Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 725 Actor Rating

Chapter 725 Actor Rating
"From today onwards, I have to travel far away. If it is fast, it will take half a month, and if it is slow, it will be about 20 days. You should take care of your home."

Luo Quan and others standing at the door said goodbye to Ai Wei and Shen Xingyu who stayed behind.

The actor rating is about to start, and the test location is in the capital.

Luo Quan, as the teacher of the judges, had to be there in advance to study.

And Wen Xia, Su Yu and the others, as actors, also have to prepare to take the exam.

Ai Wei is a pure singer, and Shen Xingyu hasn't entered the industry yet, so there's no need to go.

"Don't worry boss, you can go with peace of mind." Ivy waved her hand with a smile on her face.

After a two-hour flight, the group arrived at Beijing Airport, and then took a special car to the hotel where they were staying.

As soon as Luo Quan arrived, he received a text message on his mobile phone, saying that all the judges participating in the ratings will organize a dinner party at night, and hope everyone can come.

For this kind of dinner, Luo Quan may be very annoying.

Because, at the dinner party, it is inevitable to meet someone to toast.

If you don't drink a toast, you don't give face.

This kind of wine culture is very popular whether it is among ordinary people or among those big shots. After all, it has a history of thousands of years.

Although she always felt that this was a kind of dross, and tried her best to avoid attending such occasions.

But this time, it seems that it is not easy to avoid.

Just in case, Luo Quan asked if he could bring one or two people with him.

The answer I got was of course yes, everyone took it.

From this point of view, this dinner is probably not only a good opportunity for the big shots in the film and television industry to exchange feelings, but also a good opportunity for them to introduce newcomers to each other.

So, Luo Quan took Wen Xia and Su Yu with him.

Just like the boss, Junko and Yoona didn't like this kind of occasion, so they didn't go there.

At night, outside the Beijing People's Grand Hotel, there are all kinds of luxury cars.

In addition to luxury cars, there are also some very powerful license plates and very ordinary models.

Those who can open these are not the ones who can be summed up by a rich man.

In comparison, the three people from Luoquan who arrived by taxi looked a bit shabby.

But there is no way, their cars are all in Shanghai.

Gathered so many stars, but outside the hotel did not find any reporters or paparazzi holding a camera.

Luo Quan looked at his phone, the dinner was on the second floor of the hotel.

"Hello, welcome."

The two welcoming ladies standing at the door spotted Luo Quan and gestured for him to come in.

The two quickly recognized Luo Quan, with excited expressions, but their professionalism prevented them from directly asking for autographs or group photos.

"Oh, isn't this our big beauty Luo Quan?"

At this time, a loud voice came from behind.

Luo Quan looked over and found that it was director Jiang Wen and his wife Li Li.

In director Jiang's movies, his wife can be seen, and it is either the first female or the second female, which leaves a deep impression on people every time.

"What a coincidence, I came late, you are a little later than me." Luo Quan greeted Jiang Wen with a smile.

"Actually, I don't want to come to this game. How many times have those people formed, and every time it's the same people and the same thing, it looks annoying."

Jiang Wen waved his hand, with an impatient expression on his face: "If my wife hadn't persuaded me, I would still be sleeping at home."

Li Li looked at her husband reproachfully: "However, they are all highly respected in the circle, what's the point of walking around more?"

"Respected?" Jiang asked with a chuckle, "Then you really think highly of them."

Luo Quan raised his brows, and thought to himself, does the director know something else?
But it's normal to think about it. In the entertainment industry, there are not many people who are really clean.

"Don't say a few words, don't let those people hear you." Li Li pushed her husband, "You have to get rid of your big mouth!"

Luo Quan chuckled: "Let's go up first. For this meal, I have been hungry until now after eating the plane meal at noon."

Jiang Wen smiled as he walked: "Then you have come to the right place, the Beijing Roast Duck here is a must, even better than Quanjude.

But you, a Chinese chef, shouldn't think it's difficult to make delicious roast duck, right? "

"I know the process, but I haven't done it." Luo Quan shook his head lightly.

"Then you can eat more later." Jiang Wen's hearty laughter filled the entire elevator.

Soon, a group of people walked into the hall where the dinner was held.

