Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 717 Leisure time

Chapter 717 Leisure time
"Forrest Gump's global box office breaks $15 billion!"

This morning's trending search was dominated by this news.

"Forrest Gump" breaks 15 billion US dollars, which is actually expected for Luo Quan.

With such a high box office on the first day and such a good reputation, it is destined that the final score of this movie will definitely not be much worse than that of "Titanic".

You know, Dachuan is currently No.1 in the global box office, with a whopping US$38 billion.

Here in "Forrest Gump", even half of the results of "Titanic" have not yet been achieved. It can be said that everything has just begun.

And as the first American theme movie with such influence, "Forrest Gump" itself has more advantages than "Titanic".

The right time, the right place, and the right people, if these three things are taken care of, everything that follows will be logical.

However, when such a milestone is reached, the media will inevitably be quite excited, and it is not known whether it is to match the current recovery of the stock market.

After "Forrest Gump" was released, the U.S. stock market finally recovered from the brink of collapse and began to develop in a good direction.

Although compared with this time last year, it is still a big drop.

But at least the downward momentum has stopped, and some stocks have even begun to recover, which can be said to be a good sign.

Some time ago, the U.S. government has also started an investigation into the matter of unplugging the network cable and prohibiting transactions.

This kind of behavior that undermines market freedom and credibility cannot be tolerated by any official or capitalist.

If even this behavior of following the rules of the game can be allowed, then which retail investor would dare to buy stocks?No one buys stocks, how to cut leeks?
Therefore, those venture capital firms that use off-the-market recruits will be in bad luck next.

As one of the very few companies that have not been greatly affected by the stock market crash, Nikola New Energy Vehicles can be said to be one of the biggest winners.

Everyone else is falling, only it has stabilized the trend, and even among the countless underlines, very few can still hold their heads up.

After a round of stock market crash, Luo Quan's net worth went up by hundreds of millions to say the least.

After returning to China, fans also asked her for the secret of investing because of this miraculous phenomenon.

In other words, let her point out a few stocks at random, and they will be responsible for buying them.

Ever since Luoquan's koi physique was made public, fans have stopped believing in science, and now they only believe in this girl who is so lucky.

Most people firmly believe, even superstitiously, that as long as the stocks are given by Luo Quan, even if it is a sunset industry, I am afraid that it will not be long before they will skyrocket.

So now fans don't need her to do any analysis at all, just say a name.

From a scientific point of view, so many people are willing to listen to Luo Quan's words to invest, and it is true that a stock can skyrocket in a short period of time, which is completely achievable.

But after the investment intensity drops, it is not known whether it can continue to rise.

But fans don't care about that, they just want to make a quick buck.

Faced with such an outrageous request, Luo Quan, of course, sternly refused.

"Don't you guys, really treat me like a hen with golden eggs?" Luo Quan sat cross-legged on the sofa in the living room, with his rosy and tender soles exposed upwards, obviously doing yoga.

"In this day and age, you still have to believe in science, there will be no pie in the sky.

Even those investments that I have succeeded in the past were made after consulting many professionals, and they were not selected blindly. "

Luo Quan explained with a serious face, shattering all fantasies of fans getting rich overnight.

"Oh, if only I could be as lucky as you."

"At this level, it is actually easier to succeed in many things than ordinary people."

"Indeed, so many people are paying attention, and if there is any movement, there will be followers."

"Am I the only one following Luo Bao's jio?"

"What's so good about jio, maybe it's still sweaty feet, and it smells so bad!"


"Sweaty feet?"

Luo Quan seemed to be insulted, and spread the five fingers on his feet, "See clearly, how can there be sweat? Although human feet do have well-developed sweat glands, they are prone to sweating and getting dirty.

But as long as you pay attention to hygiene, there will be absolutely no smell. "

Unlike other actresses who wear high heels all year round, they have deformed feet.

Because Luo Quan doesn't like wearing these things very much, except for walking on the red carpet, he wears slippers or sneakers on other occasions.

So there is no deformation of the feet.

Even from the most critical point of view, this is a pair of feet that are too perfect to be perfect.

