Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 720 Star Dream

Chapter 720 Star Dream ([-])
In the lobby of Shanghai Hongqiao Airport, Luo Quan, wearing sunglasses and a mask, was sitting in the coffee shop waiting for the arrival of Shen Xingyu's flight.

There was a cup of steaming milk tea in front of her. The reason why she didn't order coffee was mainly because she didn't like the bitter taste.

She likes sweets. Although chocolate is a bit bitter, it actually tastes more sweet.

As one of the airports in China that may be the most frequented by stars, Luoquan is fully armed when he comes out this time.

Sunglasses, masks, and silk scarves in several sets, wrapping myself tightly, I just don't want to be recognized by others.

But just as she took off her mask and wanted to take a sip of milk tea, several paparazzi and talent scouts who were watching her during the day were already ready to move.

It's not that he recognizes her identity, but with Luo Quan's figure and famous brand, he is not an ordinary person at first glance.

After taking off the mask, the bright and clean skin and delicate red lips are also fully exposed. Just by this alone, you can know that she is a peerless beauty.

Even if you are not a star, you have the potential to become a star.

Having worked so hard in the entertainment industry for so long, they still have this keenness. If they can successfully lure that beauty in, if they become popular in the future, they will get some benefits by reciprocating the favor.

If you catch a big star by mistake, you can also provide material for tomorrow's hot news, which is not a loss.

So, several paparazzi and scouts went up.

After walking in, everyone realized that they were not the only ones staring at this beauty.

A paparazzi wearing a red vest moved the fastest, and stepped forward to Luo Quan: "Hello miss, are you waiting for someone?"

Luo Quan frowned. When he saw the people approaching, he thought he had been recognized, but when he heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief: "I'm waiting for someone. What's the matter?"

What a nice voice!
The ears and eyebrows of several scouts twitched, and they immediately felt relieved.

"I'm a reporter and scout from Star Art Company. This is my business card." The red vest said while handing the business card to Luo Quan's desk with both hands.

"Uh... I have a company." Luo Quan accepted the business card, but also told his situation.

"It's from the circle, it's my fault that I don't know Mount are Luo Quan!" The red vest caught a glimpse of the beauty's blond hair, recalled the beautiful voice, and almost screamed.

Several other people also suddenly realized that this condition should have been thought of by Luo Quan long ago.

"It's me, but I don't have much gossip to shoot here. If I want to interview, I really don't have much interest right now."

"Can you take a few photos?" Several paparazzi showed embarrassment.

Luo Quan is notoriously difficult to meet and interview, and it is not easy to take a few raw pictures.

Luo Quan smiled: "The camera is in your hands, can I snatch it for you to take pictures?"

When did the paparazzi need to ask for opinions when taking pictures of others?Isn't that all eager to slap your face?

I read the news before, many celebrities took their sons and daughters out for shopping, and the paparazzi found themselves following them all the way, causing them to yell at them.

And this kind of news is not uncommon, so you can know their way of doing things.

To be honest, Luo Quan didn't know why these people made such a fuss.

Could it be that he has a bad reputation and is afraid of getting into trouble.

She thinks this should be the only explanation. From this point of view, it is not bad to have a reputation of peak human combat power. At least these paparazzi will weigh it before taking pictures.

However, when a celebrity is away from home, there is nothing he can do if he encounters a paparazzi to take a photo. Luo Quan is not out to meet a couple privately anyway, so he just takes a photo.

After obtaining Luo Quan's permission, several reporters finally found an angle with confidence and boldly, and recorded the scene of Luo Quan drinking milk tea here.

After a while, the photo appeared on the trending search.

"Luo Quan showed up at Hongqiao Airport, suspected to be waiting for someone."

Real-time update, Luo Quan only refreshed Weibo for a few minutes before seeing himself, thinking that these people are quite fast.

Fortunately, Shen Xingyu had already arrived, so he didn't have to worry about being caught by the people nearby.

After taking two more sips of milk tea, drinking all of it without wasting it, Luo Quan got up and planned to throw the empty cup into the trash can.

But after thinking about it, I might meet some people with a lower limit, and finally I left this garbage and stuffed it into my backpack.

