Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 719 Star Dream

Chapter 719 Star Dream ([-])
After shouting across the air, Luo Quan didn't know when Shen Xingyu would hear it.

If you're not a fan of hers and don't visit Station B very much, you'll have to wait until this matter is trending on Weibo before you have a chance.

Probably have to wait a while.

Luo Quan didn't stop, and continued to drag the mouse to observe the information of the rest of the list.

Compared to Shen Xingyu, the girls in the back didn't particularly surprise her in appearance, and the system didn't make any more noise.

Luo Quan watched a dozen of them, and fans also said that this year's newcomers are not good enough.

Therefore, Luo Quan showed a smirk: "In this case, let's come to Kangkang boys."

"Hey, what's up with that eager look on your face?"

"Well, you are a bad woman who doesn't obey women's morals, dare to find Xiao Xianrou, right?"

"Is this considered face-to-face NTR?"

"Haha, I seem to be more excited, the tauren is ecstatic."

"I am Theseus, and I specialize in killing tauren!"


This expression must have been specially put on by Luo Quan just to amuse the fans.

No matter how handsome these are, they can still surpass Lyon.

But for the effect of the show, she is still willing to put on such a look.

As it turns out, fans were indeed jealous, too.

"I told you that you usually like to complain about me, and you thought you didn't care about me so much." Luo Quan looked at the camera with a smile, and the appearance of a successful plan was beyond words.

"Luo Bao, you have changed. You have become more and more pretentious."

"If you go on like this, you'll lose me."

"A man must have a bottom line. If you do this again..."

"Again, what are you going to do?"

"I'll admit my mistake and say I won't dare next time."

"Laughing to death, what a flexible bottom line."


Facts have proved that the fans still can't get tough in front of Luo Quan.

With a little trick, the big guys will obediently admit to being cowardly.

"Okay, I'm just joking with everyone, don't take it seriously, I ordered this for work." Luo Quan said with a restrained smile.

Looking at the boys' report card, compared to girls, the proportion of amateurs is quite low.

In this day and age, it's much easier for handsome guys to debut than beautiful women. As long as their image is decent and the agency company packs it up, they can easily gain a group of fans on Weibo.

After that, he showed his face in several TV dramas, and made a cameo appearance in a variety show, and the popularity quickly picked up.

That is to say, now the idol talent show is banned, otherwise there will be more male idols.

However, although the draft is gone, there are actually quite a lot of substitutes.

Since singing and dancing are not allowed, let's separate this thing.

There are hip-hop dancers in Huaxia, and singers in Huaxia, and they came into being soon.

In addition, Huaxia has rap, Huaxia has electronic music, and Huaxia has actors are also in preparation. It is said that several international big names have been invited, and the battle has become very big.

Anyway, there are policies and there are countermeasures. If one path to debut is blocked, it will only make other paths grow stronger.

Therefore, compared to girls, the quality of these boys is even lower.

At least the girls' looks are basically good, but the boys' looks are hard to describe.

It's not that they are ugly, but that many of them are just passers-by.

Although the looks of passers-by are the majority in the society, they are the reserve players in the entertainment industry, and they want to be stars on the big screen.

What is a star?Isn't it to satisfy the public's fantasy and bring content with a relatively better image?

It turned out to be faces of passers-by, so it would be better to watch the news broadcast.

So, when Luo Quan flipped through this page, she saw that she was frowning, and the fans in the barrage were also a little embarrassed:
"Damn it, I'm still a star reserve. Nine out of ten are not as handsome as me! If you don't believe me, watch my dynamic selfie vlog."

"Looking back, he is indeed a handsome guy."

"I'm sorry, the handsome guy has a WeChat account, I'm Xiao Ling~~"


"To be honest, I'm not attacking them, but these candidates are a bit too ordinary."

"It's such a trend now. Those little fresh meats from 20 or [-] years ago, which one was not handsome. Now that the handsome is gone, there are only angry people left."

"Incisive, but Huaxia is so big, it shouldn't be hard to find handsome young guys."

"It's not difficult, but it's not difficult, but those who are really good-looking have long been popular on Douyin, and some of them have been on the show, and these are just the rest."