As the saying goes, whether you are beautiful or not, first look at your legs.

The evaluation scope of "legs" also includes feet, of course.

Many slender and beautiful legs will be greatly compromised in overall beauty because of a pair of ugly feet.

Because of walking on high heels for a long time, the joints of these feet are skewed, the big toes are squeezed inward, and there are even corns and thick calluses. It looks good from a distance, but a close-up is simply ruining everything.

Therefore, many people say that high heels are the foot wraps of the new era, which is actually very reasonable.

This kind of shoes can certainly make women taller, with a protruding and backward posture.

But they are all based on changing people's normal body shape. If you wear them for a long time, in addition to deforming your feet, it will also have a considerable impact on the lumbar spine and spine.

So now there are many women's rights organizations abroad, calling on women not to wear high heels to please the public, but flat shoes can be beautiful.

This is done to protect women's health.

As for Luo Quan, she didn't like wearing this thing because she sprained her feet a few times when wearing it before, so she hated it.

Although this difficulty was overcome through the system later, there was still a shadow in my heart, and I would not touch it unless I was walking on the red carpet.

Therefore, Luoquan's feet are still quite original.

In addition, I lay on the bed all day fishing, didn't move around much, so naturally I couldn't see any cocoons.

From the appearance point of view, this is a beautiful jio without any flaws.

In China, where the proportion of Z control is quite high and the relevant history is quite long.

The feet of a beautiful woman are sometimes more easily focused by the eye than the face of a beautiful woman.

Especially now, the face can be cut, but there is usually nothing to beautify the feet, at most it is just a manicure.

Although the society has opened up a lot now, in the eyes of many people, the feet are still the sexual characteristics of women, and they are the parts that will produce special psychological reactions at a glance.

Of course, this is not a pervert.

It is mainly the cultural inheritance of thousands of years, and the genes determine the special interest in this area.

In fact, in the final analysis, no matter whether it is Z-controlled, hand-controlled or leg-controlled, in the end it is all about face control.

As long as it looks good, everyone likes it.

Just like in the current live broadcast room, I don't know how many fans are separated from the screen, and the halazi is almost streaming out.

Luo Quan didn't quite understand this idea.

Because what she likes more is the figure, which is the so-called S curve.

The main thing is that this thing is the most intuitive, and you can know the depth at a glance.

As for other xp, it is still too early for her, and she has no idea of ​​development at all.

Originally, I just wanted to do a simple yoga, but I didn't expect that it would arouse so many people's associations.

Luo Quan is also thinking

As far as imagination is concerned, it is impossible to compare to wearing a swimsuit in Hawaii.

Who can stand such a temptation?
So in this situation, there is really no need to put on socks or hide your feet.

In that case, it would be too deliberate, so it would be more generous to pretend that you didn't see it.

"Luo Bao, what's for dinner tonight?" Wen Xia had already started asking about tonight's meal early in the morning.

We all know that following Luo Quan, we can have delicious meals every day.

But it's too early to talk about dinner at this point?
"Are you a starving ghost reincarnated?" Luo Quan said angrily and amusedly: "Tonight, we will eat scrambled eggs with tomatoes, shredded green peppers and potatoes, and twice-cooked pork. Home-cooked dishes, less big fish and meat, so as not to get fat."

Although it is not a famous dish, in comparison, these home-cooked dishes make people salivate just by sounding, and each of them is a magic weapon for dinner.

Especially the twice-cooked pork, the twice-cooked pork fried by Luoquan is a must.

"By the way, when will Luo Bao do Buddha Jumping Over the Wall again?"

"It doesn't matter whether we eat or not, the main thing is to see the golden light of this best dish in the world when it comes out of the pan."

"It is said that many people abroad have eaten this dish, and eating other seafood is just like chewing wax, as if they are addicted."


Seeing the barrage, Luo Quan's face was covered with exhaustion: "To make a Buddha jump over the wall, I will not be able to sleep well for four or five days, and that thing is completely made with life.

I don't plan to do it again in a short time. If it's just for appetite, I actually have a lot of simple substitutes.