A pair of shoes can cause mad snatching. If you throw away the cup under the watchful eyes of everyone, you will not be able to do anything wrong if it is picked up.

Therefore, it is better to take it back and deal with it uniformly.

It's not that she's hypocritical, it's mainly because there are lessons learned from the past.

Seeing Luo Quan leave, the paparazzi did not stand still, but followed.

After entering the professional state, I definitely want to find out.

Luo Quan said that she didn't come out to meet her lover, who knows if there is no silver 300 taels here?
Followed all the way to the hall, waited for a few more minutes, and finally saw the person she was waiting for.

She was a girl, also wearing a mask and sunglasses. Compared with Luo Quan, she was a little flatter, but she was 1.6 meters tall, quite slender.

Although they couldn't recognize who it was, the paparazzi still pressed the shutter.

By the time the second news item was trending, Luo Quan and Shen Xingyu had already boarded the car back to Tan Palace.

This time, Luo Quan didn't drive her Lamborghini, but another cheap Volkswagen.

Although Lamborghini is popular, but Shang Hai sometimes has crowded roads, so it is inevitable that there will be some scratches.

It's fine if it's just a small scratch, but if it hits a little more seriously, it will be quite troublesome to deal with.

This car is expensive, even if it is insured, it will cost hundreds of thousands.

She didn't care about the money, but the person who bumped into her might not be able to afford it.

So in order to reduce unnecessary troubles, it is better to drive a cheaper car, even if it hits it, it will be easy to deal with.

"I still feel it now, it's like a dream." Shen Xingyu sat in the co-pilot, looked at Luo Quan, and then at the street lights that kept flying back in front of him.

"I didn't expect that the first star I saw when I entered the industry was you, and you are still sitting in a car."

Luo Quan smiled and steered the steering wheel: "At the beginning, it is indeed novelty, but after a while, you get used to it. Celebrities are human beings, and they are actually not very different from your classmates and friends."

Shen Xingyu hugged her schoolbag tightly: "Really, but I'm still a little nervous."

"Don't worry, all the artists in our company are talented, and they speak nicely. After you go, you will definitely love staying there."

"That's good." Shen Xingyu heaved a sigh of relief.

But she seems to have heard this sentence somewhere, and she doesn't know if she remembers it wrong.

Driving back to Tan Palace, Luo Quan lifted Shen Xingyu's suitcase out with one hand, and then entered the elevator.

After swiping the floor card, after the elevator opens, there is a long corridor. After opening the door, there is the living room.

"Welcome welcome! Warm welcome!

welcome!Warm welcome! "

Wen Xia, Su Yu, Chunzi, and Yun'er stood by the door and clapped their hands, welcoming Shen Xingyu's arrival.

Such a polite appearance made her cover her mouth in surprise, flattered.

Luo Quan didn't expect that everyone would work so hard, she just asked Wen Xia and the others to be more enthusiastic later, but she didn't expect to be so enthusiastic.

"Look, this is the atmosphere of our company, everyone is a family." After Luo Quan brought him back, he closed the door, took off his clothes and changed his shoes.

"Hi everyone, my name is Shen Xingyu." Shen Xingyu was also very polite, and introduced himself first after entering the door.

"I'm Wen Xia, you should know me, right?" Wen Xia acted quite familiar, but she was so familiar with everyone.

In the entire company, she is definitely a well-deserved socialite.

"I know, my classmates and I like Girls' Generation very much!" Shen Xingyu's face was rosy, and the joy in his eyes could not be concealed.

Except for Wen Xia, Yuner Junzi is also in the room. They are all popular members of Girls' Generation, and they are also her favorites.

Unexpectedly, one day, she would have the opportunity to become a colleague with her idol, this fate is too elusive.

"Come and sit on the sofa first. Before you officially sign the contract, you need to say a few things first. This is related to your career." Luo Quan patted the seat next to him on the sofa, and his tone was a little more serious.

Shen Xingyu also calmed down, and tiptoed to sit on the sofa.

Luo Quan saw that Shen Xingyu still couldn't let go, and comforted him: "Don't be so rigid, treat it like you're at home.

