Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 722 A Good Example

Chapter 722 A Good Example

ps. Thanks to book friend Ziming for the reward, thank you for your support!


Hearing this, Shen Xingyu was quite moved.

I have been reading the comments on station B before, saying that Luo Quan is actually a very Asahi girl.

However, in the videos or news she has learned, it is said that Luo Quan is tough, humorous, and strong at the same time, but gentleness is not mentioned much.

Now I know that Luo Quan's tenderness is only shown to those she cares about.

Looking down at the remarks of those sunspots, Shen Xingyu no longer felt uncomfortable, and continued typing to reply:

"It's true that I don't have any grades yet, but I will lead by example, work hard to polish my professional skills, be excellent in both character and learning in school, and try my best when acting!"

Unlike Luo Quan's direct confrontation with others, Shen Xingyu still pays more attention to his own image when answering.

Now netizens or fans on the Internet call her sister or something.

Accepting this title, she must lean in the direction of her sister in her usual behavior.

If you talk about it like Sister Luo Quan, then you are not a younger sister, but a hot girl.

These were all told by sister Luo Quan. After all, everyone's path to success cannot be copied, and she needs to find a path that suits her.

And after this rather inspirational reply was sent out, the black people on the Internet finally calmed down a bit.

Because they didn't expect this girl to have such a good temper. If she continued to go dark, it would probably arouse public outrage.

Although they are brainless, they don't like the feeling of being attacked by groups.

Passers-by and Shen Xingyu's fans were very distressed by her reply:

"My sister encountered bad things just after signing the contract. It's so pitiful. I can only hug you to comfort you."

"Don't worry, I will guard your comment area in the future, and if any sunspots jump in the face, I will line up with them!"

"Count me in! Sister Xingyu is so gentle, you can't let her be bullied!"

"Looking forward to your good looks, give these people a good slap in the face!"


In the comment area, some fans' words reminded Shen Xingyu.

The college entrance examination is coming soon. Although she has good grades in the art exam, if she wants to see a good school, her college entrance examination scores should not be too bad.

What's more, this time she also posted on Weibo that she had good grades, wouldn't it be ridiculous if she overturned the college entrance examination?
"Everyone, I have to go upstairs to review. The college entrance examination is coming soon. This time I want to give myself and the company a good reputation and get a good grade in the exam!"

Shen Xingyu clenched his fists, very much like those students who were called to the stage by the host at the college entrance examination swearing-in meeting, holding a microphone and yelling that I want to go to xx University.

Although the appearance is so charming, the expression is cute.

"I remember you are from Hui Province." Luo Quan recalled the information provided by Shen Xingyu, "Hui Province's first line of liberal arts seemed to be 565 last year. With your strength, as long as you perform normally, you should be able to get on the first line.

So don't put too much pressure on yourself, just show your due strength. "

"I understand, I will definitely not disappoint everyone." Shen Xingyu nodded, and ran upstairs to do the papers.

"This younger sister is so cute." Wen Xia looked upstairs, smiling from ear to ear.

"That's why the whole network calls her the National Sister." Luo Quan also smiled.

Although she still doesn't know how talented Shen Xingyu is in acting, at least she already has one of the most important factors to become a successful actor.

That's the audience.

The so-called audience popularity means that the audience has a good impression of you when they see your face. If you participate in a movie or TV series starring in it, even if they know it is a bad movie, they are willing to join in it.

This is something that many actors can't get after a lifetime of hard work. It has nothing to do with acting skills, and it has nothing to do with appearance, it's all about temperament.

Audience popularity is very rare. At present, it seems that Shen Xingyu has great potential, but when he takes on a role in the future, he has to check it carefully so as not to ruin this thing.

The next day, Luo Quan woke up early, turned on the live camera after washing up, and prepared breakfast for fans in the kitchen.

It is said that it is prepared for fans, but in fact, the people who eat it are those slobs who are still sleeping.

"Let's take a look, the staple food this morning is boiled poached eggs, fried dough sticks, and hot milk."

Luo Quan held up his mobile phone and let the fans look at the steaming pot of water.

"This time, I'm going to teach you how to cook candied eggs. Here I use sterile eggs, otherwise they might be a little fishy."

