Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 730 Before Vacation

Chapter 730 Before Vacation
After crooked methods failed to work, the artists whose professional ability was not up to standard already knew that this time they were doomed.

The smarter one posted on Weibo after the exam to admit his mistakes, and then vowed that he must hone his acting skills in the next year, and he must improve his level so that he can be worthy of fans' love for him

And the stupid ones are still the same as before, relying on the old routine of suppressing popular searches and deleting comments.

But now all the netizens have a strong rebellious mentality, the more you don't let me talk about it, the more I have to mention it.

It was just a matter of ridicule, but if you delete my comment, then I will have to catch you and blackmail you.

The key point is that fans are not easy to wash in this situation, and they directly enter a vicious circle.

As the saying goes, the sun shines fiercely and all things appear. Normally, these traffic stars all market themselves as capable and have acting skills. As a result, when actors really take the exam, their results are all terrible.

During this period of time, the entire network is almost in the midst of a feast of complaints.

There is nothing to complain about in the actor exam itself, but the various phenomena derived from it are really too programmatic, and almost all of them are material.

Half a month has passed, and the actor rating work has come to an end.

Among the ten groups, seven groups have finished their exams, and the remaining three groups still have half a day of work left.

Up to now, there are more than 6000 reference actors, more than 4000 are unqualified, more than 6000 are in the sixth grade, and [-] are in the fifth grade.

These belong to the lowest level of actors' acting skills. Even if they are level five, they can't be said to be professional. It's just that they don't look that good in the show. Ordinary people can reach this level after studying hard for a year and a half.

As for level [-] and unqualified, there is no need to say more, this is basically the requirement for group performances.

Interestingly, in this group, the proportion of traffic stars is the highest. Many of them are third- and fourth-tier stars with millions of fans, and some of them have even acted as men.

With this level of acting skills, he can play the lead actor, can he play it?I can't act, I don't have the ability.

This is also the reason why many big-budget TV dramas have been shot very poorly in recent years.

But in any case, the actor rating test is finally over here.

As for whether it is consummation or not, different people have different opinions.

At least those unqualified actors must be crying without tears.

Because their acting skills are unqualified, although they can still act in the next year, the salary for a movie is only 10,000+.

Considering their previous income, this amount of money is not even enough to plug their teeth. If they don’t pick up a few more movies in a year, they probably won’t even be able to pay off their mortgage.

Originally, in the past period of time, the college entrance examination was the most popular event, and Weibo was full of hot searches around the news about the college entrance examination in various places.

But this year, the hot search has become the college entrance examination and actor ratings, and the number of news on both sides is about the same every day.

Compared with the college entrance examination, netizens actually prefer to watch the jokes of these celebrities.

After working hard for half a month, Luo Quan finally finished all the work at hand and completed the handover.

The rest of the review work has nothing to do with her, it will be arranged by the higher-ups.

However, the final result should not change much.

At the same place, a group of big shots organized another celebration banquet to reward the judges, but this time Luo Quan didn't go, but brought Wen Xia and the others back to Shang Hai.

In this kind of occasion, going once is enough, and without drinking, it doesn't make any sense to go so many times.

However, because Luo Quan didn't go to the banquet, he got the special actor certificate issued by the special country in advance.

With this certificate, the salary can reach the current salary increase, which is 5000 million RMB.

One of the judges participated in the rating work this time, and there was another judge who did not participate, but there were also some whose acting skills were indeed well-known.

Being a super actor is a level, but also an honor. Even if a film is not filmed, you can still enjoy a good allowance.

Although you may not be able to get the maximum salary when filming, the film salary is definitely much higher than before.

After getting the super actor certificate, Luo Quan also posted it on the Internet to show off for the first time, and the fans' responses were relatively consistent, that is, he deserved it.

With her acting skills, it is absolutely no problem to get such a rating, even if she is 15 years behind the second youngest special actor, almost a generation behind.

"Welcome home!"

Shen Xingyu and Ivy stood guard at the door, welcoming the travel-worn group with smiles on their faces.

"Ah, I'm finally busy." Wen Xia sat down on the sofa wearily, not even bothering to take off the backpack on her back.