First of all, you plan to enter the entertainment industry. Whether you focus on becoming an actor or developing in all aspects of film and television, I can help you find good resources as much as possible.

Of course, after actors need to be rated, the income is not the final decision of traffic. You have to work hard to learn acting, and you need to be hardworking yourself. "

Shen Xingyu's eyes were full of determination: "I know this, I have always worked hard."

"Besides, that's what I'm more worried about. From your description in the interview, you seem to be very shy and embarrassed to speak in front of those teachers.

But now, it seems that there is no problem in contacting it. "

Shen Xingyu blushed: "I'm a little socially afraid of strangers, but sister Luo Quan, don't you see each other every day, on your phone."

"That's true." Luo Quan smiled slightly, "But when it comes to the entertainment industry, Taishe may not be able to do it. You still need to be generous, but don't worry too much, just get used to it slowly.

In addition, there is a lot of hostility on the Internet, and trolls can say anything about celebrities they don't like.

In the future, you will definitely face the situation of being led by the rhythm, a large number of trolls and black people scolding you, and the words will be very ugly. I will help you as much as possible, but it is impossible to help you avoid it completely.

So when it comes to mentality, you have to hold on and prepare early. "

"I know." Shen Xingyu clenched his fists unknowingly, "Nowadays netizens really like to release their malice in the virtual world, but I can pretend I didn't see it and just leave it alone, anyway, it doesn't hurt and It doesn't itch."

"With that mentality, you're already halfway there."

Luo Quan gave her an approving look, and then took out two printed contracts: "The contracts of everyone in the company are basically the same, and there is a lot of basic salary every year, and the share is seven or three, you seven and I three

What the company needs to do is to help you find high-quality movies, endorsements, and variety shows. In addition, you can choose clothes for important occasions and ordinary vehicles from the company's resource library. "

Luo Quan said, turned on the computer, and put a bunch of pictures of luxury cars in front of Shen Xingyu: "Of course, you are underage now, and you don't have a driver's license, so you can't drive these for the time being.

And some sports cars are not easy to control. I suggest to start with a slightly simpler car. Of course, hiring a driver is also a more suitable choice. It depends on yourself.

These are the benefits after joining the company, and what you need to do is to manage your own image well and don't do anything to discredit yourself.

You are about to go to college, so you should know what to say and do. "

"I understand." Shen Xingyu nodded seriously.

Luo Quan had told her many times about virtue on the way here.

It doesn't matter how popular or business ability is, because it can be cultivated slowly.

But morality cannot come slowly.

"If there are no other questions, just look at the contract, I have already signed it.

Of course, you can also ask a lawyer to help you take a look, don't be in a hurry. "Luo Quan put the contract and pen in front of Shen Xingyu.

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome." Shen Xingyu picked up the contract and looked at a few treaties, and found that they were all very simple, without using complicated technical terms.

"I believe in you, Sister Luoquan."

With that said, Shen Xingyu signed his name on it.

It stands to reason that contracts for minors cannot be enforced.

However, Shen Xingyu is now 16 years old, and this is a legal income, so he can be regarded as an adult, and there is no problem with signing the contract.

In fact, as long as there are no disputes in the future, the contract is not as important as imagined.

Judging from the brief contact, the boss is very kind, and everyone is very warm to her, which really made her feel the warmth of home.

Shen Xingyu signed his name, and Luo Quan used his mobile phone to take a family portrait with the big guy.

"Come on, let's go upstairs and look at your room first. The house is relatively big, so familiarize yourself with the terrain so you don't get lost."

Luo Quan took Shen Xingyu up to the second floor.

When this house was first bought, she was the only one who lived in it, and it was only her alone at night when it was thousands of square meters. It was quite scary to think about it.

But then more and more people moved in, and the house became lively.

However, because the space is too large, even if there are almost ten people, it doesn't seem crowded, and the second floor is only half used, which means that ten more people can live in it.

After settling Shen Xingyu, Luo Quan posted the photos of the family portrait on Weibo and Bilibili News, with the attached text:
"The Quanshui entertainment family has joined another beauty, warm applause!!!"

As soon as the news was posted, it immediately attracted the attention of entertainment fans and passers-by.

(End of this chapter)

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