Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 724 Vacation Travel Plan

Chapter 724 Vacation Travel Plan
It was the college entrance examination season, and after the remake of "Dream Chaser" was released, it rushed to the top of the hot list that night, and occupied the second place in the hot search at the same time.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the media also used this song as bgm, and began to make support videos for candidates from all over the country, cheering for the college entrance examination for a long time.

At the strong request of fans, Luoquan also recorded a vlog to cheer up the candidates and sent it to station B:
"Hello high school seniors who are about to take the college entrance examination, this is an important moment in your life, I hope you can perform stably and achieve excellent results.

Finally, here is also wishing everyone can be admitted to their ideal university! "

The video is actually very simple and ordinary, but everyone's ridicule in the comment area made everyone laugh:
"With the blessing of you, the koi in the world, my master has passed the college entrance examination this time!"

"I only got 420 in the three-model exam, but my dream is Tsinghua University. Do you think I have hope?"

"In theory, there are still, for example, you can have a talent like Luo Quan."

"I am envious of those who can still take the 420 exam. I have already started to choose which college major has better employment prospects."

"What's so bad about college? College people, college souls, college students are all masters!"

"Haha, you still have a hand in making fun while suffering."


Although everyone in the comment section wants to join 985211, according to the online survey, less than [-]% of Chinese netizens have a bachelor's degree or above.

Quite a few enter the society without finishing high school. Relatively speaking, a junior college can be regarded as a relatively good education.

So, really don't look down on junior college, because many people who speak on the Internet may have graduated from junior high school.

Of course, Luo Quan always feels that a person's success is not entirely related to his academic qualifications.

Although now those successful bigwigs all have high academic qualifications.

But it doesn't mean that people with low education will not be able to live a good life, as long as they work hard, there will always be a day when they will stand out...

The above are all what Luo Quan is going to say to comfort everyone in the second half of the college entrance examination cheering vlog.

But after thinking about it, she couldn't even convince herself of this thing, and it was a bit irresponsible to use it to fool high school students.

In any case, for students with average family conditions, reading is the best, and it may be the only way out.

Therefore, learn as much as you can, even if you take an undergraduate degree, it is better than nothing.

I don't know why, but when it comes to studying, she will automatically become bitter and bitter, and it may be because she didn't study well in her previous life.

After lunch at noon, Shen Xingyu chatted with everyone on the sofa in the living room, planning to take a nap later.

Wen Xia had just finished washing the dishes, and while wiping her hands, she asked Luo Quan: "Luo Bao, do we have any travel plans this year?"

Every summer, Luo Quan and her sisters go to the beach for summer vacation. Last year they were in Hawaii, and the year before last they were in Maldives. The vacations are about ten days.

Every time I go on vacation, it is one of the most relaxing times of the year. I don’t have to think about anything about work, just enjoy it and get it done.

This year, although the time has not yet come, Wen Xia has already begun to look forward to it.

"Vacation?" Luo Quan took out his mobile phone and searched for the resort.

I've been to the two most famous ones, and it's pointless to go again.

"Why don't you stay in China?" Luo Quan raised his head when he saw Haizhou Island and suggested, "The scenery there is actually quite good, and there is no language barrier, and there are many things to play."

Su Yu stretched his legs: "It doesn't matter, as long as you can take a comfortable vacation."

"Haizhou Island is great. I heard that there is a performance of tearing durians by hand. I have long wanted to see it." Ivy said quite excitedly.

Su Yu was stunned: "Where did you see the durian split by hand? Why didn't I know?"

"Then if everyone has no objections, let's make a decision like this. While it's still early, prepare your own clothes." Luo Quan saw that the girls did not object, so he was going to see if there were any vacancies in the hotel in July.

"Sister Luo Quan, should I prepare too?" Shen Xingyu raised his hand weakly and asked timidly.

Luo Quan smiled: "Of course I have to prepare, how could I leave you behind, it must be everyone who is going on vacation together.

"That's good." Shen Xingyu nodded, and asked curiously at the same time: "Then everyone should wear the swimsuit?"