In the past few days, in order to prepare for the actor's rating, and for a good grade, I have not eaten well or slept well.

When the judges announced her results, she even had the urge to cry.

"It's still not mature enough. When your acting skills get better and better in the future, this kind of exam will be a piece of cake."

Luo Quan slumped on the sofa and pointed Jiang Shan.

Compared to Wen Xia, she was actually the most tired during this period.

After all, I have to be tortured by those little fresh meats who are so embarrassing every day, with their acting skills that are neither crying nor laughing.

You can't change the channel, you can't stop it, you have to watch it all.

This is completely a double torture of body and mind, and the bitterness of it is difficult to express in words.

Fortunately, it's only once a year, and the benefits are not small. Although it can't be reflected at the moment, if there are any movies that need to be reviewed or concerts in the future, even if they can't be done right away, you can get someone to help you explain it twice. In other words, to speed up the progress of some procedures.

"Xingyu, I'm a little busy these days, and I haven't asked you how you did in the college entrance examination?" After Luo Quan returned home, he only cared about Shen Xingyu's grades.

"It's not bad. My own estimate is around 610." Shen Xingyu said a relatively conservative score. In fact, if there is no accident, she thinks that she can pass 635.

But now he is considered a half-artist, and if he blows it out a little bit, if he can't realize it, he will lose his own people, so in the end, he will put it down.

Wen Xia was very satisfied: "610, that's already pretty good. Last year's No. 1 art exam was only over 500 points. You are already at the level of the number one in the art exam."

"Is there such a thing as a champion?" Luo Quan was a little surprised.

Wen Xia explained with a smile: "Marketing, besides, the cultural level of artists is generally not high, and only high school or even junior high school education can be found everywhere.

Do you think they are all sisters in our company, a room full of bullies. "

Speaking of this, all the girls smiled.

In terms of performance, the artists of Quanshui Entertainment are indeed quite good compared to others in the circle.

Just as he was smiling, Luo Quan received a text message on his mobile phone, saying that the swimsuit he bought online had arrived.

Although I bought it last year, after such a long time, my figure has undergone some changes. Naturally, swimsuits, which are close-fitting clothing, also need to be updated according to the changes.

She had already bought her own, and the one that arrived this time was for Shen Xingyu.

Shen Xingyu placed the order and paid, but the delivery address and contact information were from Luoquan.

Soon, the courier was put into the courier box in the lobby by the community, and delivered by a robot.

Now many bars or ktvs with a little higher grade can see guiding robots.

And those with load-bearing capacity can be bought for a little more money. Some of them are fun, and even control the drone to buy breakfast.

A luxurious community like Tangong must not be short of this money.

Of course, the express delivery that can be delivered is limited to some small items, and the large items that weigh tens of catties still have to rely on people.

"Smart society is convenient." Luo Quan received the notice, opened the door and picked up the courier from the transport trolley named robot.

"How many pieces did you buy? It's quite heavy." Luo Quan lifted the box and found that it weighed two or three catties. With the fabric of the swimsuit, there must be more than four or five pieces.

"I just bought four sets." Shen Xingyu was also very puzzled, took out his mobile phone and looked at the quantity he had ordered: "Four sets, the price will not increase if you increase the quantity."

"Open it and see if you don't know."

Wen Xia took out the scissors, scraped off the tape of the box, and took out the clothes inside.

It's not the four sets that Shen Xingyu said, but six sets.

"It seems to be buy two get one free." Wen Xia chuckled and opened a set of black packaging, but when she picked up this set, all the girls were dumbfounded.

"Tsk tsk tsk, so unrestrained."

Su Yu took a sip of tea and grinned.

What Wen Xia was holding in her hand was a QQ swimsuit with very little fabric, which made people blush and heartbeat just by looking at it.

It is basically impossible for this thing to appear on the beach, even private beaches.

Wearing this in broad daylight, few girls can have such a thick skin.

But it is precisely because of shyness and conservativeness that I usually avoid.

Seeing this special swimsuit that has a huge impact on cognition and vision, although the girls blushed, they still stroked and observed carefully.