Ten groups of people set up nearly twenty tables, and when they entered, everyone was already pushing and changing glasses.

The arrival of Luo Quan and Jiang Wen at the same time attracted the attention of many people.

"Brother Jiang, come here quickly, I have a special seat for you guys." An actor with a mustache and a face shaped like a pig's kidney stood up and waved to everyone.

This is Berlin actor Miao Fan, who also played the third child in Jiang Wen's "Let the Bullets Fly".

Luo Quan still had some impressions of him, but he didn't expect that he was much more handsome offline than he looked online.

To be reasonable, it is really difficult to come up with a handsome guy with this face shape.

"Why? How can he eat when he's not the team leader?" Jiang Wen sat down and looked around, but he didn't find the shiny bald head.

"I was taken to toast, and I was still there just now." Miao Fan was also a little puzzled, and he didn't see anyone in just a while.

"By the way, will someone come over to toast later?" Luo Quan asked softly, "I can't drink alcohol, is it okay to drink fruit juice?"

Jiang asked with a laugh: "Hey, you are a girl who will force you to drink. If you really want to, I will scold him for you later."

Miao Fan also agreed: "It's not a big deal for the lady to drink some fruit juice. The baijiu is so strong, let the men come."

Hearing this, Luo Quan felt a little relieved.

"Then let's eat, there is no one else except us, and the food will be cold if you order later." Jiang Wen has never been a polite person, picked up his chopsticks and stretched towards the squirrel mandarin fish in front of him.

"Sister Li, do you drink red wine or orange juice?" Miao Fan held up red wine in one hand and fresh oranges in the other.

"I drink fruit juice too, I don't like alcohol." Li Li passed the cup over, then turned to look at Jiang and asked, "You should drink less later, don't act like a crazy person, you can't finish drinking. "

"Then I'll be in front of you later, I have to answer it." Jiang Wen smiled helplessly, "Don't worry, I know it well, I will definitely not get drunk this time."

"Yo, they're all here."

At this time, He You who finished the toast also came back.

Luo Quan looked over, and it turned out that Uncle He's head was the brightest in the entertainment circle, almost catching up with the light bulb.

"I also said that you were drunk and vomited in the toilet." Jiang Wen started teasing as soon as they met.

"Where is this?" He You poured liquor directly into the glass, "I won't even vomit if you vomit, don't believe me, let's wait and see today!
Come on, let the men go first, and the ladies are free. "

With that said, everyone raised their glasses and drank it down.

In such a lively occasion, both Wen Xia and Su Yu behaved relatively quietly.

The main reason is that I don't have any acquaintances, and I am more reserved.

In the room, most of them are at the top of the pyramid in the entertainment industry, and any one of them is a first-class actor or well-known entertainer.

Although their traffic on the Internet is definitely much larger than these old seniors, their status is much worse.

Among the three, only Luo Quan was in the same rank as them, even higher than some.

It can only be said that she is worthy of being the boss. I didn't think there was anything wrong with it before, but now that I have encountered such an occasion, I know how powerful she is.

At such a young age, his resume is already more gorgeous than many seniors who have worked hard for many years.

If this is a few years later, will it still be okay?
While eating, there was a sudden movement from the next table.

Luo Quan put down the half-eaten roasted duck cake and looked up.

It was director Ma Erma who caused the commotion.

Among the old directors in Huaxia, he is the most commercialized one, but also the one with the worst reputation.

However, in recent years, after losing a few films in the business district, it seems that it has also transformed into a literary film.

Originally, his big backer was Hua Yi, but after Hua Yi fell down, he was not liquidated, and even lived in peace, which surprised netizens.

At today's banquet, Director Ma was also very active, accompanied by two young and beautiful girls with a slim figure.

"These two girls are both learning to dance.

With so many senior leaders sitting this time, let the little girl dance for everyone to cheer up.

He has won international awards, but we don't usually see him singing. "

Director Ma grinned happily, while the two young girls beside him smiled shyly.

"Do you know those two?"

Luo Quan didn't pay much attention to the domestic entertainment industry, so he turned to Wen Xia.

Wen Xia nodded lightly: "It's not considered to be acquaintances, but they are newcomers who came out recently, and they are quite popular

The one who is taller has worked with Director Ma, and the other has cooperated with Director Zhang. There is no problem with the reputation. "

"If it falls into the hands of those guys, how can the reputation be good?" Jiang asked with a chuckle.