"Oh, I don't know what the male protagonists of TV dramas will be like in the future."


This burst of complaints quickly spread the pessimistic mood.

Luo Quan comforted: "Everyone, don't be so desperate. In fact, this list is not exhaustive. Those young people who enter the entertainment industry every year are not the only ones who take the art test.

It can only be said that taking the art test can obtain a more stable path.

Therefore, the future is still worth looking forward to. "

At this point, the "draft" basically can't go on.

It just so happened that Luo Quan didn't find any talent worthy of signing, so he closed the website and broadcast the game live to fans.

Ten minutes later, "Luo Quan called out to Shen Xingyu from the air" became a trending search.

This straightforward way of recruiting talents is indeed full of slots, and it is also very rare, making a group of passers-by strongly crowd and comment.

"This is the first time I've seen Luo Quan treat an ordinary person like this. Who is this Shen Xingyu?"

"The No.1 girl in the art test this time, she looks so handsome, the kind Luo Quan himself said is good-looking."

"I'll go, let the world be the most beautiful, so it's okay?"

"I've seen it, it's really beautiful, but I don't think it's suitable for the entertainment industry."

"Whether it's suitable or not, we have to come in and talk about it."

"By the way, what is Shen Xingyu's Weibo, did you respond to Luo Quan?"


Things are just getting hotter now, and many problems are still unresolved.

Especially Shen Xingyu's attitude, the netizens ate melons for a long time, only to find that Shen Xingyu himself seemed to have kept silent.

On the contrary, quite a few so-called passers-by started to make comments, saying that Shen Xingyu was playing a big role, hanging around his authority and so on.

Or it is to release Shen Xingyu's black material, saying that she was a little girl in middle school, smoking, drinking, clubbing, etc., all kinds of slander.

Luo Quan took a look and felt that these sunspots should be fans of other girls on the report card.

Because in the attention column of these sunspots, there are some girls' names in the report card.

Luo Quan couldn't help but lament that people could do this before they entered the entertainment industry.

At the same time, I was also worried that this would cause trouble for Shen Xingyu.

After all, this girl looks shy and autistic. If she has negative emotions due to cyber violence, she will be guilty of a serious crime.

But before she could post a message to shut up the sunspots, an email signed by Shen Xingyu appeared in the mailbox.

"Hi sister Luoquan, I'm Shen Xingyu, here is my student ID and WeChat ID, if possible, we can add WeChat video chat."

"You found it so soon?" Luo Quan's eyes lit up, and he immediately added WeChat.

WeChat nickname is: Xiaoxing.

Nowadays, there are quite a few young girls using similar nicknames.

Luo Quan thought about his own time. Girls usually used a bunch of Martian characters. Words such as "prosperity", "exhausting the world", "angel", and "burial love" appeared at a very high rate.

It can only be said that each era has its own characteristics.

Now the 90s are old people, and the post-00s and post-10s are about to become the main force on the Internet.

After a little recollection, after adding friends, the other side also passed the application and sent a video request.

After connecting, a beautiful face appeared in the video.

It is indeed Shen Xingyu. Although there is a slight difference from the photo, it is probably only caused by the different filters. There is no other reason. I still look very good.

"I'm older than you, can I call you Sister Xingyu?" Luo Quan looked very familiar when he came up, mainly because he wanted to get closer.

Shen Xingyu nodded lightly: "Okay, Sister Luo Quan."

"If you are willing to contact me, it means that you are very interested in my proposal to sign a contract. But before that, I have to confirm that you really intend to enter the entertainment industry and have long-term development?"

"Definitely, I like being an actor very much." Shen Xingyu said affirmatively.

"That's fine, but before I talk about signing, I want to know about your family environment.

It doesn't mean anything else, but my requirements for artists under my banner have always been morality over ability.

I have always believed that ability can be cultivated slowly, but morality must be consistent, and there should be no big stains.

Of course, I don't doubt you, I just want to know about you and your family's past, so that we can be more at ease when we cooperate. "

Although Luo Quan said it very euphemistically, but when he first talked about morality, he always felt a little disrespectful.