"I took a look. It was a gift from that store for an event. I didn't pay attention to it at the time." Shen Xingyu's face was as red as a ripe apple, and he didn't dare to look at everyone when he spoke.

"I thought you bought it specially." Wen Xia joked.

"How is it possible! Sister Wen Xia, don't talk nonsense!" Shen Xingyu immediately retorted, but her voice became smaller and smaller.

"Wait, what is this?" Luo Quan picked up a black piece of fabric from the packing bag.

A transparent hollow lace band, about two fingers wide, with an elastic band at the back.

"Could it be on the head?" Luo Quan said, putting on the blindfold curiously, covering the hollowed-out lace in front of his eyes.

"Pfft!" Su Yu, who had just taken a sip of tea, sprayed it out directly, and said with a smile after spraying, "Haha, boss, you are really good at playing."

"You don't really think I don't understand anything, do you?" Luo Quan said, sticking out half of his pink and soft tongue to the corner of his mouth.

Although the eyes cannot be seen, it must be the legendary AH face.

This can be often seen in the previous B station, and the old Two-dimensional is also understood in seconds.

However, she definitely couldn't do this kind of work during the live broadcast.

If you really want to shout about this, the fans may be very excited, but it is estimated that the live broadcast room will not be kept.

However, now that such a hand came suddenly, it also made a group of sisters very excited.

"Damn it, Luo Luo, I never thought that you are still a secretive old Si Ji. Is there such a number?"

Wen Xia took out her mobile phone and asked Luo Quan to do it again.

"How could I let you take it?" Luo Quan pouted, but did not take off the blindfold.

"Please, if you don't take a picture of this and use it as a wallpaper, it's a waste of money!" Wen Xia hugged Luo Quan's arm and shook it violently from side to side.

"Okay, stop shaking, I really can't stand you." Luo Quan was very helpless, and it was really hard to refuse Wen Xia's sincere request.

What's more, the other girls also looked at her with longing eyes.

So, Luo Quan repeated the expression of having his tongue stuck out just now.

In addition, he stretched out his right hand to say yes.

"That's it, hold on."

Wen Xia squatted on the ground, and tapped her fingers violently.

In ten seconds, no less than twenty close-up shots were taken.

"Okay, my tongue is sore."

"Okay, okay." Wen Xia clicked again, finally announcing the end.

After filming, Luo Quan took off the blindfold.

It's not a big deal to wear this to seek freshness and excitement when you feel playful.

And it's just a blindfold, there's nothing wrong with that.

But this swimsuit, no matter how much she likes to play, she can't wear it.

As for this photo, it can be used as a wallpaper, so let’s talk about it after a while.

At present, her fans have not yet reached the point where they can accept photos of this level.

One thing to say, after seeing this photo, she would also feel blushing and heart beating.

It was obviously just a small blindfold, but it was directly linked to the word "imprisonment".

I don't know if she is too sensitive.

But this swimsuit store is also real, buy two get one free for an event, and the gift is such an unscrupulous thing, isn't this teaching the little friends?

But if you think about it carefully, most of the people who buy swimsuits are probably not considered children.

Moreover, the sales of similar products on the three major e-commerce apps are also extremely high.

Only when there is demand can there be sales, which shows that most people actually have this desire.

This in itself is not something to be ashamed of, after all the sages have said: Food and sex are also good.

After putting away the two sets of special swimsuits, Luo Quan asked Shen Xingyu to check the other four sets.

This is meant to be worn to the beach without going too far.

Fortunately, this unreliable store is quite reliable in terms of genuine products. The four sets that Shen Xingyu bought with money are not a problem, they are all conservative and fit, suitable for her age.

As for Luo Quan and Wen Xia, since they were going to shoot a swimsuit blockbuster this time, they naturally focused on showing their figures.

No matter how you explain it, swimwear is meant to be combined with sexy, otherwise why choose this theme?
Of course, there are still some differences compared with foreign ones, and the domestic atmosphere is not as open as the outside world, so just click here.

As for the accompanying photographer, Luo Quan was not looking for outsiders.

The last time I went to the Maldives, it was Lin Zheyuan's senior sister Wang Lan.

So this time I still have to look for her, don't the fat and water go to outsiders.

(End of this chapter)

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