Chapter 728 Fan Jinzhong Ju ([-])
Obviously, the idea of ​​the little fresh meat broker fell through.

He acted like this, not only did he not get away with it, on the contrary, he directly made the audience scold his mother.

If he is the first to play, then the audience may have a little patience.

After all, the acting skills of the little fresh meats stretch their hips. This is the status quo that everyone knows well.

Empty has a pair of skins, but no strength, but the best resources are still occupied by them.

If it wasn't for Xu Shen, maybe the second person wouldn't have been able to get away with it, and wouldn't have received so much abuse.

But with Xu Shenzhuyu in front, I heard him talk about so many hardships and hardships before.

After seeing the performance of the second little fresh meat, the broad masses were already furious, and immediately started spraying.

"Please pay attention to the order in the examination room. If you have anything to say, it will not be too late to say it after the examination is over."

He You patted the table lightly. Although he was also very angry at this little fresh meat's hip-pull acting, as the chief examiner, he still couldn't be too emotional.

After hearing this, the examination room finally became quiet again.

As for the meaty male artist, although his face was flushed, he still had to bite the bullet and completed both exams.

Although the level is really not enough, at least the psychological quality is still relatively strong, and he didn't just hide his face and walk away.

But then again, with such poor professional ability, you can still be an actor with a shy face, and you really need a strong psychological quality.

The result came out soon, without any suspense, it was unqualified.

Actors have six grades, but as long as there is a grade, no matter how low it is, it means that the acting skills can be seen.

But if it is unqualified, it means that it is not suitable to be an actor at all, or that it has no acting skills.

In this case, after filming, you can only get a group performance salary.

Although he had already guessed the result, the male artist's face turned from red to white.

Many of the fresh meat stars sitting next to him also showed sad expressions.

This may be the first unqualified actor to get an official evaluation, but it definitely won't be the last.

The whole morning passed quickly, and among the 30 actors who took the exam, six failed to pass the acting skills, and more than [-] actors only reached the sixth level.

Xu Shen's Level [-] is the best result among all the candidates so far.

After the exam came to an end, he was also the one who smiled the happiest among all the candidates.

As soon as he walked out, a large group of people came to congratulate him.

Even a few young people wearing peaked caps and vests graciously handed over their business cards, saying that they belonged to a certain economic company, and hoped that Xu Shen could find out.

Compared with when he came, when Xu Shen left, it can be said that everyone's hearts were full of love.

His appearance can't be called handsome, but he is definitely the upper class in the current entertainment industry.

After passing the actor rating, it is no longer possible for those young fresh meat with faces to make money.

And like Xu Shen, a handsome and powerful male artist will be the biggest favorite.

Don't look at the lack of fame right now, maybe it will become popular when it becomes a hot search later.

In the Internet age, this kind of thing is all too common.

Therefore, adhering to the principle of striking first, these agents and scouts all want to win such a potential newcomer.

This scene was seen by Luo Quan, thoughtful.

I had lunch at Jingying's cafeteria.

Several girls are sitting at a table.

Su Yu and Wen Xia have already finished their exams, while Junzi and Yun'er are in the afternoon.

"How was the exam?" Luo Quan asked everyone about the situation while eating.

"We are both third-level actors!" Wen Xia hugged Su Yu cheerfully, smiling so hard that she couldn't close her mouth:
"This time I performed supernormally, and my state is even better than when I was at my best acting.

But I didn't expect that the grading standard would be so strict this time, and it's only a third-level performance, and so far there has been no second-level actor. "

"That's right." Su Yu nodded along, "Seeing that I was only level three, I thought I was a bad actor.

After seeing the results of other people, I realized that it was not me who was poor. "

Luo Quan smiled and nodded: "It's good to have achievements, but don't compare yourself to bad ones, we must aim to break through ourselves.

There will be another assessment next year, and I hope everyone can break through to the second level. "

"Don't worry, we promise to complete the task!" Both Su Yu and Wen Xia made promises with bright smiles.

As for Yuner and Junko, their expressions were more serious.

