Chapter 732
Luo Quan at this time, in the eyes of the women, was as perfect as an ancient Greek sculpture.

On top of the snow-white skin are well-defined muscle curves, but they are not as strong as those who deliberately exercise, but rather soft, full of healthy and youthful breath.

As for the most proud part, it is even more beautiful.

Luo Quan usually wears looser clothes at home, and the weather is cold, so the clothes are thicker, so the girls usually can't find it if they don't pay attention.

Now that the shackles are removed, the visual impact is not to mention how exaggerated.

Although compared with half a year ago, Luoquan has not changed much.

But that time I went to Hawaii with Mia and my sisters, Wen Xia and the others were not together.

Regarding the memory of Luo Quan's figure, they still stayed in the Maldives two years ago.

At that time, compared with now, it was a whole cup smaller, and the difference can be said to be visible to the naked eye.

In the past, girls more or less wanted to show off their bodies, but in front of Luo Quan, these thoughts all turned into inferiority complex.

Luo Quan at this time, even those "angels" who are all-powerful Victoria's Secret Show, are slightly inferior.

Paired with her exquisite and flawless face, it is simply a walking eye-focusing device. Once you take a look, it is difficult to look away.

"How is it? Isn't it good?" Luo Quan spread his hands, showing off a little.

I remember that when she was wearing a swimsuit two years ago, she looked quite cramped in front of the crowd, but now she is calm and composed.

In the past two years, she has grown a lot. The biggest change is that her skin has become thicker, or she has become more open-minded.

"Boss, what did you eat to grow up?" Ivy sighed a little dazzled by the glistening white skin.

This is exactly the voice of the girls, even Shen Xingyu is very curious about it, and even wonders if they can copy it if they figure it out.

Luo Quan shrugged: "What else can I eat? Just firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea. Wen Xia and I almost eat and live together, and she knows best whether or not we have opened a small stove."

Everyone immediately looked at Wen Xia, then shook their heads:
"It's not a scale at all."

"Hello!" Wen Xia jumped anxiously: "What do you mean! I'm not bad, okay?"

It's really not bad, at least by China's standards.

But it depends on who you compare with.

Luo Quan's advantage in this respect is as obvious as her appearance.

The sense of urgency that is ready to come out is really not something everyone can have.

"I know now." Su Yu Youyou sighed: "Boss not only doesn't look like a photo, but even his body doesn't look like a photo. All pictures are subject to the real thing!"

Luo Quan laughed: "Are you saying that I am instant noodles? But the figure is indeed better than when I took the photo last time. The main reason is that I eat a lot of meat. You can try it too, but it must be combined with exercise. .”

All the girls' eyes lit up immediately: "Understood, we will start immediately after we go back!"

After a short delay in the corridor, we headed to the public beach not far away.

When leaving, Luo Quan led the way with his mobile phone in front, and the people behind sighed again.

The most eye-catching S curve for girls, the upper S and lower S can be said to be equally important.

And Luoquan's is upturned like an upside-down peach heart, which is the so-called peach buttocks.

The key is not to see a trace of fat, full of fat but not bloated at all.

Now they finally understand what the so-called best in the world looks like.

Even if you don't look at the appearance, Luo Quan's figure alone is enough to make countless people crazy about it, and it is a priceless treasure.

But I don't know whether to say it's a pity or a blessing. Such a person doesn't seem to have the intention of sharing this treasure with others.

In other words, the person with this blessing has not yet been born.

Following Luo Quan, they swayed left and right to the beach, and because their attention was distracted, they even ignored the hot air.

When the salty sea breeze blew in their faces, they realized that they were already on the beach.

"I rented a big yacht, but I don't arrive until tomorrow. Let's just bask in the sun and swim casually today, and start various activities tomorrow."

Luo Quan said and put down the hand basket, and sent a message to the local tour guide she hired in Haizhou.

Soon the little girl drove an ATV over, and there were a few folding benches on it, and the trunk was also full of iced drinks.

These are the extra money items of the hotel. The service is very thoughtful and can help avoid quite a lot of pitfalls, but the only disadvantage is that it is more expensive.

But for Luo Quan, it is completely negligible.