"When you go to the beach, you must wear it." Wen Xia sat next to Shen Xingyu and hugged her: "This time, the biggest benefit is the boss. When the time comes, bring a camera and take more photos."

"I know this, I've seen Sister Luo Quan's swimsuit photos." As soon as we talked about this, Shen Xingyu didn't feel sleepy at all, his eyes were shining brightly.

"Lei Lei Leu." Su Yu shook his finger, "Those portraits and admiring the boss's figure up close are two completely different experiences."

Although she hasn't been to the beach with everyone, she has also soaked in hot springs together.

I don't know if the water temperature is too hot, and the nose bleeds after soaking.

Of course, Su Yu himself knew quite well why.

Although she hadn't surfed the waves at the beach, she had seen rough waves.

"Take it easy, don't teach the children badly." Luo Quan smiled helplessly when he heard that everyone was speaking so imprudently.

"Sister Xingyu is 17 years old, and the Internet is so developed now, why don't you understand?" Wen Xia glanced at Luo Quan contemptuously, "You say old antique, and you think everyone is old antique?

Isn't that right, sister Xingyu? "

"This..." Shen Xingyu's face flushed slightly, and it was hard to admit it.

Although young people do know a lot nowadays, it is really difficult for a girl to admit that she is an old driver.

In addition, Shen Xingyu has a relatively thin skin.

Fortunately, there were girls in the room, so she could still hold back, otherwise she would have just run away with her face covered.

"Okay, why talk about this matter on the table." Luo Quan smiled and gave Wen Xia a blank look, "In short, you should prepare the swimsuit yourself when the time comes, and it's best to be conservative, after all, you are not yet eighteen. .

When you are eighteen, you can wear as sexy as you want as long as it is not illegal. "

"I see." Shen Xingyu blushed and nodded.

"By the way, do I want to shoot another photobook this time?" Luo Quan said while flipping through the first photobook he shot in the Maldives.

That was almost two years ago in the old Huangli. At that time, her figure was not as perfect as it is now.

Although fans have been urging her to GKD, do it again.

But she has been dragging it on the grounds of trouble and lack of time.

Didn't say no to shoot, but also didn't say when to shoot.

Just like a concert, anyway, it's to catch everyone's appetite.

But now that the first concert has already been held, does this swimsuit photoshoot need to be updated again?
Luo Quan actually had no idea in mind.

The main reason is that it is difficult to produce too many new ideas after shooting this thing once.

It's nothing more than sexy.

But she has already taken similar large-scale photos when she was doing charity work before.

Although it is unprecedented, it has caused a wave of imitation from all over the world.

But domestically, it still received some criticism.

After all, she now has the reputation of being an outstanding representative of Chinese youth, and many official media have asked young people to learn from her.

As a result, it was shot on such a large scale. Although the official media did not say anything, the voices of the people have always been there.

Of course, after these voices came out, the majority of netizens and fans also helped Luo Quan to fight back violently, calling these people meddling in their own business.

Although it was just and strict, Luo Quan still understood what was going on in his heart.

Therefore, under the entanglement, Luo Quan also wanted to ask Wen Xia and the others for their opinions.

"Shoot, why not?" Wen Xia was not polite at all.

In the past two years of Girls' Generation, they have also shot some masculine MVs, including beach themes and swimming pool themes.

Female idols, there are always some hurdles that cannot be escaped.

But compared with South Korea, their standards are still in place, and the members have to let go. They don't have any other ideas about this kind of thing, and even think that this is a great opportunity to show their charm, figure, and beauty.

Now faced with the boss asking such a question, Wen Xia Junzi Yun'er of course agreed with it.

"I thought you are so international, you should be very open about this matter, right?"

"It's not that I can't see it." Hearing Wen Xia's question, Luo Quan shook his head.

After returning from Hawaii, she has let go, and there is no such thing as embarrassment.

"What I think is that similar photo shoots have already been taken, and it feels like there is no breakthrough in taking another photo shoot.

But if you want to give more meaning, it is not easy to find the angle. "

"Is there anything to give." Wen Xia spread her hands, with an open-minded face: "If you want to shoot, I will shoot it, why bother so much.

