Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 731 Vacation

Chapter 731 Vacation
"Long time no see, Senior Sister Wang... Are you free in the next half month... That's great... Oh, it's the same thing I was looking for you before, that is to travel to Haizhou Island together, and take a photo for us by the way... ...It must be a swimsuit, it's already at the beach... OK, I'll book a ticket for you and leave in three days!"

I called Wang Lan and settled the matter in a few words.

Although I didn't have much communication with this senior Wang Lan, I still sent congratulations during the New Year and the holidays, and the other side also responded, but they all cherish words like gold.

After all, the friendship between gentlemen is as light as water, and she is not particularly good at communication.

"It's settled. If you have anything to deal with, hurry up. We will fly to Haizhou Island in three days!"

Luo Quan stretched out on the sofa, finally he could take a long vacation.

In the evening, the title of Luo Quan's live broadcast changed to "Travel to the beach in three days".

This made the fans who originally wanted to ask about her actor ratings immediately changed the subject:

"finally coming?"

"Beach, swimsuit, yes!"

"Are you going to take a swimsuit photo shoot this time? It's been a long time since I took a photo shoot, so it's time to count the time, right? (狗头)"

"I don't care, even Sapodroll must shoot a set this time, don't force me to kneel down and beg you."


Facing so many requests in the barrage, Luo Quan smiled slightly: "If I say that I don't plan to shoot this time, what will you do?"


"Then there is nothing in this world worthy of my nostalgia."

"People can't, at least they shouldn't be so lazy, just work harder."

"Please make sure to take a set, this is my only thought."


"Haha, it can't be so tragic." Luo Quan waved his hand, "I'm just joking with you, the photographers who took the photos have been found, but this time there will be no physical photo albums, it would be too troublesome .”

"It's okay, as long as it can be photographed, I can also print it out myself."

"Please use 8k image quality, from now on my computer desktop will use all your works this time."

"Will it be broadcast live during filming?"

"That would be double happiness."


Facing the fans' expectations, Luo Quan did not give a definite answer: "It depends on the situation.

After all, photography is such a thing, you can see that the photos are beautiful, but it doesn’t necessarily look like that when you shoot them, it might be weird, so don’t expect too much.

After all, this time is mainly for traveling in the past, and the photo shoot is just incidental. "

Although it didn't fully satisfy the fans' hopes, the photo shoot alone has already satisfied the big guys.

After this set was shot, no matter how much Luo Quan fished in the next few months, no one would say the word "lazy".

Soon, there were related hot searches on Weibo and Zhihu.

"Luoquan Swimsuit Photo Shooting Plan!"

Although it hasn't been released yet, just one plan is enough to attract countless gentlemen to click in.

Of course, when you click in and find that there is nothing, everyone's mood will become complicated.

On the one hand, it is loss, and on the other hand, it is anticipation.

"Damn it, I thought it was already filmed, but it turned out to be nothing but joy."

"It's not empty joy, at least I'm ready to shoot, and I will have a good eye after a while."

"It's definitely a blessing? Why do I think it's a burden on my body? (Dog head)"

"It's okay, buy a few more bottles of Nutrition Express."

"Don't say it like this, we can appreciate it with the eyes of artworks."

"Haha, why don't you be so polite and honest? I'm ashamed to point you out."


Most of the people who spoke on Weibo were male fans, and they made some harmless jokes.

As for Zhihu, under the question of "how to view Luo Quan's upcoming second swimsuit photo shoot", everyone discussed more enthusiastically.

The answer with the first thumbs up is this:
"I looked around and found that the current public opinion environment in Luoquan has really improved.

At least during the first filming, many people said that she relied on such vulgar means to attract attention, and even directly scolded her for being shameless, which made people really angry.

Now this kind of voice is basically gone, it is all expectations and praises.

Of course, this is not because the network environment has improved. I think it’s because Luo Quan’s status has reached the point where the sunspots are almost unstoppable. As long as she doesn’t make mistakes, she is basically invincible.
What is a swimsuit photoshoot?It's not the [-]th century now, and if the scale is a little bigger, it's not impossible to have a whole set like the previous public welfare photo.

