Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 718 Star Dream

Chapter 718 Star Dream

As Penguin's biggest artist at present, many people did not expect Wen Xia to terminate his contract.

Although the penguin has a bad reputation in China, it is definitely a leader in the entertainment industry. Nowadays, a penguin will appear in the titles of many movies.

As for the web drama and animation industry, they are even more monopolized.

For Wen Xia, these film and television dramas can be put out for her to choose, and they are all picturesque worlds prepared for her.

If it were any other star, it is estimated that they would not give up this great country.

But Wen Xia did just that.

But most people were just surprised, because they had already vaguely guessed Wen Xia's next home in their hearts.

Sure enough, it just announced that it will terminate the contract with Penguin, and the other side quickly sent a message saying that it will sign a contract with Quanshui Entertainment.

The hot search on Weibo was arranged immediately, and the comment area was already boiling:
"Sure enough, the only one who can attract Wen Xia to give up Penguin is a hot woman."

"The relationship between the two is really good. Finally, they dragged the contract and went to a company."

"Wen Xia didn't renew her contract with Penguin last year, so I knew what she was thinking."

"Although Penguin Resources is indeed very powerful, Luoquan's blockbuster movie is not far behind, okay?"

"Besides, with Luoquan, it is easier to integrate with international standards, which is quite helpful for Tika."

"Yes, in terms of traffic, Wen Xia is no longer lacking. What is lacking is award-winning works and status in the circle. These good Jiyou Luoquan can be of great help."

"It's a win-win cooperation. The Penguin side is probably easy to get together and break up. These relationships should be pretty good."


Netizens are quite optimistic about Wen Xia and leaving Penguin to choose Luoquan.

Luoquan is now flourishing at home and abroad, and the artists in the company are also thriving, well-known both at home and abroad.

And Wen Xia's starting point is so high, she will definitely not be worse after coming here.

But looking at Luoquan's company now, it seems a bit yin and yang. There are almost enough female artists for a women's football team, but there are no male artists. I don't know if it is to avoid falling in love with the company's artists. The situation arises.

If other economic companies have this situation, it is indeed a very headache for the boss.

In other words, any office romance is not a good thing in the eyes of the boss.

Of course, Luo Quan didn't say the specific reason, even if others were curious, they couldn't ask the reason.

But the fact is that Luo Quan also invited two potential male stars, but they were both rejected.

Probably these boys are very strong, and they don't want to rely on the strength of others, but want to work hard on their own.

At least Zhao Xilin has already done it, and now he has become a first-line niche student in the mainland, with good reputation, strength, and word of mouth.

It cannot be said that it was a correct decision for him to reject Luo Quan, but at least it can prove that he is indeed capable and lucky.

In fact, luck is something that many newcomers in the entertainment circle now have.

After the Qinglang operation, quite a few positions were vacated at the top, first-tier, and second-tier teams. Even if there were a lot of newcomers who could do a lot of work, it was far from enough to occupy all the positions.

Huaxia's entertainment market is too big, and it cannot be fully saturated by supplementing in just one or two years.

In at least three or four years in the future, newcomers will have a fairly good room for growth and development.

This is also the reason why performing arts schools are very popular now.

That is, in the past few days, the results of the art candidates have also come out.

Although this is not as difficult as the college entrance examination, it also attaches great importance to the professional ability of candidates.

In this art test, apart from those young and famous child stars, there are also many star reserve players who have become popular before their debut.

Although idol talent shows are no longer allowed, this does not affect scouts discovering and marketing underage handsome men and beautiful women.

This is actually a different kind of draft.

It's just that compared to drafts of varying quality, these young people who have been screened by scouts are often quite good in appearance.

As for professional ability, these can be cultivated slowly.

For an artist nowadays, the most important thing is appearance, and nothing else is particularly important.

Of course, after the actor rating is implemented, the situation will be different.

After the results of the art test were announced, the category of film and television performances received the most attention.

Especially the ones at the top of the list, all of them are very eye-catching, just like a list of the top [-] most beautiful and handsome faces in China.

However, there are still a small number of brokerage companies here, and most of them are amateurs.

