Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 733 The first wave of photos

Chapter 733 The First Wave of Photos

"In the past few days, everyone, don't care about gaining weight or not, just let go of your stomach and eat."

Luo Quan held a big roasted chicken leg that was charred on the outside and tender on the inside, and he opened his mouth to bite on it without hesitation, and the cumin pepper stuck to his lips.

"This time I will have to practice for a long time before I can lose weight." Wen Xia said so, but she didn't hesitate at all when she put the pork chops on her plate.

The dozen or so grills on the beach are all working. In addition to the regular chicken thigh steak, there are also seafood such as grilled oysters and grilled fish.

In addition, there are also many dishes shipped from the hotel kitchen. There are fifty or sixty choices of large and small, which can be said to be quite rich.

But even when it was time to eat, there were still people who wanted to strike up a conversation.

They were all guests staying at the same hotel, and one of them, who looked like an anchor, came over talking to his phone on a selfie stick.

"Beauty, is it convenient for you to accept an interview? I am doing a live broadcast on the theme of island tourism here. I..."

"Sorry, it's inconvenient." Luo Quan waved his hand, "Go and shoot other people, I don't want to broadcast live right now."

"Excuse me." The male anchor smiled awkwardly, and returned the same way with his mobile phone.

Speaking of which, I don't know if it's right for her to wear sunglasses.

If these people really knew that he was Luo Quan, wouldn't they all come to strike up a conversation?
After struggling for a while, she finally did not reveal her identity.

After eating a sumptuous lunch, Luo Quan stroked his slightly bulging stomach, and lay down on the chair again.

Lying down before was to recharge your energy, but now it is to promote digestion.

In short, the agreed launch was dragged there again.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Haizhou Island, which had been hot for several days, started to rain without warning.

It wasn't raining very much, but now I definitely can't bask in the sun on the beach, so I can only go back to lie down in the yard of the hotel room.

Lying on the chair, listening to the pattering rain outside, watching the intermittent rain falling from the eaves, Luo Quan felt a sense of tranquility from the noise.

It is said that the decibel level produced when it is raining is the most comfortable sound range.

Some people can sleep more soundly listening to the sound of rain than in a quiet environment.

Luo Quan didn't have any impression of this statement before, but now he suddenly remembered it, and it seemed to be quite reasonable.

He raised his mobile phone, took a picture of the swimming pool outside the window, which was covered by drizzling rain, and sent it to Station B:
"It's raining as soon as we got to the beach, hopefully we'll have a nice day tomorrow."

In the photo, because of the angle, Luo Quan, who was lying on the chair, only showed half of his body.

"I'll go, what a white rain."

"No, it should be a long chair."

"Is this really not as long as Xiutula? Are these legs really so long?"

"Sorry, what Luo Bao is playing is a real one, and he never retouches the picture unless necessary."

"With such beautiful and white long legs, it would be a pity not to pedal three rounds."


Fans' daily praise can still be restrained.

After all, in summer, Luo Quan likes to wear a T-shirt and shorts during live broadcasts, and I often see those round thighs with amazing length.

Every time I see gluttony, I am naturally gluttonous, but I still have some self-control.

As for the comments asking where she was traveling, Luo Quan pretended not to see them.

Some people guessed the correct answer, but there is no real hammer, and everyone is not sure.

After all, when Luo Quan left, she didn't even post the departure Weibo, and no one knew when she left or arrived, so she could only guess based on the hotel's decoration.

However, as a chain of Hilton Hotels, there are more than one seaside hotels with similar decorations, which makes positioning quite difficult.

Therefore, the specific location of Luoquan will not be exposed in a short time.

However, as long as Luo Quan dares to take some photos related to tourist attractions and post them, it is estimated that he will be caught by the supernatural fans immediately.

On the first day of coming to Haizhou Island, the girls got tired earlier because of the long flight and the discomfort of the temperature change.

After dinner, I didn't even go to the bonfire party held in the next-door park at night. I swiped my phone and went to bed.

The next day everyone slept in and it was almost 09:30 when we got up.