Although she is frugal, she is never stingy when it is time to spend and enjoy.

Pulling out a folding chair, Luo Quan tugged on his hat, and then lay down directly on it.

On the beach, her favorite activity is lying in the sun.

I usually stay in the room for too long, so I just use ultraviolet rays to sterilize and remove moisture.

"Luo Bao, why did you lie down again?" Wen Xia looked at her speechless, "You also lay down directly in the Maldives last time, why did you lie down again this time?"

"Lie down for a while before you can play physically." Luo Quan replied straightforwardly.

"I really can't stand you." Seeing this, Wen Xia also sat down directly.

Of the other girls, two went to build castles with their children, and a few went to play beach volleyball. Only Shen Xingyu and Luo Quan, who didn't like sports like Luo Quan, stayed by their side. of Su Yu.

Such a group of high-quality girls suddenly appeared on the beach, which immediately attracted the attention of many male tourists.

Especially Luo Quan, who is white, tall and Duang~~, coupled with his arrogant appearance wearing sunglasses, makes people feel greedy like a cat scratching.

And looking at the hair and nose, it seems to be a foreigner.

At this time, it is necessary to show him how warm and hospitable the millennium state of etiquette is.

But before that, the boys did not act rashly for the time being.

I just secretly took pictures of that graceful body with my mobile phone.

It was said to be secretly, but in fact it was taken openly and aboveboard, and Wen Xia and the others soon discovered it.

But it’s not illegal to record videos on the beach, so can you walk over and overturn someone’s phone?

Luo Quan didn't pay much attention to it, but just browsed station B by himself.

Soon, a few men couldn't bear it anymore and bravely walked over.

They looked like a few good brothers, and they were tall and strong, with eight-pack abs, and their skin was not too dark, and they probably hadn't been to the beach much.

"Hello, Where Are you form?" The young man in the lead asked in English, wearing a black swimming cap.

Wen Xia smiled slightly: "Tear off the silk."

"It's boring...they are locals." The young man scratched his head in embarrassment, "I thought these beauties were foreign friends."

"What's the matter?" Luo Quan put down the phone and looked over.

The eyes of these young men are relatively well-behaved, but the more gentlemanly they behave, the more they may want.

"It's nothing, I just want to get to know you beauties." The young man tried to prove that he didn't have any bad intentions with a hearty smile, "It's actually our first time here, and we used to surf in Hawaii. "

"Do you also often surf?" Luo Quan looked at the complexion of these people, and it didn't look like someone who often played at the beach.

My younger brother is an expert surfer, and for a while, there was a clear sense of layering in all parts of the body skin.

As for those in front of them, whether they have muscles or not, their skin color is relatively consistent, and they are slightly red, obviously slightly burned by ultraviolet rays.

It may be true that I just came here for tourism, but it may not be true that I often surf in Hawaii. I may just pretend to be aggressive when I say this.

Of course, she is not a detective either, her judgment may not be accurate, and she is not interested in exposing it, she just asked casually.

"It's not often, it's just a few times." After the young man said a few words, his breathing became a little short.

He doesn't have asthma, it's because Luo Quan's figure is so alluring that he can't keep calm at all.

Wen Xia also noticed this, so she grinned: "Handsome guy, you see that there are many beauties on the beach, our sisters are here this time just to travel and relax, why don't you strike up a conversation with others?"

There's no need to be so accommodating between strangers. It's the best of humanity to chat a few words, and they don't want to be disturbed too much.

"Ah... um... okay." The young man and his companion behind him suddenly looked embarrassed, "Sorry for the interruption."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left in a hurry.

"Seeing that there is no star language, beautiful girls will always encounter all kinds of strike-ups. At this time, don't be ashamed to refuse because you care about other people's face.

Being too indecisive will only add to your troubles. "

After the boys left, Luo Quan turned around and educated Shen Xingyu.

Shen Xingyu raised his head, his eyes were full of curiosity: "Sister Luo Quan, you must have encountered this kind of thing often, right? Do these boys leave so obediently every time?"

"Not necessarily, but at least few dare to tear themselves apart with me." When Luo Quan said this, his tone was quite dragging.