Such as mapo tofu. "

"But there is a rich royal family in Arabia, who offered 1000 million knives for Luo Quan to cook for him!"

"More than that, if you are not satisfied with the 1000 million US dollars, you can add more."

"To be fair, the price is already quite outrageous."

"We can't imagine the world of local tyrants."


"Is there such a thing?" Luo Quan was stunned for a moment, completely unaware of which oil giant had such a demand.

Looking at the mailbox, she had already emptied it.

Wen Xia proved this point: "It seems that there is such a thing, and it was posted on Twitter for a while, but you were busy filming "Forrest Gump" at the time, so you may not have seen it."

"That's no wonder." Luo Quan put down the phone, "But even if I see it, I don't count as doing it, it's not because I don't want money, but because I'm too tired.

And I have sent out all the recipes, if you want to eat, you can DIY by yourself. "

"This is what you said, you are a chef, can what we cook compare with what you cook?"

"If you're too tired, don't do it. See how much I care about you."

"You really know how to be courteous, don't you know how to give up the opportunity to the brothers?"

"Brothers steal brothers' wives, right?"


The barrage started to quarrel again, Luo Quan just watched with a smile, which was also a great joy of her live broadcast.

"Luo Bao, is your contract ready?" Wen Xia sat next to her and asked.

"Oh, it's finished. Let's take a look. If there is no problem, you can print out your signature in early July."

Luo Quan handed the phone to Wen Xia.

The contract she was talking about was the contract with Wen Xia.

The contract relationship between Wen Xia and Penguin is about to expire soon, and Penguin originally wanted to renew her contract.

However, after Luo Quan expressed his intention to take over, Penguin also made a favor and did not get stuck on Wen Xia.

After all, the two sides have cooperated so many times, and Luo Quan has also brought quite a lot of benefits to Penguin Interactive Entertainment. It is definitely not a loss to give this favor away.

As for Wen Xia, now the country does not allow idol trainees to appear again, so her status as the female team leader is not that important anymore, and there is no particularly big loss in letting Luo Quan, and she can cooperate in any performance activities in the future.

It can be said that this is a transaction that makes everyone feel satisfied.

Penguin got a favor, Luo Quan and Wen Xia can be in the same company, which is a win-win situation.

But so far, only Wen Xia, Luo Quan and Zhou Yangwen know about this matter.

Several of Wen Xia's old fans also knew that her contract had expired, and asked about it in the group.

But I didn't get a reply, so I don't know where Wen Xia's next contract will be.

Nowadays, many first-line stars have established their own economic companies, starting from artists to capital development.

Wen Xia's fans actually want her to be like this, and when the contract expires, she will set up her own company and be her own boss.

However, after all, Wen Xia has not been back to China for many years, and there may be some shortages in terms of contacts, and there are not too many works, so it is still a little short of fire.

In short, the fans are quite entangled, and there is no conclusion after arguing.

But now, the conclusion came out, that is to follow Luo Quan.

Become another great beauty in the Crystal Palace.

The so-called Crystal Palace is another name for Quanshui Entertainment Company on the Internet.

Currently there are eight artists in the company, four from abroad, including three from the United States, one from Japan, and four domestic artists including the boss Luo Quan.

These eight girls are all first-class beauties with different styles and can satisfy all tastes. They are called the final form of the fantasy harem.

Therefore, it is called the Crystal Palace.

Of course, Luo Quan felt that only she could call this Crystal Palace because she was the boss.

And now, Crystal Palace is about to welcome its ninth member, who is also very popular Wen Xia.

Very early on, some fans asked Luo Quan to sign Wen Xia.

However, neither of them responded to the topic at the time.

The main reason is that the contract has not yet expired, and I don't want to cause trouble for Penguin.

And now that everything has been negotiated, there is no need to hide it anymore.

It was during this live broadcast that the news that Wen Xia was about to terminate his contract with Penguin was finally announced.

In the past, when the contracts of big-name stars expired, they had to fight with their former clubs, and few of them could break up peacefully.

As for Wen Xia and Penguin, they really got together and parted ways.

(End of this chapter)

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