"The yacht will be ready in the afternoon. Everyone wants to go on the boat. Don't eat too much at noon. Let me know in advance if you get seasick." Luo Quan saw the message on the phone and informed the girls .

If no one makes a sound, it means that there is no seasickness.

"Boss, aren't you going on board?" Yun'er asked.

"Depending on the situation, I have to take a photo shoot today."

This is the only task that comes with her travel here. She shoots a little every day, and then selects the best ones to make up a photo album.

As for the name, she hasn't figured it out yet.

"That's fine, when you're done, I'll take some pictures." When Wen Xia said this, the other girls were also very eager to try.

There is a boss making samples, and everyone is very open, not restrained at all.

We're all at the beach, and we're wearing swimsuits. It would be a pity if we don't record such a good figure.

Of course, it must be a lot of work for so many people to shoot Wang Lan and Li Yuan, but the more money you earn, the more effort you put in.

After breakfast, everyone came to the beach again.

After a night of light rain, the next morning was sunny, and the sand on the beach hadn't completely recovered from its dryness. Luo Quan felt quite soft when he stepped on it.

"That place is good, with few people and waves." Wang Lan looked around and found a good shooting location.

The model photographer and the melon-eating trio of Wen Xia, Su Yu, and Shen Xingyu, a total of five people passed by with their affairs in mind.

"Do you need to arrange some props?" Luo Quan looked around and found that it was a bit empty. The nearest props were the rows of coconut trees planted on the side of the road, which seemed quite suitable for the scene.

"For portraiture, you are the most important prop, and everything else is a foil, which is dispensable." Wang Lan said, turning on the camera and starting to adjust the focus.

"This way too." Luo Quan took off his sunglasses and did some warm-up movements.

The set of photos taken before used a lot of yoga movements, but this time it is not interesting to repeat the old tricks.

She warmed up just to prevent too much cramps later.

When everything was ready, Luo Quan was completely at Wang Lan's mercy.

When shooting people, Wang Lan is a professional and knows how to make the most beautiful and sexy photos.

What Luoquan is not good at is the concave shape, but its body is soft and boneless, and when necessary, it can even bend down 180 degrees like a dancer to make a reverse arch bridge.

Of course, there is no need for such a limit here.

Wang Lan's request was only to ask Luo Quan to sit sideways facing the camera, with his legs even crossed, and his hands behind his back on the ground, forming an acute triangle with his body.

The expression on his face is Luoquan's signature sunny smile, and his eyes are looking into the distance, as if he is looking forward to something.

Although there is only a side face, the whole body is captured in the frame.

The sandy beach, sea water and the blue and white sky in the distance, all kinds of scenery are distinct and harmonious at the same time.

And Luo Quan is undoubtedly the focus of the shots, all the shots are to highlight her.

Under the warm and bright atmosphere, there is an indescribable sense of mystery.

After Luo Quan took a look at the photo, he couldn't help being amazed.

The professional ones are really extraordinary, which is completely different from the swimsuit photos I took before.

The one I took was only sexy for the sake of being sexy, but after all, it was inferior.

As for this shot by Wang Lan, the sexiness is actually just an embellishment, and the wonderful atmosphere created by the people and the scenery is its highlight.

From this photo, Luo Quan feels the high-level sense of art.

"This texture is amazing." After Wen Xia saw the photo, her saliva almost flowed out.

Not only because Luo Quan in the photo was taken so beautifully, but also because he thought he could take such a photo.

"Haha, it's just a small test, in fact, these are a few poses that are easier to produce high-quality photos that I recorded when I was learning photography.

However, Luo Quan's appearance and figure, and even every inch of detail from his eyes to his body are well controlled, so the photos taken are not perfect. "

There are generally two schools of photography, one is the pure school that only records the most real appearance, and is a picture recorder.

The other one is the Pictorial School, which is artistic and aesthetic, and regards itself as a creator.

Wang Lan is naturally the latter, so a simple gesture can contain so many details.

When the two collaborated for the first time two years ago, the photos they took were not as powerful as they are now.