As Luo Quan said, he opened the eggshell with one hand, and the clear egg white and shiny egg yolk slipped into the pot.

"Actually, there is no special technique for this. It is just to grasp the heat and start the pot when the egg yolk inside is half-cooked."

Luo Quan said, and hit another one.

There are nearly ten people in the family. Although not all of them like to eat poached eggs, if one person eats two, at least fourteen or five are enough.

Just cooking one pot is definitely not enough.

"She seems to really plan to teach us?"

"I don't know how to cook poached eggs, but I can still cook fried rice with eggs, but the fried eggs tend to get mushy."

"Then add more oil!"

"Simple and rough enough."

"It's really enjoyable to watch Luo Quan cook breakfast, just like a girlfriend."

"I'm afraid the only woman who is willing to get up and cook breakfast for you now is my mother. Anyway, my girlfriend won't do this."

"Luo Quan! Mom!"

"The whole family is filial to the family."

"Haha, no, no."


The barrage continues to carry forward the true nature of sand sculptures. Luo Quan controls the heat here and scoops up the boiled eggs.

When I picked it up with chopsticks, the orange-red egg juice flowed out.

"See, the candied egg is so simple." Luo Quan sprinkled sugar on it, and did not forget to ask the barrage for credit.

"Brain: OK, I've learned.

Hand: No, you didn't. "

"It's easy to see, and it's useless once you do it."

"There are so many tricks in the Luoquan Club. Yesterday, there were steamed chicken feet, boiled cabbage sum, and barbecued pork buns. I thought I was drinking morning tea in Houjie."

"After all, God of Cooking, the eight major cuisines are all out of the question, and a mere breakfast is still within reach."

"However, it seems that Luo Quan usually seldom recommends those famous hard dishes, they are all home-cooked dishes."

"Yes, can you tell me why?"


Luo Quan was eating the poached eggs he cooked, and when he saw the barrage, he quickly drank the candy: "What is there to doubt?

Those dishes are famous, but they are troublesome to make.

Usually at home, it must be more suitable to cook home-cooked food. You really think that like in TV dramas, the big families are full of delicacies, right? "

"Is not it?"

"I thought that in your family, every meal was steak, foie gras and caviar."

"Wairi, you won't be afraid of getting angry if you eat so well."

"Twice-cooked pork every day, dun dun daughter is red, is this a human life?"

"Haha, for ordinary people, this is considered a fairy day."


Seeing Danmaku's misunderstanding of these things, Luo Quan also smiled: "I don't know about others, anyway, those in my family are not that picky about food.

My younger brother's favorite food is junk food, fried chicken, barbecue, burgers, chicken tacos, he can eat a lot in one meal.

However, he eats a lot and exercises a lot, so he is not particularly fat, but in our Huaxia view, such a diet is absolutely unhealthy.

And my parents usually either eat my stir-fried dishes, or American fast food restaurants deal with them. How can there be a steak and foie gras. "

"I didn't expect Leon to be so down-to-earth, I love it."

"Love? He has a girlfriend."

"Don't be so stuck in gender."

"Scheming 0, huh?"

"But looking at Leon's face, I feel that it will be a pain."



When Luo Quan saw the speculation in the barrage, he almost didn't laugh off Da Ya: "If Leon sees you, he will probably wash your face with American swear words and rap.

He is quite a big man, especially he can't accept others saying that he is 0.

Besides, in the Forrest Gump class, I remember that he took off his clothes. Isn't that muscle enough to explain everything? "

"Understood, philosophy boss."

"The Muji ghost step is ringing again today, and the big tree is growing.

However, the king has gone with the wind, and there is no Gensokyo in the world. "

"You're full of jingle, you want to take the postgraduate entrance examination?"

"One thing to say, Leon's muscles are indeed one of the best in the world. They are well-defined and in good shape."

"Best pork tenderloin ever."

"Brother, I was drinking soy milk, and I saw you spit it out of your nose."

"God Tm pork tenderloin, it's a mermaid thread, okay?"


Luo Quan is really convinced of the funny ability of sand sculpture netizens, as long as he starts, he can't stop.

Smiling and shaking her head, she continued to concentrate on preparing breakfast.

