Chapter 723

A few minutes later, the girls who had washed up went downstairs one by one.

Inhale while walking your nose.

Although Luo Quan made ordinary breakfast, but after a night of starvation, even ordinary breakfast smells delicious.

Compared to the sleepy faces of the other girls who hadn't woken up, Shen Xingyu looked much more energetic, and there was no trace of fatigue on his radiant face.

High school is indeed the period when a person is most energetic and in the best state of mind.

Luo Quan thought that when she was in high school, she often didn't feel tired all night long, and she only needed to catch up on the battery and it would be fully charged immediately.

But now, if she was allowed to stay overnight, it would be a kind of torture, and the listless state was estimated to last for three or four days.

So after seeing Shen Xingyu, Luo Quan was quite envious of her vitality.

"Luo Bao, can I steam buns tomorrow morning? I haven't eaten buns for a long time." Wen Xia was chewing on fried dough sticks, but she had already started making arrangements for tomorrow's breakfast.

"It's good to have deep-fried dough sticks, and the steamed stuffed buns. Shall I give you the whole freshly ground soymilk?" Luo Quan curled his lips angrily.

"Alright, alright, alright." Of course Wen Xia was kind.

"You really..." Seeing this, Luo Quan smiled speechlessly.

Although she said she wouldn't make it, she had already started thinking about what kind of stuffed buns she should make for this foodie.

beef?pork?Or a little more sleazy, whole mustard and leek stuffing?

Luo Quan laughed maliciously, but in the end he shook his head and rejected the prank idea.

On the other side, Shen Xingyu had already finished eating the poached eggs in a hurry, with half a deep-fried dough stick still in his mouth, he said vaguely to everyone, "I'm going upstairs to review my homework first."

"Sister is really hardworking."

"It's good to be young, I really want to go back to my high school days."

"Yeah, although studying makes me very nervous, but compared to the current physical and mental exhaustion, I really don't know how much easier it is."

"Thinking about it, that should be the most relaxing time in my life, afternoons, classrooms, female classmates' ponytails, blackboards that haven't been cleaned..."

"Stop talking, tears are coming out."


The sudden emotion caused the entire live broadcast room to fall into a slightly sad atmosphere.

The girls here have already graduated from high school, and some even graduated from college.

But if you want to say which period of time you remember the most, the answers are basically the same.

But the past cannot be traced back, no matter how good the past was, it has passed after all.

"Once a person starts to think about the past frequently, it means that he is extremely dissatisfied with the status quo, that is, life is not good now." Luo Quan looked at the barrage and said softly.

"Yes, yes, it's really not very good."

"It's okay, can it be reopened?"

"Don't have such an idea, there is no hurdle that you can't get over, if there is, come to Luobao's live broadcast room more often."

"Indeed, there are a bunch of sand sculpture brothers here to make you happy."


Mourning seems to be a common situation in the current society, which can be seen from the barrage.

Luo Quan was silent for a while, his voice was slightly louder, and he was reluctant to encourage: "I think, no matter how difficult it is, we still have to think in a better direction.

Although I can't help you too much, at least I can still sing. "

"So, are you planning to release a new album?"

"If you want to be like this, then I won't be sleepy."

"Understood, if you want to listen to new songs in the future, it's over for the big guy to get fat."

"Haha, there is another way."


"That's not what I mean." Luo Quan smiled helplessly, "It's just out of feeling, I don't think I have so much inspiration for a big album, let's just make a mini-album.

It just happened to be the college entrance examination, which can be regarded as a cheer for the students. "

"To be reasonable, your song Chasing Dreams is pretty good."

"Indeed, this song is used as the BGM in every swearing-in meeting held now."

"Actually, I'm a little tired of hearing it."


"Tired of listening to it?" Luo Quan suddenly laughed, "If you don't change the structure and singing of a song, it's really easy to get tired of listening to it.

Anyway, it's not a formal junior college, so this EP of mine is just a refurbishment of old songs. "

"I'll wipe it, the waste oil won't bring you back to the pot like this."