But her real thinking is like this, everything else can be settled, but the character is not good, so she must ask clearly in advance.

This is also the reason why Luo Quan always seeks out only relatives and friends for his works.

Because she knows everything about the people around her, she dares to use it with confidence.

As for those outsiders, who knows what it looks like underneath, if they blow you up just after the filming of the scene, they will cause a lot of trouble.

The more netizens call him a star without black spots, the more Luo Quan cherishes his feathers.

Tired must be a little tired, but it is very important to have a good reputation and good reputation.

Fortunately, Shen Xingyu did not have any dissatisfaction with Luo Quan's slightly troublesome question, but instead smiled:

"Sister Luo Quan, I understand what you mean, and this is why I am willing to contact you.

Before you, many economic companies approached me, but I rejected them all, because I wanted to go to a company where there was no competition and everyone loved each other.

But I know this kind of thinking is very naive, so I originally planned to develop alone, but I didn't expect you to shout to me suddenly. To be honest, I am flattered. "

"Then you've come to the right place." Luo Quan also laughed, "The artists in our company basically live with me in my house, and I usually cook breakfast, lunch and dinner, just like a family.

I promise, you will love the atmosphere. "

"It will be very lively." Shen Xingyu's eyes showed a hint of longing, "Actually, I have lived alone for the past few years. Although I am used to loneliness, I still prefer a lively environment."

"Alone? You are..." Luo Quan didn't say anything about the orphan, maybe it's just the parents who are away from home.

"My mother passed away very early, and my father disappeared when he was born. Distant relatives occupied my house and 10,000+ savings and sent me to an orphanage.

For the first ten years of my life, I grew up in an orphanage.

Later, those relatives of mine found out with conscience, returned the house to me, and left 20 yuan for my tuition. "

This kind of life, when Shen Xingyu said it, seemed so calm and blissful, as if it had passed without causing any waves.

Luo Quan sighed, feeling how similar this girl's fate was to his own.

However, compared to Shen Xingyu, it was worse.

At least her mother can still grow up with her.

But Shen Xingyu could only stay in the orphanage.

Fortunately, her relatives were somewhat humane and returned the house and money.

But maybe it's because Shen Xingyu has grown up, so it's not easy to be fooled. If he goes directly to court, he will probably pay more, so stop the loss in time.

Of course, Luo Quan would not say such words of guessing her with the utmost malice in front of Shen Xingyu.

He just said softly: "If you are willing to join our big family, book a ticket and fly here tonight. The address is Shanghai. I will pick you up at Hongqiao Airport."

"Is... so fast?" Shen Xingyu was a little surprised, quite surprised by Luo Quan's gentle and friendly attitude.

"Anyway, you will come here sooner or later, I will assume that you are willing to sign the contract, so let's get used to it first.

But regarding the signing of the contract, we will discuss it carefully after you come. "Luo Quan said, and sent his specific address to Shen Xingyu, and at the same time transferred 1000 to pay for travel expenses.

"Sister Luo Quan doesn't need it, I can still get this little money." Shen Xingyu quickly waved his hand.

Luo Quan said seriously: "Feelings belong to feelings, money belongs to money, this should not be confused, otherwise it will increase unnecessary troubles.

Listen to me, collect the money for the plane ticket, and I'm going to see you at the airport tonight. "

Shen Xingyu hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded decisively: "Okay, then I'll go and pack my clothes."

After hanging up the video, Wen Xia and Su Yu, who were hiding behind the computer, finally came to their senses.

"Is this how you fooled me?"

"Boss, you are really amazing. Thinking about it, it seems that I was deceived by you in the first place."

"What do you mean by cheating?" Luo Quan immediately became unhappy, "I call it emotional, which is the embodiment of personality charm, without any impurities.

Could it be that after you followed me, did you suffer any grievances or suffer? "

"I was deducted from my salary." Su Yu raised his hand weakly.

"You found that by yourself!" Luo Quan stared, "Okay, new members are coming, you guys should be more enthusiastic as sisters later."

"Okay!" All the girls shouted in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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