Ten minutes later, the poached eggs, milk, and fried dough sticks were all out of the oven. Luo Quan brought the food to the dining table and picked up the walkie-talkie: "Get up quickly, come down for breakfast."

After speaking, he explained to the bullet screen: "The family is relatively large and there are many people, so I can only use the walkie-talkie. This is not pretending, it is purely for convenience."

"It's the first time I saw a walkie-talkie at home, how old is it?"

"It's more than 1000 square meters, about the size of three basketball courts."

"Only the first floor, and the second floor."

"Damn, I immediately understood after saying this, it's a bit outrageous, I don't know how much it costs."

"The house is in Shanghai. Although it is not in the city center, the price is still quite magical, at least hundreds of millions."

"I remember Luo Quan seemed to say that this house cost nothing."

"how is this possible?"

"Cold knowledge, Luo Quan's family is the largest real estate developer in Europe, and one of Tan Palace's investors is the Albert Group."

"So it's my own property, so it's okay."

"I'm envious, I also want to have a grandfather who works in real estate."

"I'm different. I just want to marry Luo Quan. Then I'll have everything."

"Haha, let's dream, there is everything in the dream."


The barrage was in full swing, and Luo Quan was also eating deep-fried dough sticks here.

She did talk about Tan Gong's matter during the live broadcast before, but she didn't expect the fans to have such a good memory.

In the past, she didn't dare to talk about this topic, so as not to make some fans feel uncomfortable.

As for now, it seems that there are not too many worries, because everyone has already laid down, no matter how high the price of the house is, if you don’t buy it, it’s over.

"Speaking of which, my angel investment project has already started, targeting adult entrepreneurs."

Luo Quan took out another mobile phone and showed the relevant content to the fans: "As long as you have a definite and reliable creation plan, but there is a shortage of funds, you can get zero interest from me." loan.

Of course, the premise is that you have to be a poor student, and you have to show the relevant documents of funding you received during your student days when you borrow.

Therefore, students with good family conditions should not come to join in the excitement. In addition, funds are limited, first come, first served. "

"What kind of project is this? It feels like it's here to send money."

"A real angel investor."

"It's a bit outrageous, zero interest is here."

"The total amount is more than 3 million yuan. Each person can apply for 10 to [-] yuan, which is neither too much nor too little. You can start a small business or something."

"Probably pointing out a specific goal to the confused people, and giving back to society's industry."

"Although there are fewer people, it is a good thing to have this kind of heart, and a little makes a lot."

"I think this is what an entrepreneur should look like. Those who develop first will drive the people behind."


Seeing the praise in the barrage, Luo Quan corrected it: "This is not giving money, if you want to get investment, you must have a good student with excellent character and learning, and you must have a specific plan.

I'm not a good-for-nothing boy, and I can't do the business of giving money and welfare.

This project is mainly based on the idea of ​​being able to help a group of people. "

After a pause and a sip of milk, Luo Quan continued: "Actually, what I really want to do is to build a few buildings on a piece of land, and then sell them to young couples at the cost price, so that they will no longer pay for the wedding house. worry.

But I did the math, this is a project worth hundreds of billions of dollars, my savings are still too far behind, I'm afraid it's more than enough for my grandpa to come. "

"Okay, it's pretty good to have this kind of heart."

"There are tens of thousands of Ande Guangsha, sheltering the world's poor people with joy."

"If Luo Quan was in ancient times, he would be a Luo Zimei."

"Haha, Luo Zimei, this name sounds pretty nice."

"I think Luo Taibai is better, after all, his style is quite similar to Shixian's, both are equally crazy."

"No, I think Luo Bao is quite modest."

"The humility of the more talented people is the embodiment of arrogance, because they disdain to show their arrogance on the surface."

"To be honest, Luo Quan really deserves her to be rich if she has such a grand plan, and I hope you can earn so much money to realize this plan."

"I have money, how can I solve my girlfriend's problem?"

"It's hopeless, stay single for the rest of your life."

"Why can't you think about it so much? It's too comfortable to be alone."

"Indeed, I can still see Luo Quan every day."

"Damn it, I don't want to look for it in an instant after you say that!"


Luo Quan looked at the barrage, smiled softly and said nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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