"Isn't that too easy?"

"As expected of a lazy god, he really has two brushes."


There was a lot of complaints in the bullet screen, and Luo Quan quickly explained: "Don't worry, everyone, this time it is definitely a brand new version, and the singing style is very different from the previous one.

Believe me, it will definitely make everyone's blood boil. "

With that said, she got up and walked to the recording studio.

No matter where Luo Quan lives, there must be a recording studio at home.

As a singer, being able to record songs and make music anytime and anywhere is a must.

Ordinary houses do not have a dedicated recording room, so Luo Quan spent some extra money and remodeled the library.

Anyway, before Shen Xingyu came chasing after him, no one read the few pages at home, it would be better to make the most of everything than to leave it empty.

Fans followed the camera, went upstairs and walked through the long corridor.

Everyone lamented that the house is really big, but they were also shocked by the complex terrain. They wondered if these twists and turns would really not get lost?
Before everyone could think clearly, Luo Quan had already led everyone into the recording studio.

"This is the recording studio. Many of my songs are produced here. Now I will make a remake of "Dream Chasing Heart" for everyone."

Then, start the computer and start making the accompaniment of the song.

Her first version of "Chasing Dreams" is also high-pitched, but it is more professional in comparison, and there is no broken sound.

But the mood is much worse. After all, it is an early work. At that time, she didn't even have a soul in singing.

In fact, not only this song, but also many other early works can be remade, but she sang very little of this song, so the new experience brought by the reset will be even greater.

The accompaniment does not need to be greatly modified, and it will enter the countdown playback stage after it is done.

He gestured ok to the camera. Although he didn't speak, the fans in the live broadcast room knew that Luo Quan was about to start recording.

Speaking of which, this is the first time everyone has seen Luo Quan making music.

I have heard that Luo Quan makes music before, and the recording is basically done overnight. She is known as a walking CD player. I don't know if she can really be so perfect.

But soon, fans knew that this rumor was not just a rumor.

After the brief prelude, Luo Quan stood at the microphone and opened his lips with a smile:

"Where is the world full of flowers

If it exists then I will definitely go

I want the tallest mountain to stand there
Don't care if it's a cliff face..."

As soon as this song opened, it brought a completely different experience from all her previous songs.

Luo Quan's voice was once praised by professionals as a human piano.

It means that the bass is mellow and crisp, and the treble is thick and vigorous. No matter which range, she can perfectly control it, and the sound quality is very good. It will not make people feel harsh, but only enjoy it.

But the song has a husky, crackling edge to it from the very first word.

Moreover, Luo Quan's articulation of the lyrics has become completely amateurish, and each word has a long tail, which seems very cumbersome.

"What's wrong? Is it turned up?"

"With Luo Bao's strength, it shouldn't be. Could it be that he hasn't sung for too long and is unfamiliar with it?"

"Female singers will lose their voices when they use their voices too much, but Luo Bao is so young, so it's not possible for her to lose her voice so early."

"It's hard to say. Almost all of Luo Bao's songs are of high difficulty. There are no stars whose songs are all of this difficulty. It's like trying my best to challenge the limit of my voice."

"Don't scare me."


In the midst of the worried discussion in the barrage, Luo Quan continued to sing with this half-broken gong voice:
"Maybe I'm not talented
but i have the innocence of dreams

I'm going to prove with my life

maybe my hands are stupid

But I would like to keep searching

Give all your youth without regrets

Now the fans know that Luo Quan sang like this on purpose.

If the sound is broken, with her personality of pursuing perfection, she will definitely stop and re-record, let alone this is still in the case of a live broadcast.

And as the singing progressed, the style of the whole song gradually became three-dimensional.

The sound line on the edge of the broken sound actually made them feel that it had a special charm.

Especially after being injected with emotion by Luo Quan, combined with the lyrics, the audience felt oppressed.

Oppressed by fate, belittled by others.

It seems that nothing can be done well, and nothing can be done.

After working hard for a long time, nothing was achieved in the end.