The main reason is that unlike Wen Xia and Su Yu, the two of them did not come from majors. Although they have been self-study all the time, without teacher guidance and systematic learning, it is too difficult to hone their acting skills.

There is nothing to say about the level of singing and dancing between the two, but their talent in acting is still a bit worse.

However, Luo Quan also gave them a trick, that is, when performing, they can consider incorporating singing and dancing into it.

After all, there are also singing and dancing movies in movies, and the requirements for actors' singing and dancing abilities are very high.

The two can also use this method to make use of their strengths to make up for their shortcomings.

A method is definitely a good method, but whether it can be performed perfectly depends on Junko and Yoona's impromptu performance.

Seeing that the two of them were under so much pressure, Luo Quan patted them on the shoulder: "Don't put such a lot of pressure on yourself, the more you think about it, the more likely you will make mistakes.

Just play to your normal level, and it doesn't matter what the final result is. "

With Luo Quan's reassurance, Junzi and Yun'er also showed a little smile, not as serious as before.

But this kind of nervousness cannot be relieved by just a few words, the key point lies in themselves.

After eating, Luo Quan returned to the classroom.

The afternoon exam will be at 02:30.

It was almost a little bit now, Luo Quan felt troublesome to take the car back to the hotel and take a nap before coming back.

In addition, her mental health is better than those of the elderly in their 50s and 60s, and she doesn't feel sleepy now.

To pass the time, she borrowed a guitar from the music classroom on the second floor and turned on the live broadcast.

As soon as the camera started, a dozen or so students from Jingying entered the examination room.

"Luo Quan, we are all your fans!"

More than a dozen men and women held notebooks and ballpoint pens in their hands. What they wanted to do in their hearts was already written on their faces.

"Then let's take a photo with everyone first."

Luo Quan has never been stingy with fans, so he directly invites everyone to come and take a photo first.

There weren't too many people. After the group photo, Luo Quan took a photo with each fan individually, and signed an autograph after the group photo.

After this was done, Luo Quan turned his attention back to the live broadcast room.

"Just now I met fans taking a group photo, so I didn't look at the camera much." Luo Quan explained and looked at the barrage.

"Luo Bao, are you in Jingying?"

"It must be, I will be a judge today."

"Speaking of which, how is the situation at the scene?"

"Is this kind of question permissible?"

"It should probably be fine, right?"


Facing the fans' curiosity, Luo Quan sighed a long sigh: "It's hard to say, but before the results come out, the actors themselves can reveal it, but I, as a judge, can't say it."

Speaking of this, she was silent for a while, and then said again: "To be honest, the invigilation this morning gave me quite a deep feeling.

I don't know how to say it, but it gave me the inspiration to sing, let's sing a song here, everyone can experience it by themselves. "

Originally, she was going to use this guitar to pass the time, but it just happened to play a show for fans.

As soon as the words fell, Luo Quan's fingers hooked the strings, playing a series of relaxed and playful preludes.

Hearing this pleasant melody, many fans shook their heads and stretched their necks.

Luo Quan's songs are always like this, they can catch the hearts of the audience as soon as they come up, and the more they listen to them, the more emotional they become. (ps. B station searches for Fan Jinzhongju, the original hexagram singer Lingfeng, which can't be found in normal searches, and the most used to filter.

It can be searched directly on NetEase Cloud. )
"The sackcloth on the body covered the tight waist of the trousers

Unknowingly, the sun has climbed to the treetops
The wind that leaks into the empty home carries the neighbor's ridicule

The only old hen is also pinned on the grass..."

The originally quite relaxed atmosphere became heavy with Luo Quan's words.

Many people feel familiar with the content of this lyrics, but they can't remember it for a while.

As for the high school students with relatively good memory, they already knew that the content Luo Quan sang came from "Fan Jinzhongju" in the Chinese textbook.

It is indeed a bit ironic to sing this song when the college entrance examination is approaching.

But Luo Quan also said before she sang that she posted it because of today's actor rating test, and it has nothing to do with other things, so the audience should not think about it.