In fact, they are not completely amateurs. Now that the Internet is so developed, handsome guys and beautiful women can easily post TikTok or videos. If the editing is better, it will easily become popular.

Out-and-out amateurs, it is estimated that there are really not many to be found.

When the report card came out, the major brokerage companies immediately started to take action.

Now the structure of the entertainment industry changes every three days, and there are so many vacant positions, it is the time when a new force is needed.

And these people at the top of the report card all have the potential to become stars of tomorrow.

If you don't pay attention to signing a few, if other economic companies sign all of them, it will be a huge loss.

Therefore, the entertainment industry is quite lively these days.

From artists to economic companies, they are all busy.

The former is preparing for the upcoming actor exam, while the latter is running around the country, trying to win as many back waves as possible.

Quanshui Entertainment is now a well-known economic company in China, but Luo Quan, as the boss, is still staying at home and doing live broadcasts, which makes many fans anxious.

Although Luo Quan's own company has nothing to do with them, nor does it take a stake.

But anyway, now that it has grown so big, and has the potential to become a first-class economic company, everyone must still hope that Luoquan can provide more snacks.

Maybe after many years, Luo Quan will be able to become the godmother of the Chinese entertainment industry again?At that time, the top domestic artists will all be her artists, how awesome.

This is what the fans think, Luo Quan thinks about it and it is indeed very attractive.

But to sign so many people, and to make so many people popular, it's so tiring, so I just thought about it and let it go.

"Don't say I'm lazy, I just want to spend more time with everyone. If I'm busy with work, what are you looking at?"

Looking at the camera, Luo Quan justified his behavior with awe-inspiring righteousness.

"There seems to be nothing wrong with what you said."

"I can't argue with that."

"Luo Quan, you are really too Asahi, I'm crying to death."

"Zab Dodler (almost), lazy is lazy, why make so many excuses."

"However, this excuse is quite reasonable, and I really want to watch more of Luo Bao's live broadcast.

No matter how promising those stars are, they are nothing compared to our Luo Bao. "

"Luobao~~Hey~~My Luobao~~Shasha"


"It's sick, isn't it?"


Apart from these barrages of sudden and vicious illnesses, most fans still agree with her words.

However, out of the idea of ​​rubbing the heat, and also wanting to observe his future competitors, Luo Quan still opened the transcript of the art test.

"Let's take a look at these newcomers who are about to enter the circle, maybe I can find a few talents I need."

Open the report card compiled by netizens, and it has been listed according to the ranking, with men and women occupying one side, and clicking on the profile picture is the detailed introduction.

Luo Quan hesitated for a while between boys and girls, and the barrage immediately became jealous:

"If you dare to touch a boy, I will kill you!"

"Let's look at the girl first, how beautiful the girl is."

"Are you serious with your hesitant appearance? A small movement hurts so much~~"

"Haha, the female version of a gentleman, right?"


Luo Quan glanced at the bullet screen, showing a smirk, swayed around the boy's profile picture twice, and finally clicked into the girl's profile.

"Shen Xingyu, No.1 in the art test this time, both the written test and the impromptu performance are the highest scores, but the interview results seem to be a bit low, and the level is counting backwards. Let me know what this girl Kangkang looks like."

Luo Quan clicked on Shen Xingyu's avatar, and the system immediately issued a reminder: Potential newcomers, it is recommended to take it!

Upon closer inspection, she is indeed a beauty.

Although he is only 17 years old, although he is a little immature overall, his eyebrows and eyes have grown, and he looks like a beautiful black and white ink painting.

Especially that demeanor, which obviously has a pair of charming peach eyes, but it looks young and shy when facing the camera, like a budding mimosa.

"Damn it, this girl is pretty good, regardless of her popularity, she can be listed in the world's top [-] most beautiful." Luo Quan rubbed his chin and expressed his first sense.

It has nothing to do with the system's prompt, but this girl's appearance is really very beautiful.

Her appearance is very different from traditional Chinese beauties, and Su Yu also has a little more exotic style.

If we really want to talk about the classical beauty of China, my mother is one, and the girl in front of me is the other.