Am I a useless person?

The fans who listened to Luo Quan's singing gradually asked themselves this question in their hearts.

Should I really keep fighting?What's the use of trying harder?Not yet a failure.

Pessimistic thoughts gradually arise and quickly occupy the whole mind.

But at this moment, Luo Quan's voice suddenly rose from "No Regrets".

"Run forward to meet cold eyes and jeers

How can you feel the vastness of life without going through hardships?
Fate can't make us kneel and beg for mercy
Even if the blood is all over the arms! "

In the chorus part, Luo Quan once again demonstrated his tyrannical strength as the queen of treble.

Her singing voice was as loud and clear as ever.

And because of this half-broken voice, it brings the audience a sense of pleasure that is suppressed to the limit and then fully released.

That is an uncompromising cry to fate, and it is a roar to all those who look down on themselves.

It is a battle song to rekindle hope, and a roar to move forward.

Some people may think that this is impotent rage, but I want to use this method to express, to demonstrate, and to make up my mind for myself.

As the Chinese literary master said: "If you don't explode in silence, you die in silence."

No one wants to die in such obscurity.

So breaking out is the only way, everyone has no choice!

Before they knew it, fans found themselves in tears.

The kind of blood that filled their entire chest brought them an unparalleled touch.

No matter how lost you are, how disappointed you are with life.

At this time, the hope of moving on was more or less picked up.

Maybe Luoquan can't help everyone, but just like the song sings: "But I am willing to keep exploring and give all my youth without regret."

Everything she wanted to say was in the song.

Let's run young people, while we are still young, we can still fight, while we have not been completely smoothed by life, while reality and pressure have not knocked us down.

If you don't fight now, you will have no chance in the future.

"Instead of lingering! Cruel! Breathing! It's better to burn to your heart's content——"

Here is the song, reaching its final climax.

Luo Quan paused word by word, stared at the camera, stretched out his hand and clenched his fist, and sang loudly with the greatest enthusiasm and hope in his heart.

In just a few minutes, all the listeners in the live broadcast room were completely shocked.

Not only because of Luo Quan's extremely contagious singing voice, but also because of the touch brought by the lyrics of this song.

In such a burning atmosphere, even the heart wrapped in solid ice will start to melt from the inside out.

Luo Quan really fulfilled her promise just now, which is to bring encouragement to everyone.

And this song is indeed completely different from what she has sung before.

That unique voice is really memorable.

It feels like an ordinary Biao Tiaoyin, with no skills, no singing skills, it's all about emotions, and it's all about pulling your throat hard.

But this way of singing is also the most immersive.

Because the vast majority of people in this world can't sing, and the high notes are basically half-broken.

"Besides awesome, I don't know what to say."

"After listening to Luo Quan's song, let's all do our best, and don't make the goals too difficult all at once. Start by eating less junk food every day."

"Haha, my heart was full of enthusiasm, but when I heard this, I immediately gave up."

"It's really hard to lose weight. (laughing and crying)"

"Anyway, Luo Quan's song is really passionate, and the Chinese support song is one of the best."

"It's the third year of high school soon, I hope it can be released quickly so that I can show it to the students."

"Teacher, why don't you just use it as a class song, sing it once a week, and just use it as chicken blood."

"Let's forget about the math teacher's words. If you don't know math, you really don't know how to do it, and you can't beat ten catties of chicken blood."

"Haha, I'm embarrassed now."


The barrage was discussing with great enthusiasm, and Luo Quan also saved the song here, and then released it on Penguin Music.

Because it was fried rice, although the speculation was very successful, Luo Quan had no plan to charge fans for it.

Although the album that this song was on at the beginning did not perform particularly well, it didn't sell much money.

But she is not short of this little money now, so she directly donates it to everyone for free.

Of course, considering that this song is expected to be applied to many occasions after it becomes popular, the copyright fee must not be completely free.

However, if it is used in schools for inspirational use by students, there is still no charge.

For the specific details, she will have to explain a little under the song later.

(End of this chapter)

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