However, when Luo Quan's lazy singing continued, everyone had a new experience.

"The whole world is like a pyramid, enveloping us
Somebody's on top and I'm just the feed

A scholar who is gradually entering sixty years, he keeps climbing for half a year

Gradually exhausted, I fell down on the side of the road, with five-flowered horses on my back, and some people felt emotional..."

Luo Quan raised the corner of his mouth, his tone contained disdain, but the lyrics seemed quite miserable.

But this kind of misery has caused many audiences to have an extremely strong sense of déjà vu, as if it happened to them or to themselves.

Therefore, listening to the ears, it is so shocking, it makes the hair stand on end.

However, this is just the beginning.

"If this is the fate of the common people, I will have a boundless realm
But the luck of not being able to find a foothold to settle down..."

Luo Quan spoke quickly, and this string of maddeningly sad lyrics that made people gasp could not help but reach the audience's ears clearly.

The cadence is up and down, and it weighs a thousand catties.

The heavy pressure on their hearts made everyone frown involuntarily.

At first they thought it was a piece of music with a relaxing melody, but they didn't expect that under the relaxing melody, there were such pungent and heavy lyrics.

It is clearly referring to Fan Jin, but everyone feels that they have found their own shadow in it.

Especially this sentence, it's so word-for-word, people can't help but be overwhelmed!
"I am Fan Jin who won the Juren

You see how happy I should be
I'm Fan Jin who's crazy
My life has turned around

For the first refrain, Luo Quan sang in a low voice, so gentle.

The second time the chorus, it suddenly became sharper, as if he had lost his mind, just like Fan Jin in Zhongju, and he seemed so crazy.

This is probably the difference between ideal and reality.

Through two completely different treatments, Luo Quan outlines dreams and reality to the audience.

At the end of the song, the dense barrage has become much sparser.

Different from the sadness and pain when listening to "Doing with Heart", listening to "Fan Jinzhongju" is a kind of deep powerlessness and depression.

That is, you clearly know who is singing in the song, but you don't know how to change it at all.

After singing the song, Luo Quan gently plucked the strings, and the fans in the live broadcast room finally started talking:

"I never expected that this song would be so heavy."

"Realistic themes have always been like this, and Luo Quan's lyrics have improved again."

"Didn't you say you don't like sad works? Why does this song sound so heavy (laughing and crying)"

"Although it sounds good, it's really uncomfortable. It's not even painful and happy, it's just sulking."

"It can't be said that, as a responsible singer, you can't just sing guava love songs about male and female love, this kind of theme should also be involved.

On a larger scale, this is called literati style. "

"The song is definitely a good song, but it doesn't feel popular."


There was a lot of debate in the barrage, and Luo Quan said: "Everyone, don't think of me as great, in fact, I just sang it out of some insights from what I saw and heard just now.

Although the lyrics of this song are full of accusations and dissatisfaction, I also want to tell everyone that as long as you work hard and strive for the first thing, you still have a chance of success.

And as long as you succeed, you can also get the same treatment as Fan Jin in the song. "

When Luo Quan said these fallacies, he kept scratching his head.

Blindly heavy, not her favorite style.

With the preaching of encouragement and hope, she felt that it might be more effective.

Of course, some smart fans also knew that Luo Quan couldn't help but feel sad to the end.

In fact, many of her previous works were like this, and what she said to everyone during the live broadcast was mainly about motivation.

Just as she has always told the outside world, what she has always liked is comedy, a world full of joy and hope.

But the real world is definitely not so beautiful, and the injustice in reality is almost everywhere.

Everyone understands this.

Everyone also understands that they are powerless to change the status quo.

But at least there is a star like Luo Quan who is willing to sing about this phenomenon.

After singing, everyone will be encouraged.

At this moment, fans finally understood Luo Quan's gentleness.

Many fans of her are relatively late, and they don't understand why Luo Quan is said to be "Assassi", who is obviously so manly and fierce.

Now, everyone understands.

(End of this chapter)

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