So, Luoquan, if you see it, think about it carefully.I believe that everyone will very much agree with your bold ideas. "

This Gao Zan replied, directly amused the big guy:
"Good guy, I thought this was an answer to talk about the change of Luoquan's status, but it turned out to be a poor one."

"It can be said that we have spoken out our hearts. It's a pity that although Luo Quan has switched to a sexy route, he has not yet opened up to that point."

"It's fine now, some things are too much."


The comment area of ​​the first answer is full of work and ridicule, but the second high praise answer is seriously analyzed.

"I think Luo Quan's appearance has indeed made many people in China subconsciously recognize the rationality of swimsuit photos.

After all, it’s common for foreigners to take photos of this thing. Many actresses even go to the party in a vacuum. What’s the point of taking a swimsuit photoshoot?
But in China, this kind is still relatively rare, except in men's clothing, I really can't see similar photos of sexy actresses.

This wave of Luoquan really does not treat the brothers as outsiders. Anyway, the expectation is over, and I hope these photos can give you soul comfort in every lonely night, Amen! "


Whole work is still a sand sculpture. Netizens will do it. Luo Quan couldn't help laughing after watching it.

"Luo Bao, where are you going to travel this time?"

"Won't you go to Hawaii again?"

"Some of the beaches in the US are OK, and the nude beaches in France are also good."

"Celestial beach? You dare to think about it!"

"This one is even more heavyweight."

"Our Luo Bao is not so bold yet. If he really goes, he will probably be banned in China."


The barrage was still chattering, and Luo Quan replied while playing games: "I definitely can't tell everyone about where to travel, if I did, wouldn't it be embarrassing to be surrounded by fans watching?
Besides, this is a tour, not a live broadcast or taking pictures. If possible, I still don't want to be disturbed. "

"Indeed, everyone, don't ask any more questions, just wait quietly for the good news."

Rational fans also began to speak out, and the matter about travel ended here.

Everyone knows that you can see swimsuit photos after a while, and it will be useless to ask further questions.

Luoquan has already booked a ticket to Haizhou Island, and the next two days will be to check various items, such as swimsuits, sunscreen, sunglasses and sun hats.

June is the hottest time in Haizhou Island, with plenty of sunshine, so you need to bring more sunscreen.

She has thick skin, so it doesn't matter to these.

But the other girls have such delicate skin and tender flesh. If they don't take good measures, they will probably turn from white to reddish brown when they come back.

Three days passed quickly, and Luo Quan and his party met Wang Lan at Shanghai Airport.

Following Wang Lan was Li Yuan, an apprentice who went to the Maldives last time.

Two years later, Li Yuan is no longer the rookie at the beginning, but a photographer who can act alone.

However, because of the good relationship between the master and the apprentice, Li Yuan also stayed in Wang Lan's studio after leaving the teacher. When he came out to take pictures this time, he naturally brought her with him.

The flight from Shanghai to Haizhou Island is the most in China, but the flight time is longer than expected, about three hours.

The journey went smoothly this time, without too many delays, and it took only two and a half hours to arrive at Haikou Airport.

As soon as he got off the plane, Luo Quan felt as if he had entered a steamer due to the hot sun hitting his face.

Although the surrounding air conditioners spewed comfortable air, but looking at the sun-baked ground outside, one could tell that the temperature must be very high.

When we got off the plane, the flight attendant had already reminded everyone that the temperature here is hot, and we should pay attention to reduce clothes, but it is estimated that even if we wear short sleeves, it will still be ridiculously hot.

Fortunately, she is from Yuzhou, and she has a lot of resistance to the heat. She will be fine after a little adaptation, and Wen Xia should be similar.

As for the other girls, after they walked out of the airport lobby, they started shouting hot after standing for a while.

After waiting for about 5 minutes, the hotel's dedicated bus arrived.

Luo Quan booked the only Hilton Hotel in Haizhou Island. Speaking of which, she was in New York before, and she had a relationship with the young owner of this hotel, but she didn't think of asking him to get a special VIP card or something.

Therefore, the high hotel expenses are naturally paid in full.