"You don't need to say that." He You also had a good relationship with Director Ma, but after seeing this scene, he didn't know what to do.

At the banquet, let two little girls dance for fun, what's the matter.

Not to mention whether it is something you love or not, with so many seniors present here, if it is spread, it will not be laughed at by many people.

But Ma Er is like this, he likes to make friends with worthwhile people by all means, so he is also called a social butterfly among men.

There is nothing wrong with being both right and left, but you still have to be a bit sloppy, too naked will look a little ugly.

Sure enough, among the actors present, some people couldn't see it immediately.

"You should drink and drink, you should eat vegetables, don't let the little girl help you.

If you really need help, then let's punch, and the loser will go up and sing a song. "

As soon as these words came out, everyone laughed.

The one who said this was Cheng Daoning, an actor with a good reputation in China, and one of the highest-ranking actors in today's dinner.

As soon as he spoke like this, and with the support of several other people, the dancing for fun was over.

Interestingly, Luo Quan took a special look at everyone's expressions afterwards.

Director Ma didn't make any special changes, and continued to drink and toast.

The two young female artists seemed a little sullen.

Wouldn't it be a good thing to be spoiled, so you're depressed?

If that's the case, I don't know if it's a hell joke.

As the drinking session continued, the big guy's face became more and more red.

Those who can come to participate in this drinking party are all old people who have been in the circle for many years. Except for a few who have been sick, the rest of them are quite good at drinking.

After drinking for an hour, there was no mouth left and I was lifted down to rest.

There were even a few huge ones, who started toasting everywhere with wine bottles and glasses.

There are many women here in Luoquan, and they always use fruit juice when they meet toasts.

Fortunately, this time I didn't encounter the disgusting wine culture, and no one had any opinions on their drinking juice.

When the meal was almost over, the person who organized the wine bureau also stood on the stage.

It was Director He, who was also an old acquaintance of Luo Quan.

His face was flushed, obviously he had drunk a lot of wine, but his articulate words were still quite clear: "Everyone, I have already said about the rating of actors just now.

Here, I want to emphasize to everyone that you cannot use any form of back door, and you must be objective and fair.

The future of China's entertainment industry is largely in your hands. "

"Don't worry, He Ju, if there is a problem, I will ask you!"

Director Ma was the first to stand up and issue a military order, with an extremely positive attitude.

"Okay, I feel relieved with your words." He Ju nodded slightly, and continued to drink after stepping off the stage.

Luo Quan scratched his head, feeling a little magical.

It's kind of funny that the future is in the hands of a bunch of drunks.

I hope these seniors can really distinguish between public and private.

After the feast, the three returned to the hotel safely.

The first thing you do when you get back to the hotel is to take a shower.

Although he didn't drink alcohol, he smelled of alcohol, which gave him a headache.

After washing it out, Luo Quan found that this time the liquor bureau was a hot search.

But it's not the hot search on Weibo, but the hot search on some small websites.

Said it was the Capital Hotel, where a group of bigwigs from the entertainment industry gathered.

At the party, Director Ma asked young female artists to dance for the eldest sister, and there were pictures, videos and truth.

Although the picture is a bit blurry and the video sound is very low, you can hear what is being said.

From the perspective, it seems to be in the direction of the second table.

It is estimated that someone who was drinking at that time recorded it and accidentally posted it on the Internet.

As soon as this incident happened, discussions on those small websites were in full swing, and all kinds of words came out.

But there is no trace of popularity on Weibo, and Luo Quan can't find it directly.

Now she understood that she must have been pressured by someone.

Sure enough, the entertainment industry in Beijing is still a bit deep.

Drinking alcohol is indeed harmful to health, and accidents will happen while drinking.

Although I have tried my best to suppress the heat, how can the public's lingering voice stop it.

If you don't know, you can do nothing.

Director Ma's good deeds on the spur of the moment are still known all over the Internet.

Under the pressure of public opinion, Director Ma chose to give in, and posted a long article explaining his mental journey at the time, and apologized to the two actresses.

As for the two victims, it was mixed.

(End of this chapter)

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