As for Wen Xia, she is too trendy, and her short hair is very heroic, but it is probably not traditional.

Maybe it's more appropriate to describe Wen Xia as handsome.

Like Shen Xingyu, Luo Quan thinks that they should belong to the kind of ladies, and they are not often seen in the entertainment industry.

But the writing test and acting skills are so good, it is estimated that he has already planned to enter the circle.

But the reason for the low interview score seems to be that she was a little shy in front of the teacher and was not very open-minded, so several teachers were not particularly optimistic about her entering this industry.

But no matter how you say it, this girl's appearance is well-deserved number one in this session.

Not only Luo Quan, but the barrage is actually a little commotion:
"It's really beautiful, those eyes are so beautiful to me."

"It's been a long time since I saw such a beautiful classical beauty."

"I don't know if it's because Luo Bao has been watching it for a long time, but now seeing this Shen Xingyu, he feels astonished."

"It shouldn't be, you should have immunity after watching Luo Bao for too long."

"After all, they are different types."

"By the way, she doesn't seem to have a company, can she sign it? Even if this appearance is a vase, it has a very promising future."

"How can you sign without contact information?"


"It's simple." Luo Quan saw the discussion on the barrage, and looked directly at the camera: "Shen Xingyu Hello, Miss Shen, I am Luo Quan, the owner of Quanshui Entertainment Company.

I believe that if you often surf the Internet, you should not be unfamiliar with me. Of course, it doesn’t matter if you don’t know me. From now on, you will treat me as a prince.

I am the No. [-] Musician of the New Century selected by Jushi magazine, the most beautiful in the world for three times, the Oscar queen, and the chef of China. I have in-depth cooperation with Penguin, Universal, Sony and other large domestic and foreign companies, and I also know many famous directors.

If you are interested in me or my company, please contact me through this email, and we can chat about signing contracts. "

Luo Quan can be regarded as the No. 1 in the scouting world for broadcasting the signing of the contract live.

But this list of titles makes people feel full of confidence.

"Look, what is an international superstar?"

"In terms of resources and contacts, Luoquan is indeed the best at home and abroad."

"A few are missing, there is also the dream of walking, the peak of the earth's biological combat power, and the western female gunslinger..."

"Haha, it's not necessary to list those, it's not for fighting in the ring."

"Luo Quan seems to be quite proficient in these guankou. Have you practiced it in private?"

"It must be nothing to say to the camera, Luo Bao is always narcissistic."

"Haha, that look is cute even when I think about it."

"By the way, is Shen Xingyu willing to come?"

"It's hard to say, with such a high-quality quasi-star, it is estimated that many brokerage companies will be willing to pay a high price to keep him."

"Indeed, Luoquan's domestic resources are actually not particularly good."

"The main thing is to see if Luo Quan is willing to support it, make a few hit movies and TV series, and when you become famous, the resources will come to you by themselves."


In the bullet screen, you talked about a lot of topics, from Shen Xingyu to who has the most resources in the country.

The appearance of a big beauty did not attract fans' attention for too long.

After all, getting along with Luoquan day and night, I still have immunity to some extent, so I won't fall in love with each other.

When she actually signs a contract with Luo Quan, it won't be too late to call her wife.

Anyway, the eldest wife Luo Quan will not be jealous, and will always be their main palace.

If Luo Quan knew the true thoughts of these Taobao VIPs, he wondered if he would scold them for being shameless.

But at least she really liked Shen Xingyu very much.

As beautiful as this, and her acting skills are not bad, she already has the potential to become popular.

Of course, if she contacts herself, she still needs to investigate her identity and background first.

Don't worry about the black-hearted business of the family, if it explodes after signing the contract, it is estimated that the star career will crash before it is over.

When she evaluates a person herself, ability, appearance, wealth and so on are all secondary, and the most important thing is character.

Not only this person, but the character of her parents is also very important.

If there are no problems, and Shen Xingyu really has this intention, then we can move on to the topic of signing a contract.

Although it sounds stricter, this is also the reason why she has been popular until now.

Artists, although art is in the front, it must be an individual, in fact, it is the most important.

(End of this chapter)

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