?"

"How can a vixen be as powerful as her?"


"Luo Bao, someone on Weibo called you a vixen."

Soon someone transferred these outrageous remarks to Luoquan's live broadcast room.

"What? These people actually made such a correct evaluation!"

"That's a good point. Ever since I got to know Luo Bao, I have understood those scholars in Strange Tales from a Liaozhai Studio."


Luo Quan lowered his head and swipe the Weibo trending searches on his mobile phone, then raised his head again: "It's just a small scene, everyone, don't worry about it."

I watched a celebrity documentary before, which was about the battle between the two major fandom groups in China.

Girls in the fan circle have recorded videos and yelled at each other. The viciousness of their words is unimaginable.

What's even more outrageous is that, judging from the videos recorded by these fan circle girls, they are basically in their early teens.

That's right, he was in his early teens and still in elementary school!
But I have already mastered the various uses of mobile phones and quite a lot of fan circle vocabulary.

But it is precisely because of immaturity that people do so many seemingly anti-intellectual behaviors online.

From then on, when Luo Quan saw those outrageous remarks, he was not angry at the first time, but thought about whether this was made by another elementary school student?

Thinking about it like this, half of the anger is basically gone.

After all, what adult would get angry with a child?

Of course, this kind of thing must not be said in the live broadcast, so as not to be used as an excuse to attack her, saying that she slandered the elementary school students.

"It's not my fault that I'm attractive." Luo Quan looked at the camera, still trying to explain himself.

Now the barrage has begun to "crusade" her, saying that she is too good, making troubles everywhere, making enemies for fans everywhere.

Although Luoquan has many fans, it is impossible to be an enemy of the world.

Luo Quan didn't expect the fans to beat him up like this, they probably have too much free time.

"If you cosplay the fox, I will forgive you."

"Yes, you have to do something to make up for it."

"Cos Daji, I want to hear you call me master."

"It's exciting just thinking about it."


"Don't even think about it." Before the fans could finish asking the conditions, Luo Quan stretched out his fingers and shook them.

"Don't think I don't know what you're thinking.

Making progress, fishing in troubled waters, Mingxiu plank road secretly hiding Chencang, but no matter what it is, it is impossible for me to succeed.

Also cosplay Daji, do you know what Daji looks like? "

The barrage strategy failed, and they all sighed:
"Damn it, I'm getting smarter and smarter, so I can't be fooled."

"Haha, what you said seems like Luo Quan was a little dumb before."

"It's a little bit, cleverness is just appearance, but funnyness is actually the essence."

"Unfortunate, I really want to see Luo Quan's entire cosplay show, anything is fine."


"Cosplay needs to have clothes and props. I don't have any here, and it's hard for a smart woman to cook without rice."

Luo Quan spread his hands, with an expression of nothing to do with me: "Let's sing for everyone today, just tell me what you want to hear."

"There are so many, I don't know which one I want to listen to."

"Indeed, all your songs are good, you can sing whatever you want."

"Or, just sing a favorite song of your own."

"Good suggestion, I'm really curious which song you like the most."

"It should be "Lemon", the first song on debut."

"I think it's "My Heart Will Go On", Luo Bao's most famous song in the world."


The barrage began to guess, but none of them guessed the correct answer in Luo Quan's mind.

"Oh, it seems that you still don't understand my heart, just like the day doesn't understand the darkness of night." Luo Quan shook his head lightly, took out a guitar from the cabinet, and played it softly.

As soon as the prelude to the song sounded, all fans suddenly realized.

"I'll go. As expected of you, it's actually this one."

"It fits your personality and is narcissistic enough."

"Why didn't I expect that, you must like this song the most."



The barrage of remorse made Luo Quan couldn't help showing a smile. After the prelude ended, Luo Quan opened his mouth lightly:
“My life is brilliant
I am colorful life
My love is pure
my love is so pure
I saw an angel
because i saw an angel

Of that I'm sure
I have no doubts about it


This is a song from Luo Quan's album released last year. Although it is a love song sung to a girl from the perspective of a boy, the angelic girl in the song is actually herself, that is, Luo Quan.

It can be said that this is a love song she wrote to herself - "you are beautiful", you are so beautiful.

Luo Quan was said to be narcissistic, and it also started from here.

There are too many people who write love songs in this world, but there are really not many who write love songs for themselves.

Even if there is, it is relatively reserved, there will be quite a lot of imagery to cover up, let alone tell everyone directly, this is what I wrote for myself.

As for Luo Quan, that would be too shameless. When the song was released, he made a statement saying that the girl in the song was not someone else but herself.