The old lady has a hot body, and she just wanted to take a picture of her most beautiful appearance, so that she can reminisce about it when she gets older.

As for posting on the Internet, as an artist, I have this experience, so there should be nothing to criticize, right? "

"That's true." Luo Quan nodded thoughtfully.

Thinking about his previous style of handling things, he was indeed a little tired, and he was really not as free and easy as Wen Xia.

"I'll contact the photographer when the time comes, and I'll take a photo with the artistes of the company!" Finally, Luo Quan made a decision and settled the matter.

"What about me? Do I want to shoot too?" Shen Xingyu asked a little shyly.

Luo Quan smiled slightly: "You can take pictures if you want, but you can only keep them for your own collection, and you must not send them out."

Wen Xia was speechless: "Nonsense, the company disappeared immediately after this was sent out."

Everyone laughed.

It can be seen that Shen Xingyu still hasn't integrated into this big family, will he ask me about everything?

Apparently a lack of confidence in his own identity.

But social phobia is like this, get along with it for a while, and after you get familiar with it, you won't have this problem.

As for the plan to travel to Haizhou Island this time, Luo Quan does not plan to tell fans yet.

If those lsps found out, they would definitely urge her to go on vacation in the live broadcast room all day long.

In the past, she was asked to work, but now it must be the other way around.

For the sake of the cleanliness of the live broadcast room, and also as a sudden surprise for them, she decided to notify later.

The college entrance examination is approaching, and the second volume of Luo Quan's inspirational song has also been released.

This time it's not fried rice, but new songs.

""Stubborn" is released!" (Original singer: Mayday)
This is today's hot topic on Weibo. For a while now, Luo Quan has been broadcasting live at home, not getting involved in the excitement of the entertainment industry. Songs are her only interest.

The previous "Dream Chaser" just swept the major music charts, so that the short video platform is full of its mixed cuts.

Although the song is nice, the appearance of this high frequency is quite easy to ruin the song. Simply put, it makes people feel bored.

But Luo Quan's songs don't seem to have this kind of trouble, because she innovates too fast.

A song won't be popular for a few days, and then a new song is released, and then the second song takes the baton and continues to be popular.

"Stubborn" is like this, and it has completed the handover with "Dream Pursuit".

Compared with the former, the stubbornness is not so burning, it seems more tender, and the lyrics are more encouraging and sunny.

In addition, the melody is actually better in terms of melody, which means that you can't stop after listening to it once, and it makes people catchy.

The most important point is that this song is easier to sing than "Chasing Dreams".

Although the way of shouting at the top of your throat is inspiring, it is estimated that your throat will hurt for three days once you sing, and the cooling time is too long.

And "Stubborn" is more close to the people, except for the ending, there is no particularly high pitch.

So after the song was released, many classes changed their class songs overnight.

This incident was even considered interesting by some students and posted on station B.

Then netizens ridiculed Luo Quan and asked her if she had songs with a lower difficulty.

Of course there are, but Luo Quan posted a dynamic: "But I will sing it to everyone after the college entrance examination is over. It can be regarded as an end to everyone's high school years."

Speaking like this, it always feels a bit heavy, so I guess the song is not the inspirational one.

But mini-albums are like this, not as holistic as a full-length album.

Rather than being inspirational, it is better to say it is a song sung to the students.

And Luo Quan really thought so.

The last song of the mini album is "You at the Same Table".

In the previous life, it was considered a song on the bad street, and it moved countless people.

When she was in college in China, she actually had many opportunities to sing this song.

Even when she was doing her graduation project, she thought about whether to use this song to sensationalize.

But after thinking about it, I think it's okay.

I have been studying for a year, but my emotions have not been brewed in place, and the time to contact my classmates is pitiful, who can be stirred up?
But if you sing at this time, it will be different.

The end of the college entrance examination is a day of liberation and a day of parting.

All emotions will explode at this last moment of meeting.

Because if you don't speak some words, maybe you will never have a chance in this life, even if you know you will be rejected, you still have to speak.

Therefore, Luo Quan felt that this time was the best opportunity for "You at the Same Table" to appear.

(End of this chapter)

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