It seems that in the past two years, Wang Lan's photography skills have made amazing progress.

This shot is completely different from the previous ones.

"Next, I want to try a bolder picture." Wang Lan finally got an opportunity to use a top-quality model, so naturally she proposed an idea that she had never been able to bring up before.

It's bold to say, but that's the way it is in Luoquan, after all, she has taken all the photos of L.

But when Luo Quan really did it according to Wang Lan's instructions, she realized what the photographer said was bold and bold.

The posture, is a simple duck sitting.

Luo Quan sat on the fine sand with her legs so smooth and white that she could dazzle her eyes. She leaned back slightly, but the part from the fourth lumbar vertebrae up had to be made to stand forward slightly.

This is a pose that tests physical fitness, and ordinary girls really cannot do such a straight plank, although it is a weakened version.

But to make the body relaxed and natural, it is all about making the horse run and not eating grass, which is a hell-level difficulty.

Fortunately, the model in front of Wang Lan is Luo Quan.

Her physical fitness is definitely at the top level on Earth right now.

Such a difficult action.After trying a little more, I immediately kept it.

And making this action is only half done.

Luo Quan's right hand was placed on the midline of his lips, and his eyes were looking directly at the camera, with a look in his eyes that could make everything sink.

Innocence and temptation are intertwined, innocence and charm go hand in hand, and there seem to be two emotions in one look.

This extremely contradictory feeling makes people really confused.

But the effect presented is like the conjugated form of an angel and a devil, and goodness and evil have reached a perfect fusion in her body.

"As expected of the actress, she managed to make such a difficult look, awesome!" Wang Lan suppressed her excitement and took a dozen or so photos.

"Why is there such an effect?" Wen Xia, Su Yu, and Shen Xingyu asked the three girls like curious babies.

"The model's eyes are mostly innocent, but her body language speaks of longing all the time.

Rather than the fingers around the mouth and the upright upper body, this enchanting posture of wanting to welcome and reject is neutralized by the model's unstained face, turning into a wonderful state of coexistence of angels and demons.

This is what I have always wanted to study, that is, whether there is a pure charm?
This was inherently contradictory, but Luo Quan has achieved this, it can't be described as amazing! "

The more Wang Lan talked, the more excited she became, and Wen Xia and the others felt a little confused.

In layman's terms, is it the final form of pure desire?
That's how it should be!

The two photos in a row produced an effect that Luo Quan had never had before.

However, Wang Lan's survival is not particularly large. These are the two photos that most test the level of models.

Originally, she thought it would take at least one day to complete the filming, but it turned out to be done in less than an hour.

There was still plenty of time left, so Wang Lan let Luo Quan walk into the sea, taking advantage of the waves crashing over and splashing in all directions, he took several consecutive shots of Luo Quan's beautiful figure, which was more turbulent than the waves.

Swimsuit photos, it is certainly good to be able to shoot such an artistic sense.

But art alone is not enough, those lsps at station B are willing to calm down and appreciate it.Or whether you have the time to appreciate it is a big question mark.

In comparison, re-shooting some simple and rough photos is also an essential choice.

One morning passed during the photo shoot.

During the period, I also met a few boys who wanted to come to join in the fun, and after recognizing Luo Quan, they showed a rather surprised expression.

In this case, Luo Quan refused the request to take a photo with the fans, but said that there would be a chance to take a photo again later, and asked them to keep quiet.

As for whether these fans made a statement after they left, Luo Quan would not place his new trust entirely on others.

Seeing that the shooting plan for the first day was almost done, I packed my things and left the beach.

Putting on sunglasses, she became an international friend with an explosive figure again.

After lunch, Luoquan received the news that the yacht had arrived at the port.

The port is not very far from the hotel, it can be reached in 5 minutes by ATV.

After receiving this news, everyone packed up their things immediately, and got ready to see the luxurious yacht that Luo Quan was talking about.

On the other side, Luo Quan also picked one of the newly taken photos and posted it to Station B.

(End of this chapter)

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