The truth is narcissistic enough.

But the fans complained about it, but they also felt cute about such a playful behavior.

Combined with Luo Quan saying that this is her favorite song just now, she couldn't hold back anymore.

But narcissism belongs to narcissism, but this song is really nice.

Even if there are so many albums by Luo Quan, the melodies are all at the classic level, this song can definitely be ranked in the forefront.

Especially her lazy voice seems to have the magic power to make time slow down.

It's easy to think of such a picture: summer, manor, flowers, breeze, time is slow, all the comfort and happiness in life are frozen here, so beautiful that people can't help but feel a sore nose.

"You're beautiful
you are so beautiful
You're beautiful
you are so beautiful
You're beautiful it's true
You are just so beautiful, so true! "

The chorus of the song is quite repetitive in content, but the mood is progressive.

From exclamation to excitement to affirmation, and finally became hesitant.

This girl is so beautiful, but in the end she still has to be missed in the crowd, what a misfortune and sorrow.

However, while the content in the song resonated with the fans, it also brought them different emotions.

It's really unfortunate that I can't have you.

But at least, we can meet such a beautiful you, listen to your singing, talk to you, and share this pleasant time.

How lucky this is.

For contented people, that's pretty good.

But for many people who want more, this is really not enough.

But whether it is enough or not, Luoquan is in a high position.

It seems to be within reach, but it can never be touched.

Of course, if one day passes, you may pay more attention to activities such as offline autograph meetings, which is why many fans are waiting for it to plummet in popularity sooner.

But these are just jokes, and it is estimated that it is unlikely to happen.

After a song was sung, the live broadcast room was already full of praise.

It’s been a while since I’ve heard Luoquan’s live show, but I came here suddenly, and I feel like I have a brand new experience, with endless aftertaste.

"How about it, there is nothing wrong with my singing, isn't the song as beautiful as a person?" Luo Quan looked at the camera, the corners of his mouth almost curled up to the sky with pride.

"It's still not that interesting, mainly because it's not beautiful enough."

"Cos Daji is perfect."

"Haha, you people can't say anything away from a vixen."

"To be reasonable, it's a pity that Luo Quan's figure and appearance are not the whole thing."

"The most beautiful thing in the world is to have the courage to try various styles."



"It's beautiful to think about it." Luo Quan said softly, but didn't make any promises.

I just took a few photo shoots, and I want more. It's really a wolf that can't get enough.

This time cosplaying Daji, next time it's time for Yang Yuhuan or Diaochan, people's desires can't be easily satisfied.

So Luo Quan felt that it would be better to wait for a while.

So even though there were quite a few fans mentioning this in the barrage, she still pretended not to see it.

At the same time, there are also hot searches related to her live broadcast on Zhihu:

"How would you rate the response to the scandal with Xu Chen?"

The highlighted answer is this:

"Luo Quan's way of doing things is also becoming more and more mature, from the beginning of slandering people to the current ignorance, it has been improving.

With her current level, it is true that this kind of thing will not cause too much trouble. At the same time, she also persuades fans not to get excited, which is simply an imitation of a high-quality idol.

It is recommended that the public relations of major stars also learn. "

"I think Fen Luoquan is a very worry-free thing, she won't cause any trouble for you, and you don't have to worry about the possibility of the collapse of the house, and she can always come up with some new tricks.

Probably, this is the artistic talent that comes out once in a century. "


As various platforms spontaneously spoke out for her, related hot searches on Weibo disappeared within a short time.

Although I don't know whether Xu Chen's newcomer likes her and wants to strike up a conversation, or wants to stir up popularity, in fact, shaking is not important anymore.

Luo Quan used the simplest and most effective method, that is to ignore.

Just ignore it, and the heat will naturally drop.

Moreover, this method of cold treatment can be used not only once, but if someone strikes up a conversation in the future and is caught by reporters outside, the same trick can be used again.

However, Xu Chen can be regarded as a wake-up call to those boys who have thoughts about Luo Quan.

Luo Quan really had no idea, and could even be said to despise them.

This kind of complete disregard makes people feel more indifferent than refuting or opening up on Weibo.

Many other male stars felt that they were in the entertainment circle with Luo Quan, and if there was a chance to cooperate or meet in the future, they would strike up a conversation and ask for a contact number or something.

Then it all started.

But Luo Quan was even more reticent than they imagined.

In other words, from the beginning to the end, she wanted to be a quiet big tree, the kind that was so quiet that even the surrounding wind couldn't get close to it.

Now, these winds have finally received a signal, and they know what the scene is like when they get closer.

(End of this chapter)

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