But there is only one downside to expensive things, and that is expensive.

When the bus arrived, three waiters got off immediately, and quickly picked up the girls' luggage.

It was a hot day, and the waiters were still wearing shirts and trousers, and they were sweating so much that they didn't have time to wipe them off.

High-end hotels seem to have a high standard for employees to dress, no matter what the environment must be dressed appropriately.

In comparison, the hotel staff in Hawaii are very casual, with a coconut-print shirt, big-waisted shorts, and a pair of chic flip-flops.

After getting into the car, the cold wind finally let everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

"It can't be done, I've already got the disease that I will die if I don't turn on the air conditioner." Ai Wei pulled down the air conditioner of the bus and pointed it at herself, and then took a big gulp of Nongfu Spring.

"Remember to lift it up later, don't catch a cold." Su Yu reminded Ivy who was afraid of heat.

Speaking of which, it was the first time for both of them to come to the beach to play.

Before coming here, I heard that this place is tropical, with a pleasant climate, suitable for tourism and leisure.

But I didn't expect it to be so hot, probably because there is too much water at the seaside, which makes it sultry?

"It's okay, just get used to it, go to the beach later, no matter how hot the sun is, you will feel cool."

Luo Quan sorted out the various documents in his backpack, and went through the procedures when he arrived at the hotel, and then he could play freely.

Speaking of other hotels in Haizhou Island, there is also a seven-day tour of Haizhou Island.

It is to take tourists around, and then taste various luxurious meals or something.

The most expensive project is [-] yuan per person. Luo Quan watched the promotional video of station B and felt that there was nothing delicious.

It is nothing more than seafood such as big lobsters, fish, and crabs, and the way of eating is quite vigorous, and the inland people may not be used to it.

So I didn't buy this item.

This time, I mainly focused on free exploration. It would be too boring to let others take them all.

After 10 minutes by car, Luo Quan and his party arrived at the Hilton Hotel.

This hotel is built right by the sea, about [-] meters to the east is the public beach, and there is also a shallow bay on the west side of the hotel, some rooms with better location can jump into the sea directly from the bedroom to swim.

However, when Luoquan booked, there were no vacancies for these rooms, so I could only choose the ones closer to the beach.

"Keep your eyes open later, everyone, Luo Bao is going to do magic tricks for us later."

Wen Xia took the room card and laughed mysteriously in the corridor.

"How do you say that?" Su Yu was very curious.

Wen Xia had a smirk on her face: "You guys will find out later, our boss usually hides too deeply."

"What's hidden deep? Let me see!" Ivy also brought her head closer.

Wen Xia chuckled: "Don't worry, you'll see it later."

"You talk too much!" Luo Quan kicked Wen Xia on the buttocks with a jio, "Hurry up and change your clothes, when you were at the beach last time, you were not much better than Princess Taiping, look at your two How many years have grown!"

In terms of Luoquan's capital, everyone here can only be regarded as Princess Taiping.

No way, Asian girls are generally inferior to those in Europe and the United States in this regard.

At times like this, Wen Xia, who likes to be stubborn, doesn't know how to refute.

She had been bickering with Luo Quan since she was a child and basically won, but when she grew up, she found that she had lost a lot, no matter in terms of appearance or figure.

Although she ate papaya and milk for the past two years, she also ate meat as Luo Quan suggested.

It did have some effect, but compared with Luo Quan, it was nothing.

It was time to show off his figure again. Compared with the previous two times, Luo Quan did not have any difficulty in choosing this time.

I chose a blue swimsuit, changed it every three times, and then put sunscreen, sunglasses, sun hats and other supplies into a basket.

I don't start work on the first day in Haizhou Island, and I want to take pictures tomorrow.

What I have to do today is to spend a few hours on the beach first, and then go swimming in the water.

Opening the door, Luo Quan stood in the corridor, waiting for others while playing with his mobile phone.

A few minutes later, when the girls came out of the room, their eyes were all attracted by Luo Quan.

Under the scorching sun, Luo Quan's large area of ​​exposed skin was so dazzlingly white, so majesticly white.

(End of this chapter)

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