Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 729 Love Begins With Confession

Chapter 729 Love Begins With Confession
"How do you evaluate Luoquan's new song "Fan Jinzhong Ju"?"

Nothing major happened recently, Luo Quan's new song was released, and it naturally became the number one hot search.

"Without a doubt, this is the best satirical music in recent years. The lyrics are pungent and deep, and while taking into account Fan Jinzhongju's story, it also reflects reality.

Of course, this has something to do with the original text being a satirical novel.

What's interesting is that after so many years, the set in the book is still applicable now, which makes people laugh and cry.

In addition, the melody of the song is brisk and catchy, much more pleasing to the ear than ordinary satirical songs, and you can basically sing along after listening to half a song.

However, I feel that this song may be more difficult. "

"Luoquan's music creation is very diverse. In addition to the common types of love, family affection, and friendship, it also includes anti-war, reflection on human nature, and social reality.

There are very few singers with humanistic care like this.

So many people say that Luo Quan can only sing guava love songs, which in my opinion is a great belittling of her.

Although her most popular songs are indeed love songs, it does not mean that she only has these works.

Although she is young, she is great in every sense of the word.

I hope she can carry on her greatness and let the world see what kind of achievements she can make. "


The two highlighted answers can be said to exaggerate Luo Quan.

This noon, Luo Quan has also been happily spending time in the rainbow farts of the fans in the live broadcast room.

After the lunch break, the grueling exam continued.

Dealing with thousands of good and bad actors in ten days is really not a good job.

But in her position, she must be responsible to the end.

So even though the performances of many actors are really eye-catching, you still have to watch it patiently.

Fortunately, this tormenting situation lasted for less than a week, and it was finally alleviated.

There are a lot of fake meat in performing arts troupes, and there are also many good actors with acting skills who have been buried.

Before, they had no traffic and no exposure.

This rating test gave these people a chance to stand out, and each of them worked hard, almost all of them performed at a super level.

Poor acting skills will make people feel like sitting on pins and needles, while good acting skills will make people integrate into the performance and generate empathy.

This kind of experience has always been enjoyed by practitioners.

Especially the judges here, all of them are big names in the industry.

Seeing those little-known but powerful juniors, I finally have some expectations for the future of China's film and television industry.

There are also many bosses and talent scouts who run artist companies, and they all set their sights on these potential stocks, and they rushed to communicate after the exam.

I believe it won't be long before these potential stocks will usher in the time to shine on the screen.

Also the owner of an entertainment company, Luo Quan didn't do much during the exam.

The age of these potential stocks is a little bit older by her standards, generally over 25, and their appearance is also slightly worse.

Although she is not a party of appearance, the corporate culture cannot be lost.

If she really finds an ordinary-looking artist to come in, some ridicule on the Internet may also be a kind of pressure on her.

However, it is not so easy to find a young, beautiful and acting artist. Even if there is one, they have already signed contracts with other companies. Where is her turn?

Luoquan has only met one newcomer with Shen Xingyu's qualifications in so many years, so he only picked up such a leak.

The actor rating here is in full swing, and the college entrance examination has been successfully completed on the other side.

For two consecutive days, the fate of tens of millions of young people in the first half of their lives was decided.

How many people were relieved, how many people felt lost, how many people wept with joy, all the scenes in the world were completely uploaded to the Internet through the lens of the reporters, and presented to everyone.

This kind of thing happens every year, but netizens don't feel bored every time they watch it, as if they have a new experience every time.

Or, what they want is not a new experience, but just want to miss their youth.

On the afternoon of June [-]th, Luo Quan released the song he had promised to everyone, namely "You at the Same Table".

Now the fans finally understood why she said the song would be released after the college entrance examination.

Check out the lyrics:
"Who married the sentimental you
who read your diary

who put your long hair up
who made your wedding dress


Isn't this a ballad that sings about the hazy feelings in the student days?
Which boy didn't sit with a girl when he was in school? (I really have to pretend I didn't say it)
Especially in high school, in that era when youth hormones have no place to rest, the atmosphere between each other will always produce some special feelings because they are too close.

Perhaps these feelings ended without a problem, or they might have ended before they even started.

But those beautiful memories are definitely unforgettable.

What is described in "You at the Same Table" may not be experienced by everyone.

But that kind of atmosphere, I believe no one will feel strange.

Although the song seems a little sad, it is completely different experience to people of different ages.

Those who are older, young people in their thirties, when they hear this song, they will immediately hear the past more than ten years ago, and think of her who is married and a woman.

What is left in my heart may be melancholy or regret, or maybe it is just a sigh.

And the students who just finished the college entrance examination, when they heard this song, they felt like they had been beaten with chicken blood.

Young people are always full of vigor. Maybe they concealed their feelings because of shyness before, but after listening to "You at the Same Table", all their enthusiasm turned into the courage to confess.

After all, the picture of the sweetheart married as a wife described in the song is unacceptable just thinking about it.

It would be fine if you confessed your love before and got rejected, but if you haven't put it into action, now may be the only opportunity in this life.

This night, I don’t know how many people complained to “he/she at the same table”, and how many feelings that were only one sentence away finally pierced the window paper.

It is obviously a bitter love song, but it unexpectedly became the source of courage for the majority of students.

Since then, this song has been directly called the Divine Comedy of Confessions at Station B.

Where the BGM sounds, the words "XXX I like you" will inevitably appear.

To be honest, Luo Quan really didn't expect things to develop to this point.

The release of "You at the Same Table" was originally just to remember the lost youth. After all, during the college entrance examination season, this kind of song is the most touching.

As a result, "You at the Same Table" has become a confession song, which is dedicated to providing students with courage.

This is really unintentional.