"Then who would dare to tear face off with you, unless it's about dying." Wen Xia curled her lips and said in a strange way.

Through the sunglasses, Luo Quan gave her a supercilious look, then raised his surprisingly long legs and stretched them over, wanting to kick her.

However, Wen Xia reacted very quickly, and stretched out her legs to kick over, and there was no winner for a while.

It is not always possible to see beautiful women playing. The boys next to them use various methods to cover up where their eyes are focused.

Several of those who already had girlfriends or wives were "beaten severely" immediately after being discovered.

"Does this count as destroying family harmony?" Shen Xingyu noticed the movement around him, and asked dumbfoundedly.

Luo Quan didn't care: "Then what can be done? There are so many beauties in the world, who can stop a man?

A real gentleman always appreciates it, instead of staring at it like a hungry ghost, without moving his eyes. "

Shen Xingyu tilted his head and asked, "Boss, if you see a beautiful woman, will you just take a look?"

"How is it possible? It must be until you see the cool position." Luo Quan's words showed the essence of double standards.

This time, Shen Xingyu was speechless.

"Just get used to it. Luo Bao is such a double-standard person." Wen Xia suppressed a smile, and patted Shen Xingyu's shoulder.

"By the way, do you want to put on sunscreen?"

Su Yu, who had been silent all this time, suddenly made a sound. Luo Quan looked over and found that she had finished wiping herself silently.

"You're pretty quick." Wen Xia got up from the chair.

After being in the sun for a while, I feel that the skin is indeed a little dry.

"Luo Bao, you come first?" Wen Xia patted the chair and motioned her to come over.

Although Luo Quan feels that his skin is thick enough, he is not afraid of sandstorms, but mere ultraviolet rays are nothing.

But in order not to make everyone feel abnormal, I still lay down.

Wen Xia squeezed a lump of sunscreen on Luo Quan's body, Shen Xingyu and Su Yu all sat over, watching with piercing eyes.

Luo Quan turned his head and saw the eyes of the two, a little speechless: "Why do you look like you are watching the chef spice the roast suckling pig?"

"Wen Xia said that you have an air-conditioned physique, and your skin is icy even on hot days." Su Yu blinked, "Boss, can you verify it?"

"Ah, is there still such a saying?" Shen Xingyu was startled, "Then what should I do after confinement? It seems that new mothers can't catch cold."

"Who can let Luo Bao take maternity leave?" Wen Xia smiled disdainfully.

Luo Quan, on the other hand, shook his head: "Thinking too much, women in Europe and the United States have never had confinement. They still dare to run and move when they are pregnant, and there are no fewer foreigners."

While speaking, Su Yu had already reached out and pressed Luo Quan's back.

It's really cold to the touch, and I don't know if it's because of the sunscreen, it's quite silky.

Or, Luo Quan's skin is like this?
Everyone doesn't know this, they only know that Luo Quan is indeed the legendary ice muscle and jade bone.

The weather is so hot, but it's still so cold. If you can hug me this summer, you don't need to turn on the air conditioner.

"Ah, it's really cool." Shen Xingyu touched it with his hands, and sighed at the wonder of the Creator.

"It's almost done, you treat me like a toy, right?" Luo Quan looked at the three critters dumbfoundedly, putting on sunscreen like this.

"Forget it, forget it, I'll do it myself." Luo Quan said, getting up from the chair, took the sunscreen bottle and squeezed some in the palm of his hand, followed the instructions to start three circles to the left and three circles to the right, and wipe his neck and stomach.

After tossing about for two or three minutes, it was finally done.

Luo Quan actually did it symbolically, but the other three were very serious.

The main thing is that sunscreen must be applied evenly without missing a single part.

Otherwise, when the vacation is over, they will be pleasantly surprised to find that there will be several spot-like "birthmarks" on their bodies, and then they will have to cry without tears.

After sunbathing on the beach for more than an hour, it was time for lunch at the restaurant.

Regular customers started leaving to eat elsewhere.

As a guest of the hotel, Luo Quan was naturally provided with meals by the hotel.

The theme of today's noon is beach BBQ self-help. More than 100 guests participated together, and the scene was quite lively.

(End of this chapter)

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