But in any case, it is a good thing to make fans like it.

As for those confessions that appeared because of this song before graduation, the school and parents were the ones who had a headache, and it had nothing to do with her.

After all, blocking is worse than sparse, and it is normal to have such hazy emotions between adolescent men and women.

Even without the song, sooner or later something else would explode.

Therefore, when there are bad comments on Weibo, such as the news that Luoquan's new song leads to puppy love, she is too lazy to respond.

Heizi wants to blackmail, but he doesn't know the basic law at all, and he doesn't let go if he catches some excuses.

The best way to deal with such people is to ignore them.

Luo Quan has always done a good job in this regard, as long as she doesn't scold her family or slander her reputation, then it doesn't matter.

Luo Quan's current energy is basically focused on actor ratings.

As more and more businesses are processed, everyone's efficiency becomes higher and higher.

At the beginning, there were a hundred candidates, and they had to be busy until after five o'clock in the afternoon.

But now, basically everything can be dealt with in the early four o'clock.

In this case, in fact, it is possible to notify the next candidates to take the exam, and the workload of about 120 is not completed every day.

However, people in the group felt that if all the indicators were completed ahead of schedule, the higher-ups might assign candidates from other groups who hadn't taken the exam, and then they would dismiss them if they could do too much work.

If it is done well, it will naturally win a lot of impression points in front of the leaders.

But everyone in the group has basically achieved success and doesn't have much desire to climb up, so it doesn't matter if they have impressions or not.

In comparison, how to touch fish and make boring and tiring work easier are what they want more.

It is said that Luo Quan likes to fish, but in fact he just doesn't want to leave his comfort zone?

People like to be comfortable, if they can lie down, who would force themselves to stand up?
Therefore, even though the target of [-] points per day has been completed, and there is still more than half an hour before the end of the exam, everyone in the tenth group looked down at the grade book on the grounds of reviewing the results.

In fact, they all played with their phones with their heads down.

It's just that the attention of the reporters was attracted by the candidates with excellent grades, so they didn't notice the small movements of the judges.

During the period when actor ratings were in progress, the trending searches on Weibo were completely dominated by related news.

The general headlines on the hot search are the following categories:
A certain popular star has achieved excellent results, received praise from the judges, and has a bright future.

This kind of fresh meat star who is talented and willing to work hard gets rewarded after giving.

Being famous on the hot search is also part of the reward.

And the other category is a little-known artist who showed amazing acting skills and made the seniors full of praise.

The template for this kind of artist is Xu Shen, who is also a treasured artist among the passers-by. Hurry up and dig out while there are few fans.

As for those traffic stars with rotten grades, they will also be on the hot search, but the popularity will not take long to be pressed.

In order to restore the last bit of image, this kind of black material must be wiped out as much as possible.

But the results are there, and it is impossible to get a sky-high salary in the next year.

And there is no impenetrable wall in the world.

The trending searches are super fast, and someone will always see it.

One spreads ten, ten spreads one hundred, and it won't be long before the whole network knows about it.

The key point is that the lawyer's letter cannot warn me about this matter, because it is a fact that the ratings are bad.

If you sue because someone else told the truth, when the time comes to court, you will still be the one who will lose face.

As for whether these people will realize their shame and then be brave, or completely give up on themselves, it is unknown.

In short, actor ratings can be said to be a magic mirror. Whether it is real materials or embroidered pillows, you will have an answer immediately, and no one can escape.

For those little fresh meats who have already passed the test, their Weibo has not been updated for several days.

Because once it was updated, half of the comment section was asking how he did in the exam, and the other half was just laughing at him for failing the exam. Fans didn't like it very much.

As for those fresh meats that haven't been tested yet, seeing the appearance of their peers, they are also panicked.

There is no escaping the grading exam, and this is like a ticking time bomb that clearly sees the approach of death.

Some people gave up resistance and planned to lie down and let the ridicule go.

And some people are not willing to admit failure like this, and choose to take risks.

Although before the exam started, Optoelectronics made repeated orders not to give gifts in any form, if it happened, it would be dealt with severely.

These fresh meats must not be stupid enough to give gifts by themselves. They have arranged temporary workers to go to the judges' homes and ask their family members to mention them and blow the pillow wind.

For example: Lao He, I heard that there is a young man surnamed Zhao in your group, who is the son of my distant cousin and second aunt.

This kind of situation will definitely happen, and there will definitely be people in the family who can't figure it out.

But these people participating in the judging committee, who can get to this position today, are definitely all good people.

Now that actor ratings are so popular, the whole internet is staring at them.

If something goes wrong, the public opinion will definitely be overwhelming.

When the time comes to send someone to investigate, it will not be as simple as the end of the actor's life, and he may even go to jail!

Therefore, all the judges who heard such words must scold their family members severely, and then return the gifts immediately.

There were a few who were more irritable. After paying off the gift, they even tweeted directly, calling names and calling out their stinking activities.

Since you want to harm me, then I won't show any sympathy.

He kept this bottom line, and the whole network would not blame him, and the person who gave the gift must be criticized by everyone.

Sure enough, several traffic stars who gave gifts to the judges were immediately placed at the top of the hot search list that night.

In this case, no matter how much money is spent, it cannot be suppressed.

This is not something that can be solved with money alone.

"You saw yesterday's hot search, candidates."

In the examination room, He Youyu looked at these young people earnestly: "Don't be discouraged if you haven't passed the exam this year, at worst, come back next year.

But if it crosses the line, then the problem will be serious. At that time, it will not be so easy to make less money and be ridiculed by netizens. "

Uncle He said with a smile, but none of the fresh meat traffickers in the exam could laugh.

Now, all their roads have been completely blocked.

(End of this chapter)

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